Agradar (to like) conjugation

60 examples
This verb can also mean the following: please

Conjugation of agradar

Present tense
I like
you like
he/she likes
we like
you all like
they like
Present perfect tense
he agradat
I have liked
has agradat
you have liked
ha agradat
he/she has liked
hem agradat
we have liked
heu agradat
you all have liked
han agradat
they have liked
Future tense
I will like
you will like
he/she will like
we will like
you all will like
they will like
Conditional mood
I would like
you would like
he/she would like
we would like
you all would like
they would like
Past perfect tense
havia agradat
I had liked
havies agradat
you had liked
havia agradat
he/she had liked
havíem agradat
we had liked
havíeu agradat
you all had liked
havien agradat
they had liked
Past impf. tense
I was liking
you were liking
he/she was liking
we were liking
you all were liking
they were liking
Imperative mood
let him/her like!
let's like!
let them like!
Imperative negative mood
no agradis
don't like!
no agradi
don't let him/her like!
no agradem
let's not like!
no agradeu
don't like!
no agradin
don't let them like!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria agradat
I would have liked
hauries agradat
you would have liked
hauria agradat
he/she would have liked
hauríem agradat
we would have liked
hauríeu agradat
you all would have liked
haurien agradat
they would have liked
Future perfect tense
hauré agradat
I will have liked
hauràs agradat
you will have liked
haurà agradat
he/she will have liked
haurem agradat
we will have liked
haureu agradat
you all will have liked
hauren agradat
they will have liked
Preterite past tense
I liked
you liked
he/she liked
we liked
you all liked
they liked
Past anterior tense
haguí agradat
I had liked
hagueres agradat
you had liked
hagué agradat
he/she had liked
haguérem agradat
we had liked
haguéreu agradat
you all had liked
haguéren agradat
they had liked
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) like
(so that you) like
(so that he/she) likes
(so that we) like
(so that you all) like
(so that they) like
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was liking
(so that you) were liking
(so that he/she) was liking
(so that we) were liking
(so that you all) were liking
(so that they) were liking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi agradat
(so that I) have liked
hagis agradat
(so that you) have liked
hagi agradat
(so that he/she) has liked
hàgim agradat
(so that we) have liked
hàgiu agradat
(so that you all) have liked
hagin agradat
(so that they) have liked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués agradat
(so that I) had liked
haguessis agradat
(so that you) had liked
hagués agradat
(so that he/she) had liked
haguéssim agradat
(so that we) had liked
haguéssiu agradat
(so that you all) had liked
haguessin agradat
(so that they) had liked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi agradar
(so that I) liked
vagis agradar
(so that you) liked
vagi agradar
(so that he/she) liked
vàgim agradar
(so that we) liked
vàgiu agradar
(so that you all) liked
vagin agradar
(so that they) liked
Periphastic past tense
vaig agradar
I liked
vas agradar
you liked
va agradar
he/she liked
vam agradar
we liked
vau agradar
you all liked
van agradar
they liked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver agradat
I had liked
vas haver agradat
you had liked
va haver agradat
he/she had liked
vam haver agradat
we had liked
vau haver agradat
you all had liked
van haver agradat
they had liked

Examples of agradar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Bé, no sé per que no m'hauria d'agradar.Well, I don't see why I oughtn't to like it.
Vaig pujar-ne una fotografia al Facebook per diversió, i em vaig quedar parat quan vaig veure la quantitat de gent a la que li va agradar i que la va compartir.I uploaded the picture on Facebook page just for fun, then I was astonished to see the enormous number of people who liked the photo.
Li va agradar un guió que havia escrit i me’n va demanar un altre.I met her in Hollywood. She liked a story I wrote and asked me to write another... ...that's all.
No em va agradar tant la última part del llibre... que és més sermoneig que lluita... i el vell dins-fora.I didn 't so much like the latter part of the Book... ... which is more like all preachy talking... ... than fighting and the old in-out.
Que amable que és de dir que li agrado, tot i que encara no fa gaire que ens coneixem.How nice of you to like me so much after we have known one another for such a comparatively short time.
Oskar... Jo t'agrado?Oskar... do you like me?
Jo també li agrado. Ho sé.He like me, too, I know it.
I crec que ... simplement li agrado.I think that she just really likes me.
Em penso que no li agrado.I don't think he likes me.
A mi m'agrades tu... ets.I like you... ...just the way you are.
A mi m'agrades tu com ets. Exactament com ets.I like you... ...just the way you are.
M'agrades tal... com ets...I like you... ...just the way you are.
Ara veig perquè li agrades.I can see why she likes you.
M'agrades molt Cristina.I like you a lot, Cristina.
El comunicat que més tard va llançar la COPAC en Facebook i on s'explicava el que havia passat compta amb més de 7.000 "m'agrada":COPAC's statement on Facebook explaining what happened has over 7,390 likes:
Amb cada cop més publicacions candents a Twitter (FEMEN France ja té més de 8.000 seguidors) i Facebook (gairebé 40.000 "m'agrada" a la pàgina de FEMEN France ) en quasi tots els països, a més d'una pàgina web molt completa, és clar que les activistes de FEMEN saben com utilitzar els mitjans que tenen al seu abast per fer soroll.With unceasingly white-hot Twitter accounts (nearly 7,000 followers for FEMEN France) and passionate Facebook pages for every country (nearly 40,000 likes on the FEMEN France page), as well as a content-filled website, it is clear that FEMEN activists know how to use all the means at their disposal to make some noise-and they do.
La pàgina de Facebook de Josh e Junoon (Tsunami of Imran Khan) , que compta amb 127.000 "M'agrada", va compartir una foto en la qual criticava Malala i es negava que haguera sigut atacada pels talibans:A Facebook page Josh e Junoon (Tsunami of Imran Khan) with 127,000 likes shared a poster maligning Malala and rejecting that she was attacked by Taliban:
-Escrivint sobre els presoners de Bolotnaya, -diu Egor Prosvirnin,- aconseguiràs 15 m'agrada .- Writing about Bolotnaya Prisoners, - says Egor Prosvirnin, - you'll get 15 likes.
M'encanta el fet, quan estic al món exterior, d'haver deixat de sentir la compulsió de mirar, llegir, publicar, informar, compartir o mesurar la meua rellevància en "retuits" o "m'agrada".I love the fact that, when I'm out there in the world, I no longer feel the compulsion to check, read, post, report, share, or measure my relevance in "retweets" or 'likes'.
És atractiva. Ens agradem.We like each other.
Ens agradem.We like each other.
Vull disculpar-me pels salts d'aquesta demà. És evident que els de Florida no els agradem els de Geòrgia.I want to apologize for the bumps this morning, uh, evidently Florida doesn't like us Georgians.
No ens agradem.We don't like each other.
- Potser no agradem al sacerdot.Maybe the priest doesn't like us?
T'hauria agradat El Rey.You would've liked it in El Rey.
T'ha agradat, oi?- No, it looks great. - You liked it?
Estic content que t'hagi agradat.I'm very glad you liked it.
M'ha agradat, el discurs.I liked how you pressured the hostages earlier.
A mon pare realment li hauries agradat.My dad would have really liked you.
No m'agradeu, senyor Baelish.I don't like you, Lord Baelish.
Així és que digué, en un murmuri: -Hucky! Creieu que els morts se n'agraden que nosaltres siguem aquí?So he said in a whisper: "Hucky, do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here?"
No m'agraden, Tom, les cases on surt por."Blame it, I don't like ha'nted houses, Tom.
Tot i això, encara m'agraden amb bogeria els llibres en paper perquè són com records que puc posar a la meva prestatgeria, a la tauleta de nit.With that said, I still strongly love paper books because they are like souvenirs which I can put in my book shelf, on the bed shelf.
El rumor que a Putin "li agraden els nens" va córrer molt de pressa a la xarxa després de "l'incident del ventre".The rumor that Putin "likes children" was actively spread on the internet after the "stomach" incident.
“La llibertat d'expressió és per a tots, fins i tot per a aquells que no ens agraden.”“Free speech is for all, even for those we don’t like.”
Creus que li agradaré a Joffrey?Do you think Joffrey will like me?
Una que crec que t'agradarà... com... com... Com podríem dir-ho? Com símbol del nostre nou enteniment.One that I hope that you will like. . . . . .as a. . . . . .how shall we put it. . . . . .as a symbol of our new understanding.
Una que crec que t'agradarà... com... com...One that I hope that you will like. . . . . .as a. . . .
Una que crec que t'agradarà... com... com... Com podríem dir-ho? Com símbol del nostre nou enteniment.One that I hope that you will like... a... shall we put it... a symbol of our new understanding.
Creus que a la gent li agradarà?Do you think people will like it?
- Crec que t'agradaran.-I think you will like them.
És adéu Súper Àguiles i bon dia a tothom. M'agradaria començar disculpant-me amb el meu benvolgut amic el Gran Cap Keshi i amb tots vosaltres.It’s bye bye Super Eagles Bonjour a tous, I would like to start by presenting my sincere apologies to my dear friend, the Big Boss Keshi, and all of you.
És per això que m'agradaria compartir la meva experiència de la mateixa manera com l'he vista i l'he viscuda.So I would like to share back my experience in the way I've seen it and I've felt it.
M'agradaria recomanar la publicació online als escriptors novells que no tenen diners per assumir el cost de la publicació impresa.I would like to recommend that writers now start thinking about publishing their works online if they don't have money to pay for the printing cost.
M'agradaria agrair-li tot el que ha fet per la gent d'aquesta zona.I would like to thank you for what you have done to the people in that piece of land.
A ella li agradaria creure en la prohibició de la mendicitat dels nens, però... :She would like to believe that the prohibition on begging by children will be effective, however :
-T'agradarien.- You would like them.
Escolteu: no voleu pas dar entenent que us agradi?"Oh come, now, you don't mean to let on that you _like_ it?"
Però no estic segur que els agradi aquest estil de vida. Tinc amics que han crescut en un bloc d'apartaments i que ara tenen una vida completament diferent.But I’m also not so sure if they will like this lifestyle, I have friends who grew up in a community flat and then they turned into the opposite.
Pot ser que no t'agradi tot, de la societat, però el dilema és senzill: o la societat, amb totes les seves convencions, o ets a Somàlia.One might not like everything about it, but the dilemma is simple: it’s either society with its conventions, or you’re in Somalia.
A més, cadascú pot elegir el nom que li agradi.Besides, every individual can choose whatever name he or she likes.
No crec que m’agradi, no suporto les multituds.I don't think I should like that; I hate crowds.
Puc fer que també li agradis, si vols.I can make her like you too, if you want.
Mira, vull de veritat que li agradis, així que simplement vés amb ella, d'acord?Look, I really want her to like you, so just go with it, okay? Okay!
La fruita era deliciosa i molt dolça.En Mathias va dir somrient:–A casa també en tenim, són com els de la botiga del pare.–Que bé que a la gent d’allà on vius els agradin els productes del meupoble!The fruit was delicious and sweet.Mathias smiled:–We've got the same ones at home, in my father's shop.–It's nice to know that people where you live like the products from my village.
És culpa meva que no li agradin les capses de cartró?My fault he doesn't like paper boxes?
Espero que t'agradin.I hope that you like them.
No es pot fer la hipòtesi que me n'agradin aquí.You can't make the assumption that I'll like the hamburgers here.
Només que és una mica estrany que no li agradin els gossos, no creus?It's just a little weird that she doesn't like dogs, don't you think?
M'està agradant molt aquest nou terapeuta.I'm really liking this new therapist.

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