Compartir (to share) conjugation

56 examples

Conjugation of compartir

Present tense
I share
you share
he/she shares
we share
you all share
they share
Present perfect tense
he compartit
I have shared
has compartit
you have shared
ha compartit
he/she has shared
hem compartit
we have shared
heu compartit
you all have shared
han compartit
they have shared
Future tense
I will share
you will share
he/she will share
we will share
you all will share
they will share
Conditional mood
I would share
you would share
he/she would share
we would share
you all would share
they would share
Past perfect tense
havia compartit
I had shared
havies compartit
you had shared
havia compartit
he/she had shared
havíem compartit
we had shared
havíeu compartit
you all had shared
havien compartit
they had shared
Past impf. tense
I was sharing
you were sharing
he/she was sharing
we were sharing
you all were sharing
they were sharing
Imperative mood
let him/her share!
let's share!
let them share!
Imperative negative mood
no comparteixis
don't share!
no comparteixi
don't let him/her share!
no compartim
let's not share!
no compartiu
don't share!
no comparteixin
don't let them share!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria compartit
I would have shared
hauries compartit
you would have shared
hauria compartit
he/she would have shared
hauríem compartit
we would have shared
hauríeu compartit
you all would have shared
haurien compartit
they would have shared
Future perfect tense
hauré compartit
I will have shared
hauràs compartit
you will have shared
haurà compartit
he/she will have shared
haurem compartit
we will have shared
haureu compartit
you all will have shared
hauren compartit
they will have shared
Preterite past tense
I shared
you shared
he/she shared
we shared
you all shared
they shared
Past anterior tense
haguí compartit
I had shared
hagueres compartit
you had shared
hagué compartit
he/she had shared
haguérem compartit
we had shared
haguéreu compartit
you all had shared
haguéren compartit
they had shared
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) share
(so that you) share
(so that he/she) shares
(so that we) share
(so that you all) share
(so that they) share
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was sharing
(so that you) were sharing
(so that he/she) was sharing
(so that we) were sharing
(so that you all) were sharing
(so that they) were sharing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi compartit
(so that I) have shared
hagis compartit
(so that you) have shared
hagi compartit
(so that he/she) has shared
hàgim compartit
(so that we) have shared
hàgiu compartit
(so that you all) have shared
hagin compartit
(so that they) have shared
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués compartit
(so that I) had shared
haguessis compartit
(so that you) had shared
hagués compartit
(so that he/she) had shared
haguéssim compartit
(so that we) had shared
haguéssiu compartit
(so that you all) had shared
haguessin compartit
(so that they) had shared
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi compartir
(so that I) shared
vagis compartir
(so that you) shared
vagi compartir
(so that he/she) shared
vàgim compartir
(so that we) shared
vàgiu compartir
(so that you all) shared
vagin compartir
(so that they) shared
Periphastic past tense
vaig compartir
I shared
vas compartir
you shared
va compartir
he/she shared
vam compartir
we shared
vau compartir
you all shared
van compartir
they shared
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver compartit
I had shared
vas haver compartit
you had shared
va haver compartit
he/she had shared
vam haver compartit
we had shared
vau haver compartit
you all had shared
van haver compartit
they had shared

Examples of compartir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
El pacte fundacional de la Unió Europea és un pacte entre nacions sobiranes que han decidit compartir un destí comú i exercir conjuntament una part cada vegada mésThe European Union is a pact between sovereign nations which have resolved to share a common destiny and to pool an increasing share of their sovereignty. It touches on things that Europeans care most deeply
Què comporta compartir les bones pràctiquesWhat does it take to share best practice
A més, també ofereixel programa Desenvolupament, en què prepara alguns dels immigrants temporersperquè siguin agents per al desenvolupament, perquè quan tornin al seu país d’origenpuguin compartir l’experiència i promoure projectes col·lectius per a la millora econòmicai social.It runs a ‘Course for Development Agents’, which hasas its objective the training of seasonal immigrants in Catalonia so that upon return totheir country of origin they can share their experience and promote collective projectsfor economic and social improvement.
És per això que m'agradaria compartir la meva experiència de la mateixa manera com l'he vista i l'he viscuda.So I would like to share back my experience in the way I've seen it and I've felt it.
- 14h: Dinar popular – portar el túper per compartir (recorda #vagadeCONSUM, cuina el dia abans).- 14h: Comida Popular – traerse el tupper para compartir (recuerda #HuelgadeCONSUMO, cocina el día anterior) - 2pm: Popular Lunch — bring Tupperware to share with everyone (remember #CONSUMPTIONstrike, cook the day before)
Sr. Phillips, com a soldat comparteixo el seu dolor.Mr. Phillips, any man who’s ever been a soldier shares in your grief.
És una opinió que comparteixo amb algun dels homes més educats que conec.It's an opinion I share with some of the finest men I know.
Tots els que estimo se'n van, tot el que toco mor, així que perdona si no comparteixo la teva fe en el meu Déu.Everyone I love leaves, everything I touch dies, so forgive me if I don't share your faith in my Lord.
Porto aquesta càrrega amb cor lleuger, sabent que la comparteixo amb Nostre Senyor i amb vostra Altesa.I carry this burden with a light heart, knowing I share it with our Lord, and with your Highness.
Sé que comparteixes les nostres simpaties, cosí.I know you share our sympathies, cousin.
És molt desconcertant descobrir que la persona amb la que comparteixes casa teva, el teu llit i el teu cor t'ha estat mentint tan convincentment, i seria ximple en no considerar que totes les coses que m'has dit siguin mentides.It's very disconcerting to discover that the person with whom you share your home, your bed and your heart has been lying to you so convincingly, and I would be a fool not to consider all the things that you have told me were lies.
El Consell té poder legislatiu, i el comparteix amb el Parlament Europeu per mitjà del “procediment de codecisió”.The Council has legislative power, which it shares with the European Parliament under the ‘co-decision procedure’.
TECHTT comparteix els seus pensaments al nou lloc web de Delicious.TECHTT shares his thoughts on the new Delicious site.
L'egípcia Salma Hegeb comparteix un sentiment similar i ens recorda:Egyptian Salma Hegeb shares a similar sentiment. She reminds us:
Entre centenars de fotògrafs, Yazan Homsy comparteix amb nosaltres escenes de la destrucció de la ciutat d'Homs.Among hundreds of photographers, Yazan Homsy ‏shares with us scenes from the destruction of Homs.
Khaled Shawa comparteix una fotografia, on es veu la casa del seu veí en flames, després del bombardeig d'Israel.Khaled Shawa shares a photograph of his neighbour's house burning after being shelled by Israel.
Aprenem de les lliçons de perserverància, tenacitat i perfecció i les compartim en un compromís ad hoc.Lessons of perseverance, tenacity and perfection comes through and we share these in ad hoc engagement.
No compartim la mateixa cultura, ni les mateixes arrels judeocristianes, ni les mateixes aspiracions polítiques."We don't share the same culture, nor the same Judeo-Christian roots, nor the same political aspirations.
No, potser compartim La culpa amb els humans,... Però no ens toca evocar-la a ells.No, maybe we share the guilt with the humans, but we don't get to just shove it off onto them.
I si no, les compartim.We don’t... Well, we share.
Aquests són els valors que tots compartim.Those are values that we all share.
Tots ells formen part del grup de trenta famosos que, a través d'un vídeo, han compartit la seva paraula preferida en castellà com a part de les celebracions pel 'Dia E' de l'Institut Cervantes.They are all part of the group of 30 celebrities who have shared through video their favorite word in Spanish as part of the celebrations for 'E Day' by the Cervantes Institute.
A Facebook, ORCA ha compartit fotos del que va trobar.ORCA has shared photos on Facebook of their findings.
El seu discurs, compartit l'endemà en la famosa plataforma xinesa de microblocs Sina Weibo per Caijing News, provocà onades de reaccions entre els internautes i desencadenà més de 99.136 redifusions i 16.676 comentaris.His speech, shared on popular Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo by Caijing News the day after, made waves among netizens, triggering over 99,136 reposts and 16,676 comments.
En una setmana, la fotografia ha aconseguit més de 16.900 "m'agrada" i s'ha compartit més de 6.100 vegades.In a week, the photo has gathered over 16,900 likes and has been shared over 6,100 times.
L'última carta que va escriure a la seva dona Pauline abans de morir s'ha compartit molt en línia, aquests dies.His last letter to wife Pauline before he died was widely shared online.
Per favor, compartiu.Pls share.
Veniu, compartiu el nostre foc.Come, share our fire.
He sentit el seu nom en referència a una... afició que els dos compartiu, senyor.I have heard her name in reference to an... affection you two share, sire.
Ni una sola persona amb qui compartiu la sang viu per donar-vós suport.Not a single person who shares your blood is alive to support you.
Els blocaires, com ara Grzegorz Ajdukiewicz, comparteixen com han viscut aquest dia i les seves fotografies: This tragical event totally ruined my day.Bloggers, like Grzegorz Ajdukiewicz, share their stories of the day, including photos: This tragical event totally ruined my day.
Segons un membre d'aquest partit, els activistes del grup comparteixen les mateixes reivindicacions dels manifestants, però han optat per vies polítiques i legals per tal d'aconseguir les seves demandes.According to a member of this party, activists from the group share the core demands of protesters but have opted for political and legal means to achieve those demands.
Els blocs representen un pont entre aquestes dues comunitats tan llunyanes així com ho fa la xarxa social Barillenses , on comparteixen informació, o també Facebook i Twitter (@barillas) .Blogs represent a bridge between these two communities living so far apart and they share information through a social network called Barillenses , and also use Facebook and Twitter (@barillas) .
Les creences religioses pertanyen a llocs de cult entre aquells que les comparteixen i no a cap altre lloc.Religious beliefs belong in places of worship among those who share such beliefs and nowhere else.
Però no són sols les Primeres Nacions les que comparteixen aquesta perspectiva.But it is not only First Nations who share this view.
El millor motor de cerca segons "Me & My Shadow" és "Duck Duck Go", ja que sota cap circumstància compartirà aquest les seves dades de cerca amb tercers- això no es pot afirmar amb seguretat de Bing o Google.The best search engine according to "Me & My Shadow" is "Duck Duck Go," as there are no circumstances under which it will share your search request data with any third party—something that cannot be said confidently about Bing or Google.
Atraparé el xut... i tots plegats... compartirem la glòria.I'll take the shot. And we, we will share the glory.
Alguns dels escriptors s’atreviren fins i tot amb una o dues traduccions i les compartiren amb el públic.Some of the writers even tried their hand at one or two translations and shared them with the audience.
La Unió està buscant maneres degarantir que la responsabilitat davant els sol·licitants d’asil es comparteixi entre els Estats membres a partsiguals.The Union is looking at ways to ensurethat the responsibility of caring for asy-lum-seekers is equally shared amongthe member states.
Tothom qui volia detenir Kony, si us plau que comparteixi la pena per Trayvon.Everyone who wanted to arrest Kony, please share your sadness over the Trayvon case.
Associant-se amb productors locals compromesos per ajudar-les a explicar la seva pròpia història en la seva llengua, s'asseguren que es comparteixi aquesta riquesa de coneixement amb la generació següent.By teaming up with local producers committed to helping them tell their own story in their own language, they are ensuring that this wealth of knowledge is shared with the next generation.
En lloc de copiar-me com els lloros, vull que cadascun d'ells ho tregui tot de si mateix, que explori i es converteixi en un ésser independent... i comparteixi la bellesa de totes aquestes formes d'art divines.I want each one of them to bring out their own self. To explore and become independent. And share the beauty of all these beautiful and divine art forms.
Deixa'm que comparteixi una mica de saviesa femenina amb tu, en aquest dia tan especial.Permit me to share some womanly wisdom with you on this very special day.
Vull que comparteixis la meva tenda.I want you to share my tent.
No comparteixis el teu secret amb ell, No ho faces, Està bé?Do not share your juice with him. Don't do it. Don't do it, okay?
Llavors et suggereixo que comparteixis.Then I suggest you share.
Si la Unió vol que els seus ciutadans comparteixin el mateix concepte de justícia, el sistema judicial ha de fer-los la vida més fàcil, no al contrari.If the Union wants its people to share the same concept of justice, its justice system must make their daily lives easier rather than more complicated.
Aquesta trobada té com a objectiu reunir els membres de la comunitat per tal que comparteixin les seves experiències i facilitar-ne la connexió amb altres membres amb interessos i missions similars.The Meetup will bring together many of these community members to share their experiences and help facilitate connections between others that share similar interests or missions.
No passa dia, doncs, sense que es comparteixin imatges de dones combatents.It seems not a day passes without these images of female fighters being shared.
L'any 1996 però, el professor nord-americà Chris Low i ell van fundar l'escola Matenwa Community que, segons ells, proporciona una «educació que permet que els alumnes s'expressin i comparteixin les seves idees. Un ensenyament que els permetrà aprendre millor».But, in 1996, he and American teacher Chris Low co-founded the Matenwa Community School to provide “education that allowed people to reflect and share their ideas,” he says, “education that lets them learn better.”
Global Voices espera continuar replicant aquest model en altres països de la regió, facilitant associacions amb organitzacions locals que comparteixin aquesta missió comú, fent créixer l'impacte del treball d'aquests joves activistes digitals.Global Voices hopes to continue to replicate this model in other countries in the region by facilitating partnerships with local organizations that share this common mission furthering the impact of the work of these young digital activists.
Fotògrafs sirians d'arreu del país estan revelant, compartint i arxivant la revolta de Síria, a través de fotografies que demostren la seva destrucció.Syrian photographers from around the country are revealing, sharing, and archiving Syria's uprising through photographs which showcase destruction.
PRI està recopilant i compartint les cançons de bressol preferides arreu del món a la nostra nova aplicació mòbil The World's Lullabies (Les cançons de bressol del món).PRI is collecting and sharing favorite lullabies from around the world in our new app, The World's Lullabies.
O, encara es troba gent a les xarxes socials compartint la seva preocupació sobre l'arrest domiciliari dels líders de l'oposició Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard i Mehdi Karroubi, quatre anys després de ser arrestats i de que se'ls incomuniqués del món exterior.Or I still see people sharing their concern over the house arrest of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard, and Mehdi Karroubi on social media, four years after they were put under arrest and their ties with the outside world cut.
Els meus amics birmans que han votat estan compartint amb orgull fotos dels seus dits bruts de tinta — prova d'un vot de qualitat.My Burmese friends who have voted are proudly sharing photos of their ink-stained fingers — proof of casting a vote.
Amb tres quartes parts del servei diplomàtic i la meitat de l'oposició compartint un carret de tè, és el millor, creu-me.Three-quarters of the diplomatic service and half the government front bench all sharing one tea trolley, it's for the best, believe me.

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