Escoltar (to listen) conjugation

69 examples

Conjugation of escoltar

Present tense
I listen
you listen
he/she listens
we listen
you all listen
they listen
Present perfect tense
he escoltat
I have listened
has escoltat
you have listened
ha escoltat
he/she has listened
hem escoltat
we have listened
heu escoltat
you all have listened
han escoltat
they have listened
Future tense
I will listen
you will listen
he/she will listen
we will listen
you all will listen
they will listen
Conditional mood
I would listen
you would listen
he/she would listen
we would listen
you all would listen
they would listen
Past perfect tense
havia escoltat
I had listened
havies escoltat
you had listened
havia escoltat
he/she had listened
havíem escoltat
we had listened
havíeu escoltat
you all had listened
havien escoltat
they had listened
Past impf. tense
I was listening
you were listening
he/she was listening
we were listening
you all were listening
they were listening
Imperative mood
let him/her listen!
let's listen!
let them listen!
Imperative negative mood
no escoltis
don't listen!
no escolti
don't let him/her listen!
no escoltem
let's not listen!
no escolteu
don't listen!
no escoltin
don't let them listen!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria escoltat
I would have listened
hauries escoltat
you would have listened
hauria escoltat
he/she would have listened
hauríem escoltat
we would have listened
hauríeu escoltat
you all would have listened
haurien escoltat
they would have listened
Future perfect tense
hauré escoltat
I will have listened
hauràs escoltat
you will have listened
haurà escoltat
he/she will have listened
haurem escoltat
we will have listened
haureu escoltat
you all will have listened
hauren escoltat
they will have listened
Preterite past tense
I listened
you listened
he/she listened
we listened
you all listened
they listened
Past anterior tense
haguí escoltat
I had listened
hagueres escoltat
you had listened
hagué escoltat
he/she had listened
haguérem escoltat
we had listened
haguéreu escoltat
you all had listened
haguéren escoltat
they had listened
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) listen
(so that you) listen
(so that he/she) listens
(so that we) listen
(so that you all) listen
(so that they) listen
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was listening
(so that you) were listening
(so that he/she) was listening
(so that we) were listening
(so that you all) were listening
(so that they) were listening
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi escoltat
(so that I) have listened
hagis escoltat
(so that you) have listened
hagi escoltat
(so that he/she) has listened
hàgim escoltat
(so that we) have listened
hàgiu escoltat
(so that you all) have listened
hagin escoltat
(so that they) have listened
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués escoltat
(so that I) had listened
haguessis escoltat
(so that you) had listened
hagués escoltat
(so that he/she) had listened
haguéssim escoltat
(so that we) had listened
haguéssiu escoltat
(so that you all) had listened
haguessin escoltat
(so that they) had listened
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi escoltar
(so that I) listened
vagis escoltar
(so that you) listened
vagi escoltar
(so that he/she) listened
vàgim escoltar
(so that we) listened
vàgiu escoltar
(so that you all) listened
vagin escoltar
(so that they) listened
Periphastic past tense
vaig escoltar
I listened
vas escoltar
you listened
va escoltar
he/she listened
vam escoltar
we listened
vau escoltar
you all listened
van escoltar
they listened
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver escoltat
I had listened
vas haver escoltat
you had listened
va haver escoltat
he/she had listened
vam haver escoltat
we had listened
vau haver escoltat
you all had listened
van haver escoltat
they had listened

Examples of escoltar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
S'amaga darrera un gran penyal, i vinga escoltar.He hid behind a great bowlder and fell to listening.
Mentrestant, els seus líders —després d’escoltar amb cura l’opinió pública— hauran de decidir quines seran les fronteres geogràfiques, polítiques i culturals de la Unió.In the meantime, its leaders, listening carefully to public opinion, will have to decide where to draw the Union’s geographical, political and cultural boundaries.
"Crec que el més important és escoltar.Too me, I think the biggest is listening.
Necessitem escoltar la seva cultura i incloure els aborígens en el procés de trobar i implementar solucions."We need to listen to their culture and include aboriginal people in the process of finding and implementing solutions.
Quan ha estat l'última vegada que vas escoltar una persona desplaçada i vas comprendre l'impacte del desplaçament?When did you last listen to a displaced person and grasp the impact of displacement?
- Endavant, l'escolto ...- Go ahead, I'm listening...
L'escolto.I'm listening.
No escolto mai els teus combats.I never listen to your fights.
Tu parles, i jo escolto sense interrompre.You talk, I listen, and I can't interrupt.
Tu parles, i jo escolto sense interrompre. Després, canviem.You talk, I listen, and I can't interrupt, Then we switch,
Recorda–ho. –M'escoltes? –Sí, es clar.One thing you got to remember. –You listening? –Yes.
Per què no m’escoltes?Why won't you listen?
- Per què no m’escoltes?- Why won't you listen?
Que no m'escoltes?Are you listening to me?
Tu escoltes les cintes de les converses?- You listen to the tapes ofthe call? - Yeah.
Doncs assegui's amb mi a la taula de la prensa, ningú escolta els discursosThen sit at the press table with me Nobody ever listens to the speeches at the press table
Tinc raó però ningú no m'escolta.I'm right but nobody listens to me.
Però ella t'escolta, confia en tu.I am just a physician... But she listens to you, she trusts you.
Be, Soc un insomne que escolta a Metallica per a anar a dormir per la nit.All right. I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night.
Parlem a tothom i escoltem tothom.We speak to everybody and we listen to everybody.
“Pensem que el nostre problema és que no ens escoltem els uns als altres.“We believe that our problem is that we don't listen to each other.
Endavant, escoltem.Go ahead, we're listening.
Els Blair s'han compromès a donar suport a la esmena si escoltem aquestes persones.The Blairs have promised support for the amendment if we listen to these people.
Per què els escoltem si no els podem ajudar?Why do we listen to their troubles when we can't help them?
Mai no m'has escoltat.You know what? You never listened.
Ningú hauria escoltat.Nobody would've listened.
Si ho hagués escoltat, hauria declarat lliure a tots els esclaus al minut de ser atacat Fort Sumter.If I’d listened to you, I’d’ve declared every slave free the minute the first shell struck Fort Sumter.
D'haver-te escoltat.Sorry I ever listened to you.
T'hauria d'haver escoltat.I should have listened to you.
Només cal que escolteu la lletra de les seves cançons", explicava un veí.Just listen to his lyrics," explained a neighbor.
Entreu a casa seva, escolteu, observeu i recordeu-vos-en.listen, observe, and remember of it.
A veure, escolteu...Now, listen, everybody.
Al temps dels meus avantpassats. Ara escolteu.Ssshhhhhh... listen now...
Des de llavors he tingut molt suport de les audiències que escolten les cançons que escric.Ever since, I've got a lot of support from audiences who listen to songs I write.
Si som una mica realistes veurem que els discursos polítics dels artistes poques vegades tenen cap efecte en els polítics, especialment en els polítics israelians, que ni tan sols escolten els seus homòlegs nord-americans!If we are a bit realistic, we will see that the political discourse of artists oftentimes does not have any effect on politicians; Especially Israeli politicians who do not even listen to their American counterparts!
Diverses generacions escolten el líder de Podemos.Several generations listen to the leader of Podemos.
Vaig dir que això no era per ell, però no m'escolten mai.I told them this is not your field, but they never listen to genius.
Els seus parlamentaris hi són, però no escolten, mentre que la Dreta amb la seva absència física, demostra la seva posició colpista.It's parliamentaries are here, but they do not listen whilst the right, with its physical absence demostrates it coupist tendency.
T'escoltaré, però tu hauràs de parar de voler lligar amb mi.I will listen to you, and you will stop coming on to me. - All right?
Us escoltaré, en particular, quan no siguem d'acord.I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.
Però escoltaràs les meves.But you will listen to mine.
El meu fill escoltarà el que hàgeu de dir. i vós n'escoltareu la sentència.My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgment.
T’escoltarem i riurem amb tu.We will listen to you and laugh with you.
T'escoltarem i riurem amb tu.We will listen to you and laugh with you.
El meu fill escoltarà el que hàgeu de dir. i vós n'escoltareu la sentència.My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgment.
Seureu! I escoltareu.You will sit! Oh. And you will listen.
I per això, potser t'escoltaria.And because of that, maybe she would listen to you.
Tu ho vas dir. Em vas dir que si resava ella m'escoltariaJust like you said You said He would listen to my prayers
Lluny d'allà, el bruixot escoltava el seu esperit.Far away, the sorcerer was listening in his mind.
Quan ell va haver arribat on eren ells, escoltaren esquívolament, fins que veieren a la fi l'indret on els menava, i aleshores esclataren en un esgarip de guerra, a tall d'aplaudiment, i digueren que era esplendid, i digueren que si els ho hagués fet saber a la primeria no se n'haurien anat.When he got to where they were, he began unfolding his secret, and they listened moodily till at last they saw the "point" he was driving at, and then they set up a warwhoop of applause and said it was "splendid!" and said if he had told them at first, they wouldn't have started away.
Un cop dins del joc, poden fer que "Tsipras escolti Justin Bieber durant 69 hores sota els efectes de drogues dures" o fer que Itàlia "doni 11 iPhones al 4% dels nens i deixi els altres amb mòbils vells per crear gelosia i enveja", mentre que España ha de "fer que el seu primer ministre s'aguanti dret sobre un sol peu durant 48 hores".Once in play they can make "Tsipras listen to Justin Bieber for 69 hours while on heavy drugs", or have Italy "give 11 iPhones to 4% of its kids while leaving the others with old mobiles to create jealousy and envy", while Spain must "have its prime minister to stand on his one foot for 42 hours".
No escolti les seves bogeries!Don't listen to these crazy words!
Aquí la policia, escolti bé, Si es presenta el client Àlex Lafont, entretingui'l ...It's the Police, listen well, if your customer Alex Lafont, shows up keep him until...
Però ara escolti'm.But now listen to me.
No, escolti'm!No, please listen to me!
No l'escoltis.Don't listen to him.
Minygululu coneix les males inclinances del seu germà. T'explicaré una història, molt antiga i vull que escoltis amb molta atenció.I'm going to tell you a story from long ago and I want you to listen very carefully.
T'explicaré una història, molt antiga i vull que escoltis amb molta atenció.I'm going to tell you a story from long ago and I want you to listen very carefully.
No te'ls escoltis.Don't listen to it.
No l'escoltis, està sent dolent perquè l'hem capturat.Don't listen to him, he's just being mean cos we captured him.
Bé, escoltin.All right, listen.
Ara escolti'm a mi, senyor Dobkins. senyora Dobkins, escoltin bé.Now listen to me, mr. Dobkins. Mrs. Dobkins.
senyora Dobkins, escoltin bé.Mrs. Dobkins. And listen very good.
. Senyores i senyors, escoltin.Ladies and gentlemen, listen up.
Mai sabé que Sid cada nit el vigilava, tot i ajagut, i ben sovint desfeia l'embenament, i aleshores es decantava damunt el colze, escoltant una bella estona cada vegada, i després feia lliscar altre cop l'embenament alla on havia estat.He never knew that Sid lay nightly watching, and frequently slipped the bandage free and then leaned on his elbow listening a good while at a time, and afterward slipped the bandage back to its place again.
Continua escoltant, i conjumina, pels caps de la conversa, que hom pensava a la primeria que els minyons s'havien ofegat mentre nedaven; després hom repara la perdua del rai; després certs minyons digueren que els vailets desapareguts havien promes que el poblet «sabria quelcom» ben aviat; la gent de seny havien relacionat l'una cosa i l'altra, i havien decidit que els minyons havien fet una eixida amb el rai, i que deurien dar un tomb cap al poblet de més avall, a no tardar; pero cap a migdia hom havia trobat el rai, plantat contra la ribera del Missuri, a unes cinc o sis milles més avall del poblet, i aleshores l'esperança s'esvaí. Devien haver-se ofegat: altrament, la fam els hauria tornat a casa en caure la nit, si no més aviat.He went on listening, and gathered by odds and ends that it was conjectured at first that the boys had got drowned while taking a swim; then the small raft had been missed; next, certain boys said the missing lads had promised that the village should "hear something" soon; the wise-heads had "put this and that together" and decided that the lads had gone off on that raft and would turn up at the next town below, presently; but toward noon the raft had been found, lodged against the Missouri shore some five or six miles below the village--and then hope perished; they must be drowned, else hunger would have driven them home by nightfall if not sooner.
Havien estat amagats en la inusada tribuna, escoltant llur propia oració fúnebre!They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their own funeral sermon!
El món està escoltant".The world is listening."
Estic asseguda a la teulada amb una (suau) brisa, escoltant el soroll que fan els dragons i els grills.I'm sitting on our roof with a (slight) breeze,listening to geckos "geck-o"-ing&crickets chirping.

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