Menjar (to eat) conjugation

70 examples

Conjugation of menjar

Present tense
I eat
you eat
he/she eats
we eat
you all eat
they eat
Present perfect tense
he menjat
I have eaten
has menjat
you have eaten
ha menjat
he/she has eaten
hem menjat
we have eaten
heu menjat
you all have eaten
han menjat
they have eaten
Future tense
I will eat
you will eat
he/she will eat
we will eat
you all will eat
they will eat
Conditional mood
I would eat
you would eat
he/she would eat
we would eat
you all would eat
they would eat
Past perfect tense
havia menjat
I had eaten
havies menjat
you had eaten
havia menjat
he/she had eaten
havíem menjat
we had eaten
havíeu menjat
you all had eaten
havien menjat
they had eaten
Past impf. tense
I was eating
you were eating
he/she was eating
we were eating
you all were eating
they were eating
Imperative mood
let him/her eat!
let's eat!
let them eat!
Imperative negative mood
no mengis
don't eat!
no mengi
don't let him/her eat!
no mengem
let's not eat!
no mengeu
don't eat!
no mengin
don't let them eat!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria menjat
I would have eaten
hauries menjat
you would have eaten
hauria menjat
he/she would have eaten
hauríem menjat
we would have eaten
hauríeu menjat
you all would have eaten
haurien menjat
they would have eaten
Future perfect tense
hauré menjat
I will have eaten
hauràs menjat
you will have eaten
haurà menjat
he/she will have eaten
haurem menjat
we will have eaten
haureu menjat
you all will have eaten
hauren menjat
they will have eaten
Preterite past tense
I ate
you ate
he/she ate
we ate
you all ate
they ate
Past anterior tense
haguí menjat
I had eaten
hagueres menjat
you had eaten
hagué menjat
he/she had eaten
haguérem menjat
we had eaten
haguéreu menjat
you all had eaten
haguéren menjat
they had eaten
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) eat
(so that you) eat
(so that he/she) eats
(so that we) eat
(so that you all) eat
(so that they) eat
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was eating
(so that you) were eating
(so that he/she) was eating
(so that we) were eating
(so that you all) were eating
(so that they) were eating
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi menjat
(so that I) have eaten
hagis menjat
(so that you) have eaten
hagi menjat
(so that he/she) has eaten
hàgim menjat
(so that we) have eaten
hàgiu menjat
(so that you all) have eaten
hagin menjat
(so that they) have eaten
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués menjat
(so that I) had eaten
haguessis menjat
(so that you) had eaten
hagués menjat
(so that he/she) had eaten
haguéssim menjat
(so that we) had eaten
haguéssiu menjat
(so that you all) had eaten
haguessin menjat
(so that they) had eaten
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi menjar
(so that I) ate
vagis menjar
(so that you) ate
vagi menjar
(so that he/she) ate
vàgim menjar
(so that we) ate
vàgiu menjar
(so that you all) ate
vagin menjar
(so that they) ate
Periphastic past tense
vaig menjar
I ate
vas menjar
you ate
va menjar
he/she ate
vam menjar
we ate
vau menjar
you all ate
van menjar
they ate
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver menjat
I had eaten
vas haver menjat
you had eaten
va haver menjat
he/she had eaten
vam haver menjat
we had eaten
vau haver menjat
you all had eaten
van haver menjat
they had eaten

Examples of menjar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Tota la desferra que contenien sobre la ventilació, i com calia anar-se'n al llit, i com llevar-se, i quines coses menjar, i quines coses beure, i quant d'exercici fer, i en quin estat de ment conservar-se, i quina mena de vestit posar-se era per a ella l'Evangeli, i mai no repara que la premsa salutífera del mes corrent solia trabucar tot allo que havia recomanat un mes abans.All the "rot" they contained about ventilation, and how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat, and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and what frame of mind to keep one's self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her, and she never observed that her health-journals of the current month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month before.
Mai no tinc tanta cosa a menjar, generalment; i aquí no poden venir i donar-li una guitza a un hom i fer-lo pertenir d'aquella manera.I don't ever get enough to eat, gen'ally--and here they can't come and pick at a feller and bullyrag him so."
Hagué de menjar amb ganivet i forquilla; hagué d'usar tovalló, tassó i plat; hagué d'apendre el seu llibre; hagué d'anar a l'església; hagué de parlar amb tanta de propietat que el llenguatge esdevingué insípid en sos llavis: onsevulla que es girés, les barreres i cadenes de la civilització el tancaven i el fermaven de cap a peus.He had to eat with a knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn his book, he had to go to church; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; whithersoever he turned, the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.
"És l'única manera de tenir un final digne, no vull haver de menjar de les escombraries.""It's the only way for a dignified end, I can't eat from garbage".
A presó, va fer una vaga de fam i va ser torturat: els guàrdies de la presó li obriren la boca a la força i l'obligaren a menjar.He started a hunger strike in prison and was tortured; the prison guards pulled out his teeth and forced him to eat.
Cau la nit i els eslògans es fan més intensos, quan es fa fosc les torxes enceses fan olor de càstig. Jo recullo totes les torxes fetes servir, cobreixo amb paper el querozè que s'ha vessat i quan ja estic rebentat menjo cacauets i en cremo les closques amb espelmes enceses.The evening rolls in, the slogans get intense, as it becomes dark the burning torches smells like retribution, I collect all the used torches, put paper on the spilled kerosene, become more tired, eat peanuts and burn the peanut shells with burning candles.
Quan fa que no menges –En Pàl·lid diu que no menges. –Bestieses, menjo molt.When did you eat last? –Whitey says you don't eat. –I have plenty to eat.
Tot el que menjo ha d'estar ben mort.Anything I eat has got to be absolutely dead.
- No, jo no menjo porc.I don't eat pork.
Jo no menjo animals fastigosos.I don't eat filthy animals.
Quan fa que no menges –En Pàl·lid diu que no menges. –Bestieses, menjo molt.When did you eat last? –Whitey says you don't eat. –I have plenty to eat.
- Tu bé que te’ls menges!- Well, you are eating them.
- Et menges les gambes?- You eat shrimp?
Sempre menges al fer això?You always eat during break-ins?
D'ara endavant tu no menges.From now on you don’t eat.
Fa 3 metres, no té orelles i menja nens petits.He's 11 feet tall, has no ears and eats babies.
Sí, aquesta flor menja carn.Yes, this flower eats meat.
Sabem que menja tones de peix, que és amfibi, que excava la terra i...We know he eats tons of fish. He's amphibious. He's a burrower.
Conec la Paula Zahn i es menja qui faci falta.I met Paula Zahn. Paula Zahn eats where my friend is a waiter, alright?
- Correcte. - I el Bugs Bunny menja?- And "What's up, Doc?" He eats these.
Bé, nosaltres bevem sopa de porc , mengem peix enverinat i brots tòxics produïts per l'agricultura industrial, respirem fum tòxic.Well, We drink pork soup , eat poisonous bread, toxic sprouts produced by industrial farming, breathe in toxic smog.
Morirem si no mengem.Without eating one dies.
Fa tres dies que no mengem!We haven’t eaten in three days!
-Has de fumar, mentre mengem?Is it necessary to smoke while we're eating?
Què mengem?What do we eat?
Era evident que feia dies que no havien menjat.It was evident that they had not eaten in days.
Alguns fins i tot no han menjat en tot el dia.Some of them have not even eaten the whole day.
S'han menjat tot el peix!They've eaten all the fish.
Saps?, són només sobres Si tu ja has menjat quelcom, Mellie.You know, it's only leftovers if you've already eaten some, Mellie.
Has menjat?Have you eaten?
Així doncs, mengeu, va, mengeu.So, eat, eat. Come on, eat. Don’t worry.
És que, com que sé que vosaltres no mengeu, doncs...Yeah, it's just because I know that you guys don't eat...
No per estar aquí mirant com mengeu cereals!Not just sit there while everyone eats endless cereal!
Ningú s'empassarà que sou un porquer si us els mengeu tots.No one's going to believe you're a hog farmer if you eat them all.
Els productes que compren i els aliments que mengen han passat les proves necessàries per poder tenir la total garantia que són segurs.The products you buy and the food you eat are tested and checked to make sure they are as safe as can be.
El director d'art pensa que el Japó necessita presentar més bé el seu cas al món, perquè moltes persones enaltres països no entenen per quin motiu els japonesos mengen carn de balena.The art director thinks that Japan needs to do a better job at presenting its case to the world, as so many people in other countries don’t understand why Japanese people eat whale meat. 2008-12-26 SS encounters Japanese whaling ship.
Cadascun d'aquests nens disposa d'una escudella i, tres cops al dia, els alumnes, que s'anomenen talibs (i sí, es tracta de la mateixa arrel àrab a partir de la qual es crea la paraula talibà), recorren les cases de la ciutat o del poble i reben grapats d'aliments que recullen dins dels seus plats i mengen...Each of these children had a bowl and, three times a day, these students - which are know as 'talibs' (yes, the word comes from the same Arabic root as 'Taliban') - would go from door to door among the houses of the town or the village, receiving handfuls of food that they would gather in their bowls to eat ...
I Bassem Sabry adverteix als manifestants que no mengen o beguen res que els haja pogut oferir un desconegut, després que alguns manifestants d'Alexandria foren presumptament intoxicats amb aigua contaminada distribuïda durant una protesta:And Bassem Sabry warns protesters not to eat or drink anything offered by strangers, after protesters in Alexandria reportedly got poisoned from drinking contaminated water handed out at a protest:
@SaadGH: Parlar a favor del missatge de Malala a Facebook és com convidar una bandada de llops a què t'ataquen i et mengen viu.@SaadGH: Talking in support of Malala's message on Facebook is like inviting a pack of wolves to attack you and eat you alive.
- Puta, et menjaré!Bitch, I will eat you!
Em menjaré el teu dinar.(Under breath) I will eat your lunch.
- Et menjaràs això que dius, Finney.You will eat those words, you Finney!
Ara menjaran i després s'adormiran.In an hour they will eat. After they eat, they sleep.
Et menjaries aquelles criatures majestuoses?You would eat those majestic creatures?
Era l'Estiu qui menjava.Summer was eating.
Em va amenaçar d'escorxar-lo viu i barrejar les seves vísceres amb el meu menjar perquè no sabés que me'l menjava.He threatened to skin him alive and mix his innards up in my food so I wouldn't know I was eating him.
I aixecant la mà va donar un cop fort a la taula on menjaven.He raised his hand and hit the table they were eating on.
Un granjer li va firmar una cosa dient que els cèrvols es menjaven els seus cultius.He got this farmer to sign a thing saying the deer were eating his crops.
Els turons que es van esmicolar i el negre que es menjà els cels;The hills that split asunder and the black that ate the skies;
Pescaren, cuinaren llur sopar i el menjaren, i després es posaren a endevinar les coses que pensaria i diria d'ells el poble; i les imatges que es feien de l'aflicció de la gent per ells motivada eren ben satisfactories de considerar, desde llur punt de mira.They caught fish, cooked supper and ate it, and then fell to guessing at what the village was thinking and saying about them; and the pictures they drew of the public distress on their account were gratifying to look upon--from their point of view.
Una part de la mitja coca de Tom romania: se la partiren i la menjaren.A portion of Tom's half of the cake was left; they divided and ate it.
Les nostres racions són molt grans perquè una persona se'n mengi dues.Our portions are too big for a person to eat two
La Bella em sembla que val més que mengi una miqueta.I think I should make sure Bella gets something to eat.
Sí, val més que mengi una mica.I should eat something.
Com cony vols que em mengi els peus de porc sense la col, eh?Like, how am I supposed to eat pigs' feet with no collard greens?
Vols que se't mengi?So he could eat you?
Christopher, no facis soroll quan mengis la sopa.Christopher, try not to make noises when eating your soup.
No mengis massa ni molt ràpid.Don't eat too much, too fast.
Ell vol que t'assentes i mengis.He'd like you to sit and eat.
No t'ho mengis tot, que torno.Don't eat it all, I'll be back.
Doncs no mengis torrades.Then don't eat toast.
Ei, si la boira et deixa fet una sopa... ...vigila no se’t mengin.If you have pea soup... ...make sure you eat it before it eats you.
Fes que mengin.Make 'em eat.
Si estàs prou desesperat per conèixer dones i t'agrada que et mengin menjar de la teva boca, et podria ajuntar amb la meva mare.If you're really desperate to meet women and like having food eaten out of your mouth, I could set you up with my mom.
No a menys que d'alguna manera s'ho mengin tot en els deu minuts que falten per a què acabi l'esmorzar.Not unless it all somehow gets eaten in the ten minutes before breakfast is over.
Mentre Tom anava menjant-se el seu sopar i robava el sucre en oferir-se-n'hi avinentesa, la tia Polly li feia preguntes que eren plenes d'artifici i molt pregones, perque volia atrapar-lo en revelacions perjudicials.While Tom was eating his supper, and stealing sugar as opportunity offered, Aunt Polly asked him questions that were full of guile, and very deep--for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments.
Troba Joe Harper i Huck Finn que pujaven per un carreró tot menjant-se un meló robat.He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon.
Mi–te'l. –Està menjant, Reina! –Potser ja estarà bé, dissabte!Look at him! –He's eating, Princess. –He'll be OK by Saturday.
Mira aquesta gent al tren, estan menjant.Look at those people on that train. Eating... actually eating.
L'àcid! l'àcid s'està menjant el meu tratge!The acid! The acid's eating through my suit!

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