Posar-se (to get) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, put on, put, apply, turn

Conjugation of posar-se

Present tense
I get
you get
he/she gets
we get
you all get
they get
Present perfect tense
he posat
I have got
has posat
you have got
ha posat
he/she has got
hem posat
we have got
heu posat
you all have got
han posat
they have got
Future tense
I will get
you will get
he/she will get
we will get
you all will get
they will get
Conditional mood
I would get
you would get
he/she would get
we would get
you all would get
they would get
Past perfect tense
havia posat
I had got
havies posat
you had got
havia posat
he/she had got
havíem posat
we had got
havíeu posat
you all had got
havien posat
they had got
Past impf. tense
I was getting
you were getting
he/she was getting
we were getting
you all were getting
they were getting
Imperative mood
let him/her get!
let's get!
let them get!
Imperative negative mood
no posis
don't get!
no posi
don't let him/her get!
no posem
let's not get!
no poseu
don't get!
no posin
don't let them get!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria posat
I would have got
hauries posat
you would have got
hauria posat
he/she would have got
hauríem posat
we would have got
hauríeu posat
you all would have got
haurien posat
they would have got
Future perfect tense
hauré posat
I will have got
hauràs posat
you will have got
haurà posat
he/she will have got
haurem posat
we will have got
haureu posat
you all will have got
hauren posat
they will have got
Preterite past tense
I got
you got
he/she got
we got
you all got
they got
Past anterior tense
haguí posat
I had got
hagueres posat
you had got
hagué posat
he/she had got
haguérem posat
we had got
haguéreu posat
you all had got
haguéren posat
they had got
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) get
(so that you) get
(so that he/she) gets
(so that we) get
(so that you all) get
(so that they) get
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was getting
(so that you) were getting
(so that he/she) was getting
(so that we) were getting
(so that you all) were getting
(so that they) were getting
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi posat
(so that I) have got
hagis posat
(so that you) have got
hagi posat
(so that he/she) has got
hàgim posat
(so that we) have got
hàgiu posat
(so that you all) have got
hagin posat
(so that they) have got
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués posat
(so that I) had got
haguessis posat
(so that you) had got
hagués posat
(so that he/she) had got
haguéssim posat
(so that we) had got
haguéssiu posat
(so that you all) had got
haguessin posat
(so that they) had got
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi posar-se
(so that I) got
vagis posar-se
(so that you) got
vagi posar-se
(so that he/she) got
vàgim posar-se
(so that we) got
vàgiu posar-se
(so that you all) got
vagin posar-se
(so that they) got
Periphastic past tense
vaig posar-se
I got
vas posar-se
you got
va posar-se
he/she got
vam posar-se
we got
vau posar-se
you all got
van posar-se
they got
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver posat
I had got
vas haver posat
you had got
va haver posat
he/she had got
vam haver posat
we had got
vau haver posat
you all had got
van haver posat
they had got

Examples of posar-se

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Tota la desferra que contenien sobre la ventilació, i com calia anar-se'n al llit, i com llevar-se, i quines coses menjar, i quines coses beure, i quant d'exercici fer, i en quin estat de ment conservar-se, i quina mena de vestit posar-se era per a ella l'Evangeli, i mai no repara que la premsa salutífera del mes corrent solia trabucar tot allo que havia recomanat un mes abans.All the "rot" they contained about ventilation, and how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat, and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and what frame of mind to keep one's self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her, and she never observed that her health-journals of the current month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month before.
–T’hi acostumaràs, ja ho veuràs...Va dir l’Amadou rient mentre ajudava en Mathias a posar-se dret.–You’ll get used to it, you know...Amadou laughed and helped Mathias to stand up.
Aquells que han aconseguit estalviar per anar-se'n de vacances a una platja càlida amb els seus sous miserables d'entre 15 i 20.000 rubles només poden tancar els ulls, posar-se les dents i prendre la seva dosi de raigs ultraviolats i de vitamines "abans que no en passi una de grossa".Those who have managed to save for a warm beach vacation from their pauperly wages of 15-20 thousand rubles , have nothing to do but close their eyes, set their teeth, and get their dose of ultraviolet and vitamins "before it hits the fan."
Me'n va ensenyar abans de posar-se malalta.Before she get sick, she teach me everything.
Cal posar-se en marxa si vols el teu cafè abans de treballar.We should get going if you want your coffee before work.
Si em poso nerviós, m'espanto.And when I get nervous, I get scared.
A veure si et poso això.Let me get this for you.
Ei, ho sento si et poso nerviós.Hey, I'm sorry if I get on your nerves.
Només m'han ordenat que poses al General Ripper al telèfon amb el President dels EUA. Un moment.I was told to get Gen. Ripper on the phone to the President.
Nosaltres continuarem sense assegurança mèdica i si et poses malalta, m'hauré de vendre sang.It doesn't matter who you vote for, we can't afford insurance and... if you get sick, I'm gonna have to start selling my blood again.
Només m'han ordenat que poses al General Ripper al telèfon amb el President dels EUA.I was told to get Ripper on the phone with the President of the United States.
- Ens poses dels nervis.We get nervous.
Ei, t'hi poses dins i ho proves?Hey, you wanna get in there, give it a whirl?
El principi deproporcionalitatcomparteix l’objectiu de garantir un bon exercici de lescompetències, quan posa en relleu que el contingut i la forma d’acció de la Unióno han d’excedir el que sigui necessari per assolir els objectius del Tractat.The principle of proportionalitytargets the same objective of ensuringproper exercise of powers, stipulating that the content and form of action takenby the Union must not go further than what is necessary to attain the objectivesof the Treaty.
Què se us posa a tots a dins?What gets into you all?
Això et posa en el buffet.This gets you into the buffet. (chuckling) ♪ ♪
Quan la teva germana es posa així, és millor deixar-li espai.When your sister gets like this, it's best to give her her space.
Ara es posa interessant.Now, it gets interesting.
Vinga, posem fil a l'agulla.Let's get this going here.
Quan posem els peus a terra, ens tornaran a funcionar moltes neurones.Once our feet touch that floor, I'm gonna get too many brain cells back.
Ara, posem-nos això a la gepa.Now let's get this thing on the hump.
Sí, sí. Ara ens hi posem.Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll get to that.
Molt bé, després ens hi posem.All right, we'll get to that later.
El baiard fou endegat, i el cos mort posat al seu damunt, cobert amb una flassada, i fermat amb la corda.The barrow was got ready and the corpse placed on it, covered with a blanket, and bound to its place with the rope.
Encara no s’ha posat cap data per a l’entrada en vigor del futur tractat d’adhesió per a aquests països al fi nal de les negociacions.No date has yet been set for the entry into force of any future accession treaty for these two countries at the end of the membership negotiations.
Primer, la Nadine, la del Blue Chip, s'ha posat malalta i el mongòlic del seu fill s'ha fet càrrec de la cuina.First off, Nadine over at the Blue Chip got sort of sick... since she got that goddam Mongoloid boy of hers workin' the grill.
- Ens hem posat d'acord, i hem pogut 'replegar quatre mobles perquè els posi al xeu pis.We all got together. We all chipped in to furnish your place.
-Agafeu la fava i la partiu, i talleu la berruga de manera que en surti una mica de sang, i en acabat poseu la sang damunt un tros de la fava. I aneu, i feu un clot, i ho enterreu al volt de la mitja nit en una cruilla, quan és lluna nova, i en acabat cremeu la resta de la fava."You take and split the bean, and cut the wart so as to get some blood, and then you put the blood on one piece of the bean and take and dig a hole and bury it 'bout midnight at the crossroads in the dark of the moon, and then you burn up the rest of the bean.
Nois, no us poseu massa nerviosos, d'acord?Guys, don’t get too excited, all right?
Per què no us poseu roba, busco la meva bossa i us convido a sopar, d'acord?.I'll get my purse, and dinner is on me, okay? - Really? Great.
Per què no us poseu roba, busco la meva bossa i us convido a sopar, d'acord? .Why don't you get some clothes on, I'll get my purse, and dinner is on me,okay?
- És veritat, Larry? No sé per què es posen tan furiosos.I don't know why you're getting so hot under the collar.
Es posen al voltant del llit i atrapen al dimoni abans que s'acosti.You put them around the bed, catch the devil before he get too close.
I et posen un mirall al davant perquè et puguis veure bé.And they'd put a mirror in front of you so you could get a good look at yourself.
Em posaré en contacte amb tu.I will get in touch with you.
Si és a Venècia, segurament es posarà en contacte amb vostè.If she's in Venice, surely she will get in touch with you.
En Barry i jo ens hi posarem de seguida.Barry and I will get right on it.
Sabies on et posaves quan vas acceptar aquest càrrec.You knew what you were getting into when you said yes to this job.
Ben aviat se'ls escalda la pell, i es posaren, tristament, a preparar el desdejuni.They got scorched out by and by, and drearily set about getting breakfast.
No es posi nerviós.Don't get excited.
Que li amagui el problema que té? O que la motivi perquè es posi una mica més en forma?Encourage her denial... or motivate her to get herself in shape?
- Ens hem posat d'acord, i hem pogut 'replegar quatre mobles perquè els posi al xeu pis.We all got together. We all chipped in to furnish your place.
No cal que m'hi posi, doncs.Forget it, then.
D'acord, dóna'm uns minuts per tal que ho posi tot en marxa.All right, just give me a few minutes to get the system up and running.
Annie, no et posis nerviosa.Don't get worked up.
Dimitri, no té sentit que et posis histèric en un moment així.There's no point in you getting hysterical at a moment like this.
Així que, millor que et dónis Pressa i et posis millor.So you better hurry up and get better.
No et posis pedres al fetge. N'hi té gairebé tothom.I promise not to get depressed.
Entenc per què una ministra, o simplement un adult amb seny, pot aconsellar els joves que no siguin "choosy" (selectius) i que es posin mans a l'obra i comencin sigui on sigui.I can understand why a minister, or any adult with some common sense, might advise young people not to be "choosy", but to roll up their sleeves and to get started somewhere.
Quan arribin les altres, que es posin a escriure.Look, when the others get here, tell them to start writing.
Et penses que no castigaré els... que es posin en el meu camí?You think I won't punish those who get in my way?
Ara que es posin Bo i Elton John també.Now let's get Bono and Elton John in for the next one.
Margaret, que tots es posin el cinturó, que es ho ajustin.Hi, Margaret, get everybody strapped in, get everybody strapped in tight.
-Jo també vull anar-me'n, Tom: aixo s'ha anat posant molt solitari, i ara sera pitjor."I want to go, too, Tom. It was getting so lonesome anyway, and now it'll be worse.
Digues-li que calli, m'està posant nerviós.He's getting on my nerves.
I pensaríem que en desfer-se dels seus guàrdies, posant, no sé, una bomba en un cotxe podria ser una bona manera de fer-ho.And we might think that getting rid of his guards by, say, planting a car bomb, might be a really great way to go.
Això s'està posant estranyament personal.This is getting oddly personal.
Això s'està posant estrany.Uh, it's getting weird.

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