Produir (to produce) conjugation

33 examples

Conjugation of produir

Present tense
I produce
you produce
he/she produces
we produce
you all produce
they produce
Present perfect tense
he produït
I have produced
has produït
you have produced
ha produït
he/she has produced
hem produït
we have produced
heu produït
you all have produced
han produït
they have produced
Future tense
I will produce
you will produce
he/she will produce
we will produce
you all will produce
they will produce
Conditional mood
I would produce
you would produce
he/she would produce
we would produce
you all would produce
they would produce
Past perfect tense
havia produït
I had produced
havies produït
you had produced
havia produït
he/she had produced
havíem produït
we had produced
havíeu produït
you all had produced
havien produït
they had produced
Past impf. tense
I was producing
you were producing
he/she was producing
we were producing
you all were producing
they were producing
Imperative mood
let him/her produce!
let's produce!
let them produce!
Imperative negative mood
no produeixis
don't produce!
no produeixi
don't let him/her produce!
no produïm
let's not produce!
no produïu
don't produce!
no produeixin
don't let them produce!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria produït
I would have produced
hauries produït
you would have produced
hauria produït
he/she would have produced
hauríem produït
we would have produced
hauríeu produït
you all would have produced
haurien produït
they would have produced
Future perfect tense
hauré produït
I will have produced
hauràs produït
you will have produced
haurà produït
he/she will have produced
haurem produït
we will have produced
haureu produït
you all will have produced
hauren produït
they will have produced
Preterite past tense
I produced
you produced
he/she produced
we produced
you all produced
they produced
Past anterior tense
haguí produït
I had produced
hagueres produït
you had produced
hagué produït
he/she had produced
haguérem produït
we had produced
haguéreu produït
you all had produced
haguéren produït
they had produced
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) produce
(so that you) produce
(so that he/she) produces
(so that we) produce
(so that you all) produce
(so that they) produce
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was producing
(so that you) were producing
(so that he/she) was producing
(so that we) were producing
(so that you all) were producing
(so that they) were producing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi produït
(so that I) have produced
hagis produït
(so that you) have produced
hagi produït
(so that he/she) has produced
hàgim produït
(so that we) have produced
hàgiu produït
(so that you all) have produced
hagin produït
(so that they) have produced
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués produït
(so that I) had produced
haguessis produït
(so that you) had produced
hagués produït
(so that he/she) had produced
haguéssim produït
(so that we) had produced
haguéssiu produït
(so that you all) had produced
haguessin produït
(so that they) had produced
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi produir
(so that I) produced
vagis produir
(so that you) produced
vagi produir
(so that he/she) produced
vàgim produir
(so that we) produced
vàgiu produir
(so that you all) produced
vagin produir
(so that they) produced
Periphastic past tense
vaig produir
I produced
vas produir
you produced
va produir
he/she produced
vam produir
we produced
vau produir
you all produced
van produir
they produced
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver produït
I had produced
vas haver produït
you had produced
va haver produït
he/she had produced
vam haver produït
we had produced
vau haver produït
you all had produced
van haver produït
they had produced

Examples of produir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
És que no poden produir alguna cosa més seriosa?Can't they produce something more serious?
Fa dos anys, Jandali va produir un àlbum sota el títol "Ecos d'Ugarit", un intent de retornar a la vida la música siriana oblidada.Two years ago, Jandali produced an album called “Echoes from Ugarit,” in an attempt to bring back to life Syria’s forgotten music.
"Per produir es necessita llibertat.“You need freedom to produce.
Abans d'emigrar a Canadà, Azizi va produir programes educatius i científics per a la Ràdio Nacional de l'Iran, fins que va canviar a la televisió com a director de la Unitat d'Animació per Ordinador de l'emissora nacional, l'Emissora de la República Islàmica de l'Iran.Prior to emigrating to Canada, Azizi produced educational and scientific programs for Iranian National Radio, until moving into television as the director of the Computer Animation Unit of the country's national broadcaster, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.
L'equip també va produir un altre vídeo per ensenyar a dir les parts del cos en butxulla:The team also collaborated to produce another video teaching the Butchulla words for body parts:
Els Estats Units, per tal d'eludir el problema, van tenir la idea de transferir la indústria de l'amiant a Mèxic, on no s'informa els treballadors del perill; Canadà produeix i exporta l'amiant guardant-se molt bé d'utilitzar el seu propi territori."To avoid the problem, the USA has transferred the asbestos industry in Mexico where the workers are either not informed of the dangers or reassured; Canada produces and sells asbestos abroad while being careful of its use within their own borders.
A una entrevista per al diari G1 , Pacheco va afirmar que l'educació al Brasil, el model de la qual ignora la contribució de Paulo Freire i d'altres grans pedagogs del país, malgasta recursos i produeix 30 milions d'analfabets.In an interview with G1, Pacheco states that education in Brazil, whose model ignores the contribution given by Paulo Freire and other great educators from the country, squanders resources and produces 30 million illiterate people.
La meva institució dóna suport, per exemple, a l’Institut d’Història (del Tadjikistan), que produeix un butlletí en anglès i francès.My institution supports for instance, the Institute of History, that produces a bulletin in English and French.
Afortunadament, almenys a Anglaterra, l’educació no produeix cap efecte.Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever.
Una minyona francesa experimentada produeix resultats remarcables en molt poc temps.A thoroughly experienced French maid produces a really remarkable result in a very brief space of time.
Però si necessitem una bomba desesperadament per què no produïm només el plutoni necessari?But if we so desperately need a bomb - - Why we produce so not primarily plutonium?
Després que el president de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur Mas, hagi assenyalat que un projecte com l’Eurovegas i l’aposta en coneixement per a desenvolupar l’economia del país són compatibles, s'ha produït una pluja de crítiques que s’han escampat per la xarxa.After the president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur Mas, indicated that a project like Eurovegas and the commitment towards knowledge to develop the economy of the country are compatible, and this in turn has produced a lot of criticism online.
Nosaltres traduïm allò que unes altres edicions de Global Voices han publicat, tot sempre relacionat o produït a internet, i publiquem continguts propis d'allò que passa aquí i que unes altres edicions possiblement traduiran.We work exhaustively to produce a large volume of content, perhaps larger than any one person can consume. We write a lot about Catalan society so that other language versions may translate it, and we translate what other editions of Global Voices have produced, which results in diverse stories from around the world.
I tot i que penso que encara no hem trobat la forma d'obtenir ingressos (tot i que sí que hi ha casos en què la gent està vivint d'això), crec que les crisis que estem vivint ens fan més conscients de què consumim, d'on ve allò que consumim i en quines condicions s'ha produït.And although I think that we still haven’t found the way to earn an income (though there are some cases of people living from this), I think the crises we are facing are making us more conscious of what we consume, where it comes from, and under what conditions it was produced.
Entendre que “aquesta famosa guerra contra les drogues no ha produït els resultats que s'esperaven, sinó que ha agreujat els problemes que pretenia solucionar”.To understand that “this famous war on drugs has not produced the results that were expected of it worsened the problems it had set out to solve”.
Un nou vídeo d'animació produït pel Programa de Serveis Educatius de la Nació Cherokee i Tecnologia de la Llengua explica la història d'aquesta adopció de les noves tecnologies al llarg del temps.A new animated video produced by the Cherokee Nation Education Services and the Language Technology Program tells the story of this adoption of new technologies over time.
I quant de blat, ordi, caps de bestiar, i porcs produïu a Rocadrac per alimentar els 4.000 homes als vostres 32 vaixells?And how much wheat and barley and beef and pork do you produce on Dragonstone to feed your 4,000 men on your 32 ships?
Cada vegada es produeixen més drogues sintètiques a la Unió ila policia dedica molta energia a la localització i al tancament de les fàbriques.Increasingly, synthetic drugs are produced in the Union and the police devote a great deal of energy tolocating and shutting down the factories that make them.
Tinc la sospita que els directors són les forces enemigues de l'exterior que, de manera intencionada, produeixen aquests terribles drames antijaponesos sobre la invasió.I suspect the directors are the overseas enemy forces and they intentionally produce such awful anti-Japanese invasion dramas.
De fet, les associacions en contra de l'amiant de França, Bèlgica, Suïssa, Brasil i altres països d'Amèrica del Sud, reunides a Casale Monferrato ja s'hi han posat d'acord per obtenir el màxim benefici possible d'aquesta decisió als seus territoris on no sols fan servir encara l'Eternit i les diferents fibres d'amiant, sinó que també els produeixen.In fact associations against asbestos from France, Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil and other South American countries have gathered in Casale Monferrato to agree on the application of this sentence in their home countries, where Eternit and deadly asbestos fibres are not only in use but continue to be produced.
L'Índia suma el 60% de la producció mundial de fibra de coco, i entre l'Índia i Sri Lanka produeixen conjuntament el 90%.India produces 60% of the total world supply of coir fibre. India and Sri Lanka together produce 90% of the coir produced every year across the world.
Te propietats combustibles que produeixen flames, aquesta... il·luminació.It has combustible properties that produce flame, thus... illumination.
Quan es detoni... produirà tanta pluja radioactiva letal, que en 10 mesos...It will produce a mass of radioactive fallout.
Quan es detoni... produirà tanta pluja radioactiva letal, que en 10 mesos... la superfície de la Terra estarà tan morta com la de la Lluna.When it is detonated, it will produce enough radioactive fallout... so that in ten months... the surface of the Earth will be as dead as the moon!
El reactor produirà l'energia i el plutoni que serà utilitzat per les bombes.A reactor will produce energy and plutonium that can be used in bombs.
Si un agafa, diguem, 50 bombes d'hidrogen de 100 megatones... i les recobreix de cobalt-tori G... quan facin explosió produiran... un sudari per a la fi del mon.If you take 50 H-bombs and jacket them with cobalt chlorium G., - - when they are exploded, they will produce a doomsday shroud.
Si un agafa, diguem, 50 bombes d'hidrogen de 100 megatones... i les recobreix de cobalt-tori G... quan facin explosió produiran... un sudari per a la fi del mon. Un núvol letal de radioactivitat... que recobrirà la Terra... durant 93 anys.If you take 50 H bombs in the 100 megaton range... and jacket them with cobalt thorium G... when they are exploded, they will produce a doomsday shroud... a lethal cloud of radioactivity... which will encircle the Earth for 93 years!
De ben segur que produiríem gegants!I think we would produce giants!
Els alemanys no guanyaran, no importa quant produeixis!The Germans do not win, no matter how much you produce!
Un terç dels conreus del món són inútils degut a la degradació del sòl, malgrat tot, seguim produint més boques que s'han d'alimentar.A third of the world's farmland is now useless due to soil degradation, yet we keep producing more mouths to feed.
durant els anys des que vas escapar, deixant viu només un cada vegada per tal que portés el cognom familiar, produint tota una nova generació de víctimes de la teva matança exactament com vas dir que faries quan tu i jo érem companys de cel·la.leaving just one alive each time to carry on the family name, producing a whole new generation of victims for you to slaughter exactly as you said you'd do back when you and I were cellmates.
Sé que ho faràs, perquè ahir dinant amb Russell Simmons, em va parlar d'un nou espectacle de Broadway que està produint el seu amic.I know you are, because at my lunch yesterday with Russell Simmons, he told me about a new Broadway show his friend is producing.
La Norsk Hydro va seguir produint i venent aigua pesant fins el 1988.Norsk Hydro kept producing and selling heavy water until 1988.

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