Rebre (to receive) conjugation

42 examples

Conjugation of rebre

Present tense
I receive
you receive
he/she receives
we receive
you all receive
they receive
Present perfect tense
he rebut
I have received
has rebut
you have received
ha rebut
he/she has received
hem rebut
we have received
heu rebut
you all have received
han rebut
they have received
Future tense
I will receive
you will receive
he/she will receive
we will receive
you all will receive
they will receive
Conditional mood
I would receive
you would receive
he/she would receive
we would receive
you all would receive
they would receive
Past perfect tense
havia rebut
I had received
havies rebut
you had received
havia rebut
he/she had received
havíem rebut
we had received
havíeu rebut
you all had received
havien rebut
they had received
Past impf. tense
I was receiving
you were receiving
he/she was receiving
we were receiving
you all were receiving
they were receiving
Imperative mood
let him/her receive!
let's receive!
let them receive!
Imperative negative mood
no rebis
don't receive!
no rebi
don't let him/her receive!
no rebem
let's not receive!
no rebeu
don't receive!
no rebin
don't let them receive!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria rebut
I would have received
hauries rebut
you would have received
hauria rebut
he/she would have received
hauríem rebut
we would have received
hauríeu rebut
you all would have received
haurien rebut
they would have received
Future perfect tense
hauré rebut
I will have received
hauràs rebut
you will have received
haurà rebut
he/she will have received
haurem rebut
we will have received
haureu rebut
you all will have received
hauren rebut
they will have received
Preterite past tense
I received
you received
he/she received
we received
you all received
they received
Past anterior tense
haguí rebut
I had received
hagueres rebut
you had received
hagué rebut
he/she had received
haguérem rebut
we had received
haguéreu rebut
you all had received
haguéren rebut
they had received
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) receive
(so that you) receive
(so that he/she) receives
(so that we) receive
(so that you all) receive
(so that they) receive
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was receiving
(so that you) were receiving
(so that he/she) was receiving
(so that we) were receiving
(so that you all) were receiving
(so that they) were receiving
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi rebut
(so that I) have received
hagis rebut
(so that you) have received
hagi rebut
(so that he/she) has received
hàgim rebut
(so that we) have received
hàgiu rebut
(so that you all) have received
hagin rebut
(so that they) have received
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués rebut
(so that I) had received
haguessis rebut
(so that you) had received
hagués rebut
(so that he/she) had received
haguéssim rebut
(so that we) had received
haguéssiu rebut
(so that you all) had received
haguessin rebut
(so that they) had received
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi rebre
(so that I) received
vagis rebre
(so that you) received
vagi rebre
(so that he/she) received
vàgim rebre
(so that we) received
vàgiu rebre
(so that you all) received
vagin rebre
(so that they) received
Periphastic past tense
vaig rebre
I received
vas rebre
you received
va rebre
he/she received
vam rebre
we received
vau rebre
you all received
van rebre
they received
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver rebut
I had received
vas haver rebut
you had received
va haver rebut
he/she had received
vam haver rebut
we had received
vau haver rebut
you all had received
van haver rebut
they had received

Examples of rebre

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Diverses pàgines de Facebook com ara Occupy Croatia i Anonymous Croatia van compartir una fotografia de Zagreb on es veia una multitud de persones que s'empenyien per rebre els paquets de menjar regal dels supermercats Lidl, com a part de les celebracions per l'accés de Croàcia a la Unió.Facebook pages such as Occupy Croatia and Anonymous Croatia shared a photo from Zagreb in which a crowd of people push each other to receive gift packages of food from European food retailer Lidl, as part of the celebration of Croatia's accession into the union.
Ella va rebre una nota, la meva clienta la va rebre... ..i es va atemorir.She received a note, my client did, and she freaked out.
Si el re-calibrem, podem invertir la polaritat i canviar el flux direccional de la línia d'enviaments per tal que enviï en lloc de rebre.If we recalibrate it, we can reverse the polarity and change the directional flow of the shipping lane so that it will send rather than receive.
Acabem de rebre un informe del mestre Kenobi.We've just received a report from Master Kenobi.
L'empresa té el dret de revertir la concessió a l'Estat i rebre el valor net comptable com a indemnització, ja que el projecte va ser pomogut pel Minsiteri d'Indústria.The company has the right to reverse the grant to the state and receive the net value as compensation, since the project was promoted by Ministry of Industry.
Cadascú de nosaltres pot fer una etiqueta, per a la qual no cal ésser pagats tot i que obtingui èxit: la recompensa moral que rebo cada dia val tot l'or del món.Each one of us can make a hashtag, there is no way to get paid for its success, but the ethical reward I receive every day is worth all the money in the world.
Germà Cullen, reps aquesta dona per a ser la teva esposa, observant tots els drets legals pertanyents a aquesta condició pels temps i tota l'eternitat?Brother Cullen, do you receive this woman to be your wedded wife, observing all the legal rights belonging to this condition for time and all eternity?
Però, a canvi d'això, reps els honors més alts.But for that, you receive the highest honor.
Germana Naomi, reps aquest home per a ser el teu marit, observant els drets legals pertanyents a aquesta condició pels temps i tota l'eternitat?Sister Naomi, do you receive this man to be your wedded husband, observing the legal rights belonging to this condition for time and all eternity?
En poques paraules, la idea és posar una etiqueta per a raspar en els productes; l’etiqueta té un codi únic que el consumidor envia per missatge de text i tot seguit rep la resposta per saber si el producte és autèntic o no.In simplified terms, the idea is to place a scratch-off label on the products; the label contains a unique code, which the consumer sends via SMS and then receives a reply as to whether the product is authentic or not.
Heiner Flassbeck escriu al seu blog Hassbeck economics que constantment rep queixes dels seus lectors per publicar articles "tendenciosos, ideològics i fins i tots demagògics".Heiner Flassbeck writes in his blog Hassbeck economics that he constantly receives complaints from his readers of "tendentious, ideological, and even demagogic articles."
Suggereix que té l'hàbit d'endur-se el telèfon a la dutxa, - vol dir que rep missatges que no vol que es vegin.It suggests he's in the habit of taking his phone into the shower with him, which means he often receives texts and emails he'd rather went unseen.
París, tradicionalment anomenada la «ciutat de les llums» a tot arreu, rep una mitjana de 20 milions de visitants a l'any, que fan d'ella un dels principals destins turístics del món.Paris, commonly referred to as the "City of Lights" worldwide, receives on average 20 million visitors a year, making it one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Aquest artista visual i compositor, amb l'ajuda d'un enginyer electrònic, va inventar l'Eyeborg, un dispositiu en forma d'antena que li serveix per percebre les freqüències que emeten els colors i transformar-les en impulsos audibles que rep a les orelles per via òssia.This visual artist and composer invented the Eyeborg together with the help of an electronic engineer. The eyeborg is similar to an antenna and helps to receive the frequencies that the colours emit and transform them into audible impulses that he receives through the bones in his ears.
Això és l'ajut que rebem de la comunitat internacional.This is the aid we received from the international community.
...pels aliments que rebem.... For what we're about to receive.
Agraïm profundament el suport financer que rebem de les fundacions que ens han ajudat durant anys, però per tal de seguir fent el que fem, i fer-ho d'una manera independent, lliure i sostenible, també necessitem l'ajuda generosa d'amics independents i lectors com tu.We're thankful for the funding we receive from the foundations who've supported us over the years, but in order to keep doing what we do, and to stay independent, free and sustainable, we also depend on the generous support of independent friends and readers like you.
Qui t'havia deixat ben clar que havies rebut molta atenció abans i que no havia fet res més que molestar-te.who made it very clear to you you'd received extensive attention in the past and it had done nothing other than to upset you.
Hem rebut la teva xarxa i la informació del compte.We have received your wire and account information.
En els últims dos mesos, Urban Voice ha rebut més de 110 informes de talls de corrent, els quals han durat 10 hores en alguns districtes.In the past two months, Urban Voice has received over 110 reports of power cuts with some districts experiencing ten-hour long power cuts.
I us hem rebut.We have received you.
Somyot no va tenir tanta sort i va ser bufetejat amb un sentència de 5 anys per cada delicte, dos càrrecs en total, més un any addicional per la pena d'un any suspesa, ara cancel·lada, que havia rebut el 2009 (per un càrrec diferent).Somyot was not so lucky and was slapped with 5 years sentence for each crime, two counts in total, plus an additional year for the now cancelled 1-year suspended sentence he received in 2009 (for a different charge).
Si en plena nit rebeu una carta de la Reina Mare, això fa que em plantegi la nostra aliança.If you received word in the night from the Queen Mother, it does make me question our new alliance.
En fer-se públics els casos de discriminació lingüística, els ciutadans reben el suport de les entitats que defensen la llengua i de la comunitat de parlants i faciliten la normalització de l'ús de la llengua i el respecte als drets lingüístics.By making these cases of linguistic discrimination public, citizens receive support from the entities defending the language and from the community, which facilitates the linguistic normalization and universal linguistic rights of Catalan's use.
Des de les esferes de les diferents administracions, tot i que també des del Parlament mateix, reben tots els matins correus electrònics amb argumentaris clars i precisos sobre com rebatre les notícies que, d'alguna manera, perjudiquen el Partit Popular balear. (…) Els protagonistes i destinataris pertanyen a una mena de legió composta d'una vintena de persones que han de rebatre, a sac, les lliures opinions que naveguen al Internet de la mà dels ciutadans, i que són vessades en els inevitables fòrums que emergen al peu de totes les notícies que publiquen els diaris digitals locals.From the spheres of the different administrations, although from the Parliament itself as well, they receive emails every morning with clear and precise arguments about how to rebut the news that, in some way, is detrimental to the Balearic Popular Party. (…) The protagonists and receivers belong to a type of legion composed of about twenty people who must rebut, intensely, the opinions that freely navigate the Internet at the hand of the citizens, and that are poured out in the inevitable forums that emerge at the foot of all the news pieces published on local news websites.
Diversos dels nous Estatsmembres ja reben finançament de la UE perquè la seva experiència, el seuequip i els seus procediments esposin als nivells de la Unió.Several newmembers already receive EU fundingto bring their expertise, equipment andprocedures up to EU levels.
- Els nostres empleats no reben cap propina.- Housekeeping staff do not receive gratuities.
Ens pot explicar com es reben les imatges?Could you explain how these pictures will be received?
Hovland, rebràs un retret oficial.Hovland, you will receive an official reprimand.
Però cadascun de nosaltres rebrà una part més gran.But each of us will receive a larger cut.
A Freetown, el National Election Watch (una coalició d'organitzacions de control) rebrà informes, per mitjà de missatges de mòbil codificats, d'una mostra estadísticament significativa dels seus 9.493 observadors electorals - establerts en cadascun dels col·legis electorals del país.In Freetown, National Election Watch (a coalition of monitoring organizations), will receive coded SMS reports sent from a statistically significant sample of their 9,493 trained election observers - based in every polling stations across the country.
- En el seu cas... la consideració del sergent Hara... suposa que la seva dona rebrà una pensió de l'exèrcit britànic.In your case, Sergeant Hara's thoughtfulness means that... your wife will receive a pension from British Army.
Com a regal de re-benvinguda, la Leela rebrà un descompte del 25% i una cascada gratis.As a return guest, Leela will receive a 25% discount and a complimentary waterfall.
Si us deixés amb algun dels meus banderers, el vostre pare ho sabria en menys de dues setmanes, i el meu banderer rebria un corb amb el següent missatge:If I left you with one of my bannermen, your father would know within a fortnight and my bannerman would receive a raven with a message:
La vídua rebé els minyons tan coralment com ningú fos capaç de rebre dues criatures d'aquell posat.The widow received the boys as heartily as any one could well receive two such looking beings.
Era impossible de trobar taps a les autoritats així és que Joe dona el tomb, rebé la patacada i caigué. -Ara- digué Joe, alçant-se -deixeu que us mati jo.There was no getting around the authorities, so Joe turned, received the whack and fell. "Now," said Joe, getting up, "you got to let me kill _you_.
Inspirat per la magnificencia del seu acte, rebé sense un esgarip el fueteig més implacable que mai hagués administrat el senyor Dobbins i aiximateix rebé amb indiferencia l'afegida crueltat d'una orde de romandre dues hores, després que l'escola fos aviada; perque prou sabia qui havia d'esperar-se a fora fins que son captiveri fos acabat, sense comptar la tediosa estona com a temps perdut.Inspired by the splendor of his own act, he took without an outcry the most merciless flaying that even Mr. Dobbins had ever administered; and also received with indifference the added cruelty of a command to remain two hours after school should be dismissed--for he knew who would wait for him outside till his captivity was done, and not count the tedious time as loss, either.
A no ser que rebi un aplaçament oficial del governador.... ...el meu deure es seguir endavant.We found her son. Unless I receive an official stay of execution from the governor I'm duty bound to see this through.
Entre el 90 i 95 per cent que rebi la vacuna de la grip russa... es tornarà estèril.90 to 95% of the people who receive the Russian flu vaccine... ..will become sterile.
Les hemorràgies internes fan que el cos rebi oxigen insuficient.Internal bleeding does that the body receives too little oxygen.
Encara avui continuo rebent amenaces de mort.Until today, I keep receiving death threats.
Estic rebent sol licituds de tot el món.I'm receiving solicitations from all over the world.

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