Servir (to serve) conjugation

53 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be useful, be

Conjugation of servir

Present tense
I serve
you serve
he/she serves
we serve
you all serve
they serve
Present perfect tense
he servit
I have served
has servit
you have served
ha servit
he/she has served
hem servit
we have served
heu servit
you all have served
han servit
they have served
Future tense
I will serve
you will serve
he/she will serve
we will serve
you all will serve
they will serve
Conditional mood
I would serve
you would serve
he/she would serve
we would serve
you all would serve
they would serve
Past perfect tense
havia servit
I had served
havies servit
you had served
havia servit
he/she had served
havíem servit
we had served
havíeu servit
you all had served
havien servit
they had served
Past impf. tense
I was serving
you were serving
he/she was serving
we were serving
you all were serving
they were serving
Imperative mood
let him/her serve!
let's serve!
let them serve!
Imperative negative mood
no serveixis
don't serve!
no serveixi
don't let him/her serve!
no servim
let's not serve!
no serviu
don't serve!
no serveixin
don't let them serve!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria servit
I would have served
hauries servit
you would have served
hauria servit
he/she would have served
hauríem servit
we would have served
hauríeu servit
you all would have served
haurien servit
they would have served
Future perfect tense
hauré servit
I will have served
hauràs servit
you will have served
haurà servit
he/she will have served
haurem servit
we will have served
haureu servit
you all will have served
hauren servit
they will have served
Preterite past tense
I served
you served
he/she served
we served
you all served
they served
Past anterior tense
haguí servit
I had served
hagueres servit
you had served
hagué servit
he/she had served
haguérem servit
we had served
haguéreu servit
you all had served
haguéren servit
they had served
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) serve
(so that you) serve
(so that he/she) serves
(so that we) serve
(so that you all) serve
(so that they) serve
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was serving
(so that you) were serving
(so that he/she) was serving
(so that we) were serving
(so that you all) were serving
(so that they) were serving
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi servit
(so that I) have served
hagis servit
(so that you) have served
hagi servit
(so that he/she) has served
hàgim servit
(so that we) have served
hàgiu servit
(so that you all) have served
hagin servit
(so that they) have served
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués servit
(so that I) had served
haguessis servit
(so that you) had served
hagués servit
(so that he/she) had served
haguéssim servit
(so that we) had served
haguéssiu servit
(so that you all) had served
haguessin servit
(so that they) had served
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi servir
(so that I) served
vagis servir
(so that you) served
vagi servir
(so that he/she) served
vàgim servir
(so that we) served
vàgiu servir
(so that you all) served
vagin servir
(so that they) served
Periphastic past tense
vaig servir
I served
vas servir
you served
va servir
he/she served
vam servir
we served
vau servir
you all served
van servir
they served
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver servit
I had served
vas haver servit
you had served
va haver servit
he/she had served
vam haver servit
we had served
vau haver servit
you all had served
van haver servit
they had served

Examples of servir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Els treballs de la El text presentat per la Convenció va servir de base per als treballs de la Conferència Conferència Intergovernamental, que va reunir els representants dels governs Intergovernamental dels actuals vint-i-cinc Estats membres, així com la Comissió i el Parlament Europeu.The work of the The text submitted by the Convention served as the basis for the work of the Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Conference, which brought together the representatives of Conference the governments of the 25 current Member States, the European Commissionand the European Parliament.
El triomf d'Ang Lee també va servir com a recordatori de l'estricta censura que pateix el cinema xinès.Ang Lee's win also served as a reminder of China's strict film censorship.
Així doncs, quina causa intenta servir el Sr.Now which cause is Mr. Makhmalbaf is trying to serve?
Si volem, podem servir tot també acompanyat d'Attieké.You can also serve it with attieké.
Això es deu al fet que l'activisme femení ha donat resultats parcials: a les dones no se'ls permetia servir com a jutgesses, però ara poden exercir de jutgesses d'investigació.And this is because female activism has yielded partial results: women were not allowed to serve as judges, but can now serve as investigative judges.
-El serveixo Jo.- I'll serve.
Ara serveixo el seu fill el rei Joffrey, els Déus beneeixin el seu regnat.Now I serve his son King Joffrey, may the Gods bless his reign.
No serveixo els altres.I don't serve the others.
No serveixo el vostre germà, Altesa.I don't serve your brother, Your Grace.
Ara serveixo carn picada.I serve sloppy joe now.
Qui serveixes? El cèsar?To who you do serve?
Qui serveixes?Which do you serve?
A qui serveixes veritablement?Who do you truly serve?
I si serveixes fidelment, seràs recompensat amb una esposa convenient.And if you serve faithfully, you will be rewarded with a suitable wife.
Fins i tot una màquina expenedora a l'aeroport de Haneda, l'aeroport internacional de Tòquio, serveix capuccinos amb la cara d'una japonesa tradicional, dissenyada i produïda per la coneguda marca de cosmètica de Kioto Yojiya .A vending machine in Haneda Airport, Tokyo's international airport, even serves cappuccino with the face of a classic Japanese female, designed and produced by Kyoto's well-known cosmetic company Yojiya.
No perquè aquest clan liberal odiï el territori de l'antiga URSS, sinó perquè serveix als interessos comercials globals que, abans que res, el que no necessiten és una Rússia forta.Not because this liberal clan hates the post-Soviet space, but because this clan serves the interests of global business, which first and foremost doesn't need a strong Russia.
Tots dos assistien a una quedada espontània organitzada per DemVybor's Stanislav Yakovlev (la llista de participants , des de l'ultra-nacionalista Prosvirnin, als periodistes liberals Ivan Davydov i Elena Kostyuchenko serveix simplement per recordar-nos com de peninsular i exclusivista és la "tusovka" o reunió política russa, malgrat que des de fora sembla estar dividida).Both were attending an impromptu outing organized by DemVybor's Stanislav Yakovlev (the list of participants , from ultra-nationalist Prosvirnin, to liberal journalists Ivan Davydov and Elena Kostyuchenko simply serves as a reminder of how insular and cliquey the Moscow political "tusovka" is, no matter how fractured it seems from the outside).
Hunan ha encobert l'escàndol tot aquest temps, cosa lloable i serveix d'alarma de cara a les eleccions de l'APNRPC.Hunan did cover the Hengyang bribery scandal this time, which is worth applauding, it serves as an alarm for the election throughout the NPC.
El vídeo, que forma part del projecte "Mother Tongue", organitzat per l'ABC Open i First Languages Australia, també serveix per promoure la llengua local kukatja, un idioma vulnerable que avui dia compta amb menys de 1.000 parlants.The video, which is part of the "Mother Tongue" project organized by ABC Open and First Languages Australia, also serves to promote the local language of Kukatja, a vulnerable language with less than 1,000 current speakers.
En nom del govern dels Estats Units i la gran gent a la que servim, gràcies.On behalf of the United States government and the great people we serve, thank you.
Els Shakri servim al Comptador.The Shakri serves the Tally!
Que tots dos servim des del 40 a França...That we both served since '40 in France...
Nosaltres servim al Senyor de la Llum, i el Senyor de la Llum necessita aquest noi.We serve the Lord of Light and the Lord of Light needs this boy.
Aquí servim al Déu de Molts Rostres per a servir bé.Here we serve the Many-Faced God, to serve well.
Twitter, evidentment, ha servit com a eina d'expressió, debat i solidaritat interessant.The event was not free of controversy; nevertheless, Twitter has evidently served as an interesting venue for expression, debate and solidarity.
@george_10g: Vaig començar a fer dibuixos en cafès el 2011 i n'he servit i decorat al voltant de 1000 tasses durant el 2012, però d'alguna manera encara recordo quan i què he dibuixat i a qui els hi servit.@george_10g: I started drawing on lattes in 2011 and I've drawn and served roughly about 1,000 cups by 2012 but somehow I still remember when and what I've drawn and who I served it for.
Alguns pares fins i tot afirmen feliçment "el meu fill, un nen entremaliat que solia faltar-nos al respecte, s'ha convertit en un altre ésser humà després d'haver servit a l'exèrcit" . Tanmateix, és cert això?Some parents even happily say 'my son, an unruly brat who used be so disrespectful to his own parents, has became another human being once he served in the army' HOWEVER, is that true?
El debat és un procés educacional per al poble de Hong Kong i ha servit com una celebració anticipada del 50è aniversari del discurs de Martin Luther King.The debate is an educational process for Hong Kong people and has served as an early celebration of the 50 anniversary of Martin Luther King's speech.
El menjar esta servit!Lunch is served!
Vull que serviu el regne!I want you to serve the realm!
Doncs serviu-me.Then serve me.
No, vosaltres serviu en Mance Rayder, el Rei d'Enllà del Mur.No, you serve Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall.
A qui serviu vós?Who do you serve?
Es fa superposant moltes capes de massa, que es fornegen i serveixen amb un toc de mel per damunt.It is made of many layers of dough, baked and served with a drizzle of honey on top.
Com en tots els idiomes, alguns elements són tradicionals i d'altres són innovacions recents... els signes amb les mans no són només una forma per comunicar informació, sinó que també serveixen com a maneres corporals d'expressar diferents matisos, l'humor i la personalitat individual.As in all languages, some elements are traditional and others are recent innovations... hand signs are not only a way of communicating information, but also serve as full-bodied ways of expressing nuance, humor, and individual personality.
«Ho deixen marinar en una salsa picant, que és el que li dóna aquell color distintiu, ho cuinen, ho serveixen i ho anomenen tacos al pastor».“They marinate it in a red chili sauce, which gives it that distinctive color, and they cook these up and serve them and call them tacos al pastor.”
Perquè això és el que ens han dit molts experts que serveixen el regne aconsellant al rei en afers dels quals ell no en sap res.Because we have been told as much by the many experts who serve the realm by counseling the king on matters about which he knows nothing.
Només hi ha un déu, ser Davos, i només protegeix els que el serveixen.There's only one God, Ser Davos, and he only protects those who serve him.
Això servirà de comprovant.This will serve nicely as a bill of sale.
Una idea que ens servirà pels nostres propòsits.An idea that will serve our purposes.
Si deixes que aquest diner serveixi als propòsits del Senyor, Ell serà misericordiós amb tu.If you let that money serve the Lord's purpose, He might f eel kind towards you.
Voleu que serveixi la dona que va matar el meu rei, la que va massacrar els meus homes, la que va deixar tolit el meu fill?You want me to serve the woman who murdered my King, who butchered my men, who crippled my son?
Trobeu-li una cambra que serveixi de cel·la.Find her a chamber that will serve as a cell.
El formatge es servirà quan jo vulgui que es serveixi.The cheese will be served when I want it served.
I vull que es serveixi ara.And I want it served now.
Per què permetre que la gent tingui un altre fill si moltes persones ni tan sols es poden permetre criar-ne un? us esteu tornant tan ansiosos que ja no teniu prou esclaus que us serveixin?Why let people still bear another child when many can’t afford to raise one? Are you becoming so anxious that the slaves are insufficient to serve you?
Faré que l'hi serveixin a la Sansa al meu banquet de noces.I'm going to serve it to Sansa at my wedding feast.
Com en Manson, en Cally s'ha vist forçat a ser un perfilador expert, pot llegir a la gest al seu voltant, ell troba la forma i. després el hi fa un rentat de cervell per a que el serveixin a voluntat.Like Manson, Cally has been forced to become an expert profiler of sorts. He reads the people around him, he finds a way in, and then he brainwashes them to serve his needs.
Cavallers ... Poden unírseme al portal. Estarem servint pastís.Now, gentlemen... if you care to join me in the parlor... we will be serving white cake.
A continuació hi ha servint el sopar.They're serving dinner below.
Acabes de dir que estaves servint a Lord Beric.You just said you were serving Lord Beric.
Creus que aquests esclaus tindran millor vida servint a en Kraznys i homes com ell? O servint-vos a vós?Do you think these slaves will have better lives serving Kraznys and men like him or serving you?
Quan aquesta guerra acabi, tu, amic meu, estaràs darrere d'un mostrador servint hot dogs als aliens en camises hawaianes.When this war is finished, you, my friend, are gonna be standing behind a counter serving hot dogs to bubble heads in Hawaiian shirts.

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