Einbrechen (to break in) conjugation

31 examples

Conjugation of einbrechen

Present tense
breche ein
I break in
brichst ein
you break in
bricht ein
he/she/it breaks in
brechen ein
we break in
brecht ein
you all break in
brechen ein
they break in
Past preterite tense
brach ein
I broke in
brachst ein
you broke in
brach ein
he/she/it broke in
brachen ein
we broke in
bracht ein
you all broke in
brachen ein
they broke in
Future tense
werde einbrechen
I will break in
wirst einbrechen
you will break in
wird einbrechen
he/she/it will break in
werden einbrechen
we will break in
werdet einbrechen
you all will break in
werden einbrechen
they will break in
Past perfect tense
habe eingebrochen
I have broken in
hast eingebrochen
you have broken in
hat eingebrochen
he/she/it has broken in
haben eingebrochen
we have broken in
habt eingebrochen
you all have broken in
haben eingebrochen
they have broken in
Pluperfect tense
hatte eingebrochen
I had broken in
hattest eingebrochen
you had broken in
hatte eingebrochen
he/she/it had broken in
hatten eingebrochen
we had broken in
hattet eingebrochen
you all had broken in
hatten eingebrochen
they had broken in
Future perf.
werde eingebrochen haben
I will have broken in
wirst eingebrochen haben
you will have broken in
wird eingebrochen haben
he/she/it will have broken in
werden eingebrochen haben
we will have broken in
werdet eingebrochen haben
you all will have broken in
werden eingebrochen haben
they will have broken in
Subjunctive II preterite tense
bräche ein
(so that I) would break in
brächest ein
(so that you) would break in
bräche ein
(so that he/she) would break in
brächen ein
(so that we) would break in
brächet ein
(so that you all) would break in
brächen ein
(so that they) would break in
Subjunctive II future tense
würde einbrechen
I would break in
würdest einbrechen
you would break in
würde einbrechen
he/she/it would break in
würden einbrechen
we would break in
würdet einbrechen
you all would break in
würden einbrechen
they would break in
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde eingebrochen haben
I would have broken in
würdest eingebrochen haben
you would have broken in
würde eingebrochen haben
he/she/it would have broken in
würden eingebrochen haben
we would have broken in
würdet eingebrochen haben
you all would have broken in
würden eingebrochen haben
they would have broken in
Subjunctive I present tense
breche ein
(so that I) break in
brechest ein
(so that you) break in
breche ein
(so that he/she) break in
brechen ein
(so that we) break in
brechet ein
(so that you all) break in
brechen ein
(so that they) break in
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe eingebrochen
(so that I) have broken in
habest eingebrochen
(so that you) have broken in
habe eingebrochen
(so that he/she) has broken in
haben eingebrochen
(so that we) have broken in
habet eingebrochen
(so that you all) have broken in
haben eingebrochen
(so that they) have broken in
Subjunctive I future tense
werde einbrechen
(so that I) will break in
werdest einbrechen
(so that you) will break in
werde einbrechen
(so that he/she) will break in
werden einbrechen
(so that we) will break in
werdet einbrechen
(so that you all) will break in
werden einbrechen
(so that they) will break in
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte eingebrochen
(so that I) would have broken in
hättest eingebrochen
(so that you) would have broken in
hätte eingebrochen
(so that he/she) would have broken in
hätten eingebrochen
(so that we) would have broken in
hättet eingebrochen
(so that you all) would have broken in
hätten eingebrochen
(so that they) would have broken in
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde eingebrochen haben
(so that I) will have broken in
werdest eingebrochen haben
(so that you) will have broken in
werde eingebrochen haben
(so that he/she) will have broken in
werden eingebrochen haben
(so that we) will have broken in
werdet eingebrochen haben
(so that you all) will have broken in
werden eingebrochen haben
(so that they) will have broken in
Present Nebensatz tense
I break in
you break in
he/she/it breaks in
we break in
you all break in
they break in
Preterite past Nebensatz tense
I broke in
you broke in
he/she/it broke in
we broke in
you all broke in
they broke in
Present subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) break in
(so that you) break in
(so that he/she) break in
(so that we) break in
(so that you all) break in
(so that they) break in
Preterite subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) would break in
(so that you) would break in
(so that he/she) would break in
(so that we) would break in
(so that you all) would break in
(so that they) would break in
Imperative mood
brich ein
break in
brecht ein
break in

Examples of einbrechen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
"Ich hole mein Kind wieder." Sie fragte: "Du willst bei Julia einbrechen?"I told her I was going to get my kid back, and she said, "You're going to break into Julia's house?"
- - Willst du wissen, wie wir einbrechen werden?Want to know how we're going to break in?
- Aufhören! Ich habe Sie in Calebs Account einbrechen sehen und das Sie seine Dateien kopiert haben.I saw you break into Caleb's account and copy his files.
- Deine Leute würden nicht einbrechen?- Your friends wouldn't break in?
- Du willst allein bei A.R.G.U.S. einbrechen?You're going to break into A.R.G.U.S. by yourself?
- Bei den Greenes wurde eingebrochen!Somebody's broken into the Greene's house!
- Bei mir ist eingebrochen worden.- Someone has broken into my house.
- Er muss eingebrochen sein.- He must've broken in and stolen them.
- Hier ist niemand eingebrochen, ohne...No one could have broken in here without-- You just said that the system went down!
- Jemand ist in mein Haus eingebrochen und ich...Someone had broken into the house, and I...
Du willst, dass ich in die Wohnung eines Feds einbreche?You want me to break into a fed's apartment?
Er möchte, dass ich in den Geländewagen seiner Ex einbreche und einen Garagentür-Öffner stehle.He wants me to break into his ex-girlfriend's truck and steal a garage-door opener.
Er will, dass ich zusammen mit Claude in die chilenische Botschaft einbreche, um ein Dossier in die Finger zu bekommen.He wants me to break in to the chilean consulate with claude, Get our hands on a file.
Es kann aber auch sein, dass ich bei Ihnen einbreche.Then again, maybe I'll have to break in.
Ich glaube, er will, dass ich einbreche.I think he wanted me to break in.
Mir ist es egal, wer du bist, aber wenn du noch mal in mein Haus einbrichst, wird es dir leidtun.I don't care who you are, you break in my house again, you're gonna be sorry.
- Falls mal ein Junkie einbricht.- If a junkie breaks in, he'll go for it.
Also, wenn Everyone in Athertons Computer einbricht, ihre Daten stiehlt und sie ins Netz stellt...So, if Everyone breaks into Atherton's computers, steals their data and puts it on the Net...
Ausserdem ist es nicht fair, dass, wenn du einen großen, starken Ehemann hast, der hier sein sollte, weil ich besser schlafe, wenn ich weiß, dass deine Seite des Bettes näher an der Tür ist weil, wenn jemand einbricht, sie... sie möglicherweise dich zuerst kriegen, und ich dann weglaufen kann, okay?Besides, it isn't fair when you're supposed to have a big, strong husband that should be here, and I sleep better knowing that your side of the bed is closer to the door because if somebody breaks in, they... they're probably gonna get to you first, and then I can run, okay?
Denke immer dran Süße, wenn jemand einbricht, versteck dich einfach unter dem Bett oder in einem Schrank.Remember, sweetheart, if someone breaks in, just hide under a bed, in a closet.
Du wirst mir danken, wenn Charles Manson einbricht und die Kehle von Eric aufschlitzt, während wir sicher sind, mit...You'll thank me when Charles Manson breaks in and slits Eric's throat... while we're safe with...
- Finde ich auch. Tut mir echt Leid, dass jemand einbrach und deinen Cassettenspieler stahl.I'm real sorry someone broke in and stole your tape deck.
Aber als ich in eines der Labore einbrach, sah ich, dass die Heizgeräte ersetzt worden waren.But, when I broke into one of the off-limit labs... I discovered that the heating devices had been replaced by coolant systems.
Aber er hatte kurz vorher eine Affäre mit Joan Berry beendet, einer sehr gestörten Möchtegern-Schauspielerin, die eines Nachts verzweifelt in sein Haus einbrach.Not so quick. But he had recently had and broken off an affair with Joan Berry a very disturbed would-be actress who desperately broke into his home one night.
Als er in mein Apartment einbrach, nahm er sich ein wenig Zeit mich kennen zu lernen mein Leben, meine Geheimnisse.When he broke into my apartment, he took some time to get to know me -- my life, my secrets.
Angesichts der Tatsache, dass er von der High School flog und kaum seine Mittlere Reife schaffte, was ihn zu etwas Schlechterem als einen Rhodes-Stipendiat macht, überrascht es weniger, dass er in das falsche Haus einbrach.Also, given the fact that he dropped out of high school and he barely passed his GED, makes him something less than a Rhodes scholar, which makes it less surprising that he broke into the wrong house. Hmm.
- Evan, diese Möglichkeit verschwand in dem Moment, als Sie hier einbrachen.Evan, that possibility disappeared the moment you broke in here.
Als dieser Männer in unser Haus einbrachen, stahlen sie so viel mehr, als diese Kette.When those men broke into our home, They stole so much more than this necklace.
Deine Freunde sind diejenigen, die in mein Dunkelkammer einbrachen?Your friends are the ones who broke into my darkroom?
Ich glaube, wir sollten uns noch mal das Haus ansehen, in das sie einbrachen.I think we have to take another look at that house they broke into.
In der Nacht, als wir in Rylatech einbrachen, erkannte ich einiges von dem verschlüsselten Code in dem Netzwerk der Spione wieder.The night we broke into Rylatech, I recognized some of the encrypted code in the spy's network.

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