Herkommen (to come over) conjugation

33 examples
This verb can also mean the following: come here, come from

Conjugation of herkommen

Present tense
komme her
I come over
kommst her
you come over
kommt her
he/she/it comes over
kommen her
we come over
kommt her
you all come over
kommen her
they come over
Past preterite tense
kam her
I came over
kamst her
you came over
kam her
he/she/it came over
kamen her
we came over
kamt her
you all came over
kamen her
they came over
Future tense
werde herkommen
I will come over
wirst herkommen
you will come over
wird herkommen
he/she/it will come over
werden herkommen
we will come over
werdet herkommen
you all will come over
werden herkommen
they will come over
Past perfect tense
bin hergekommen
I have come over
bist hergekommen
you have come over
ist hergekommen
he/she/it has come over
sind hergekommen
we have come over
seid hergekommen
you all have come over
sind hergekommen
they have come over
Pluperfect tense
war hergekommen
I had come over
warst hergekommen
you had come over
war hergekommen
he/she/it had come over
waren hergekommen
we had come over
wart hergekommen
you all had come over
waren hergekommen
they had come over
Future perf.
werde hergekommen sein
I will have come over
wirst hergekommen sein
you will have come over
wird hergekommen sein
he/she/it will have come over
werden hergekommen sein
we will have come over
werdet hergekommen sein
you all will have come over
werden hergekommen sein
they will have come over
Subjunctive II preterite tense
käme her
(so that I) would come over
kämest her
(so that you) would come over
käme her
(so that he/she) would come over
kämen her
(so that we) would come over
kämet her
(so that you all) would come over
kämen her
(so that they) would come over
Subjunctive II future tense
würde herkommen
I would come over
würdest herkommen
you would come over
würde herkommen
he/she/it would come over
würden herkommen
we would come over
würdet herkommen
you all would come over
würden herkommen
they would come over
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde hergekommen sein
I would have come over
würdest hergekommen sein
you would have come over
würde hergekommen sein
he/she/it would have come over
würden hergekommen sein
we would have come over
würdet hergekommen sein
you all would have come over
würden hergekommen sein
they would have come over
Subjunctive I present tense
komme her
(so that I) come over
kommest her
(so that you) come over
komme her
(so that he/she) come over
kommen her
(so that we) come over
kommet her
(so that you all) come over
kommen her
(so that they) come over
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
sei hergekommen
(so that I) have come over
seist hergekommen
(so that you) have come over
sei hergekommen
(so that he/she) has come over
seien hergekommen
(so that we) have come over
seiet hergekommen
(so that you all) have come over
seien hergekommen
(so that they) have come over
Subjunctive I future tense
werde herkommen
(so that I) will come over
werdest herkommen
(so that you) will come over
werde herkommen
(so that he/she) will come over
werden herkommen
(so that we) will come over
werdet herkommen
(so that you all) will come over
werden herkommen
(so that they) will come over
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
wäre hergekommen
(so that I) would have come over
wärst hergekommen
(so that you) would have come over
wäre hergekommen
(so that he/she) would have come over
wären hergekommen
(so that we) would have come over
wärt hergekommen
(so that you all) would have come over
wären hergekommen
(so that they) would have come over
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde hergekommen sein
(so that I) will have come over
werdest hergekommen sein
(so that you) will have come over
werde hergekommen sein
(so that he/she) will have come over
werden hergekommen sein
(so that we) will have come over
werdet hergekommen sein
(so that you all) will have come over
werden hergekommen sein
(so that they) will have come over
Present Nebensatz tense
I come over
you come over
he/she/it comes over
we come over
you all come over
they come over
Preterite past Nebensatz tense
I came over
you came over
he/she/it came over
we came over
you all came over
they came over
Present subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) come over
(so that you) come over
(so that he/she) come over
(so that we) come over
(so that you all) come over
(so that they) come over
Preterite subjunctive Nebensatz tense
(so that I) would come over
(so that you) would come over
(so that he/she) would come over
(so that we) would come over
(so that you all) would come over
(so that they) would come over
Imperative mood
kam her
come over
kamen her
come over

Examples of herkommen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
- Kannst du herkommen?Can you come over?
- Nein, es ist mein Vorschlag, weil wir... - Hier ist Claire. Du musst sofort herkommen.No, l just think that we should... lt's Claíre l need you to come over
- Sag Dongmei, dass sie herkommen soll.Tell Dongmei to come over.
- Sam, du musst herkommen.Sam, you've got to come over.
- Von allem etwas. Ruf doch Karen an und sag ihr, sie soll herkommen.Joe, why don't you call Karen and tell her to come over, huh?
Du kommst her, willst mir was ausgeben, gibst mir meinen Wagen zurück.You come over here, offer me a beer, give me my car back.
Gehen Sie wieder dahin und du kommst her.You go back over there. You go back over there. You come over here.
Ich hole Jessie, wir kommen her und dann biegen wir das gerade.I'm gonna get Jessie, we're gonna come over tonight and we're gonna fix this!
Sie kommen her und beschweren sich, aber ich sagte nie etwas wegen ihres unerträglichen Papageis, der permanent kreischt.You come over here complaining, And I have never once said a word About that obnoxious parrot of yours
Also wurdest du gerade von den Rädern der Justiz überrollt und bist hergekommen, um dich an einer Schulter auszuweinen.So you just got run over by the wheels of justice, and you come over here for a shoulder to cry on.
Deswegen bist du hergekommen.That's why you come over here.
Du bist nicht nur hergekommen, um Arbeitsdaten abzuliefern.You didn't just come over here to deliver work product.
Nach einer Netzhaut-OP sind wir hergekommen, um der Familie des Spenders zu danken.After the Cornea operation We come over here To thank the donator's family
Sie müssen vor ungefähr 2.000 Jahren hergekommen sein.Must have come over here about 2,000 years ago. You're embarrassing me, Richard.
Ich bin heute Morgen aufgewacht, hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, und kam her, um mich zu entschuldigen.I woke up this morning, and I felt bad, so I came over to apologize.
Ich kam her, um mit Lily zu reden, aber jetzt bin ich nicht sicher.I came over to talk to lily, but now i'm not sure.
Ich kam her, um zu beichten.I came over here to confess.
Sie kam her, wir hatten Streit... es ist alles so schnell passiert.She came over, and we got in an argument. It happened so fast.
Sie kam her, wir hatten einen Streit, dann ist alles so schnell passiert. Sie wollte mich töten.She came over, and we got in an argument and it had happened so fast.
Also, wir kamen her, um dich auf Trab zu bringen, wegen dem Nachspionieren von Max, - also stell dir unsere Überraschung vor...So we came over here to Jack you up over spying on Max, so imagine our surprise...
Du lässt mich vor dir furzen, ich fragte, ob du mich heiraten willst, du sagtest Ja und wir kamen her, um Marvin kennenzulernen und das ist alles!and you said yes and we came over here to meet little Marvin and that's everything!
- Ich möchte, dass du jetzt herkommst.- I want you to come over.
Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass du herkommst, damit ich mich persönlich entschuldigen kann?Is there any chance you could come over here so I could apologize in person?
Ich hätte zulassen sollen, dass du herkommst.I should've never let you come over here. I'm so stupid.
Ich möchte, dass Du gleich herkommst.I need you to come over here right now.
Sag, dass du herkommst und mit mir feierst.Say you'll come over and celebrate.
Ich besorge euch jemand anderen. Leonard, versprich mir, dass wenn unsere neue Kellnerin herkommt,... du mit ihr keine "Zusammen-Auseinander"- Beziehung anfangen wirst,... denn ich bin sehr, sehr hungrig.Leonard, promise me that when our new waitress comes over, you will not start a complicated on-again, off-again relationship with her, because I am very, very hungry.
Als ich herkam, haben Sie mir Asyl versprochen.Listen, when I came over, you promised me asylum.
Bevor ich herkam, hab ich mir auch dein Vorstrafenregister angesehen.I pulled your record before I came over here, too.
Bevor ich herkam, hat mich doch tatsächlich Bennett Cerf angerufen.Would you believe it? Before I came over here, Bennett Cerf called me up.
Ein Wunder, dass er überhaupt herkam.You know I'm surprised he even came over.
Ich hab eine genommen, bevor ich herkam, nur für den Fall, dass du mir danken möchtest.I took one before I came over just in case you want to really thank me.
- Ich habe Sie gegoogelt, bevor Sie herkamen.I googled you before you came over.

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