Garanteerima (to guarantee) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of garanteerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I guarantee
you guarantee
he/she/it guarantees
we guarantee
you all guarantee
they guarantee
ei garanteeri
(do/does) not guarantee
it is guaranteed
ei garanteerita
it is not guaranteed
Past tense
I guaranteed
you guaranteed
he/she/it guaranteed
we guaranteed
you all guaranteed
they guaranteed
ei garanteerinud
did not guarantee
it was guaranteed
ei garanteeritud
it was not guaranteed
Conditional mood
garanteeriksin, garanteeriks
I would guarantee
garanteeriksid, garanteeriks
you would guarantee
he/she/it would guarantee
garanteeriksime, garanteeriks
we would guarantee
garanteeriksite, garanteeriks
you all would guarantee
garanteeriksid, garanteeriks
they would guarantee
ei garanteeriks
would not guarantee
it would be guaranteed
ei garanteeritaks
it would not be guaranteed
Imperative mood
let him/her/it guarantee
let's guarantee
let them guarantee
be guaranteed
Imperative negative mood
ära garanteeri
do not guarantee
ärgu garanteerigu
let him/her/it not guarantee
ärgem garanteerigem, ärme garanteerime
let him/her/it not guarantee
ärge garanteerige
do not guarantee
ärgu garanteerigu
let them not guarantee
ärgu garanteeritagu
do not be guaranteed
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been guaranteed
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen garanteerinud
I have guaranteed
oled garanteerinud
you have guaranteed
on garanteerinud
he/she/it has guaranteed
oleme garanteerinud
we have guaranteed
olete garanteerinud
you all have guaranteed
on garanteerinud
they have guaranteed
ei ole garanteerinud, pole garanteerinud
(have/has) not guaranteed
on garanteeritud
it has been guaranteed
ei ole garanteeritud, pole garanteeritud
it has not been guaranteed
Pluperfect past tense
olin garanteerinud
I had guaranteed
olid garanteerinud
you had guaranteed
oli garanteerinud
he/she/it had guaranteed
olime garanteerinud
we had guaranteed
olite garanteerinud
you all had guaranteed
oli garanteerinud
they had guaranteed
ei olnud garanteerinud, polnud garanteerinud
had not guaranteed
oli garanteeritud
it had been guaranteed
ei olnud garanteeritud, polnud garanteeritud
it had not been guaranteed
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin garanteerinud; oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuksin; garanteerinuks
I would have guaranteed
oleksid garanteerinud; oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuksid; garanteerinuks
you would have guaranteed
oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuks
he/she/it would have guaranteed
oleksime garanteerinud; oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuksime; garanteerinuks
we would have guaranteed
oleksite garanteerinud; oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuksite; garanteerinuks
you all would have guaranteed
oleksid garanteerinud; oleks garanteerinud; garanteerinuksid; garanteerinuks
they would have guaranteed
ei oleks garanteerinud; poleks garanteerinud; ei garanteerinuks
would not have guaranteed
oleks garanteeritud
it would have been guaranteed
ei oleks garanteeritud; poleks garanteeritud
it would not have been guaranteed
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) guarantees
ei garanteerivat
(allegedly) does not guarantee
(allegedly) it is guaranteed
ei garanteeritavat
(allegedly) it is not guaranteed
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat garanteerinud; garanteerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has guaranteed
ei olevat garanteerinud; polevat garanteerinud; ei garanteerinuvat
(allegedly) has not guaranteed
olevat garanteeritud
(allegedly) it has been guaranteed
ei olevat garanteeritud; polevat garanteeritud
(allegedly) it has not been guaranteed
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it guarantee
ärgu garanteerigu
so that he/she/it do not guarantee
so that it be guaranteed
ärgu garanteeritagu
so that it not be guaranteed
Jussive perfect mood
olgu garanteerinud
so that he/she/it have guaranteed
ärgu olgu garanteerinud
so that he/she/it do not have guaranteed
olgu garanteeritud
so that it have been guaranteed
ärgu olgu garanteeritud
so that it not have been guaranteed
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while guaranteeing
while guaranteeing
(due to/following/for) guaranteeing
for the purpose of guaranteeing
without guarantee
that can be guaranteed
being guaranteed

Examples of garanteerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
"Garanteerin teile," või mis? "Ma absoluutselt garanteerin.""I guarantee you," huh? "I absolutely guarantee it. "
"Ma absoluutselt garanteerin."I guarantee one hundred percent.
"Ma garanteerin oma fännidele, et me võidame 115-0.""I'm guaranteeing a win for my fans. "115-0.
"Ma garanteerin, et meil saab raskeid aegu olema."Look, I guarantee that there'll be tough times.
- Kas sa garanteerid seda?- You can guarantee that?
- Kas sa garanteerid selle?- Can you guarantee it?
Ja sa garanteerid Elizabeth'i turvalisuse.And you will guarantee Elizabeth's safety.
"Teenistus garanteerib kodaniku staatuse." Tõlkis:Service guarantees citizenship.
"Teenistus garanteerib kodaniku staatuse."Service guarantees citizenship.
60 miljoni kilovatine sisemine tuumamootor garanteerib, et tal on piisavalt võimsust, et kõik tehtud saaks.- And the 60 million kilowatt internal nuclear power plant... guarantees she's always got enough juice to get the tough jobs done.
Aschen´i riikide liidu liikmeks olemine garanteerib julgeoleku, terviseMembership in the Aschen Confederation... ..guarantees the security, the health...
Ainult 50 sendi eest, poole dollari, viie kümnesendise, kümne viiesendise eest, garanteerime teile sõidu, mis raputab teie siseorganeid.For just 50 cents... a half dollar... five dimes... ten nickels... we have a ride guaranteed to rearrange all of your internal organs.
Me garanteerime et need teevad sinust rõõmsama indiviidi.We guarantee that they'll make you feel a happier individual.
Me garanteerime rahaliselt väljaandmise igalt poolt.We will financially guarantee extradition from anywhere.
Me garanteerime sulle puutumatuse.We guarantee immunity from prosecution.
Aga isegi, kui te seda garanteerite, ei saa ma luna maksta.But even if you guarantee me that, I won't pay the ransom.
Kas te garanteerite, et ma ei lähe vangi, kui sellele alla kirjutan?Can you guarantee I won't go to jail if I sign this?
Igatahes, näete, me anname teile mõned paberid, mis garanteerivad, et me toome teie veoki tagasi täpselt, nagu me ta saime.Anyway, see, we give you a few legal papers... guaranteeing that we'll bring your truck back exactly like we found it.
Ilma politsei ning Rahvuskaardita on see ainus viis, kuidas nad garanteerivad, et seal on ohutu äri teha.Without the cops or the National Guard, it's the only way they guaranteed it's safe enough to keep commerce going there.
Isegi kui tehas suletakse, nad garanteerivad mulle kopsaka summa.Even if... even if they shut down the factory... they've guaranteed that I'll get a hefty sum.
Ja Krispity Krunch on nii rahul, et nad garanteerivad meile aastaks 28 külge.And Krispity Krunch is so happy they guarantee us 28 pages a year.
Kuid alati pea meeles pankuri mõtet: mineviku tootlus ei garanteeri kasumit tulevikus.But always remember the banker: Past performance does not guarantee future performance.
Laager sõprust ei garanteeri.Friendships not guaranteed by camp.
Lihtsalt tulemuste nõudmine ei garanteeri neid.Simply demanding results will not guarantee them
Ma garanteerisin 45 sekundit lennuaega märkidele, peta kaameratI guaranteed Staples 45 seconds of airtime, so cheat out to camera.
Ma garanteerisin pangale raha, mis nende vajadustele vastab.I've just guaranteed the bank sufficient funds to meet their needs.
Ma garanteerisin sellele riigile muundatud sõdalaste kaitse.I guaranteed this country the protection of enhanced troops.
Ja sellega garanteerisid sa Foremani lahkumise.And because of that call, you bacally guaranteedforeman's out of here.
Sa garanteerisid, et Mike ei tee mulle midagi.You guaranteed I'd be safe from Mike.
"Tuinals segamini paraja koguse märjukesega garanteeris meile sügava une."The Tuinals, coupled with a nice amount of booze guaranteed us the sleep of the dead.
Arusaadav. Bauer garanteeris, et see tehnoloogia ei satu hiinlaste kätte.Bauer has guaranteed that the technology will not fall into the hands of the Chinese.
Härra asepresident, meil on riigi parimad vaatekohad. Meid tutvustanud klient garanteeris ohutuse, mille üle te nii väga muretsete.Mr. vice president, we got the best view in the county and as far as your safety concern, client that introduced us practically guaranteed that.
Israeli mänedþer, kelle nimi on Morris Mecklen, garanteeris meile, et Israel nõustub meie järelvalve olema, siis kui valitsus on tema kokkuleppe heaks kiitnud.Now, Israel's manager, a man by the name of Morris Mecklen, has guaranteed us that Israel will enter into protective custody once the government has approved his deal.
- Tsooni ülem Smythe, te garanteerisite, et me saame poisi.- Zone Chief Smythe, you guaranteed that we would have the boy.
- Võin küsida, kuid ei garanteeri, et ta tuleb.- I can't guarantee that he'll see you.
Aga ma ei garanteeri, et Washingtoni persevestid ei tee midagi tobedat, näiteks ei maksa.But I can't depend and I can't guarantee that those assholes in Washington won't do something stupid like... not pay.
Aga oma uurimuses olen aru saanud, et need asjad ei garanteeri kindlalt seda, mida me tegelikult tahame - õnne.But what I found in my research is that having those things certainly doesn't guarantee what we really want, which is happiness.
Ainuüksi see, peaks garanteerima minu tee taevasse.- That alone should guarantee my entry.
Iga partei, kes tuleb võimule peaks garanteerima et...Any party that comes to power will surely guarantee that...
Juba see peaks garanteerima minu pääsu.- That alone should guarantee my entry.
- Aga te ei saa seda garanteerida?- But you can't guarantee?
- Asja uuritakse, Kuid ma võin garanteerida, et see oli viga.CQ's checking into it, but I can guarantee you it's a mistake.
- Jah, pilvi- -mis paistavad suur- tissina, mis on piima täis- -ei suuda kuidagi garanteerida kindaltele aladele.Yes, clouds... ...that look like giant breasts full of milk... ...cannot exactly be guaranteed for any particular occasion.
- Kas võid seda garanteerida?You can guarantee that?
Abiellu rikka mehega, Marisa, sest ainus asi, mis elus garanteerinud on, on see, et arved ei lõppe kunagi.Marry a rich man, Marisa, because the only thing guaranteed in life is that the bills will never stop.
Koloneli jutu järgi on sinu ohutus garanteeritud Torni kammerhärra poolt.According to the Colonel, your safety has been guaranteed by the Chamberlain of the tower.

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