Konsulteerima (to consult) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of konsulteerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I consult
you consult
he/she/it consults
we consult
you all consult
they consult
ei konsulteeri
(do/does) not consult
it is consulted
ei konsulteerita
it is not consulted
Past tense
I consulted
you consulted
he/she/it consulted
we consulted
you all consulted
they consulted
ei konsulteerinud
did not consult
it was consulted
ei konsulteeritud
it was not consulted
Conditional mood
konsulteeriksin, konsulteeriks
I would consult
konsulteeriksid, konsulteeriks
you would consult
he/she/it would consult
konsulteeriksime, konsulteeriks
we would consult
konsulteeriksite, konsulteeriks
you all would consult
konsulteeriksid, konsulteeriks
they would consult
ei konsulteeriks
would not consult
it would be consulted
ei konsulteeritaks
it would not be consulted
Imperative mood
let him/her/it consult
let's consult
let them consult
be consulted
Imperative negative mood
ära konsulteeri
do not consult
ärgu konsulteerigu
let him/her/it not consult
ärgem konsulteerigem, ärme konsulteerime
let him/her/it not consult
ärge konsulteerige
do not consult
ärgu konsulteerigu
let them not consult
ärgu konsulteeritagu
do not be consulted
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been consulted
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen konsulteerinud
I have consulted
oled konsulteerinud
you have consulted
on konsulteerinud
he/she/it has consulted
oleme konsulteerinud
we have consulted
olete konsulteerinud
you all have consulted
on konsulteerinud
they have consulted
ei ole konsulteerinud, pole konsulteerinud
(have/has) not consulted
on konsulteeritud
it has been consulted
ei ole konsulteeritud, pole konsulteeritud
it has not been consulted
Pluperfect past tense
olin konsulteerinud
I had consulted
olid konsulteerinud
you had consulted
oli konsulteerinud
he/she/it had consulted
olime konsulteerinud
we had consulted
olite konsulteerinud
you all had consulted
oli konsulteerinud
they had consulted
ei olnud konsulteerinud, polnud konsulteerinud
had not consulted
oli konsulteeritud
it had been consulted
ei olnud konsulteeritud, polnud konsulteeritud
it had not been consulted
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin konsulteerinud; oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuksin; konsulteerinuks
I would have consulted
oleksid konsulteerinud; oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuksid; konsulteerinuks
you would have consulted
oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuks
he/she/it would have consulted
oleksime konsulteerinud; oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuksime; konsulteerinuks
we would have consulted
oleksite konsulteerinud; oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuksite; konsulteerinuks
you all would have consulted
oleksid konsulteerinud; oleks konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuksid; konsulteerinuks
they would have consulted
ei oleks konsulteerinud; poleks konsulteerinud; ei konsulteerinuks
would not have consulted
oleks konsulteeritud
it would have been consulted
ei oleks konsulteeritud; poleks konsulteeritud
it would not have been consulted
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) consults
ei konsulteerivat
(allegedly) does not consult
(allegedly) it is consulted
ei konsulteeritavat
(allegedly) it is not consulted
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat konsulteerinud; konsulteerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has consulted
ei olevat konsulteerinud; polevat konsulteerinud; ei konsulteerinuvat
(allegedly) has not consulted
olevat konsulteeritud
(allegedly) it has been consulted
ei olevat konsulteeritud; polevat konsulteeritud
(allegedly) it has not been consulted
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it consult
ärgu konsulteerigu
so that he/she/it do not consult
so that it be consulted
ärgu konsulteeritagu
so that it not be consulted
Jussive perfect mood
olgu konsulteerinud
so that he/she/it have consulted
ärgu olgu konsulteerinud
so that he/she/it do not have consulted
olgu konsulteeritud
so that it have been consulted
ärgu olgu konsulteeritud
so that it not have been consulted
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while consulting
while consulting
(due to/following/for) consulting
for the purpose of consulting
without consult
that can be consulted
being consulted

Examples of konsulteerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
Ja ma lihtsalt konsulteerin.I'm merely consulting.
Kui need on tõesti sinu kavatsused siis ma lähen kohe nüüd Osakasse ja konsulteerin Toyotomi arvamust.If those are truly your intentions then I will go right now to Osaka and consult the opinion of the Toyotomi
Kui need on tõesti sinu kavatsused... ...siis ma lähen kohe nüüd Osakasse... ...ja konsulteerin Toyotomi arvamust.If those are truly your intentions... ...then I will go right now to Osaka... ...and consult the opinion of the Toyotomi.
Asja mõte on selles, et kui sa kõigiga konsulteerid oleks see nende huvide konflikt esindada lahutusel Judithit.The point is, if you consult with all the good lawyers, it's a conflict of interest for them to represent Judith.
Kui sa konsulteerid doktoritega... kõik arvamused trükitakse ära.You start consulting doctors, and all sorts of wild notions will be printed.
Kullake, kapten ütleb mulle, et sa konsulteerid, et sa konsulteerid.Honey, Captain tells me you're gonna consult, you're gonna consult.
Korea keeldub vastutust enda peale võtma, ja Ameerika President konsulteerib oma liitlastega.The Koreans deny responsibility, and the President consults his allies.
Me kõik ju teame, et Roger konsulteerib "kõrgemate jõududega"But we all know that Roger consults with the "higher powers. "
Me konsulteerime Lane ja Delafieldiga Cedari haiglast.We're going to consult with Lane and Delafield out of Cedars.
Me konsulteerime Londonis spetsialistiga.[IN NORMAL VOICE] We shall be consulting a specialist in London.
Me konsulteerime Oraakliga.We will consult the Oracle.
Kas te konsulteerite mistahes finantsteenindus firmaga?Do you consult for any financial services firms?
Ma otsin sellise ja siis konsulteerite temaga.Then I'll engage one and you'll consult with him.
Me ei saa ning ei konsulteeri temaga selles küsimuses.We cannot and will not consult on that either.
Enne kui ma alustasin, konsulteerisin õnnekalaga ja...Before we started, I consulted the Fortune Fish, and--
Harley Streeti spetsialistiga ma juba konsulteerisin.I've already consulted a specialist, in Harley Street.
Kohtusin temaga oma kabinetis regulaarselt ja konsulteerisin ka tema eelmise arstiga.I saw her regularly, here in my office, and consulted with her previous doctor as well.
Olen kindel, et sa konsulteerisid terve karja proffidega.I'm sure you consulted a rogue's gallery of qualified professionals.
Paljud on samad eksperdid, kes konsulteerisid Masina disaini ja funktsioneerimise juures.Many are the same experts who have consulted on the Machine's design and function.
Paljud on samad eksperdid, kes konsulteerisid... ...Masina disaini ja funktsioneerimise juures.Many are the same experts who have consulted... ...on the Machine's design and function.
Ta konsulteeris minuga paari juhtumi osas, kui ma kapten olin.She consulted for us on a couple cases when I was a captain.
Ta konsulteeris.He consulted you.
Tema ja mina kohtusime esimest korda, kui ta ühe juhtumi asjus konsulteeris.She and I first met when she consulted on a case--
Õnneks ta konsulteeris enne aurutamist minuga.Fortunately he consulted me before giving it steam.
- Eksperdid, kellega konsulteerisime, usuvad, et peame käivitama Tähevärava hävitamiseks enesehävituse.- The experts we consulted believe... ..we have to begin an autodestruct sequence to destroy the Stargate.
Me konsulteerisime immunoloogiga.We consulted an immunologist.
- Kui juba tarvitad MOAI- ravimeid, siis konsulteeri arstiga.Unless you're already taking an MAO inhibitor, in which case, consult your physician.
Me ei saa ning ei konsulteeri temaga selles küsimuses.We cannot and will not consult on that either.
Kui kasutate MOAI- klassi ravimeid, konsulteerige...If you're taking an MAO inhibitor, consult your physician.
- Sa poleks pidanud minuga konsulteerima. - Jah, pidin küll.- You didn't have to consult me about it.
Aga see professor, kes pidi konsulteerima tulema?When is the doctor coming for consultation?
Dr Rush peab seoses mõne tehnilise probleemiga Maa peal paari inimesega konsulteerima.Dr. Rush had to consult with some people back on earth regarding some technical problems.
Enne Herpexia kasutamist peaksid patsiendid alati konsulteerima arstiga.patients should always consult with a physician before using Herpexia.
Härrased, enne kui me jätkame, pean konsulteerima Washingtoniga.Gentlemen, before we go any further, I'm going to need to consult with Washington.
- Ma kuulan tähelepanelikult. Mul on siin vaja teiega konsulteerida.I need your... consultation.
Ehk saame Aquino Thomasega konsulteerida.Maybe we can get Thomas Aquinas in for a consult.
Ja sellest võiks konsulteerida minuga homme hommikul.That would also be my opinion if consulted tomorrow morning.
Kui sa juhtumisi ei soovi mõne teise patsiendi asjus konsulteerida.Unless, of course, you want to consult on other patients.
Arthur,olles konsulteerinud oma lähimate rüütlitega... otsustas ,et peab lahku minema ja otsima Graali eraldi.Arthur, having consulted his closest knights... decided that they should separate and search for the Grail individually.
Kapten Dan Miller, mees, kes juhib päästeoperatsiooni, teatas, et ta on konsulteerinud ekspertidega ja nad kinnitavad--Capt. Dan Miller, the man in charge of the rescue operation, says he has consulted with experts, and they assure us...
Ma olen teinud täpsed arvestused ning olen konsulteerinud Anne'iga osades detailides.I have, er... made exact calculations and I have consulted Anne on some points of detail.
Kapten Dan Miller, mees, kes juhib päästeoperatsiooni, teatas, et ta on konsulteerinud ekspertidega ja nad kinnitavad--Capt. Dan Miller, the man in charge of the rescue operation, says he has consulted with experts, and they assure us...
Jah, aga ma ei ehitaks sinuga konsulteerimata. Kullake, sa ju tead, et ei vaja minu heakskiitu. Pealegi, sa ju lapsendasid poisi minuga konsulteerimata.I commissioned a design but I would never build without consulting you honey you don't need my approval... after all you adopted the boy without consulting me
Korraldad sellise asja minuga konsulteerimata?You pulled something like that without consulting me?
Ma ei tahtnud, et sa paneks meie korterelamu ettemaksuks et kolida tervet peret, ilma minuga konsulteerimata.I did not mean for you to put a down payment on a townhouse and move the entire family without consulting me.
Oleksin tänulik, kui teie leitnant konsulteeriks minuga, enne kui meediaga suhtleb.I'd also appreciate it if your lieutenant would consult with me before speaking to the press.

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