Programmeerima (to program) conjugation

61 examples

Conjugation of programmeerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I program
you program
he/she/it programs
we program
you all program
they program
ei programmeeri
(do/does) not program
it is programmed
ei programmeerita
it is not programmed
Past tense
I programmed
you programmed
he/she/it programmed
we programmed
you all programmed
they programmed
ei programmeerinud
did not program
it was programmed
ei programmeeritud
it was not programmed
Conditional mood
programmeeriksin, programmeeriks
I would program
programmeeriksid, programmeeriks
you would program
he/she/it would program
programmeeriksime, programmeeriks
we would program
programmeeriksite, programmeeriks
you all would program
programmeeriksid, programmeeriks
they would program
ei programmeeriks
would not program
it would be programmed
ei programmeeritaks
it would not be programmed
Imperative mood
let him/her/it program
let's program
let them program
be programmed
Imperative negative mood
ära programmeeri
do not program
ärgu programmeerigu
let him/her/it not program
ärgem programmeerigem, ärme programmeerime
let him/her/it not program
ärge programmeerige
do not program
ärgu programmeerigu
let them not program
ärgu programmeeritagu
do not be programmed
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been programmed
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen programmeerinud
I have programmed
oled programmeerinud
you have programmed
on programmeerinud
he/she/it has programmed
oleme programmeerinud
we have programmed
olete programmeerinud
you all have programmed
on programmeerinud
they have programmed
ei ole programmeerinud, pole programmeerinud
(have/has) not programmed
on programmeeritud
it has been programmed
ei ole programmeeritud, pole programmeeritud
it has not been programmed
Pluperfect past tense
olin programmeerinud
I had programmed
olid programmeerinud
you had programmed
oli programmeerinud
he/she/it had programmed
olime programmeerinud
we had programmed
olite programmeerinud
you all had programmed
oli programmeerinud
they had programmed
ei olnud programmeerinud, polnud programmeerinud
had not programmed
oli programmeeritud
it had been programmed
ei olnud programmeeritud, polnud programmeeritud
it had not been programmed
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin programmeerinud; oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuksin; programmeerinuks
I would have programmed
oleksid programmeerinud; oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuksid; programmeerinuks
you would have programmed
oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuks
he/she/it would have programmed
oleksime programmeerinud; oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuksime; programmeerinuks
we would have programmed
oleksite programmeerinud; oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuksite; programmeerinuks
you all would have programmed
oleksid programmeerinud; oleks programmeerinud; programmeerinuksid; programmeerinuks
they would have programmed
ei oleks programmeerinud; poleks programmeerinud; ei programmeerinuks
would not have programmed
oleks programmeeritud
it would have been programmed
ei oleks programmeeritud; poleks programmeeritud
it would not have been programmed
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) programs
ei programmeerivat
(allegedly) does not program
(allegedly) it is programmed
ei programmeeritavat
(allegedly) it is not programmed
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat programmeerinud; programmeerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has programmed
ei olevat programmeerinud; polevat programmeerinud; ei programmeerinuvat
(allegedly) has not programmed
olevat programmeeritud
(allegedly) it has been programmed
ei olevat programmeeritud; polevat programmeeritud
(allegedly) it has not been programmed
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it program
ärgu programmeerigu
so that he/she/it do not program
so that it be programmed
ärgu programmeeritagu
so that it not be programmed
Jussive perfect mood
olgu programmeerinud
so that he/she/it have programmed
ärgu olgu programmeerinud
so that he/she/it do not have programmed
olgu programmeeritud
so that it have been programmed
ärgu olgu programmeeritud
so that it not have been programmed
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while programming
while programming
(due to/following/for) programming
for the purpose of programming
without program
that can be programmed
being programmed

Examples of programmeerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
Hästi. Nüüd programmeerin päästeoperatsioonid ümber hävitamisprotokolliks.Great, now I'm going to reprogram " search and rescue protocols. "
Kirjelda nüüd isikut, keda sa soovid tuvastada ja ma programmeerin informatsiooni.Now describe the person you wish to identify and I'II program the information.
Kirjelda nüüd isikut, keda sa soovid tuvastada... ja ma programmeerin informatsiooni.Describe the person you wish to identify. - I'll programme the information.
Kuid see ei lähe pikemaks, mitte enne kui selle sinu täieliku lahendiga programmeerin.But it can't go longer until I program it with the completed equation, Kate.
No kui sa ta ümber programmeerid?You know, if you reprogrammed her?
Nüüd räägi mulle, kuidas sa tagaukse programmeerid.Now tell me how you're gonna program that trap door.
Nüüd ütle mulle, kuidas sa programmeerid selle salaukse.Now tell me how you're gonna program that trap door.
Ta ütles, et võtab karbi, programmeerib selle ümber ja teeb pakkumise kellelegi teisele.He says he takes the box, he reprograms it... ...and then he makes the offer to someone else.
"strateegiline turvalisus" ja "strateegiline tõhusus" on puhtalt tehnilised kaalutlused, vabad inimeste arvamusest või eelarvamusest, me vaid programmeerime need strateegiad arvutisse, mis oskab kaaluda ja kalkuleerida kõiki olulisi muutujaid, võimaldades meil alati jõuda meetodini, mis on hetkel kehtivate teadmiste kohaselt säästva tootmise jaoks absoluutselt parim."Strategic Safety" and "Strategic Efficiency"... are purely technical considerations... devoid of any human opinion or bias... we simply program these strategies into a computer... which can weigh and calculate all the relevant variables... allowing us to always arrive at the... absolute best method for sustainable production... based on current understandings.
Kui me kohe läheme, siis jõuame sinna enne kohtumist,... ..ja programmeerime miini ümber, et ta sihiks Apophise laeva.If we leave now, we can get there before the meeting,... ..and reprogram a mine to target Apophis's ship.
Laename Jaybolt voolukonverteri ja programmeerime ta toituma meie...We'll borrow a power converter from Jaybo and reprogram it to feed our...
Meie ikka programmeerime seda, eks?We are programming this, right? Yes.
- Kui me kohe arvutisse ei sisene, programmeerivad nad selle ümber.If we don't plug into the computer now, they're going to reprogram it.
Missiooni komandör Rollie Crane ja piloot Nadia Schilling programmeerivad põlemiskambri tööd, mille abil Veenusele lendame.Mission Commander Rollie Crane and pilot Nadia Schilling... are programming the injection burn... that will send us on our way to Venus.
Seejärel eriomased ja selgelt määratletud - pommide lõhkamisasjaolud - -programmeeritakse lintmälu kogumikku ...Now then, a specific and clearly defined set of circumstances... under which the bombs are to be exploded... is programmed into a tape memory bank.
Seejärel eriomased ja selgelt määratletud pommide lõhkamistingimused programmeeritakse lintmälu kogumikku ...Now then, a specific and clearly defined set of circumstances... under which the bombs are to be exploded... is programmed into a tape memory bank. Hmm.
- Ma programmeerisin ta selliseks.- I programmed him that way.
Aga igaks juhuks programmeerisin kaitsemehhanismi linna kaitsma.But in the highly unlikely eventuality that you don't, I've programmed a failsafe mechanism to protect the city.
Kui ma ta reisiks ümber programmeerisin, liitsin tema personaalomaduste hulka mõned inimlikud omadused.When I reprogrammed her for this tour, I put some human traits into her personality profile.
Kuula, ma programmeerisin jaama kukkuma Dantele!Listen... I programmed the station to crash on Dante!
- Sa programmeerisid neid sind teenima?- full of 'em right over there. - So you programmed them to serve you.
Ja kui sa jälitusseadme ümber programmeerisid, ei suutnud ma teda leida.And when you reprogrammed the tracker, I couldn't find Lionel...
Kolmekümneviie aasta pärast, sa programmeerisid mind... et oleksin siin sinu kaitsja, praegusel hetkel.Thirty-five years from now, you reprogrammed me... to be your protector here, in this time.
Nad programmeerisid ilmselt need asjad Y-kromosoomi DNA-d jahtima.Look at this. They must have programmed these things to go after D.N.A. with a Y-chromosome.
Arusaadavalt on 20 aastat ilma kontaktita teiste inimestega selle mehe veidi ekstsentriliseks muutnud, kuid te ei saa mind uskuma panna, et ta programmeeris roboteid emotsioone tundma.Look. Granted, the 20 years out of contact with people... has made this man a little eccentric, but you can't ask me to believe... that he's programmed his robots to feel emotions. - Come on.
Arvan, et Finch programmeeris masina nii, et seda kaitsta.Can't it just tell you? I think Finch programmed it not to, to protect it.
Et leida seda inimest kes programmeeris Jerry pean ma esmalt leidma Jerry, aga ma ei saa seda ilma sinu abita teha.To find who programmed Jerry... ...lhavetofind Jerry, but l can't do that without you.
Ei, ma... olen kindel, et me programmeerisime miini õigesti.No, I'm... sure we reprogrammed the mine right.
Kõik mis me sisse programmeerisime et neid aidata, on kadunudEverything that we programmed in to help them is gone.
Ma pole kindel, ta võis mulle sellest rääkida Ta saatis sulle kutse ja me programmeerisime selle sinu "Palm-i" Olgu, sain aru, sain aru.I'm not sure, could be because she told me she sent you an invitation which is on your desk we programmed the date into your palm okay, got it, got it.
Me programmeerisime toidu sütesootori igaühele Teist eraldi, sünnikoha järgi süüa tegema.Yes, we programmed the food synthesiser for each of you based on the regional menu of your birthplace.
Need laibad... Te programmeerisite veresauna!And these bodies... they're programmed to massacre!
Olete kindel, et te programmeerisite seadme õieti?You're certain you've reprogrammed the device properly?
Tahate öelda, et programmeerisite ühe oma Nukkudest Rappija Jackiks?Unless you've been imprinted with the necessary skills. You're telling me you programmed one of your dolls to be Jack the Ripper?
Mind programmeeriti inimtunnetele, kuid see ei tähenda, et olen päris inimene.I was programmed for human emotion. That doesn't mean I'm the bionic woman, you know.
Mind programmeeriti nii, et ma ei raviks teie haigust.I was programmed to leave your peculiar pathology untreated.
Mind programmeeriti selle jaoks.-It's what I was programmed for.
Satelliit programmeeriti mitte ühenduma.Satellite was programmed to disconnect.
- Travis, programmeeri mulle kohe kordusstart!- Travis, program me for relaunch now!
Daggomit, Blamtucky, ma ei programmeeri videomakki ümber.Daggomit, Blamtucky, I ain't re-programming a VCR.
Kuule, skaut, võime teha seda mõlemat pidi. Kui sa tõesti kaotasid Robosapieni, siis programmeeri uus.Listen boy scouts, we can do this with The second way, if you're really missing out Robosapien, another program again.
McKay, sa jää siia ja programmeeri Niam ümber.McKay: you stay here and reprogramme Niam.
Me ei programmeeri enam oma arvuteid.We don't program our computers.
Riietuge vormi ja programmeerige see otsekohe. -Nagu soovite.- Get into uniform and programme it now!
Võtke midagi, mida on loonud loodus ja programmeerige ta ümber nii, et see töötaks inimese heaks, mitte tema vastu.Take something designed by nature ... and reprogram it to make it work for the body rather than against it.
- Sa saad ennast ise programmeerima.- You're capable of programming yourself!
- Ta on õppinud ennast ümber programmeerima.- He learned to program themselves.
Dr. Graiman oli mures, et ma võin õppida end ise programmeerima.Dr. Graiman is concerned that I may develop the ability to self-program...
- Huumorimeelt pole võimalik programmeerida.You can't program a sense of humour.
- Mikroobe saab ümber programmeerida.- The microbes can be reprogrammed.
D'Argo soovitas mul programmeerida hooldusdokki.D'argo advised me to auto-program the Maintenance Bay.
Ei, jõmpsikas oskas programmeerida enne käimaõppimist.No, that kid could programme before he could walk.
- See tähendab, et keegi on arvuti nii ümber programmeerinud, et RIPE'i programm on lukustatud arvutisse.It means someone has reprogrammed the computer so that the RlPE programme is locked away inside.
Ja kui ma ühendan selle siia põhja külge, kui ükskord selle programmeerinud olen....And if I plug this into the bottom like that, once I've programmed it...
- Muidugi, sellises keskkonnas mõistagi mitte, seepärast on mind programmeeritud...Of course you haven't, sir. Not in an environment such as this. That is why I have been programmed...
Ainuke võimalus on pääseda kontrollruumi ja loota, et nende ülesanded ei ole programmeeritud.Our only chance is to get to the control room... and hope that their missions have not been programmed. And what if they have?
Isegi kui ta ei mäleta oma minevikku, võib ta olla programmeeritud sooritama tegusid Ühendriikide vastu.Even if he has no memory of his past, he might have been programmed to commit actions against the United States.
Leela, evolutsioon on programmeerinud meie kuulsad mees-ajud võtma selle, mida ükskõik kes tähtsaks peab, ja tegema seda veelgi suuremaks.Leela, evolution has programmed our fabulous male brains to take anything anybody else thinks is important and make it bigger.
Kuid su ajju on programmeeritud kõik sobivad tähekaardid.But your brain has been programmed with all appropriate star charts,
Telekommunikatsioon seadmed on ühendatud sinu kontoriga, ja skeleton profiil on programmeeritud pea arvutisse.the telecommunications systemis linked directly to your office, and the skeleton profile has been programmedinto the mainframe.
Valerie on programmeeritud igas mõttes inimene olema.You know, Valerie has been programmed to be human in every way.

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