Saavutama (to achieve) conjugation

80 examples

Conjugation of saavutama

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I achieve
you achieve
he/she/it achieves
we achieve
you all achieve
they achieve
ei saavuta
(do/does) not achieve
it is achieved
ei saavutata
it is not achieved
Past tense
I achieved
you achieved
he/she/it achieved
we achieved
you all achieved
they achieved
ei saavutanud
did not achieve
it was achieved
ei saavutatud
it was not achieved
Conditional mood
saavutaksin, saavutaks
I would achieve
saavutaksid, saavutaks
you would achieve
he/she/it would achieve
saavutaksime, saavutaks
we would achieve
saavutaksite, saavutaks
you all would achieve
saavutaksid, saavutaks
they would achieve
ei saavutaks
would not achieve
it would be achieved
ei saavutataks
it would not be achieved
Imperative mood
let him/her/it achieve
let's achieve
let them achieve
be achieved
Imperative negative mood
ära saavuta
do not achieve
ärgu saavutagu
let him/her/it not achieve
ärgem saavutagem, ärme saavutame
let him/her/it not achieve
ärge saavutage
do not achieve
ärgu saavutagu
let them not achieve
ärgu saavutatagu
do not be achieved
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been achieved
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen saavutanud
I have achieved
oled saavutanud
you have achieved
on saavutanud
he/she/it has achieved
oleme saavutanud
we have achieved
olete saavutanud
you all have achieved
on saavutanud
they have achieved
ei ole saavutanud, pole saavutanud
(have/has) not achieved
on saavutatud
it has been achieved
ei ole saavutatud, pole saavutatud
it has not been achieved
Pluperfect past tense
olin saavutanud
I had achieved
olid saavutanud
you had achieved
oli saavutanud
he/she/it had achieved
olime saavutanud
we had achieved
olite saavutanud
you all had achieved
oli saavutanud
they had achieved
ei olnud saavutanud, polnud saavutanud
had not achieved
oli saavutatud
it had been achieved
ei olnud saavutatud, polnud saavutatud
it had not been achieved
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin saavutanud; oleks saavutanud; saavutanuksin; saavutanuks
I would have achieved
oleksid saavutanud; oleks saavutanud; saavutanuksid; saavutanuks
you would have achieved
oleks saavutanud; saavutanuks
he/she/it would have achieved
oleksime saavutanud; oleks saavutanud; saavutanuksime; saavutanuks
we would have achieved
oleksite saavutanud; oleks saavutanud; saavutanuksite; saavutanuks
you all would have achieved
oleksid saavutanud; oleks saavutanud; saavutanuksid; saavutanuks
they would have achieved
ei oleks saavutanud; poleks saavutanud; ei saavutanuks
would not have achieved
oleks saavutatud
it would have been achieved
ei oleks saavutatud; poleks saavutatud
it would not have been achieved
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) achieves
ei saavutavat
(allegedly) does not achieve
(allegedly) it is achieved
ei saavutatavat
(allegedly) it is not achieved
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat saavutanud; saavutanuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has achieved
ei olevat saavutanud; polevat saavutanud; ei saavutanuvat
(allegedly) has not achieved
olevat saavutatud
(allegedly) it has been achieved
ei olevat saavutatud; polevat saavutatud
(allegedly) it has not been achieved
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it achieve
ärgu saavutagu
so that he/she/it do not achieve
so that it be achieved
ärgu saavutatagu
so that it not be achieved
Jussive perfect mood
olgu saavutanud
so that he/she/it have achieved
ärgu olgu saavutanud
so that he/she/it do not have achieved
olgu saavutatud
so that it have been achieved
ärgu olgu saavutatud
so that it not have been achieved
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while achieving
while achieving
(due to/following/for) achieving
for the purpose of achieving
without achieve
that can be achieved
being achieved

Examples of saavutama

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
Ja ma saavutan surma.And I will achieve death.
Kui jumal lubab mul elada, saavutan ma rohkem, kui saavutas mu ema."If God lets me live, I'll achieve more than Mother ever did. "
Ma tahan, et sa õnnelik oleksid, kuidas iganes ma seda saavutan.- I want you to be happy, However that's achieved.
"Sa saavutad suurepärase suhte oma isaga." Jah!"You'll achieve a beautiful connection with your father." ♪ Just faster ♪ ♪ Win Papi's love ♪ ♪ With that pile of plaster ♪ ♪ Help me to help you to help him ♪ ♪ And then you'll hear him say ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ I'm milking the Milky Way ♪ ♪ I'm loving this lovely day ♪ ♪ And I ♪ ♪ Feel like a million ♪ ♪ Wow zee wow ♪ ♪ This cat is back, and how ♪ ♪ I'm taking my big-time bow ♪ ♪ when I feel like a million ♪ ♪ A million, a million ♪ ♪ A million ♪
"Sa saavutad suurepärase suhte oma isaga.""You'll achieve a beautiful connection with your father."
Aga sa pead sellega tegelema pidevalt ja intensiivselt ning siis sa saavutad seda.But you must practice it... continuously, intensely... and then you'll achieve it.
"Kuni mees saavutab oma eesmärke, või on teel,"Until a man achieves his goals, or is on the road to,
...saavutab täiusliku metafüüsilise kõla ja muudab end Jumala helihargiks."...the embrace of sin, the individual achieves perfect metaphysical pitch and transforms himself into a tuning fork of God."
Aga Jumal aidaku seda, kes selle tegelikult saavutab.But heaven help the person who actually achieves that.
Ainult tulemuslikkus on see, mis ta teeb, ta teeb seda kogu aeg, muide, see ongi, mis saavutab hullumeelsuse.The only performance that makes it, that really makes it that makes it all the way, is the one that achieves madness.
Ainult koos rahuliku eksistentsi arvestamisega saavutame me oma kooselu eesmärgi.Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together.
Ainus viis, millega saavutame Kaitse ja Edu oma inimestele - on selle koostöö abil.The only way that we can achieve Security and Prosperity for our people - is through this cooperation.
Aja jooksul saavad meil olema relvad, ja piisavalt süüa ja juua, et vastu pidada niikaua kuni võidu saavutame.In time, we shall have weapons, and enough food and drink to sustain us for as long as it takes to achieve victory.
Kes teab, mida te kolmekesi veel saavutate?Who knows what you three might achieve!
Kuid saavutate selle ilmse jumalate sundimatusega.But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods.
Selle tagajärjena, kui te saavutate oma varade 93% müügi, siis saate $1,4 miljonilise ühekordse boonuse.As a result, if you achieve a 93% sale of your assets, you will receive a $1.4 million one-off bonus.
Erinevalt emastest, kes saavutavad oma eesmärke ainult mehi võrgutades.Unlike females who can only achieve their goals by seducing male after male.
Jumal hoidku, kui nad kunagi saavutavad midagi elus tööd tehes.God forbid they ever achieve anything in life by actually working for it.
Kaks meest, kes on sees, saavutavad tõukejõu, vändates rattaid.Propulsion is achieved by two men, who are housed within. They operate cranks, which rotate the wheels.
Kummalised paarid, leitnant, saavutavad ootamatuid tegusid.Strange pairs, Lieutenant. They can achieve the most unexpected things.
Kätetugevuse kaudu me võitu ei saavuta.we cannot achieve victory through strenght of arms.
Sa rääkisid meile, et ülestõusmine saavutatakse, kui füüsiline keha muutub puhtaks energiaks.You told us that Ascension is achieved... ...when the physical body is transformed into pure energy.
See saavutatakse kolmeteistkümnest osast koosneva kehaliste karistuste seeriaga.This is achieved this by a series of 13 corporal punishments.
Huvitaval kombel, kui ma saavutasin selle, mis tõotab saada minu elutööks, ...on minust lõpuks saanud tõeline mina.But, of course, interestingly... the exact moment that I achieved... ...what'll probably prove to be my life's work... ...that's the moment when I started being the real me finally.
Huvitaval kombel, kui ma saavutasin selle, mis tõotab saada minu elutööks, on minust lõpuks saanud tõeline mina.Interestingly, when I achieved... ...what will prove to be my life's work... ...I've become the real me, finally.
Huvitaval kombel, kui ma saavutasin selle... ...mis tõotab saada minu elutööks... ...on minust lõpuks saanud tõeline mina.Interestingly, when I achieved... ...what will prove to be my life's work... ...I've become the real me, finally.
Kui kõik, mis ma saavutasin, on see, et võllamees saab kaks paari saapaid ühe asemel, siis olgu nii.If all I have achieved is the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it.
- Nad saavutasid warp süsteemi alles eelmisel aastal.- They've just achieved warp drive.
Kui asja mõte oli mind Jumalale tutvustada, siis sa saavutasid selle.If the idea was for me to see God, y ou've achieved it+
Kui igavesed saavutasid täieliku teadvuse, muutus uni iganenuks ja selle asemele tuli teise astme meditatsioon.As Eternals achieved total consciousness, sleep became obsolete and Second Level meditation took its place.
"Keskmises näidendis saavutas Joseph Tribbian'i uue taseme..." "...halvas näitlemises.""ln a mediocre play, Joseph Tribbiani achieved brilliant levels of-- Continued on page 1 53. --sucking. "
"Keskmises näidendis saavutas Joseph Tribbian'i uue taseme...""In a mediocre play, Joseph Tribbiani achieved brilliant levels of... Continued on page 153.
- Su vend on praegu temaga ja kindlasti uhkeldab sellega, kuidas ta üksi läände seilas ning kõik saavutas.Well, that's where your brother is now, and no doubt he's already boasting about how he sailed west, alone, and all he has achieved alone.
Aga oma Iühikese elu jooksul saavutas ta kahtlemata oma esivanema, Achilleuse, müütilise au ja enamgi.But in his short life, he achieved, without doubt the mythic glory of his ancestor Achilles and more.
Ja me saavutasime selle.We've achieved that.
Ja üksmehena me tähistame seda, mida me saavutasime.And as one, we will celebrate what we achieved.
Kuid seda harmooniat, mis me saavutasime, ründab praegu väike, kuid äärmiselt ohtlik grupp isikuid.But this harmony we achieved is now under attack from a small but extremely dangerous group of individuals.
Ma leian, et tähtis on see, et meil kõigil oli eesmärk ja me saavutasime selle.I think what's important is we all had a goal, and we achieved it. So, you like the place?
Kui te sellele praegu tagasi vaatate, kas te leiate, et saavutasite midagi Münheni operatsioonil.Do you think, looking back on it now... that you achieved anything in the Munich operation?
See mida te saavutasite sisaldab ka võitu.What you achieved is that ever-elusive victory within.
Objekti nähtamatus saavutati, vähendades lennuki ristpindu ja lisades lokaatori kiiri neelavaid materjale, mis vähendavad tagasipeegelduvaid kiiri.Stealth was achieved by shrinking the geometric cross section of the plane and adding radar-absorbing materials to cut down reflectivity.
Oleme täna saavutanud mõningaid tulemusi, kuid me kõik teame oma südametes, see saavutati ebaseaduslikul teel.We have achieved some results today But we all know in our hearts This was achieved through illegal means
Meie arvestuste kohaselt saavutaksid vaenlaste jõud õhus ülekaalu esimese viie nädala jooksul.We calculated that enemy forces would achieve air superiority within the first five weeks of war.
- Me vaatasime selle pakkumise uuesti üle. Meie arvates ei saavuta United Fusion lubatut kunagi.We took another look and we just don't think United Fusion is ever gonna achieve what they claim.
- Siin lakke vahtides ei saavuta sa küll midagi.You won't achieve anything staring at these four walls.
Clarence, ma tahan, et võtaksid selle sõrmuse... nagu tunnusmärk, mida sa kunagi ei saavuta.Clarence, I want you to have this ring... as a token of what you will never achieve.
4400 ja kõik, mida nad pidid saavutama seatakse ohtu.The 4400 and everything that they were meant to achieve will be in jeopardy.
Enam ei peagi midagi saavutama.You don't have to achieve anything.
Keskpärasuse peab ta alles saavutama.He has yet to achieve mediocrity.
"Ja ei suuda saavutada. "It won't achieve.
- Asjaolu, et mul võib olla saba, pärast miljoneid aastaid selle äraheitmist, meenutab mulle, mida me võime saavutada.You've got a tail? The fact that I can have a tail, millions of years after we shed it, reminds me of what we can achieve.
- Ehk isegi võimatud saavutada.- Perhaps even impossible to achieve.
- Veider on see, et kui võtan selle koha vastu, siis olen saavutanud rohkem, kui tema kogu oma karjääri jooksul.The weird thing is, if I take this job, I'll have achieved more than he ever did on the force.
Aga alates koidikust, mida mulle meeldib kutsuda Victoria ajaks, oleme saavutanud täieliku seksikuse.But since the dawn of what i'd like to call... the Victorian era, we have achieved total hotness.
Ameeriklastena peaksime me uhked olema kõige selle nimel, mida oleme saavutanud.As americans, we should stand together proud of what we have achieved.
Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud....will not rest until a final victory has been achieved.
Me täname Jumalat ja Kuninglikku Majesteeti, et kõik see on saavutatud ilma verevalamiseta.We thank God as we thank the King's Majesty that all this has been achieved without bloodshed.
Meie, Okeaania rahvas... - Oligarhilise kollektivismi teooria ja praktika. Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud.We, the people of Oceania, and our traditional allies, the people of Eurasia, will not rest until the final victory has been achieved.
Meie, Okeaania rahvas... - Oligarhilise kollektivismi teooria ja praktika. Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud.We, the people of Oceania will not rest until a final victory has been achieved.
- Veider on see, et kui võtan selle koha vastu, siis olen saavutanud rohkem, kui tema kogu oma karjääri jooksul.The weird thing is, if I take this job, I'll have achieved more than he ever did on the force.
Ja ka inglane. See, mis ma olen saavutanud ja kavatsen saavutada, on minu perekonna, ülikooli ja riigi heaks.What I have achieved, what I intend to achieve, is for my family, my university and my country.
Ja siis see juhtub, ja ma mõistan, et ainus asi olen saavutanudAnd then this happens, and i realize the only thing i have achieved
Ja vaadates tagasi... ma tunnen, et olen saavutanud väärt sõpruse: sinu ja minu ja Mia.And looking back... I feel I have achieved little of worth beyond our friendship: ...yours and mine, and Mia's.
Dogen, unusta, et oled saavutanud valgustatuse.Dogen forget even that you have achieved enlightenment.
Sa oled saavutanud suurepärase asja.You have achieved a miraculous thing
Spock, on tähelepanuväärne, et oled saavutanud nii palju, vaatamata oma puudusele.It is truly remarkable Spock that you have achieved so much... despite your disadvantage.
Kali on saavutanud oma eesmärgi.Kali has achieved his goal.
PõIvkondi mehi ja naisi on võtnud selle enda sihtpunktiks. Tulla Mani saarele ja sättida ennast raja äärde. See on saavutanud rahvusvahelise kuulsuse.generations of men and women have made the pilgrimage to the Isle of Man to pit themselves against the track, which has achieved international status and become synonymous with speed and glory
Tean, et ta oleks uhke , mida ta on saavutanud.I know he would have been proud of what he has achieved.
Tõusu generaator Utopia 3-s, on saavutanud alalise liikumise.The Tidal Generator within Utopia Three has achieved simulated perpetual motion.
Aga alates koidikust, mida mulle meeldib kutsuda Victoria ajaks, oleme saavutanud täieliku seksikuse.But since the dawn of what i'd like to call... the Victorian era, we have achieved total hotness.
Ameeriklastena peaksime me uhked olema kõige selle nimel, mida oleme saavutanud.As americans, we should stand together proud of what we have achieved.
Koos, me oleme saavutanud palju.Together we have achieved a great many things.
Teised võistlejad ei oota teist mitte midagi, teil pole midagi kaotada, peale selle, mis te siiani olete saavutanud.Everyone competing expects nothing-- nothing from you, so you have nothing to Iose, except everything you have achieved so far.
Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud....will not rest until a final victory has been achieved.
Me täname Jumalat ja Kuninglikku Majesteeti, et kõik see on saavutatud ilma verevalamiseta.We thank God as we thank the King's Majesty that all this has been achieved without bloodshed.
Meie, Okeaania rahvas... - Oligarhilise kollektivismi teooria ja praktika. Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud.We, the people of Oceania, and our traditional allies, the people of Eurasia, will not rest until the final victory has been achieved.
Meie, Okeaania rahvas... - Oligarhilise kollektivismi teooria ja praktika. Emmanuel Goldstein. - ...ei puhka enne, kui lõplik võit on saavutatud.We, the people of Oceania will not rest until a final victory has been achieved.
Kaua aega tagasi, kui ma tegelesin ajaküsimusega, lõin ma programmi, mis saavutaks seda väga kiiresti.A long time ago, in the event that I ever did solve the time issue, I created a program that would achieve that very quickly.
lõin ma programmi, mis saavutaks seda väga kiiresti.I created a program that would achieve that very quickly.

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