Brighten up (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, make, become brighter, make cheerful

Conjugation of brighten up

you all
Present Simple
brighten up
brighten up
brightens up
brighten up
brighten up
brighten up
Future Simple
will brighten up
will brighten up
will brighten up
will brighten up
will brighten up
will brighten up
Past Simple
brightened up
brightened up
brightened up
brightened up
brightened up
brightened up
Conditional Simple
would brighten up
would brighten up
would brighten up
would brighten up
would brighten up
would brighten up
you all
Present Progressive
am brightening up
are brightening up
is brightening up
are brightening up
are brightening up
are brightening up
Future Progressive
will be brightening up
will be brightening up
will be brightening up
will be brightening up
will be brightening up
will be brightening up
Past Progressive
was brightening up
were brightening up
was brightening up
were brightening up
were brightening up
were brightening up
Conditional Progressive
would be brightening up
would be brightening up
would be brightening up
would be brightening up
would be brightening up
would be brightening up
you all
Present Perfect
have brightened up
have brightened up
has brightened up
have brightened up
have brightened up
have brightened up
Future Perfect
will have brightened up
will have brightened up
will have brightened up
will have brightened up
will have brightened up
will have brightened up
Past Perfect
had brightened up
had brightened up
had brightened up
had brightened up
had brightened up
had brightened up
Conditional Perfect
would have brightened up
would have brightened up
would have brightened up
would have brightened up
would have brightened up
would have brightened up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been brightening up
have been brightening up
has been brightening up
have been brightening up
have been brightening up
have been brightening up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been brightening up
will have been brightening up
will have been brightening up
will have been brightening up
will have been brightening up
will have been brightening up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been brightening up
had been brightening up
had been brightening up
had been brightening up
had been brightening up
had been brightening up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been brightening up
would have been brightening up
would have been brightening up
would have been brightening up
would have been brightening up
would have been brightening up

Examples of brighten up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Our lives have brighten up with the stars."
"The lights will brighten up the dark hillsides"...
"l took Sa Id in to brighten up my old age."
- Come on, brighten up!
- I mean, who the hell pays... to brighten up a Cadillac Eldorado?
"Our lives have brighten up with the stars."
"The lights will brighten up the dark hillsides"...
"l took Sa Id in to brighten up my old age."
- Come on, brighten up!
- I mean, who the hell pays... to brighten up a Cadillac Eldorado?
"Heather, I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park."
'Blasting the shit out of a razorback brightens up my day.' That's Jake Cullen.
- Oh, I don't know... Blasting the shit out of a razorback brightens up my day.
Anyway, she brightens up the joint.
But, all of those stories seem kind of gay, 'cause we all know who brightens up our holiday!
"Heather, I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park."
'Blasting the shit out of a razorback brightens up my day.' That's Jake Cullen.
- Oh, I don't know... Blasting the shit out of a razorback brightens up my day.
Anyway, she brightens up the joint.
But, all of those stories seem kind of gay, 'cause we all know who brightens up our holiday!
"Suddenly, she brightened up.
# But now you come along and brightened up my world
Before, i found this town gloomy and sad, but it was my fault because suddenly, it's all brightened up!
He quite brightened up when some demi-Krays came sniffing round Henrietta.
I drew my gun, then pointed it to the sky... and then I fired a flare which brightened up the whole area.
Having ruled the late '90s, brightening up trendy magazine covers and appearing in irreverent soft drinks ads, the 2000s would be less kind to Lara, despite, or perhaps because of, being trained by the equally unrealistic Angelina Jolie
I didn't realize that my house needed brightening up.
I was thinking of brightening up this place.
Is brightening up the den really the top of your priority list?
It's brightening up the place.
"Suddenly, she brightened up.
# But now you come along and brightened up my world
Before, i found this town gloomy and sad, but it was my fault because suddenly, it's all brightened up!
He quite brightened up when some demi-Krays came sniffing round Henrietta.
I drew my gun, then pointed it to the sky... and then I fired a flare which brightened up the whole area.
Having ruled the late '90s, brightening up trendy magazine covers and appearing in irreverent soft drinks ads, the 2000s would be less kind to Lara, despite, or perhaps because of, being trained by the equally unrealistic Angelina Jolie
I didn't realize that my house needed brightening up.
I was thinking of brightening up this place.
Is brightening up the den really the top of your priority list?
It's brightening up the place.

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