Call to mind (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: cause, reflect upon, do, page 101, evoke, cause to think about

Conjugation of call to mind

you all
Present Simple
call to mind
call to mind
calls to mind
call to mind
call to mind
call to mind
Future Simple
will call to mind
will call to mind
will call to mind
will call to mind
will call to mind
will call to mind
Past Simple
called to mind
called to mind
called to mind
called to mind
called to mind
called to mind
Conditional Simple
would call to mind
would call to mind
would call to mind
would call to mind
would call to mind
would call to mind
you all
Present Progressive
am calling to mind
are calling to mind
is calling to mind
are calling to mind
are calling to mind
are calling to mind
Future Progressive
will be calling to mind
will be calling to mind
will be calling to mind
will be calling to mind
will be calling to mind
will be calling to mind
Past Progressive
was calling to mind
were calling to mind
was calling to mind
were calling to mind
were calling to mind
were calling to mind
Conditional Progressive
would be calling to mind
would be calling to mind
would be calling to mind
would be calling to mind
would be calling to mind
would be calling to mind
you all
Present Perfect
have called to mind
have called to mind
has called to mind
have called to mind
have called to mind
have called to mind
Future Perfect
will have called to mind
will have called to mind
will have called to mind
will have called to mind
will have called to mind
will have called to mind
Past Perfect
had called to mind
had called to mind
had called to mind
had called to mind
had called to mind
had called to mind
Conditional Perfect
would have called to mind
would have called to mind
would have called to mind
would have called to mind
would have called to mind
would have called to mind
Present Perfect Progressive
have been calling to mind
have been calling to mind
has been calling to mind
have been calling to mind
have been calling to mind
have been calling to mind
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been calling to mind
will have been calling to mind
will have been calling to mind
will have been calling to mind
will have been calling to mind
will have been calling to mind
Past Perfect Progressive
had been calling to mind
had been calling to mind
had been calling to mind
had been calling to mind
had been calling to mind
had been calling to mind
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been calling to mind
would have been calling to mind
would have been calling to mind
would have been calling to mind
would have been calling to mind
would have been calling to mind

Examples of call to mind

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"All sorts of strange dates she'll always call to mind" celebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins.
And they call to mind the losses that so many of us are experiencing, because in a time of war, grief is not something shared by the few.
I don't call to mind that I have anything more to say to you.
If we call to mind our beginning, some of us may find a time where our fathers were under affliction and suffering.
"All sorts of strange dates she'll always call to mind" celebrate the sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins.
And they call to mind the losses that so many of us are experiencing, because in a time of war, grief is not something shared by the few.
I don't call to mind that I have anything more to say to you.
If we call to mind our beginning, some of us may find a time where our fathers were under affliction and suffering.
In fact, a one-armed player would have at least had a shot at it, which calls to mind the question once again, why, with all the two-armed youngsters waiting in the minor leagues, does this team stick with an armless second baseman?
It calls to mind Rick Moody. Have you ever read Demonology?
It calls to mind a piece I had from ramel one season.
It calls to mind an organism that's on the verge of extinction.
It calls to mind everyone I have ever known who's died.
In fact, a one-armed player would have at least had a shot at it, which calls to mind the question once again, why, with all the two-armed youngsters waiting in the minor leagues, does this team stick with an armless second baseman?
It calls to mind Rick Moody. Have you ever read Demonology?
It calls to mind a piece I had from ramel one season.
It calls to mind an organism that's on the verge of extinction.
It calls to mind everyone I have ever known who's died.
It called to mind Gypsy camps, slums and shanty towns.
Somehow the word "wedding" has always called to mind a different picture.
Somehow the words "wedding night" have always called to mind a different picture too.
Through it, one is able to call to mind things long forgotten or to forget things... best not called to mind.
Which called to mind a murderous surfer named Shane.
I'm calling to mind my training.
It called to mind Gypsy camps, slums and shanty towns.
Somehow the word "wedding" has always called to mind a different picture.
Somehow the words "wedding night" have always called to mind a different picture too.
Through it, one is able to call to mind things long forgotten or to forget things... best not called to mind.
Which called to mind a murderous surfer named Shane.
I'm calling to mind my training.

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