Catch up (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: reach something that had been ahead, be, make up a deficiency, entangle, pick up suddenly, bring, pick, get, get news, reach, compensate, chapter 3, bring someone else up to date with the news, compensate for, be brought up to date with news

Conjugation of catch up

you all
Present Simple
catch up
catch up
catches up
catch up
catch up
catch up
Future Simple
will catch up
will catch up
will catch up
will catch up
will catch up
will catch up
Past Simple
caught up
caught up
caught up
caught up
caught up
caught up
Conditional Simple
would catch up
would catch up
would catch up
would catch up
would catch up
would catch up
you all
Present Progressive
am catching up
are catching up
is catching up
are catching up
are catching up
are catching up
Future Progressive
will be catching up
will be catching up
will be catching up
will be catching up
will be catching up
will be catching up
Past Progressive
was catching up
were catching up
was catching up
were catching up
were catching up
were catching up
Conditional Progressive
would be catching up
would be catching up
would be catching up
would be catching up
would be catching up
would be catching up
you all
Present Perfect
have caught up
have caught up
has caught up
have caught up
have caught up
have caught up
Future Perfect
will have caught up
will have caught up
will have caught up
will have caught up
will have caught up
will have caught up
Past Perfect
had caught up
had caught up
had caught up
had caught up
had caught up
had caught up
Conditional Perfect
would have caught up
would have caught up
would have caught up
would have caught up
would have caught up
would have caught up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been catching up
have been catching up
has been catching up
have been catching up
have been catching up
have been catching up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been catching up
will have been catching up
will have been catching up
will have been catching up
will have been catching up
will have been catching up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been catching up
had been catching up
had been catching up
had been catching up
had been catching up
had been catching up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been catching up
would have been catching up
would have been catching up
would have been catching up
would have been catching up
would have been catching up

Examples of catch up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! - I'll let you young people catch up.
"But someday I will catch up to you. "And we'll all of us be together again... "Always.
"Eat and drink at night, catch up with sleep in the day."
"Frankly, he looked like a guy who was trying to catch up. "
"I tried to catch up to him, "but the madness had already begun.
! - I'll let you young people catch up.
"But someday I will catch up to you. "And we'll all of us be together again... "Always.
"Eat and drink at night, catch up with sleep in the day."
"Frankly, he looked like a guy who was trying to catch up. "
"I tried to catch up to him, "but the madness had already begun.
'Cause Hector... still on our tail and it won't be much longer until he catches up with us again.
'Cause he's got a story for everything... and if the truth catches up to him... then, hey, he just tells one more lie... to stay ahead of it.
'Your career is dead if she catches up with you.'
- Just wait until Whitey catches up.
- Life catches up.
'Cause Hector... still on our tail and it won't be much longer until he catches up with us again.
'Cause he's got a story for everything... and if the truth catches up to him... then, hey, he just tells one more lie... to stay ahead of it.
'Your career is dead if she catches up with you.'
- Just wait until Whitey catches up.
- Life catches up.
"Phut, phut"s away and off I go, but I've got a lot of catching up to do.
"oh,notice.He's catching up."
'Cause, if not, I was kind of looking forward to making up some popcorn, you know, and catching up on the wrestling on TV.
'I suppose it doesn't matter very much as we'll be catching up 'very soon face to face.
(MIMICS BRITISH ACCENT) They have a little catching up to do.
"'The Central Show" caught up with his wife Ellen.'
"... or whatever has caught up with us... "
"Better lost in jianghu than caught up in the world"
"For we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will live with the Lord forever. "
"Got caught up with something.
"Phut, phut"s away and off I go, but I've got a lot of catching up to do.
"oh,notice.He's catching up."
'Cause, if not, I was kind of looking forward to making up some popcorn, you know, and catching up on the wrestling on TV.
'I suppose it doesn't matter very much as we'll be catching up 'very soon face to face.
(MIMICS BRITISH ACCENT) They have a little catching up to do.
"'The Central Show" caught up with his wife Ellen.'
"... or whatever has caught up with us... "
"Better lost in jianghu than caught up in the world"
"For we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will live with the Lord forever. "
"Got caught up with something.

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