Cut up (to ) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: behave, distress, cut into smaller pieces, righteous indignation driving psychology, move, distress mentally, injure, page 42, stave 1, disintegrate, divide into portions well, break into bits, subject to hostile criticism, have the property left at death turn out well, divide, do, censure, wound by multiple lacerations, lacerate, behave like a clown, comprise, damage by cutting, cut

Conjugation of cut up

you all
Present Simple
cut up
cut up
cuts up
cut up
cut up
cut up
Future Simple
will cut up
will cut up
will cut up
will cut up
will cut up
will cut up
Past Simple
cut up
cut up
cut up
cut up
cut up
cut up
Conditional Simple
would cut up
would cut up
would cut up
would cut up
would cut up
would cut up
you all
Present Progressive
am cutting up
are cutting up
is cutting up
are cutting up
are cutting up
are cutting up
Future Progressive
will be cutting up
will be cutting up
will be cutting up
will be cutting up
will be cutting up
will be cutting up
Past Progressive
was cutting up
were cutting up
was cutting up
were cutting up
were cutting up
were cutting up
Conditional Progressive
would be cutting up
would be cutting up
would be cutting up
would be cutting up
would be cutting up
would be cutting up
you all
Present Perfect
have cut up
have cut up
has cut up
have cut up
have cut up
have cut up
Future Perfect
will have cut up
will have cut up
will have cut up
will have cut up
will have cut up
will have cut up
Past Perfect
had cut up
had cut up
had cut up
had cut up
had cut up
had cut up
Conditional Perfect
would have cut up
would have cut up
would have cut up
would have cut up
would have cut up
would have cut up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been cutting up
have been cutting up
has been cutting up
have been cutting up
have been cutting up
have been cutting up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been cutting up
will have been cutting up
will have been cutting up
will have been cutting up
will have been cutting up
will have been cutting up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been cutting up
had been cutting up
had been cutting up
had been cutting up
had been cutting up
had been cutting up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been cutting up
would have been cutting up
would have been cutting up
would have been cutting up
would have been cutting up
would have been cutting up

Examples of cut up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"He applies the holy mark on his forehead, he cuts up a goat..."
A couple of weeks before that, this Diggs's partner... he cuts up Garrison with a homemade knife... and then takes a dive from 30,000 feet during the plane transfer.
And if that one cuts up rough today, she can have a piece of me too.
Either he gets it here, or he drinks that paint peeler Willie Pettigrew cuts up back in his swamp.
He cuts up the middle.
"He applies the holy mark on his forehead, he cuts up a goat..."
A couple of weeks before that, this Diggs's partner... he cuts up Garrison with a homemade knife... and then takes a dive from 30,000 feet during the plane transfer.
And if that one cuts up rough today, she can have a piece of me too.
Either he gets it here, or he drinks that paint peeler Willie Pettigrew cuts up back in his swamp.
He cuts up the middle.
" I wish the boy was here to cut up the bonito and I wish I had some salt.
"It doesn't matter what his defense is because he's guilty "and they're going to find him guilty because he cut up the body and, therefore, he's going to be found guilty,"
"When in doubt, cut up a pig. " That was the town motto.
"Where's my stuff and my girl? Who cut up all these crazy newspapers?"
# Don't make me have to cut up a thug #
"What part of his leg did you saw on first, Mr. Durst, your friend that you were cutting up?"
- ... and he's cutting up losers ... [chuckles] What are you doing?
- Excuse me, cap, you know, they're cutting up my carpet in there, and that's imported shag, man.
- Frank, I want her back, too, but if the cops come and we're cutting up a human body,
- I wish I knew. I know this might sound creepy, but I was up all night last night cutting up pictures of little girls. None of them seemed to be the right one.
" I wish the boy was here to cut up the bonito and I wish I had some salt.
"It doesn't matter what his defense is because he's guilty "and they're going to find him guilty because he cut up the body and, therefore, he's going to be found guilty,"
"When in doubt, cut up a pig. " That was the town motto.
"Where's my stuff and my girl? Who cut up all these crazy newspapers?"
# Don't make me have to cut up a thug #
"What part of his leg did you saw on first, Mr. Durst, your friend that you were cutting up?"
- ... and he's cutting up losers ... [chuckles] What are you doing?
- Excuse me, cap, you know, they're cutting up my carpet in there, and that's imported shag, man.
- Frank, I want her back, too, but if the cops come and we're cutting up a human body,
- I wish I knew. I know this might sound creepy, but I was up all night last night cutting up pictures of little girls. None of them seemed to be the right one.

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We have none.


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We have none.

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We have none.


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cut it
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cut the mustard

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