Explain away (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: dismiss, minimize by explanation

Conjugation of explain away

you all
Present Simple
explain away
explain away
explains away
explain away
explain away
explain away
Future Simple
will explain away
will explain away
will explain away
will explain away
will explain away
will explain away
Past Simple
explained away
explained away
explained away
explained away
explained away
explained away
Conditional Simple
would explain away
would explain away
would explain away
would explain away
would explain away
would explain away
you all
Present Progressive
am explaining away
are explaining away
is explaining away
are explaining away
are explaining away
are explaining away
Future Progressive
will be explaining away
will be explaining away
will be explaining away
will be explaining away
will be explaining away
will be explaining away
Past Progressive
was explaining away
were explaining away
was explaining away
were explaining away
were explaining away
were explaining away
Conditional Progressive
would be explaining away
would be explaining away
would be explaining away
would be explaining away
would be explaining away
would be explaining away
you all
Present Perfect
have explained away
have explained away
has explained away
have explained away
have explained away
have explained away
Future Perfect
will have explained away
will have explained away
will have explained away
will have explained away
will have explained away
will have explained away
Past Perfect
had explained away
had explained away
had explained away
had explained away
had explained away
had explained away
Conditional Perfect
would have explained away
would have explained away
would have explained away
would have explained away
would have explained away
would have explained away
Present Perfect Progressive
have been explaining away
have been explaining away
has been explaining away
have been explaining away
have been explaining away
have been explaining away
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been explaining away
will have been explaining away
will have been explaining away
will have been explaining away
will have been explaining away
will have been explaining away
Past Perfect Progressive
had been explaining away
had been explaining away
had been explaining away
had been explaining away
had been explaining away
had been explaining away
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been explaining away
would have been explaining away
would have been explaining away
would have been explaining away
would have been explaining away
would have been explaining away

Examples of explain away

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
# Well, some things you can explain away #
# and all the lights make it difficult # # to just explain away # I've been damned and redeemed, damned and redeemed # # there's a logic to love # # but it's not one that I've ever seen #
- ? ©­i explain away.
- Diego, explain away.
- They love you when you're talking about smaller class sizes but not so much when you're trying to explain away a quickie with Tawny.
# Well, some things you can explain away #
# and all the lights make it difficult # # to just explain away # I've been damned and redeemed, damned and redeemed # # there's a logic to love # # but it's not one that I've ever seen #
- ? ©­i explain away.
- Diego, explain away.
- They love you when you're talking about smaller class sizes but not so much when you're trying to explain away a quickie with Tawny.
And we don't have a goddamned pedophile uncle who made our childhood a living hell and explains away all your shit in one fell swoop.
It explains away his bad breath.
OK, well if he's telling the truth, that explains away the two champagne flutes.
And we don't have a goddamned pedophile uncle who made our childhood a living hell and explains away all your shit in one fell swoop.
It explains away his bad breath.
OK, well if he's telling the truth, that explains away the two champagne flutes.
- Your honor, this so-called evidence can be explained away simply.
According to Harlan, the variance between Keck and his colleagues cannot be explained away by known confounds.
All the physical evidence can be explained away with a lie.
And I explained away the differences because our relationship was different.
And if it can be explained, then it can be explained away.
- So you go to the hardware store explaining away the dark reddish stains on the handle as barbeque sauce.
He's inside, explaining away a hide.
Hitler used a campaign of hatred against a people called Jews as a means of explaining away all the problems of his country.
I could not continue in this game of Scientology without explaining away what he was doing.
The fact is, it is much too early to think of neurotheology as a means of explaining away people's faith.
- Your honor, this so-called evidence can be explained away simply.
According to Harlan, the variance between Keck and his colleagues cannot be explained away by known confounds.
All the physical evidence can be explained away with a lie.
And I explained away the differences because our relationship was different.
And if it can be explained, then it can be explained away.
- So you go to the hardware store explaining away the dark reddish stains on the handle as barbeque sauce.
He's inside, explaining away a hide.
Hitler used a campaign of hatred against a people called Jews as a means of explaining away all the problems of his country.
I could not continue in this game of Scientology without explaining away what he was doing.
The fact is, it is much too early to think of neurotheology as a means of explaining away people's faith.

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