Get into (to ) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, issue, enter, become involved in a discussion, make behave uncharacteristically, enter an unfavourable state, reach, make, move into an object, reach into an object, move

Conjugation of get into

you all
Present Simple
get into
get into
gets into
get into
get into
get into
Future Simple
will get into
will get into
will get into
will get into
will get into
will get into
Past Simple
got into
got into
got into
got into
got into
got into
Conditional Simple
would get into
would get into
would get into
would get into
would get into
would get into
you all
Present Progressive
am getting into
are getting into
is getting into
are getting into
are getting into
are getting into
Future Progressive
will be getting into
will be getting into
will be getting into
will be getting into
will be getting into
will be getting into
Past Progressive
was getting into
were getting into
was getting into
were getting into
were getting into
were getting into
Conditional Progressive
would be getting into
would be getting into
would be getting into
would be getting into
would be getting into
would be getting into
you all
Present Perfect
have gotten into
have gotten into
has gotten into
have gotten into
have gotten into
have gotten into
Future Perfect
will have gotten into
will have gotten into
will have gotten into
will have gotten into
will have gotten into
will have gotten into
Past Perfect
had gotten into
had gotten into
had gotten into
had gotten into
had gotten into
had gotten into
Conditional Perfect
would have gotten into
would have gotten into
would have gotten into
would have gotten into
would have gotten into
would have gotten into
Present Perfect Progressive
have been getting into
have been getting into
has been getting into
have been getting into
have been getting into
have been getting into
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been getting into
will have been getting into
will have been getting into
will have been getting into
will have been getting into
will have been getting into
Past Perfect Progressive
had been getting into
had been getting into
had been getting into
had been getting into
had been getting into
had been getting into
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been getting into
would have been getting into
would have been getting into
would have been getting into
would have been getting into
would have been getting into

Examples of get into

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! C- couldn't we get into your car?
! How would you have known how to get into the safe?
" I hear the Bloomberg party's gonna be hard to get into this year.
" Now, did you have to, uh, do a lot of research to get into character for that or.
"'cause she'll break the door down to get into there.
! C- couldn't we get into your car?
! How would you have known how to get into the safe?
" I hear the Bloomberg party's gonna be hard to get into this year.
" Now, did you have to, uh, do a lot of research to get into character for that or.
"'cause she'll break the door down to get into there.
"But you've had your fun, and we need this phone back before it gets into the wrong hands."
"He gets into the act and inspires everybody"
"No one gets into this profession out of liking, sir"
"Rodrigo gets into car parked in wrong space.
# 'Cause when one gets into an entanglement, dawn plays tricks on you. #
"But you've had your fun, and we need this phone back before it gets into the wrong hands."
"He gets into the act and inspires everybody"
"No one gets into this profession out of liking, sir"
"Rodrigo gets into car parked in wrong space.
# 'Cause when one gets into an entanglement, dawn plays tricks on you. #
! That psycho Bulldog and I got into it this afternoon.
! Uh, she said you got into a fight with him.
! You got into an accident, Paul died, and you took it upon yourself
"A company so poisoned by profits that even the few good souls who remember why they got into health care are silenced."
"Brody Lassiter got into drugs, and decided to move to Miami to be an actor."
! That psycho Bulldog and I got into it this afternoon.
! Uh, she said you got into a fight with him.
! You got into an accident, Paul died, and you took it upon yourself
"A company so poisoned by profits that even the few good souls who remember why they got into health care are silenced."
"Brody Lassiter got into drugs, and decided to move to Miami to be an actor."
! I'm not getting into it.
"A branch of a cedar tree, ice-cubes, a photo of as many people as you can getting into your car, "a CD from a service station - but you may not get out of your car to get it... "a bicycle, a vine and a dog."
"I was getting into bed when the doorbell rang.
"If I had known what I was getting into, I would have said no, "and it would have been a mistake."
"Just can't be sitting around getting into trouble."
! - What's gotten into you do today?
! Your husband is standing right in front of you trying to figure out what the hell has gotten into is wife.
"If you're reading this, he's probably lost or gotten into trouble."
"Watts" gotten into you Hulk?
"What's gotten into you, Rajiv? - Why?
! I'm not getting into it.
"A branch of a cedar tree, ice-cubes, a photo of as many people as you can getting into your car, "a CD from a service station - but you may not get out of your car to get it... "a bicycle, a vine and a dog."
"I was getting into bed when the doorbell rang.
"If I had known what I was getting into, I would have said no, "and it would have been a mistake."
"Just can't be sitting around getting into trouble."
! - What's gotten into you do today?
! Your husband is standing right in front of you trying to figure out what the hell has gotten into is wife.
"If you're reading this, he's probably lost or gotten into trouble."
"Watts" gotten into you Hulk?
"What's gotten into you, Rajiv? - Why?

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