Hold up (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: lift, impede, rob, keep, fulfil, fulfil fulfill, part ii, delay, rob at gunpoint, support, detain, withstand, wait, stand up to, do, survive, keep up

Conjugation of hold up

you all
Present Simple
hold up
hold up
holds up
hold up
hold up
hold up
Future Simple
will hold up
will hold up
will hold up
will hold up
will hold up
will hold up
Past Simple
held up
held up
held up
held up
held up
held up
Conditional Simple
would hold up
would hold up
would hold up
would hold up
would hold up
would hold up
you all
Present Progressive
am holding up
are holding up
is holding up
are holding up
are holding up
are holding up
Future Progressive
will be holding up
will be holding up
will be holding up
will be holding up
will be holding up
will be holding up
Past Progressive
was holding up
were holding up
was holding up
were holding up
were holding up
were holding up
Conditional Progressive
would be holding up
would be holding up
would be holding up
would be holding up
would be holding up
would be holding up
you all
Present Perfect
have held up
have held up
has held up
have held up
have held up
have held up
Future Perfect
will have held up
will have held up
will have held up
will have held up
will have held up
will have held up
Past Perfect
had held up
had held up
had held up
had held up
had held up
had held up
Conditional Perfect
would have held up
would have held up
would have held up
would have held up
would have held up
would have held up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been holding up
have been holding up
has been holding up
have been holding up
have been holding up
have been holding up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been holding up
will have been holding up
will have been holding up
will have been holding up
will have been holding up
will have been holding up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been holding up
had been holding up
had been holding up
had been holding up
had been holding up
had been holding up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been holding up
would have been holding up
would have been holding up
would have been holding up
would have been holding up
would have been holding up

Examples of hold up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! Ahalright, Chef, I'll have my assistants hold up the flag. And you tell me what exactly you find racist about it.
! If that's your hold up here, then let's just do that.
"I'll tell who you are unless you help me hold up this train."
"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing..." hold up!
"Might have" "Could have" Those aren't phrases that hold up in court
! Ahalright, Chef, I'll have my assistants hold up the flag. And you tell me what exactly you find racist about it.
! If that's your hold up here, then let's just do that.
"I'll tell who you are unless you help me hold up this train."
"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing..." hold up!
"Might have" "Could have" Those aren't phrases that hold up in court
"Fourteen." I only hope his sweet tooth holds up.
(Announcer) While Amanda holds up the red kitchen, the blue kitchen's still waiting on Natalie.
(Frost) Now we're getting someplace. I wonder what holds up that dress.
*****reinforce the door that holds up the knockers.
- His alibi holds up.
"Fourteen." I only hope his sweet tooth holds up.
(Announcer) While Amanda holds up the red kitchen, the blue kitchen's still waiting on Natalie.
(Frost) Now we're getting someplace. I wonder what holds up that dress.
*****reinforce the door that holds up the knockers.
- His alibi holds up.
"A man is being held up at Gunpoint. "
"Are you ridin' the rails 'Cause you held up the mails
"Barton Brothers held up Cheyenne Express last week.
"Crossing the barren steppe, the night rises within you." We see each other, right? A mirror held up to the face of God.
"Curious crowds at Hob's Lane became so large "that work was held up on the new underground railway station. "
"How many fingers am I holding up?
"So why wasn't he holding up his end of the bargain?
"The patent thing" is the only piece of paper that's holding up our deal from yesterday.
"What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke.
"What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke.
"A man is being held up at Gunpoint. "
"Are you ridin' the rails 'Cause you held up the mails
"Barton Brothers held up Cheyenne Express last week.
"Crossing the barren steppe, the night rises within you." We see each other, right? A mirror held up to the face of God.
"Curious crowds at Hob's Lane became so large "that work was held up on the new underground railway station. "
"How many fingers am I holding up?
"So why wasn't he holding up his end of the bargain?
"The patent thing" is the only piece of paper that's holding up our deal from yesterday.
"What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke.
"What's holding up the annulment, you slowpoke.

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