Live a lie (to ) conjugation

38 examples
This verb can also mean the following: do, conceal something about, conceal

Conjugation of live a lie

you all
Present Simple
live a lie
live a lie
lives a lie
live a lie
live a lie
live a lie
Future Simple
will live a lie
will live a lie
will live a lie
will live a lie
will live a lie
will live a lie
Past Simple
lived a lie
lived a lie
lived a lie
lived a lie
lived a lie
lived a lie
Conditional Simple
would live a lie
would live a lie
would live a lie
would live a lie
would live a lie
would live a lie
you all
Present Progressive
am living a lie
are living a lie
is living a lie
are living a lie
are living a lie
are living a lie
Future Progressive
will be living a lie
will be living a lie
will be living a lie
will be living a lie
will be living a lie
will be living a lie
Past Progressive
was living a lie
were living a lie
was living a lie
were living a lie
were living a lie
were living a lie
Conditional Progressive
would be living a lie
would be living a lie
would be living a lie
would be living a lie
would be living a lie
would be living a lie
you all
Present Perfect
have lived a lie
have lived a lie
has lived a lie
have lived a lie
have lived a lie
have lived a lie
Future Perfect
will have lived a lie
will have lived a lie
will have lived a lie
will have lived a lie
will have lived a lie
will have lived a lie
Past Perfect
had lived a lie
had lived a lie
had lived a lie
had lived a lie
had lived a lie
had lived a lie
Conditional Perfect
would have lived a lie
would have lived a lie
would have lived a lie
would have lived a lie
would have lived a lie
would have lived a lie
Present Perfect Progressive
have been living a lie
have been living a lie
has been living a lie
have been living a lie
have been living a lie
have been living a lie
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been living a lie
will have been living a lie
will have been living a lie
will have been living a lie
will have been living a lie
will have been living a lie
Past Perfect Progressive
had been living a lie
had been living a lie
had been living a lie
had been living a lie
had been living a lie
had been living a lie
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been living a lie
would have been living a lie
would have been living a lie
would have been living a lie
would have been living a lie
would have been living a lie

Examples of live a lie

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Can't live a lie."
(sing) But you live a lie (sing)
(sing) You see the truth (sing) (sing) But you live a lie (sing)
* So you pray to God * * To justify the wheel * * Live a lie,live a lie... *
- But you can't live a lie. - No, I can't.
"Can't live a lie."
(sing) But you live a lie (sing)
(sing) You see the truth (sing) (sing) But you live a lie (sing)
* So you pray to God * * To justify the wheel * * Live a lie,live a lie... *
- But you can't live a lie. - No, I can't.
Everybody lives a lie. You should know that.
She doesn't get to make our whole lives a lie!
She lives a lie, You get to die a hypocrite.
Well, yeah. I mean, better that the guy lives a lie than he inconvenience the family. I mean...
Everybody lives a lie. You should know that.
She doesn't get to make our whole lives a lie!
She lives a lie, You get to die a hypocrite.
Well, yeah. I mean, better that the guy lives a lie than he inconvenience the family. I mean...
And she lived a lie.
He lived a lie, now he's paying.
I lived a lie for a year and 3 months, how fucking stupid am I?
I lived a lie.
We've lived a lie all our lives, without questioning it, since we were children, without realising it, believing it was happiness.
"That's it. I'm gay. "I like myself, and I'm not living a lie anymore."
- I don't want you to live a double life, I don't want you to live a life that you're not happy in because the one thing I never want you to do is hurt someone by living a lie.
- Look, Now that I'm dead, I've decided to stop living a lie. I'm gay, Arbie.
Actually... you telling us the truth made me realize your dad and I had been living a lie.
All those years... a man I called my brother was living a lie, and I... I took it... hook, line and sinker.
And she lived a lie.
He lived a lie, now he's paying.
I lived a lie for a year and 3 months, how fucking stupid am I?
I lived a lie.
We've lived a lie all our lives, without questioning it, since we were children, without realising it, believing it was happiness.
"That's it. I'm gay. "I like myself, and I'm not living a lie anymore."
- I don't want you to live a double life, I don't want you to live a life that you're not happy in because the one thing I never want you to do is hurt someone by living a lie.
- Look, Now that I'm dead, I've decided to stop living a lie. I'm gay, Arbie.
Actually... you telling us the truth made me realize your dad and I had been living a lie.
All those years... a man I called my brother was living a lie, and I... I took it... hook, line and sinker.

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