Put on (to ) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: affect, warm, initiate cooking, assume, initiate, on, deceive, kid, don, adopt, fool, play

Conjugation of put on

you all
Present Simple
put on
put on
puts on
put on
put on
put on
Future Simple
will put on
will put on
will put on
will put on
will put on
will put on
Past Simple
put on
put on
put on
put on
put on
put on
Conditional Simple
would put on
would put on
would put on
would put on
would put on
would put on
you all
Present Progressive
am putting on
are putting on
is putting on
are putting on
are putting on
are putting on
Future Progressive
will be putting on
will be putting on
will be putting on
will be putting on
will be putting on
will be putting on
Past Progressive
was putting on
were putting on
was putting on
were putting on
were putting on
were putting on
Conditional Progressive
would be putting on
would be putting on
would be putting on
would be putting on
would be putting on
would be putting on
you all
Present Perfect
have put on
have put on
has put on
have put on
have put on
have put on
Future Perfect
will have put on
will have put on
will have put on
will have put on
will have put on
will have put on
Past Perfect
had put on
had put on
had put on
had put on
had put on
had put on
Conditional Perfect
would have put on
would have put on
would have put on
would have put on
would have put on
would have put on
Present Perfect Progressive
have been putting on
have been putting on
has been putting on
have been putting on
have been putting on
have been putting on
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been putting on
will have been putting on
will have been putting on
will have been putting on
will have been putting on
will have been putting on
Past Perfect Progressive
had been putting on
had been putting on
had been putting on
had been putting on
had been putting on
had been putting on
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been putting on
would have been putting on
would have been putting on
would have been putting on
would have been putting on
would have been putting on

Examples of put on

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"He puts on his yin-yang baseball cap and asks for her number.
"I pity the fool that puts on my jewelry.
"That dog puts on airs because he's the Major's friend."
(19305 MUSIC PLAYING) Delta Psi puts on a production of Julius Caesar.
(As Susan sleeps Ping-Cho puts on her cloak and leaves.)
"He puts on his yin-yang baseball cap and asks for her number.
"I pity the fool that puts on my jewelry.
"That dog puts on airs because he's the Major's friend."
(19305 MUSIC PLAYING) Delta Psi puts on a production of Julius Caesar.
(As Susan sleeps Ping-Cho puts on her cloak and leaves.)
"'But he laughs whenever I talk about it, and we have to go out and raise money to put on something in which the public has no interest."' End quote.
"...president admitted that the parade was put on by Wonderland marketing.
"A lie could make it halfway around the world before the truth can put on its pants."
"A refined gold notice advised the habit of rigor Swift and put on his impeccable tux. 'Follow the giant bodyguard Sudan deftly avoiding the photographers, "Joined the greatest names of high society;
"Adi, put on your shoes"
"...putting on the porter's coarser weave.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes."
"A" is not playing a game, she's putting on a magic show.
"But, if I know the kind of high voltage dolls... " "the late and unlamented Harry prebble went for... " "She was just a flashy blonde, putting on an act as a lady. "
"I'm just putting on the glove, Mr. Williams".
"'But he laughs whenever I talk about it, and we have to go out and raise money to put on something in which the public has no interest."' End quote.
"...president admitted that the parade was put on by Wonderland marketing.
"A lie could make it halfway around the world before the truth can put on its pants."
"A refined gold notice advised the habit of rigor Swift and put on his impeccable tux. 'Follow the giant bodyguard Sudan deftly avoiding the photographers, "Joined the greatest names of high society;
"Adi, put on your shoes"
"...putting on the porter's coarser weave.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes."
"A" is not playing a game, she's putting on a magic show.
"But, if I know the kind of high voltage dolls... " "the late and unlamented Harry prebble went for... " "She was just a flashy blonde, putting on an act as a lady. "
"I'm just putting on the glove, Mr. Williams".

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