Set off (to ) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: let off, begin, cause, initiate, offset, make angry, cause to explode, do, make, leave, compensate for to reduce the effect of, deface, begin a journey, soil the next sheet, trip

Conjugation of set off

you all
Present Simple
set off
set off
sets off
set off
set off
set off
Future Simple
will set off
will set off
will set off
will set off
will set off
will set off
Past Simple
set off
set off
set off
set off
set off
set off
Conditional Simple
would set off
would set off
would set off
would set off
would set off
would set off
you all
Present Progressive
am setting off
are setting off
is setting off
are setting off
are setting off
are setting off
Future Progressive
will be setting off
will be setting off
will be setting off
will be setting off
will be setting off
will be setting off
Past Progressive
was setting off
were setting off
was setting off
were setting off
were setting off
were setting off
Conditional Progressive
would be setting off
would be setting off
would be setting off
would be setting off
would be setting off
would be setting off
you all
Present Perfect
have set off
have set off
has set off
have set off
have set off
have set off
Future Perfect
will have set off
will have set off
will have set off
will have set off
will have set off
will have set off
Past Perfect
had set off
had set off
had set off
had set off
had set off
had set off
Conditional Perfect
would have set off
would have set off
would have set off
would have set off
would have set off
would have set off
Present Perfect Progressive
have been setting off
have been setting off
has been setting off
have been setting off
have been setting off
have been setting off
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been setting off
will have been setting off
will have been setting off
will have been setting off
will have been setting off
will have been setting off
Past Perfect Progressive
had been setting off
had been setting off
had been setting off
had been setting off
had been setting off
had been setting off
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been setting off
would have been setting off
would have been setting off
would have been setting off
would have been setting off
would have been setting off

Examples of set off

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
'Cause sometimes my chair sets off the alarm.
'The peaceful county of Devon 'is home to one of England's largest fireworks factories, 'but the tranquillity is shattered... '..when a tiny spark sets off £18,000 of explosives.'.
- It sets off atomic bombs? - That's what they're after.
- Sometimes that sets off a fraud alert.
-I hope this sets off the sprinklers.
'Cause sometimes my chair sets off the alarm.
'The peaceful county of Devon 'is home to one of England's largest fireworks factories, 'but the tranquillity is shattered... '..when a tiny spark sets off £18,000 of explosives.'.
- It sets off atomic bombs? - That's what they're after.
- Sometimes that sets off a fraud alert.
-I hope this sets off the sprinklers.
! I don't think one industrialized chicken is gonna set off puberty!
" As if a demolition team set off, when you see the whole demolitions of whole buildings. "
" It was not to be supposed that Mr. Coleridge could keep on "at the rate he set off. "A-ha.
"As soon as they had passed, Benjamin Bunny... "slid into the road and set off... "with a hop, skip and a jump to call upon his relations...
"But a religious group had set off nerve gas on the train... "and we were evacuated before I even got ten blocks.
"I am setting off to meet John of Austria" This is news.
"No, Puccini, if you ever leave this boat, we're not setting off".
"You know, I'm worried about Sheldon "someday setting off a low-yield nuclear device because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O."
' We're just setting off now, yeah.
(QUIETLY) They don't know how he got out without setting off the alarm.
! I don't think one industrialized chicken is gonna set off puberty!
" As if a demolition team set off, when you see the whole demolitions of whole buildings. "
" It was not to be supposed that Mr. Coleridge could keep on "at the rate he set off. "A-ha.
"As soon as they had passed, Benjamin Bunny... "slid into the road and set off... "with a hop, skip and a jump to call upon his relations...
"But a religious group had set off nerve gas on the train... "and we were evacuated before I even got ten blocks.
"I am setting off to meet John of Austria" This is news.
"No, Puccini, if you ever leave this boat, we're not setting off".
"You know, I'm worried about Sheldon "someday setting off a low-yield nuclear device because the cafeteria ran out of lime Jell-O."
' We're just setting off now, yeah.
(QUIETLY) They don't know how he got out without setting off the alarm.

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