Snuggle up (to ) conjugation

30 examples
This verb can also mean the following: hold someone, lie, sit in a comfortable

Conjugation of snuggle up

you all
Present Simple
snuggle up
snuggle up
snuggled up
snuggle up
snuggle up
snuggle up
Future Simple
will snuggle up
will snuggle up
will snuggle up
will snuggle up
will snuggle up
will snuggle up
Past Simple
snuggled up
snuggled up
snuggled up
snuggled up
snuggled up
snuggled up
Conditional Simple
would snuggle up
would snuggle up
would snuggle up
would snuggle up
would snuggle up
would snuggle up
you all
Present Progressive
am snuggling up
are snuggling up
is snuggling up
are snuggling up
are snuggling up
are snuggling up
Future Progressive
will be snuggling up
will be snuggling up
will be snuggling up
will be snuggling up
will be snuggling up
will be snuggling up
Past Progressive
was snuggling up
were snuggling up
was snuggling up
were snuggling up
were snuggling up
were snuggling up
Conditional Progressive
would be snuggling up
would be snuggling up
would be snuggling up
would be snuggling up
would be snuggling up
would be snuggling up
you all
Present Perfect
have snuggled up
have snuggled up
has snuggled up
have snuggled up
have snuggled up
have snuggled up
Future Perfect
will have snuggled up
will have snuggled up
will have snuggled up
will have snuggled up
will have snuggled up
will have snuggled up
Past Perfect
had snuggled up
had snuggled up
had snuggled up
had snuggled up
had snuggled up
had snuggled up
Conditional Perfect
would have snuggled up
would have snuggled up
would have snuggled up
would have snuggled up
would have snuggled up
would have snuggled up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been snuggling up
have been snuggling up
has been snuggling up
have been snuggling up
have been snuggling up
have been snuggling up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been snuggling up
will have been snuggling up
will have been snuggling up
will have been snuggling up
will have been snuggling up
will have been snuggling up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been snuggling up
had been snuggling up
had been snuggling up
had been snuggling up
had been snuggling up
had been snuggling up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been snuggling up
would have been snuggling up
would have been snuggling up
would have been snuggling up
would have been snuggling up
would have been snuggling up

Examples of snuggle up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Holi's just an excuse to snuggle up to me"
"It's pouring with rain in Mojón, we snuggle up by the fire.
- Come on, snuggle up!
- No. All I want is to get into bed, listen to Prairie Home Companion and snuggle up to my wonderful husband.
- The only time I'd ever snuggle up to you is if I was on the side of the Eiger, on a shelf, and not to do so would mean I'd freeze to death.
"Holi's just an excuse to snuggle up to me"
"It's pouring with rain in Mojón, we snuggle up by the fire.
- Come on, snuggle up!
- No. All I want is to get into bed, listen to Prairie Home Companion and snuggle up to my wonderful husband.
- The only time I'd ever snuggle up to you is if I was on the side of the Eiger, on a shelf, and not to do so would mean I'd freeze to death.
"as he yawned a big yawn and snuggled up in his bed to have lovely dreams."
...nestledin andpassedoutall snuggled up.
And he snuggled up and went to sleep.
And yet, here we are, snuggled up like two bugs in a rug.
Apparently, enough happened that she's all snuggled up in your clothes.
- Look at you, Al, snuggling up to your horse.
- Well, how do you explain your snuggling up to him?
And imagine a bed with a farmer and his wife fast asleep... snuggling up for warmth.
Fourth is you snuggling up to him with your head on his chest. while he looks away into space.
How would you feel about snuggling up
"as he yawned a big yawn and snuggled up in his bed to have lovely dreams."
...nestledin andpassedoutall snuggled up.
And he snuggled up and went to sleep.
And yet, here we are, snuggled up like two bugs in a rug.
Apparently, enough happened that she's all snuggled up in your clothes.
- Look at you, Al, snuggling up to your horse.
- Well, how do you explain your snuggling up to him?
And imagine a bed with a farmer and his wife fast asleep... snuggling up for warmth.
Fourth is you snuggling up to him with your head on his chest. while he looks away into space.
How would you feel about snuggling up

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