Stay together (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: remain, do, avoid separation despite pressure to do so

Conjugation of stay together

you all
Present Simple
stay together
stay together
stays together
stay together
stay together
stay together
Future Simple
will stay together
will stay together
will stay together
will stay together
will stay together
will stay together
Past Simple
stayed together
stayed together
stayed together
stayed together
stayed together
stayed together
Conditional Simple
would stay together
would stay together
would stay together
would stay together
would stay together
would stay together
you all
Present Progressive
am staying together
are staying together
is staying together
are staying together
are staying together
are staying together
Future Progressive
will be staying together
will be staying together
will be staying together
will be staying together
will be staying together
will be staying together
Past Progressive
was staying together
were staying together
was staying together
were staying together
were staying together
were staying together
Conditional Progressive
would be staying together
would be staying together
would be staying together
would be staying together
would be staying together
would be staying together
you all
Present Perfect
have stayed together
have stayed together
has stayed together
have stayed together
have stayed together
have stayed together
Future Perfect
will have stayed together
will have stayed together
will have stayed together
will have stayed together
will have stayed together
will have stayed together
Past Perfect
had stayed together
had stayed together
had stayed together
had stayed together
had stayed together
had stayed together
Conditional Perfect
would have stayed together
would have stayed together
would have stayed together
would have stayed together
would have stayed together
would have stayed together
Present Perfect Progressive
have been staying together
have been staying together
has been staying together
have been staying together
have been staying together
have been staying together
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been staying together
will have been staying together
will have been staying together
will have been staying together
will have been staying together
will have been staying together
Past Perfect Progressive
had been staying together
had been staying together
had been staying together
had been staying together
had been staying together
had been staying together
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been staying together
would have been staying together
would have been staying together
would have been staying together
would have been staying together
would have been staying together

Examples of stay together

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! We're staying down in the lower quarter. Hey, stay together.
" You won't stay together long time."
"And remember what I told you: stay together. "
"And we'll always stay together like this."
"Every day, a dire wolf dies, but the pack must stay together."
! We're staying down in the lower quarter. Hey, stay together.
" You won't stay together long time."
"And remember what I told you: stay together. "
"And we'll always stay together like this."
"Every day, a dire wolf dies, but the pack must stay together."
" The family that prays together stays together."
"The family that sautés together stays together."
- Family that prays together, stays together.
A couple that plays together, stays together.
A family stays together till the very end.
" The family that prays together stays together."
"The family that sautés together stays together."
- Family that prays together, stays together.
A couple that plays together, stays together.
A family stays together till the very end.
"It's why they stayed together".
# For ever and ever # [narrator] And so they stayed together, doing all the things a boy and a bear could do.
- Then in Rome, you stayed together.
After I tamed him, we stayed together for quite a while.
All Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis stayed together Here is Munna
- Then you're staying together.
- We are staying together, aren't we?
- We're staying together.
- We're staying together.
- staying together forever.
"It's why they stayed together".
# For ever and ever # [narrator] And so they stayed together, doing all the things a boy and a bear could do.
- Then in Rome, you stayed together.
After I tamed him, we stayed together for quite a while.
All Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis stayed together Here is Munna
- Then you're staying together.
- We are staying together, aren't we?
- We're staying together.
- We're staying together.
- staying together forever.

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