Acampar (to camp) conjugation

87 examples

Conjugation of acampar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I camp
you camp
he/she/it camps
we camp
you all camp
they camp
Present perfect tense
he acampado
I have camped
has acampado
you have camped
ha acampado
he/she/it has camped
hemos acampado
we have camped
habéis acampado
you all have camped
han acampado
they have camped
Past preterite tense
I camped
you camped
he/she/it camped
we camped
you all camped
they camped
Future tense
I will camp
you will camp
he/she/it will camp
we will camp
you all will camp
they will camp
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would camp
you would camp
he/she/it would camp
we would camp
you all would camp
they would camp
Past imperfect tense
I used to camp
you used to camp
he/she/it used to camp
we used to camp
you all used to camp
they used to camp
Past perfect tense
había acampado
I had camped
habías acampado
you had camped
había acampado
he/she/it had camped
habíamos acampado
we had camped
habíais acampado
you all had camped
habían acampado
they had camped
Future perfect tense
habré acampado
I will have camped
habrás acampado
you will have camped
habrá acampado
he/she/it will have camped
habremos acampado
we will have camped
habréis acampado
you all will have camped
habrán acampado
they will have camped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I camp
(if/so that) you camp
(if/so that) he/she/it camp
(if/so that) we camp
(if/so that) you all camp
(if/so that) they camp
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya acampado
I have camped
hayas acampado
you have camped
haya acampado
he/she/it has camped
hayamos acampado
we have camped
hayáis acampado
you all have camped
hayan acampado
they have camped
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have camped
(if/so that) you have camped
(if/so that) he/she/it have camped
(if/so that) we have camped
(if/so that) you all have camped
(if/so that) they have camped
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have camped
(if/so that) you have camped
(if/so that) he/she/it have camped
(if/so that) we have camped
(if/so that) you all have camped
(if/so that) they have camped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera acampado
I had camped
hubieras acampado
you had camped
hubiera acampado
he/she/it had camped
hubiéramos acampado
we had camped
hubierais acampado
you all had camped
hubieran acampado
they had camped
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese acampado
I had camped
hubieses acampado
you had camped
hubiese acampado
he/she/it had camped
hubiésemos acampado
we had camped
hubieseis acampado
you all had camped
hubiesen acampado
they had camped
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have camped
(if/so that) you will have camped
(if/so that) he/she/it will have camped
(if/so that) we will have camped
(if/so that) you all will have camped
(if/so that) they will have camped
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere acampado
I will have camped
hubieres acampado
you will have camped
hubiere acampado
he/she/it will have camped
hubiéremos acampado
we will have camped
hubiereis acampado
you all will have camped
hubieren acampado
they will have camped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's camp!
Imperative negative mood
no acampes
do not camp!
no acampe
let him/her/it camp!
no acampemos
let us not camp!
no acampéis
do not camp!
no acampen
do not camp!

Examples of acampar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Buscamos un lugar para acampar.- Just looking for a place to camp.
- Iré a acampar junto al río.- I'm going to camp down by the river.
- Lo usamos para acampar.We use it to camp.
- Pero necesito acampar aquí.- But I need to camp here.
- Son 3 horas hasta acampar.- It's 3 hours to camp.
- Y ahora acampo.- And now I'm camping.
- Yo acampo junto al estanque sur.- I'm camping down at the pond due south.
Estoy por terminar... así que empacaré mis cosas y me iré adonde acampo.You know, I'm just about done here... so I'll probably pack up my stuff and head back up to camp.
La gente acampo para conseguir un lugar en la fila para vivir este fenómeno.People are camping out to get a place in line to experience this phenomenon.
No acampo desde... bien, la última vez, fue mi abuelo que me llevo.I haven't gone camping since... well, since the last time my grandpa took me.
- General. - ¿Dónde acampas?- Where are you camped?
-Tú no acampas.You don't camp.
Es como cuando acampas. Se cuentan historias cerca del fuego. Y termina asustando a los demás más que cualquier cosa.It's like when you're camping and, you know, you start telling ghost stories by the fire and you end up scaring yourselves more than any actual outside threat ever could.
Kyle, tienes algunos recuerdos de acampas?Kyle, you got any memories of camping?
Necesitas hacer una fogata cuando acampasCamping trip needs a camp fire.
...frente al extranjero que armado acampa en nuestro suelo, y cantad:" the face of the foreigner who put up armed camps on our soil sing: Italia!
Bajo estas condiciones es que acampa aquí.It's under these conditions that he camps here.
El ejército de Takeda Shingen acampa en Unnodaira en Shinano.Takeda Shigen's army camps at Unnodaira in Shinano.
La gente acampa en una tienda, en un camping.People camp in a tent, on a campsite.
Oculto por la niebla, Takeda vadea el río Chikuma y acampa en Hachimangahara.Hidden by fog, Takeda fords the Chikuma River and camps at Hachimangahara.
- ¿Dónde acampamos, Agamenón?-Where do we make camp, Agamemnon?
Absolutamente. ¿Por qué no llegamos al punto y luego acampamos?Oh, yeah. Let's go out there and to the lake at camp.
Ahí es donde acampamos Joe y yo, debajo de la base del embarcadero.That's where Joe and I camped, there at the base of that jetty.
Ahí es donde creen que acampamos anoche, donde dejé el coche en la cuneta y donde efectuarán la búsqueda.Now, that's where we made the camp, where I left the car, and where the search will be.
Allí es donde acampamos.That's where we camped.
Sí. ¿Por qué no acampáis aquí?Yeah. Why don't you camp yourselves right here?
- Básicamente la siguió al bosque, donde acampan los que van al concierto y la escuché gritar.And afterwards? Well, he basically followed her into the woods, where the concertgoers camp and I heard her screaming.
Alguno acampan incluso en el CastilloSome even camp in the chateau
Aquí llueve mucho, esta vaguada donde acampan se llenará de agua.You get a lot of rain here, this draw you're camping in will be full of water.
Dile a tus amigos que si acampan aquí, reciben algo de esto.Tell your dirtbag buddies... they camp out here, they get some of this.
Dos reyes así enfrentados acampan en el hombre, igual que en las hierbas, la virtud y la baja pasion.2 such opposed kings encamp them still in man as well as herbs: grace and rude will;
-Sí, acampé con él anoche.Yeah, I camped with him last night.
Cuando volvió, estaba tan guapo con su uniforme que acampé en su puerta hasta que accedió a casarse conmigo.When he came back, he looked so lovely in his uniform I camped on his doorstep until he consented to marry me.
La llevaré adonde acampé la primera noche.I'll take you to where I camped the first night.
No había pasado toda la noche despierto desde que acampé para conseguir entradas para Rent en 1996.I haven't been up all night since I camped out for Rent tickets in 1996.
Pero una vez acampé toda una noche para conseguir unas entradas de Bon Jovi.But I once camped out overnight for Bon Jovi tickets.
-¿De niño nunca acampaste?-You never camped out as a kid?
Esa es la razón por la que acampaste en Chi Bi.That is the reason why you camped in Red Cliff
¿No acampaste afuera el año pasado?Weren't you camped out in this line last year?
Agostina acampó aislada 1 7 meses en la cueva de Bar-She, cerca del lago Te Anin en la lsla del Sur, Nueva Zelanda, donde una colonia de notornis, un ave corredora que se creía extinta, inesperadamente apareció en 1 948.Agostina camped for 17 months without human contact in the Bar - She cave near Lake Te - Anin on South Island, New Zealand, where a colony of notorni, a ratite long believed to be extinct, had unexpectedly turned up in 1948.
Ahí están sus mapas... todos sus mapas topográficos de lugares remotos, cada lugar en el que alguna vez acampó, cazó, pescó.It's got his maps... all of his whole backwoods topographical maps, every place he ever camped, hunted, fished.
Al final fue despedido, se divorció de su mujer y acampó en nuestro jardín delantero, hasta que papá lo sacó de ahí.He finally got fired, divorced his wife, and camped out on our front lawn until daddy had him taken away.
Después que Fabio Máximo así había levantado el campamento... el ejército marchó durante diez días... tras lo cual, acampó cerca del Río Igas."After Fabius Maximus had thus decamped, the army marched on for ten days, whereupon it pitched camp by the Igas River.
Dispararon a tu auto y La Nación del lslam acampó en mi patio trasero. lntentan convertirme en el diablo.Well, that talk got your car shot up and the Nation of Islam camped out in my back yard trying to make me the devil.
- Aquí es donde acamparon, ¿verdad?This is where you camped, isn't it? ─ Yes.
-Aquí es evidentemente donde acamparon.- This is evidently where they camped.
-No, y qué con eso policías que acamparon acá afuera...No. What with the cops camped out at the house...
Aquí es donde acamparon por la noche.This is where they camped for the night.
Así acamparon muy cerca de la Zona Prohibida y le contó historias de la zona de los diamantes.So one night, they... they camped quite near to the prohibited area. And to amuse the gentleman, he started to tell him some of the tales of the prohibited diamond area.
Pasado mañana acamparé en la jungla.Day after tomorrow I will camp out in the jungle.
Mañana por la noche, tras seguirnos todo el día, la caballería francesa acampará y preparará el ataque a nuestra desordenada chusma.Tomorrow night, after following us all day... that French cavalry will camp and prepare to attack our disorganised rabble.
Un equipo de mukhya Pradesh acampará allí.A team from Mukhya Pradesh will camp there.
Con tu permiso, acamparemos aquí por esta noche.With your permission, we will camp here for the night.
Cuando lleguemos a un sitio seguro, acamparemos.When we arrive to a sure place, we will camp.
Un tercio vigilaría los barcos en Rica-halh, mientras el resto acamparía durante el invierno cerca de York, al lado del puente de Stamford.One third would guard the ships at Rica-halh, while the remainder would camp for the winter near York, by Stamford Bridge.
- Que acampe.- Your camping.
Aunque acampe un ejército contra mí, mi corazón no temerá.Though unhost should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.
Es probable que acampe ahí esta noche.Probably camp down there tonight.
Estaba como en la dimensión desconocida. "Aunque un ejército acampe contra mí, No temerá mi corazón..."Though a host should encamp me against me, my heart shall not fear.
Fuimos al Campamento Rakhouta, uno de los lugares de acampe más prestigiosos, respetados y antiguos de este lado del Missisippi.We went to Camp Rakhouta one of the most prestigious camping sites, respected and old on this side of the Mississippi.
"No puedo creer que acampes cinco días."I can't believe you're camping out for five days.
- Así que la próxima vez que acampes- - "Osa" tener en mente este consejo.- So the next time you're camping-- - Bear this tip in mind.
Entonces no acampes.So don't go camping.
Si quieres que la gente use tu váter, no acampes enfrente de él.If you want people to use your toilet, don't camp out in front of it.
Así que, encontramos su casa y espero que no le importe que acampemos aquí.So, we found your house, And... Hope you don't mind that we set up camp here.
Bueno, si vamos a matar más, será mejor que acampemos.Well, if we're gonna do any more killing, we best set up camp.
Cuando acampemos esta noche traedlo a mi tienda.When we camp tonight, bring him to my tent.
Cuando acampemos.We'll talk while camping.
Es hora de que acampemos".it's time we were making camp."
Mejor que acampéis aquí.I think you should camp down here.
Rita, no hay razón para que acampéis con incomodidad teniendo una gran casa.Rita, there's no use you camping out and being uncomfortable while you've got a whole house.
...para que todos los Scouts que acampen acá, obtengan la fuerza del Oso y la velocidad del Águila.... For all Scouts camp out here, get the force Bear and Eagle speed.
Conocen el camino pero también puedo ver dónde es probable que acampen.They know the path, But I can also see where they'll most likely make camp.
Dejaron libres los mejores sitios para que acampen los romanos.They left the best camping sites for the Romans.
El Departamento de Justicia está en la búsqueda del restablecimiento del orden en un tribunal inferior, para evitar que los veterinanos acampen en el Mall esta noche.The Justice Department is seeking a re-instatement of the lower court order to prevent the Vets from camping on the Mall at night.
Es mejor que crucen el rio y acampen al otro lado.You best cross the river and make a camp.
Llévalos allí y acampad, después vuelve.Take them over there and make camp, then you come back.
"He acampado por 12 semanas, ¡quiero verles!""I've camped out for 12 weeks, I want to see them!"
"Nuestro bataIIon esta acampado en eI Potomac.""Our battalion is encamped on the Potomac."
- Porque otros han acampado ahí.- 'Cause other people have camped there.
- Si me lo sacan de encima, está acampado a mi puerta, mi hija mayor cree que echará la puerta abajo, y me matará en mi propia cama.'Cause if you could get that bastard off my back. I mean, he's camped out on my front stoop. My oldest daughter thinks he's gonna kill me.
- ¡El ejército de Noghai está acampado en Karakorum!- Noghai's army is encamped at Karakorum.
"Asesino obliga a niña a elegir" Aunque aún no nos han dado sus nombres, los dos estaban acampando en el área del lago.The two men whose names are not being released yet were last seen camping in the area of the lake.
"Nos encontraron ocupados perforando, acampando y marchando, lo que un agricultor trabaja duro es nada comparado con esto.""May, they got us busy drilling, camping and marching, what a farmer works hard is nothing compared to this."
- En realidad, estoy acampando.- I'm mostly camping.
- Estamos acampando aquí.- We're camping here.
- Estábamos acampando a un lado del camino y...- We were camping up the road and...

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