Adelantar (to advance) conjugation

67 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: outstrip, overtake, improve, to overtake, to improve, to outstrip

Conjugation of adelantar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I advance
you advance
he/she/it advances
we advance
you all advance
they advance
Present perfect tense
he adelantado
I have advanced
has adelantado
you have advanced
ha adelantado
he/she/it has advanced
hemos adelantado
we have advanced
habéis adelantado
you all have advanced
han adelantado
they have advanced
Past preterite tense
I advanced
you advanced
he/she/it advanced
we advanced
you all advanced
they advanced
Future tense
I will advance
you will advance
he/she/it will advance
we will advance
you all will advance
they will advance
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would advance
you would advance
he/she/it would advance
we would advance
you all would advance
they would advance
Past imperfect tense
I used to advance
you used to advance
he/she/it used to advance
we used to advance
you all used to advance
they used to advance
Past perfect tense
había adelantado
I had advanced
habías adelantado
you had advanced
había adelantado
he/she/it had advanced
habíamos adelantado
we had advanced
habíais adelantado
you all had advanced
habían adelantado
they had advanced
Future perfect tense
habré adelantado
I will have advanced
habrás adelantado
you will have advanced
habrá adelantado
he/she/it will have advanced
habremos adelantado
we will have advanced
habréis adelantado
you all will have advanced
habrán adelantado
they will have advanced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I advance
(if/so that) you advance
(if/so that) he/she/it advance
(if/so that) we advance
(if/so that) you all advance
(if/so that) they advance
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya adelantado
I have advanced
hayas adelantado
you have advanced
haya adelantado
he/she/it has advanced
hayamos adelantado
we have advanced
hayáis adelantado
you all have advanced
hayan adelantado
they have advanced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have advanced
(if/so that) you have advanced
(if/so that) he/she/it have advanced
(if/so that) we have advanced
(if/so that) you all have advanced
(if/so that) they have advanced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have advanced
(if/so that) you have advanced
(if/so that) he/she/it have advanced
(if/so that) we have advanced
(if/so that) you all have advanced
(if/so that) they have advanced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera adelantado
I had advanced
hubieras adelantado
you had advanced
hubiera adelantado
he/she/it had advanced
hubiéramos adelantado
we had advanced
hubierais adelantado
you all had advanced
hubieran adelantado
they had advanced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese adelantado
I had advanced
hubieses adelantado
you had advanced
hubiese adelantado
he/she/it had advanced
hubiésemos adelantado
we had advanced
hubieseis adelantado
you all had advanced
hubiesen adelantado
they had advanced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have advanced
(if/so that) you will have advanced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have advanced
(if/so that) we will have advanced
(if/so that) you all will have advanced
(if/so that) they will have advanced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere adelantado
I will have advanced
hubieres adelantado
you will have advanced
hubiere adelantado
he/she/it will have advanced
hubiéremos adelantado
we will have advanced
hubiereis adelantado
you all will have advanced
hubieren adelantado
they will have advanced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's advance!
Imperative negative mood
no adelantes
do not advance!
no adelante
let him/her/it advance!
no adelantemos
let us not advance!
no adelantéis
do not advance!
no adelanten
do not advance!

Examples of adelantar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
El Coronel Doolittle tuvo que adelantar... su orden de ejecución 12 horas, Sr. Presidente.Colonel Doolittle had to advance his execution order by 12 hours, Mr President.
Empieza a adelantar.He began to advance.
En cierto modo me has obligado a adelantar el Gran Plan, Doctor.You've forced me to advance the Great Work somewhat, Doctor.
Ha sido también mi costumbre adelantar a mis jóvenes señoritas una pequeña porción de su salario, para que puedan afrontar cualquier pequeño gasto de su viaje y su vestuario.It has also been my custom to advance my young ladies a small portion of their salary beforehand, so that they might meet any little expenses of their journey and their wardrobe.
Los vamos a adelantar.We are going to advance.
"César había enviado a su caballería con un poco de adelanto y proseguía con el resto de sus fuerzas.Caesar had sent his cavalry a little in advance and was following with the rest of his forces.
"Incluyo en la carta el dinero para el tren y $150 como adelanto de tu salario.""Enclosed find train fare and $150 advance on your wages."
"Michael podrías darme un adelanto de mi sueldo porque una tienda de galletas abrió en el centro comercial."(MIMICKING KEVIN) "Michael, can I have an advance on my paycheck, "because a Mrs. Fields Cookies just opened up at the mall!"
"Michael, puedo tener un adelanto de mi sueldo porque una tal Sra. Field Cookie (galletas) ha abierto una tienda.""Michael, can I have an advance on my paycheck because a Mrs. field cookie just opened up at the mall."
"Nuestro cheque por 1 00 libras... el adelanto de sus derechos de autor como me lo solicitó"."Our check for £100 advance royalties "as you requested."
E, ¿me adelantas seis semanas de salario?Ask E. E, can I please advance six weeks salary?
Zeb, se nos ha ocurrido que igual nos adelantas un par de...Zeb, we've come to the conclusion that maybe you could advance us a couple...
¿Me adelantas algo?Can you give me an advance?
¿Me adelantas un par de dólares?Could you let me have a couple of bucks in advance?
¿Y si me adelantas mi mesada?How about a little advance on my allowance?
Lo siento, pero el jefe no te adelanta más.lm sorry, but the boss said no more advances.
Piper Cole se mantiene en 4to mientras KC se adelanta a Owen Cole.Piper Cole stays in 4to while KC it advances to Owen Cole.
Ulrich se adelanta.Ulrich advances.
Así que, no nos adelantamos dinero sobre tales propiedades.So, we don't advance money on such properties.
Bien, mira, qué tal sí adelantamos realmente el trabajo hoy... para que no se moleste tanto... y luego podemos escabullirnos para buscar a esos tortolitos.Well, look, we advance what ifs really work today... So do not bother so much... and then we can sneak to look for these lovebirds.
Creo que le adelantamos... $30 mil para ese propósito... el mes pasado.I believe we advanced you $30,000 for that purpose just last month.
Después de todo, le adelantamos el dinero... pero ninguno de ellos ha aparecido.After all, we did advance you the money... but none of them has appeared
Ya le adelantamos 5000 francos.We gave you an advance of 5000 F.
Cuelga y adelantan el dinero.And, he hangs up the phone and the money is advanced.
Los rusos adelantan directo por el Rin, desafiando a la defensa de la OTAN en todo sentido. Incluso en el uso de armas nuclearesWill the Russians advance straight for the Rhine and defy NATO's declared policy of defense by all of the means, including the use of tactical nuclear weapons?
Dinero que te adelanté.There's money I've advanced you.
Esperaba un cheque y adelanté el dinero. - Lo entiendo.I was expecting a check, and advanced the money for this party.
Le adelanté unos fondos a mi cliente, pagué algunas cuentas, cosas así.I advanced my client some funds, paid some bills, things like that.
Sabes, ni siquiera saqué el dinero que te adelanté.By the way, I want you to know... I didn't even take out the money I advanced you.
Te adelanté diez libras de tu sueldo.There's a little matter of ten pounds I advanced you on your salary.
El dinero que me adelantaste se ha gastado.The money you advanced me is spent.
No puede ir al día con los pagos sobre los tres mil que le adelantaste.He can't keep up the payments on the 3,000 you advanced him.
Candy me adelantó dinero.Oh, Candy advanced me a few dollars.
Edward Bernaise adelantó muchos años la ciencia de la propaganda, pero más de 60 años después de su auge, la ciencia del control mental es 1000s de veces más sofisticada, de lo que se había imaginado el propio Bernaise.Edward Bernaise advanced the science of propaganda light years, but more than 60 years after his heyday, the science of mind control is 1000s of times more sophisticated, than even Bernaise had envisioned.
Ella adelantó 25$ a Buff para que fuese una Bombón.She advanced Buff $25 to become a bonbon.
Madá, devuelve el dinero que el Sr. Baudeler te adelantó.Mada, give back the money Mr. Baudele advanced you.
Me adelantó la semana.She advanced me a week.
A principios de 1950 dos químicos en la Universidad de Chicago adelantaron el entendimiento de la química básica de la vida de forma drástica.And in the early 1950s, two chemists at the University of Chicago advanced understanding of life's basic chemistry dramatically.
Aunque fueron los conquistadores, los gobernantes, los jefes supremos se adelantaron siglos a la civilización.Even though they were the conquerors, the rulers, the overlords, they advanced civilization by centuries.
Según las cuentas, les adelantaron $235 para semillas, grano y provisiones.According to the farm's ledger, you was advanced q235.. . seed, grain and supplies against future crops.
Según las cuentas, os adelantaron 235$ para semillas, grano y provisiones.According to the farm's ledger, you was advanced $235 in seed, grain and supplies against future crops.
"te adelantaré el doble"I will advance you twice as much
- Esto adelantará... la perforación de la corteza terrestre casi en cinco horas.This will advance the time of penetration of the Earth's crust by nearly five hours.
El Sr. Werder, de Martinica... me adelantará el dinero para el viaje".Mr. Werder, of Martinique... will advance me the money for the journey."
Geller y yo nos adelantaremos a la fiesta... Y Mr. Earl te traera a las 8:00 en punto.Geller and l will advance the party... and Mr. Earl will bring you at 8:00 sharp.
Se adelantarán fondos, pero no se pagará.It will advance funds, but it won't pay.
Cuando Rosanna robaba se relacionaba con un tal Septimus Luker un conocido prestamista y uno de los pocos en Londres que le adelantaría una gran suma sobre una joya tan valiosa sin hacer preguntas embarazosas.When Rosanna stole He was associated with a certain Septimus Luker a lender known and one of the few in London he would advance a large sum on such a valuable jewel without embarrassing questions.
"Estoy en franco desacuerdo con el Sr. Raines sobre el Géminis... y a pesar de los progresos que se lograron en Pakor... sinceramente, no puedo aprobar que sigan adelante con el proyecto.[Miss Parker's Voice] "I vehemently disagree... "with Dr. Raines's conclusions about Gemini... "and despite some humane advances being made at Pakor...
(Carter) Quiero realizar un barrido del área de armas de destrucción masiva a medida que avanzamos hacia adelante.(CARTER) I want you to sweep the area for WMD's as we advance forward.
- En el caso de que esa paga no salga adelante... él quería que le persuadiese a usted para darle al menos un adelanto de su cheque mensual.In case that bonus doesn't go through... he wanted me to persuade you to give him at least an advance on his monthly check.
- Van hacia adelante.- They go for advancement.
A la vez, de vuelta a América... la aviación dio un nuevo paso adelanteIn the meantime, back in America... aviation saw another great advancement.
Necesito que me adelantes el sueldo.I need an advance on my wages for the run of the show.
Papá, necesito que me adelantes la paga otra vez.Dad, I need an advance on my allowance again.
Te ruego que me adelantes la mitad de mi asignación del año que viene.Be good enough to make out an advance on my allowance for next year, say half.
Es vital que adelantemos los planes para ti y Tyler.It's critical that we advance our plans for you and Tyler.
Quisiera que me adelanten algo, ¿crees que...I would like to advance something, do you think...?
Me gustaría saber por adelantad cuánto van a durar las cosasIt'd be nice knowing in advance how much longer such things go on.
$10 por adelantado por jinete.Al: $10 a rider advanced money.
- Es un poco adelantado para él.- It's a little too advanced for him. - Shut up.
- Lo he adelantado 12 horas.- I just advanced your residency start date.
- ¿No te han adelantado una copia?- - You didn't get an advanced copy?
A los dos y medio no es ser adelantado en absoluto.2 1/2 isn't advanced at all.
Bueno, está adelantando los tiempos.Well, he's advancing the time-line.
Entonces, permíteme probarte nuestra amistad adelantando lo que podría costearlas.Then let me prove our friendship by advancing whatever might defray them.
Solomon consintió en un presupuesto total de 100.000 libras... adelantando de inmediato un cuarto de ello en efectivo.Solomon agreed to a total budget of £100,000 immediately advancing one quarter of this in cash.
Él sabe que el Director está adelantando el plazo.He knows the Director is advancing the time-line.

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