Adquirir (to acquire) conjugation

79 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to buy, buy

Conjugation of adquirir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I acquire
you acquire
he/she/it acquires
we acquire
you all acquire
they acquire
Present perfect tense
he adquirido
I have acquired
has adquirido
you have acquired
ha adquirido
he/she/it has acquired
hemos adquirido
we have acquired
habéis adquirido
you all have acquired
han adquirido
they have acquired
Past preterite tense
I acquired
you acquired
he/she/it acquired
we acquired
you all acquired
they acquired
Future tense
I will acquire
you will acquire
he/she/it will acquire
we will acquire
you all will acquire
they will acquire
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would acquire
you would acquire
he/she/it would acquire
we would acquire
you all would acquire
they would acquire
Past imperfect tense
I used to acquire
you used to acquire
he/she/it used to acquire
we used to acquire
you all used to acquire
they used to acquire
Past perfect tense
había adquirido
I had acquired
habías adquirido
you had acquired
había adquirido
he/she/it had acquired
habíamos adquirido
we had acquired
habíais adquirido
you all had acquired
habían adquirido
they had acquired
Future perfect tense
habré adquirido
I will have acquired
habrás adquirido
you will have acquired
habrá adquirido
he/she/it will have acquired
habremos adquirido
we will have acquired
habréis adquirido
you all will have acquired
habrán adquirido
they will have acquired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I acquire
(if/so that) you acquire
(if/so that) he/she/it acquire
(if/so that) we acquire
(if/so that) you all acquire
(if/so that) they acquire
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya adquirido
I have acquired
hayas adquirido
you have acquired
haya adquirido
he/she/it has acquired
hayamos adquirido
we have acquired
hayáis adquirido
you all have acquired
hayan adquirido
they have acquired
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have acquired
(if/so that) you have acquired
(if/so that) he/she/it have acquired
(if/so that) we have acquired
(if/so that) you all have acquired
(if/so that) they have acquired
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have acquired
(if/so that) you have acquired
(if/so that) he/she/it have acquired
(if/so that) we have acquired
(if/so that) you all have acquired
(if/so that) they have acquired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera adquirido
I had acquired
hubieras adquirido
you had acquired
hubiera adquirido
he/she/it had acquired
hubiéramos adquirido
we had acquired
hubierais adquirido
you all had acquired
hubieran adquirido
they had acquired
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese adquirido
I had acquired
hubieses adquirido
you had acquired
hubiese adquirido
he/she/it had acquired
hubiésemos adquirido
we had acquired
hubieseis adquirido
you all had acquired
hubiesen adquirido
they had acquired
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have acquired
(if/so that) you will have acquired
(if/so that) he/she/it will have acquired
(if/so that) we will have acquired
(if/so that) you all will have acquired
(if/so that) they will have acquired
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere adquirido
I will have acquired
hubieres adquirido
you will have acquired
hubiere adquirido
he/she/it will have acquired
hubiéremos adquirido
we will have acquired
hubiereis adquirido
you all will have acquired
hubieren adquirido
they will have acquired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's acquire!
Imperative negative mood
no adquieras
do not acquire!
no adquiera
let him/her/it acquire!
no adquiramos
let us not acquire!
no adquiráis
do not acquire!
no adquieran
do not acquire!

Examples of adquirir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Leviathan... para adquirir prototipo... reactor de destrucción.""Leviathan... to acquire prototype... havoc reactor."
- El gobierno excedió sus límites para adquirir la información que dicen tener.The government overstepped their boundaries to acquire the info they claim they have.
- No, como te dije, mi agencia de publicidad quiere adquirir algunas de las imágenes que hiciste.- No, like I told you, my ad agency wants to acquire some of the footage you shot.
-General. ¿Cómo lograron los Nazis adquirir capacidades nucleares?General, how did the Nazi's manage to acquire nuclear capabilities?
.. de poder adquirir las Obras que pueden ver..To be able to acquire .. The works you see,
Nos libramos de nuestra lunática madre adquiero los medios para defenderme de mi inestable hermano si surge la necesidad, y bueno si todo sale bien, quizá me dejes acercarme a Davina sin herirme.I get free of the whackadoodle mum, I acquire the means by which to defend myself against a volatile brother, should the need arise, and, uh, well, if all goes well, perhaps you'll let me near Davina without bodily harm.
Si alguna vez adquiero sabiduría, supongo que sabré qué hacer con ella.If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be wise enough to know what to do with it.
Ahora, es habitual cuando tu adquieres un barco... o, con mas exactitud en mi caso, un buque... que bautizes apropiadamente el navio.Now, it's customary when you acquire a boat... or, more accurately in my case, a ship that you properly christen the vessel.
Creo que adquieres información y la conviertes en algo estupendo y terrible.I think you acquire information and turn it into something stupendous and awful.
La investigación está cerrada, pero cuando estás siendo seguido por una organización secreta, adquieres una serie de habilidades básicas.Records are sealed, but when you're being tracked by a secret organization, you acquire basic hacking skills.
No adquieres más dignidad agregándole un nombre a tu nombre.You don't acquire personal dignity by adding a name to your name.
Te sorprenderías del tipo de habilidades que adquieres como un mercenario.You'd be surprised at the kind of skills you acquire as a mercenary.
"Desde que se cocina en una olla, adquiere un color oscuro una reminiscencia de luto "."Since it is cooked in a pot, it acquires a dark color reminiscent of mourning".
"Roman adquiere..." ¿Qué es Sucrocorp?"Roman acquires..." What's Sucrocorp?
"Verteron adquiere Soluciones para Elecciones Dover"."Verteron acquires Dover Election Solutions".
Buros adquiere armas en los EEUU, y las vende al cartel Zeta, en México.Buros acquires guns in the States, then sells them to the Zeta cartel in Mexico.
Con cada vuelo de Gemini la NASA adquiere otra destreza necesaria para llegar a la luna.NARRATOR : With each Gemini flight, NASA acquires another skill necessary to reach the moon.
- Este cuadro lo adquirimos hace 25 años...- This picture we acquired 25 years ago...
Acabamos adquirimos.We just got acquired.
Ahí adquirimos esa dureza... que nos iba a acompañar todos los días de nuestra vida... y que permitió a varios de entre nosotros estar en guerra con la tierra entera... y hacerlo serenamente.It was there that we acquired the toughness... that has stayed with us all the days of our life, and that has enabled several of us to remain so lightheartedly at war... with the whole world.
Así es como adquirimos conocimiento.It is the way we acquire knowledge.
Bueno ... cualquier cosa de valor que adquirimos con Bowles habria sido subastada para financiar otras excavaciones.Okay... anything of value that we acquired with Bowles would have been auctioned off to fund other digs.
"Aunque no tienen mérito artístico intrínsico logran la permanencia en el arte simplemente al persistir y adquieren una relevancia incremental aunque sea sólo como historia social".Ahem! (quietly) "...they achieve some of the permanence of art simply by persisting and acquire incremental significance if only as social history."
"Ustedes saben, que aquellos que dan a otros adquieren poder"You know that those who give orders acquire power
Al dotar un cerebro artificial de Eugene con un cuerpo y permitirles explorar el mundo, estos robots adquieren experiencia...By endowing Eugene's artificial brains with a body and letting them explore the world, these robots acquire experience...
Apodada "Víbora", los consumidores de esta misteriosa droga adquieren gran fuerza y una eufórica sensación de poder, pero solo por unas pocas horas.Nicknamed "Viper," users of this mystery drug acquire great strength and a euphoric sense of power, but only for a few brief hours.
Así se adquieren viñedos baratos, ¿no?That's how to acquire vineyards cheaply, is it?
- La adquirí hace unos años.-I acquired that some years ago.
- Una criada que adquirí.A serving wench I acquired.
Claro que antes adquirí acciones de una importante productora.Somehow I acquired a sizeable amount of stock in a major film company.
Comprar toda esta tierra que adquirí en subasta como hizo con las otras.Buy all this land I've acquired at auction like you have with others.
Debí de quemar esto en el momento en que lo adquirí.I should have burned this the moment I acquired it.
Creemos que de alguna manera, como resultado del accidente, adquiriste una forma de habilidad telequinética.We believe that somehow, as a result of the accident, you acquired some form of telekinetic ability.
De todas formas, producir una cura sería costoso, y como tú adquiriste el virus por tu cuenta, no sentimos responsabilidad alguna por tu condición.However, producing a cure would be costly, and as you acquired the virus on your own, we feel no responsibility for your condition.
Desde la última vez que hablamos adquiriste un diccionarioYou've acquired a dictionary since we last spoke.
Entonces déjame preguntarte dónde la adquiriste.Then let me ask you where you acquired it from.
Es con sentimientos encontrados que te informo que adquiriste... el olor de un policía dedicado.It's with mixed emotions that I report that you've acquired the odour of a dedicated police.
" ...adquirió dinero para comprar su libertad. ""he acquired money to purchase his freedom."
"Cuando el embajador adquirió la propiedad de...""When the ambassador acquired ownership of..."
"La Cuchilla" adquirió el objetivo.The Blade has acquired the target.
- Destino adquirió .- Target acquired.
- Su Excelencia, yo- ¡Su padre adquirió la corona por la fuerza, no por derecho!- Your Grace, I... - His father only acquired the crown - by force not by right!
Algunas partículas comenzaron a interactuar con el campo y adquirieron masa.Some particles began to interact with the field and acquired mass.
Así fue que muchos empresarios adquirieron su capital inicial.Today's so-called 'oligarchs' acquired theirs then.
Con el paso de los siglos los esclavos adquirieron más derechos.And with each century, the slaves acquired more rights under the law.
Conocida como ruptura de simetría electrodébil, ese fue el momento en el que las partículas subatómicas adquirieron masa, sustancia, por primera vez.Known as electroweak symmetry breaking, this was the moment when subatomic particles acquired mass, substance for the first time.
Conocido como "rotura de la simetría electrodébil" fue el momento cuando las partículas subatómicas adquirieron masa, sustancia, por primera vez.Known as electroweak symmetry breaking, this was the moment when subatomic particles acquired mass - substance - for the first time.
Toda la riqueza que adquiriré.All the wealth that I will acquire.
Si uno persevera durante 10 años, adquirirá las habilidades para ser reconocido como chef de primera.If you persevere for ten years... You will acquire the skills to be recognized as a first rate chef.
The Food Chain adquirirá Country Baby por tres millones de dólares en efectivo.The Food Chain will acquire Country Baby Inc for $3 million, cash.
Pero a medida que su cerebro se vaya desarrollando... también ellos adquirirán este nuevo instinto... para la competición inteligente.But as their brain develops... they too will acquire this new instinct for smart competition.
Según su propia declaración, sabemos que los simios adquirirán el habla.By their own testimony, we know that apes will acquire the power of intelligent speech.
Cualquiera que venga aquí y permanezca lo suficiente... - ...adquiriría el poder.Anyone coming down here and remaining long enough would acquire the power.
No ganaría ningún dinero, pero adquiriría una buena reputación en sociedad.No money in it, according to Steel Beater but I would acquire a good reputation in society.
Se suponía que pasarías unas horas aquí y en esas horas adquirirías el hábito de volver.It was assumed that would pass few hours here and at those times would acquire the habit of returning.
A menos que el señor Mayday se modernice y adquiera otro vehículo contra incendios, de acuerdo con el Código Federal, título 14, tomo tres, capítulo primero, artículo 139, subpárrafo B, le retiraré el certificado de habilitación a este aeropuertoSo, unless Mr. Mayday gets refurbished, and acquires a second fire-fighting vehicle in accordance with CFR title 14, volume three, chapter one, section 139, sub-paragraph B,
Arreglé para que usted adquiera Este androide servicio sabiendo que cuando se ha activado, yo sería finalmente conseguir mi venganza.I arranged for you to acquire this service android knowing that when you activated it, I would finally get my revenge.
Cuando Bontecou adquiera Parrish Communications la va a fragmentar y venderá los trocitos al mejor postor.Once John Bontecou acquires Parrish Communications, he's gonna break it apart, peddle it piece by piece to the highest bidder.
Debo insistir en absoluto secreto respecto a esta discusión hasta que adquiera oficialmente las tenencias del Señor Blake.I must insist on absolute secrecy regarding this discussion till I've officially acquired Mr. Blake's shares.
Entonces, tiene 28 años y la vida sin su esposo no tiene sentido a menos que adquiera el control de Electrónica Sugarman.So, she's 28 years old... and life without her husband is meaningless... unless she acquires control of Sugarman Electronics.
Más bien necesito que adquieras la lista...I sort of need you to acquire the list... Discretely.
Necesito que adquieras una casa y/o castillo inflable.I need you to acquire an inflatable house and/or castle.
No te voy a poner en otro caso hasta que adquieras un entendimiento fundamental de la forma que opera la policía.I'm not putting you on another case until you acquire a fundamental understanding of the way police operate.
Permanece aquí... hasta que adquieras una fuerza en ti... que nada pueda destruir.Stay here until you acquire a force in you that nothing can destroy.
Si la dirección dice que adquiramos el territorio, lo adquirimos.Management says acquire the territory, we acquire it.
Aunque no tengan conciencia, o adquieran la conciencia infinita.Either they don't have consciousness, or they acquire the infinite consciousness.
Aunque, por supuesto, se deducirá del precio de los activos que adquieran posteriormente.Though, of course, that will be deducted from the price of any subsequent assets you acquire.
Lo que sugiero es que el amor será la clave para que adquieran un subconsciente que nunca se ha logrado.I'm suggesting that love will be the key by which they acquire a subconscious never before achieved.
Pero sólo adquieran objetivos externos.But only acquire external targets.
"Debes estar preparado para desprenderte de todo lo que has adquirido en la vida"."You must be prepared to give up everything that you have acquired in life." (Buddha)
"Debes estar preparado para renunciar a todo lo que has adquirido en la vida. ""You must be prepared to give up everything that you have acquired in life."
"El club Hellfire ha adquirido la tabla... lleva instrucciones de... el nacimiento de Moloch."The Hellfire Club "has acquired a tablet... "bearing instructions on...
"Ha adquirido el derecho, firmado por la Sra. Bayarde...""has acquired the right, signed by Mrs Bayarde..."
"Otro sitio"ha adquirido para ellos un significado extraño... mítico.And, for them, that 'elsewhere' acquired a strange meaning... Mythical.
Al timón de GlobeCom, el multimillonario Teddy K estuvo de compras en los últimos días adquiriendo una compañía de comida, otra de cable y dos proveedores de telecomunicaciones por contratos de más de $13.000 millones.The man at the helm of GlobeCom, billionaire media magnate Teddy K. has been on a spending spree recently, acquiring a food service company, a cable operator and two telecommunications providers in deals totaling more than $13 billion.
Alguien está adquiriendo tus santos griales.Someone's acquiring your holy grails.
Aparentemente, lo que sucede es que durante la exposición temprana, en la el niño no demuestra mucho conocimiento y tal vez produce palabras sueltas u oraciones de dos palabras, está adquiriendo el carácter básico del lenguaje y muchos conocimientosWhat seems to be the case is that during the earlier exposure, where the child is not manifesting very much knowledge, maybe producing a word or two-word sentences, they're acquiring the basic character of language, quite a lot of knowledge,
Bueno, como puedes ver, he estado adquiriendo acciones.Well, as you can see, I've been acquiring assets.
CRU está adquiriendo algunas propiedades, unas residencias vacías y una fraternidad arruinada, que planean derribar en dos días.CRU is acquiring some properties, a few vacated residences and a blighted fraternity house, which they plan to tear down in two days.

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