Almacenar (to store) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of almacenar

Present tense
I store
you store
he/she/it stores
we store
you all store
they store
Present perfect tense
he almacenado
I have stored
has almacenado
you have stored
ha almacenado
he/she/it has stored
hemos almacenado
we have stored
habéis almacenado
you all have stored
han almacenado
they have stored
Past preterite tense
I stored
you stored
he/she/it stored
we stored
you all stored
they stored
Future tense
I will store
you will store
he/she/it will store
we will store
you all will store
they will store
Conditional mood
I would store
you would store
he/she/it would store
we would store
you all would store
they would store
Past imperfect tense
I used to to store
you used to to store
he/she/it used to to store
we used to to store
you all used to to store
they used to to store
Past perfect tense
había almacenado
I had stored
habías almacenado
you had stored
había almacenado
he/she/it had stored
habíamos almacenado
we had stored
habíais almacenado
you all had stored
habían almacenado
they had stored
Future perfect tense
habré almacenado
I will have stored
habrás almacenado
you will have stored
habrá almacenado
he/she/it will have stored
habremos almacenado
we will have stored
habréis almacenado
you all will have stored
habrán almacenado
they will have stored
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I store
(if/so that) you store
(if/so that) he/she/it store
(if/so that) we store
(if/so that) you all store
(if/so that) they store
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya almacenado
I have stored
hayas almacenado
you have stored
haya almacenado
he/she/it has stored
hayamos almacenado
we have stored
hayáis almacenado
you all have stored
hayan almacenado
they have stored
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have stored
(if/so that) you have stored
(if/so that) he/she/it have stored
(if/so that) we have stored
(if/so that) you all have stored
(if/so that) they have stored
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have stored
(if/so that) you have stored
(if/so that) he/she/it have stored
(if/so that) we have stored
(if/so that) you all have stored
(if/so that) they have stored
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera almacenado
I had stored
hubieras almacenado
you had stored
hubiera almacenado
he/she/it had stored
hubiéramos almacenado
we had stored
hubierais almacenado
you all had stored
hubieran almacenado
they had stored
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese almacenado
I had stored
hubieses almacenado
you had stored
hubiese almacenado
he/she/it had stored
hubiésemos almacenado
we had stored
hubieseis almacenado
you all had stored
hubiesen almacenado
they had stored
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have stored
(if/so that) you will have stored
(if/so that) he/she/it will have stored
(if/so that) we will have stored
(if/so that) you all will have stored
(if/so that) they will have stored
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere almacenado
I will have stored
hubieres almacenado
you will have stored
hubiere almacenado
he/she/it will have stored
hubiéremos almacenado
we will have stored
hubiereis almacenado
you all will have stored
hubieren almacenado
they will have stored
Imperative mood
let's store!
Imperative negative mood
no almacenes
do not store!
no almacene
don't let him/her/it store!
no almacenemos
let us not store!
no almacenéis
do not store!
no almacenen
do not store!

Examples of almacenar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El mejor lugar para almacenar la comida sobrante es el estómago de alguien"."The best place to store surplus food is in someone else's stomach."
- Alguien en Blackhawk estaba usando su sistema para almacenar rutas detalladas y fechas para cada uno de los siete principales vehículos blindados de la ciudad, incluyendo los tres que ya han sido atacados.Someone at Blackhawk was using their system to store detailed routes and schedules for each of the city's 7 major armored car carriers, including the 3 that have already been hit.
- Lo que sabemos como un hecho cierto es que el cristal es capaz de almacenar información.What we know as a fact is that crystal is able to store information.
- Se puso en contacto conmigo de la nada, pidió que me reuniera con él en Niza, dijo que necesitaba un vendedor local en quien confiar para almacenar algunas de sus piezas en venta.- He contacted me out of the blue, asked me to meet him in Nice. Said he needed a local dealer he could trust to store some of his sale pieces.
Al principio, la única persona capturada por la defectuosa cámara de seguridad estaba usando el armario como un lugar para almacenar botellas y latas.At first, the only person caught on the glitchy surveillance camera was using the closet as a place to store bottles and cans.
*Aquí es dónde almaceno el jugo*♪ Right up here is where I store the juice ♪
Aquí es donde almaceno mi catre.It's where I store my cot.
De momento almaceno porque sé que necesitaré esos materiales reciclados.Right now, I store up things because I know I will need to recycle some.
Donde almaceno la magia que es demasiado oscura o impredecible incluso para mí.Where I store the magic that is too dark or unpredictable even for me.
Sólo almaceno a los jóvenes.I only store the young. But why?
Como decían los esquimales, "Si almacenas tu comida en el estómago... bueno, mejor que no necesite refrigeración".As the Eskimo said, "If you store your food in somebody else's stomach... um, well, you'd better hope it doesn't need refrigeration."
Cuando los almacenas en cajas, tienes que incluir un lector.Well, when you box those up to be stored, you have to put a reader in with the thing.
Después de que vi dónde almacenas la comida, ese no es un problema.After I saw where you store your food? That's not a problem.
En primavera, traen provisiones por motos de nieve a las cabañas que están lejos del río. Pero las provisiones principales las traes a la cabaña cuando el agua está profunda. Polenta, comida para los perros...y las almacenas todas bien arriba.You bring the main supplies to the huts on the bank when the water is high- grits, food for the dogs- and you store it all safely up high.
Extraes parte de tu propia sangre, lo almacenas en la nevera, y te lo reinyectas días después.You draw a pint of your own blood, your store it in the fridge, and then you reinject it days later.
"La grasa corporal almacena toda nuestra maldad."Body fat stores all that is bad in us.
- Nuestros cerebro almacena los recuerdos mientras dormimos ...- Our brain stores memories while we sleep...
A lo mejor almacena algo aquí.Maybe he stores something here.
Ahora el procesador del satélite almacena su programación en un disco magnético común.Now, the satellite's processor stores its programming in a regular magnetic disc.
Ahora, esa compañía almacena todas sus tomas en el mismo servidor.Now, that security company stores all its footage on the same server.
-La llevo donde almacenamos la carne.- Get there where we store the meat.
Ahí arriba almacenamos todo.That's where we store everything up there.
Aquí atrás almacenamos nuestras pieles.Back here, that's where we store our furs.
Bien, a menudo almacenamos valiosos artículos para otras organizaciones, ...nuestra parte de ayuda a la comunidad local.Well, we often store valuable items for other organisations, our part to help the local community.
Cada vez que almacenamos un nuevo recuerdo, la actividad eléctrica se propaga a través de millones de neuronas.Every time we store a new memory, electrical activity propagates through millions of neurons.
- Dave, su comportamiento y la forma de gestionar que almacenan,- Dave, your demeanor and the way you manage that store,
- Se almacenan en otra parte.- are stored in another part.
- ¿Quieren saber cómo se almacenan las armas químicas?- You want to know how chemical weapons are stored?
Algunas personas lo almacenanI've heard some people store their clay for up to 20 years.
Algunos investigadores creen que todo y todos se conectan a través de un estado de vacío, donde se almacenan un conjunto de cargas eléctricas de todos los pensamientos, acciones y sucesos del pasado, presente y futuro.Some researchers believe that everything and everyone connects through the zero-point field, where a collection of electric charges from every thought, action and event of the past, present and future is stored.
Aquí almacené la información del ADN de todo el personal de seguridad.I've stored all the DNA information of all security personnel on these cards.
Debo haber leído al respecto, y lo almacené.I must have read about it, stored it away.
Yo los guardé, yo los almacené.I saved them, I stored them.
Luego la almacenaste en estas botellas de vino.Then... you stored 'em... in these wine bottles.
Walter, almacenaste las cintas sin orden.Walter, you stored the tapes out of order.
¡Me hiciste esa promesa cuando me almacenaste en el dispositivo!You made me that promise, when you stored my pattern in the device.
- Los almacenó en esos contenedores etiquetados con "Tecnologias de la A a la Z", pero cuando los cambió de lugar,- He stored them in these crates labeled "A-to-Z Technologies," but by the time he moved them,
Adam Douglas almacenó todo y lo utilizó para matarse.Adam Douglas stored it all up and used it to kill himself.
Ahora, si el cuerpo de Nora se almacenó en el congelador, veríamos ... decir que conmigo ...Now, if Nora's body was stored in the freezer, we'd see... say it with me...
Arthur West almacenó la información en la menor cantidad de espacios posible.Arthur West stored the data on the fewest spaces as possible.
Bueno, quizá lo almacenó aquí abajo, y usó el dedal por si acaso lo veíamos.Well, maybe he stored it down here, and he used the thimble in case we saw him.
Desde que almacenaron el Ejército Dorado aquí, nos sobrevino una plaga de silencio y muerte, y el mundo nos olvidó.Soon as the golden army were stored here, plague, silence and death fell on us. World left us behind.
Donde almacenaron las armas que capturaron. Sí.Where you stored the weapons you captured?
El agua del hielo, laboriosamente derretido con una lama de grasa de balena, la almacenaron en barriletes.Water from ice laboriously melted over a blubber flame was stored in kegs.
En Groenlandia, Maassannguaq y su padre ya están abriendo los escondrijos donde almacenaron a las pequeñas alca en el verano.In Greenland, Maassannguaq and his father are already breaking into the caches of little auks they stored up in the summer.
En cierto modo, tienes suerte de que no se almacenaron con nosotros porque todos perdemos nuestros recuerdos.In a way, you're lucky that you weren't stored with us because we all lost our memories.
Pero no tendrá éxito y la almacenará en su banco de memoria.He will be unsuccessful, and will store the shape in his memory banks.
Ellas almacenarán y contarán los votos.They will store and tabulate the votes.
Dejo que mi decorador almacene ésta porquería aquí.I let my decorator store a bunch of his frou-frou crap here.
El tipo de sistemas te puso software propietario, para así poder cobrar a tu bufete por cada megabyte que almacene.The IT guy put on proprietary software, so he could charge your firm for every megabyte he stored.
Por suerte, no es una sociedad de conjunto que se almacene tanto por la apariencia como la nuestra.Luckily, it's not a society that sets quite as much store by appearance as ours.
"Los fuegos empezados de este modo en los almacenes de una factoría química no pueden ser extinguidos por los bomberos."Fires started in this manner in a chemical factory's storerooms cannot be extinguished by firefighters.
- Bienvenido a los grandes almacenes.Welcome to the department store.
- En unos almacenes.Department store...
- Estaba en los almacenes técnicos.He was in the technical stores!
- Facturas de unos grandes almacenes.Just some bills. Some department store bills.
Cualquier lugar donde las almacenemos llevará directamente hasta nosotros.Any legit place we store those guns is a straight line back to us.
Es la sede de lo que hace... que tomemos información de nuestro entorno... y la procesemos... y la almacenemos en nuestro cerebro para tomar decisiones o hacer elecciones... que son diferentes de las decisiones y elecciones que realizamos en el pasado.It is the seat of what causes us... to take information from our environment... and process it... and store it in our brain to make decisions or choices... that are different than the decisions and choices that we've made in the past.
No almacenéis vuestro tesoro aquí en la tierra, donde la herrumbre y las polillas lo devoran y los ladrones lo roban.Do not store your treasure here on earth, where there is rust and moth to devour it, where thieves will break in and steal it.
"No almacenen gasolina." Estamos de acuerdo, ¿no?He says, "Don't store gasoline. " We all agree with that, don't we?
- Y asegurate que esas grabaciones se almacenen en el disco duro, okay?And make sure those camera feeds are stored on the main drive, okay?
Ahora, ustedes dos continúen abajo, y almacenen el equipaje.Now go on below, both of you, and store your dunnage.
Antes de empezar, asegúrese de que todas sus pertenencias... se almacenen debajo de los asientos.Please make sure all personal belongings are stored below your seat before departure.
En Dominica tenemos un complejo pesquero de millones de dólares que se usa para que comerciantes locales almacenen pollo importado.In Dominica, we have a $22 million fisheries complex which is used for the local merchants to store imported chicken.
"Pude liberarme usando el calor almacenado en mi bigote" dice Bainbridge."l thawed myself out "using the heat stored in my moustache," says Bainbridge.
- El gas usado en el sistema es... almacenado en forma líquida.Well, we found out that the gas used in the system is... stored in liquid form.
- Podrías haber almacenado algo, en caso de que los niños tengan otra casa algún día.- You might have stored some of it, in case one of the children starts up another house one day.
...las piernas fueron quebradas post mortem, lo que sugiere que el cuerpo estuvo almacenado en un espacio reducido, y Mandy Sweeting estaba embarazada.the legs have been broken postmortem, suggesting that the body had been stored in a confined space, and... Mandy Sweeting was pregnant.
Ahí es donde estaba todo almacenado, Max. ¡Todo!That's where everything was stored, Max. Everything!
- ¿Él está almacenando correo aquí?He's storing mail in here?
Ahora... ¿estabas almacenando algo más aparte de los dibujos animados?Now were you storing anything else besides your cartoons?
Alguien tiene experiencia almacenando, poniendo en estantes, llevando un control--Does anyone have experience shelving, storing, keeping track--
Aquí están almacenando a los Inhumanos que encuentran.This is where they're storing Inhumans they find.
Big Jim ha estado almacenando algo de propano para un-una cierta cantidad de drogas de decisiones.Big Jim has been storing up some propane for a-a certain amount of drug-making.
Vos acá adentro mandás todo la info, la almacenás y la bajás a DVD o CD, cuando vos quieras.You put all the info in here, you store it and... then you can copy it to DVD or CD whenever you want.

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