Arrepentirse (to regret) conjugation

17 examples

Conjugation of arrepentirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me arrepiento
I regret
te arrepientes
you regret
se arrepiente
he/she/it regrets
nos arrepentimos
we regret
os arrepentís
you all regret
se arrepienten
they regret
Present perfect tense
me he arrepentido
I have regretted
te has arrepentido
you have regretted
se ha arrepentido
he/she/it has regretted
nos hemos arrepentido
we have regretted
os habéis arrepentido
you all have regretted
se han arrepentido
they have regretted
Past preterite tense
me arrepentí
I regretted
te arrepentiste
you regretted
se arrepintió
he/she/it regretted
nos arrepentimos
we regretted
os arrepentisteis
you all regretted
se arrepintieron
they regretted
Future tense
me arrepentiré
I will regret
te arrepentirás
you will regret
se arrepentirá
he/she/it will regret
nos arrepentiremos
we will regret
os arrepentiréis
you all will regret
se arrepentirán
they will regret
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me arrepentiría
I would regret
te arrepentirías
you would regret
se arrepentiría
he/she/it would regret
nos arrepentiríamos
we would regret
os arrepentiríais
you all would regret
se arrepentirían
they would regret
Past imperfect tense
me arrepentía
I used to regret
te arrepentías
you used to regret
se arrepentía
he/she/it used to regret
nos arrepentíamos
we used to regret
os arrepentíais
you all used to regret
se arrepentían
they used to regret
Past perfect tense
me había arrepentido
I had regretted
te habías arrepentido
you had regretted
se había arrepentido
he/she/it had regretted
nos habíamos arrepentido
we had regretted
os habíais arrepentido
you all had regretted
se habían arrepentido
they had regretted
Future perfect tense
me habré arrepentido
I will have regretted
te habrás arrepentido
you will have regretted
se habrá arrepentido
he/she/it will have regretted
nos habremos arrepentido
we will have regretted
os habréis arrepentido
you all will have regretted
se habrán arrepentido
they will have regretted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me arrepienta
(if/so that) I regret
te arrepientas
(if/so that) you regret
se arrepienta
(if/so that) he/she/it regret
nos arrepintamos
(if/so that) we regret
os arrepintáis
(if/so that) you all regret
se arrepientan
(if/so that) they regret
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya arrepentido
I have regretted
te hayas arrepentido
you have regretted
se haya arrepentido
he/she/it has regretted
nos hayamos arrepentido
we have regretted
os hayáis arrepentido
you all have regretted
se hayan arrepentido
they have regretted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me arrepintiera
(if/so that) I have regretted
te arrepintieras
(if/so that) you have regretted
se arrepintiera
(if/so that) he/she/it have regretted
nos arrepintiéramos
(if/so that) we have regretted
os arrepintierais
(if/so that) you all have regretted
se arrepintieran
(if/so that) they have regretted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me arrepintiese
(if/so that) I have regretted
te arrepintieses
(if/so that) you have regretted
se arrepintiese
(if/so that) he/she/it have regretted
nos arrepintiésemos
(if/so that) we have regretted
os arrepintieseis
(if/so that) you all have regretted
se arrepintiesen
(if/so that) they have regretted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera arrepentido
I had regretted
te hubieras arrepentido
you had regretted
se hubiera arrepentido
he/she/it had regretted
nos hubiéramos arrepentido
we had regretted
os hubierais arrepentido
you all had regretted
se hubieran arrepentido
they had regretted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese arrepentido
I had regretted
te hubieses arrepentido
you had regretted
se hubiese arrepentido
he/she/it had regretted
nos hubiésemos arrepentido
we had regretted
os hubieseis arrepentido
you all had regretted
se hubiesen arrepentido
they had regretted
Future subjunctive tense
me arrepintiere
(if/so that) I will have regretted
te arrepintieres
(if/so that) you will have regretted
se arrepintiere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have regretted
nos arrepintiéremos
(if/so that) we will have regretted
os arrepintiereis
(if/so that) you all will have regretted
se arrepintieren
(if/so that) they will have regretted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere arrepentido
I will have regretted
te hubieres arrepentido
you will have regretted
se hubiere arrepentido
he/she/it will have regretted
nos hubiéremos arrepentido
we will have regretted
os hubiereis arrepentido
you all will have regretted
se hubieren arrepentido
they will have regretted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's regret!
Imperative negative mood
no te arrepientas
do not regret!
no se arrepienta
let him/her/it regret!
no nos arrepintamos
let us not regret!
no os arrepintáis
do not regret!
no se arrepientan
do not regret!

Examples of arrepentirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...vivirá para arrepentirse de ello"." will live to regret it."
Cuando despierte por la mañana y se dé cuenta de que está muerta... será demasiado tarde para arrepentirse.When you wake up in the morning and find yourself dead, it's too late to regret it.
Demasiado tarde para arrepentirse, ya estás involucrada.Too late to regret, you're already involved.
Demasiado tarde para arrepentirse.It is too late to regret now.
Dijiste que era mejor arrepentirse de lo hecho que de lo no hecho.You said it's better to regret something than to do nothing.
¡Cúbrete y arrepiéntete!Cover yourself up and regret!
Y si no, arrepiéntanse por no ser una parte de eso por el resto de sus vidas.And if not, regret not being a part of this for the rest of your lives.
- A menudo me he arrepentido de mi valentía.- I've often regretted my bravery.
- Me he arrepentido desde entonces.I've regretted it ever since.
- Y no me he arrepentido de ello.And I haven't regretted it. barrio rojo. - Su primera vez no fue especial. Y siempre se ha arrepentido de ello.Your father's first time wasn't special, and he's always regretted it.
Abandonaste a tu hijo Baelfire y toda tu vida te has arrepentido de ello.You abandoned your son Baelfire and regretted it your whole life.
Hazle caso al hombre que se ha pasado su vida arrepintiéndose de los vuelos que nunca cogió.Take it from a man who has spent his life regretting the flights he never took.
Los chicos que quieren hacer las cosas por su cuenta siempre terminan arrepintiéndose.Children who want to do things their own way always end up regretting it.
Mis pasillos están llenos de gente... arrepintiéndose de las cosas que desearían haber hecho.My hallways are littered with people regretting the things they wish they had done.
No querrás ser ese chico dentro de 20 años, arrepintiéndose de llevar volantes azules.You don't want to be that guy looking back 20 years from now regretting the blue ruffles.
Oppenheimer pasó la vida arrepintiéndose de haber siquiera vislumbrado un átomo.Robert Oppenheimer spent the rest of his life regretting he'd ever glimpsed an atom.

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