Atrever (to dare) conjugation

114 examples

Conjugation of atrever

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I dare
you dare
he/she/it dares
we dare
you all dare
they dare
Present perfect tense
he atrevido
I have dared
has atrevido
you have dared
ha atrevido
he/she/it has dared
hemos atrevido
we have dared
habéis atrevido
you all have dared
han atrevido
they have dared
Past preterite tense
I dared
you dared
he/she/it dared
we dared
you all dared
they dared
Future tense
I will dare
you will dare
he/she/it will dare
we will dare
you all will dare
they will dare
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would dare
you would dare
he/she/it would dare
we would dare
you all would dare
they would dare
Past imperfect tense
I used to dare
you used to dare
he/she/it used to dare
we used to dare
you all used to dare
they used to dare
Past perfect tense
había atrevido
I had dared
habías atrevido
you had dared
había atrevido
he/she/it had dared
habíamos atrevido
we had dared
habíais atrevido
you all had dared
habían atrevido
they had dared
Future perfect tense
habré atrevido
I will have dared
habrás atrevido
you will have dared
habrá atrevido
he/she/it will have dared
habremos atrevido
we will have dared
habréis atrevido
you all will have dared
habrán atrevido
they will have dared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I dare
(if/so that) you dare
(if/so that) he/she/it dare
(if/so that) we dare
(if/so that) you all dare
(if/so that) they dare
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya atrevido
I have dared
hayas atrevido
you have dared
haya atrevido
he/she/it has dared
hayamos atrevido
we have dared
hayáis atrevido
you all have dared
hayan atrevido
they have dared
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have dared
(if/so that) you have dared
(if/so that) he/she/it have dared
(if/so that) we have dared
(if/so that) you all have dared
(if/so that) they have dared
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have dared
(if/so that) you have dared
(if/so that) he/she/it have dared
(if/so that) we have dared
(if/so that) you all have dared
(if/so that) they have dared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera atrevido
I had dared
hubieras atrevido
you had dared
hubiera atrevido
he/she/it had dared
hubiéramos atrevido
we had dared
hubierais atrevido
you all had dared
hubieran atrevido
they had dared
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese atrevido
I had dared
hubieses atrevido
you had dared
hubiese atrevido
he/she/it had dared
hubiésemos atrevido
we had dared
hubieseis atrevido
you all had dared
hubiesen atrevido
they had dared
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have dared
(if/so that) you will have dared
(if/so that) he/she/it will have dared
(if/so that) we will have dared
(if/so that) you all will have dared
(if/so that) they will have dared
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere atrevido
I will have dared
hubieres atrevido
you will have dared
hubiere atrevido
he/she/it will have dared
hubiéremos atrevido
we will have dared
hubiereis atrevido
you all will have dared
hubieren atrevido
they will have dared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's dare!
Imperative negative mood
no atrevas
do not dare!
no atreva
let him/her/it dare!
no atrevamos
let us not dare!
no atreváis
do not dare!
no atrevan
do not dare!

Examples of atrever

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Esta vez te vas a atrever a hacerlo?Are you going to dare to this time?
Te vas a atrever a hacerlo?Are you going to dare to do it?
! Me atrevo porque son mis pacientes... míos, no suyos.I dare because they are my patients... mine, not yours.
"Agathe,teenvióestacarta,yaque no me atrevo a dejarla en tu habitación."Agathe, I'm mailing this because I dare not leave it in your room
"Estimada Sta. Schlegel me atrevo a molestarla en sus vacaciones y pedirle que venga a Londres. Donde, permítame agregar, se la extraña mucho.Dear Miss Schlegel... dare I intrude on your holiday in Devon... and request you to come up to London... where, I may add, you are greatly missed?
"Me atrevo a decir que hay algún enamorado escondido por ahí.""I daresay there's some sweetheart smuggled away."
"Me atrevo a todo cuanto se atreva un hombre", Sarah.I dare do all that may become a man, Sarah.
! - ¡Cómo te atreves?- How dare you!
! Como te atreves!How dare you!
! Si te atreves!If you dare... !
! Te atreves a tratarme como a un chico estúpido!You dare treat me like a stupid child!
! ¡¿Cómo te atreves a darle patadas a un hombre de negocios?! Ow! How dare you kick a businessman!
"Aquél que se atreve"."He who dares"
"El jardín sin hojas ¿quién se atreve a decir que no es bello?"."The Garden of Leaflessness" "Who dares say that it is not beautiful?"
"Romeo está desterrado, y el mundo contra nada, a que no se atreve a volver y reclamarte;"Romeo is banished; and all the world to nothing, that he dares ne'er come back to challenge you;
"Si alguien se atreve a mirarlo, él lo atacará con su espada..."If any dares to stare at him, he'll attack with sword...
"Voy a azotar al canalla que se atreve a lastimarte."I will lash the scoundrel who dares to harm you."
"La más completa y, nos atrevemos a decir, a la vez, la más elaborada presentación que hemos visto nunca"."The most thorough and, dare we say, at times, over-prepared presentation that we've seen."
"No nos atrevemos a cazar... "por miedo... "a los enanos. "We dare not go a-hunting for fear of little men.
# Pero no nos atrevemos a rechazarlo♪ But we daren't refuse
*Nos atrevemos a hacer una fiesta de quinceañera* *Cuando los aztecas cumplían los quince años*♪ We dare ya to throw a quinceañera ♪ ♪ ♪ When Aztecs turn fifteen years old ♪
- No, no nos atrevemos.-No, we don't dare.
"Sino como os atrevéis a conducirlos.""It's how fast you dare drive it."
'Júzgaznos si podéis y os atrevéis'.'Judge us ifyou can and ifyou dare'.
- Bombardeadnos hasta el olvido si os atrevéis, pero cada palabra que yo pronuncie será un escudo contra vuestra barbarie.- Bomb, bomb, bomb us into oblivion if you dare, but each word I speak will be a shield against your savagery. Each line I utter protection from your terror.
- Si os atrevéis.- If you dare.
- ¡Cómo os atrevéis!~ How dare you!
! Cómo se atreven!How dare they?
" Huesudos y arrugados, aunque a menudo obesos y flácidos,... con la cara marcada, por la infamia de su oficio, cada año vestidos como payasos, como no se atreven ni los obispos."Bony and withered, often obese and flaccid... "their faces marked by infamy of their office, every year dressed like clowns as bishops don't dare.
"Entre al mundo al que pocos se atreven a entrar"."Go deep inside a hidden world that few dare to enter."
"Este website está dedicado a todos los que se atreven a jugar el legendario juego Mary Worth"."This website is devoted to all those who dare to play the legendary game Mary Worth."
"Hacedlos trotar", malditos shows de equitación. ¿Cómo se atreven?Putting them through their paces, bloody horse shows. How do they dare? No one understands.
"Cecily, desde que observé tu maravillosa e incomparable belleza me atreví a amarte salvajemente, apasionadamente devotamente, sin esperanzas.""Cecily, ever since I looked upon your wonderful "and incomparable beauty, "I have dared to love you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly."
"Jamás me atreví a presentárselo,"You never met him because I never dared bring a friend home.
- Christine, vine tan pronto me atreví...- Christine, I came as soon as I dared...
- Me atreví.I dared to say it was for me.
A fuerza de encarnar a dioses... me atreví a creer que podría ser un hombre.Probably because I often play God on stage... I dared to think I could be a man.
Agente Steve Jinks... antiguo agente, anterior agente de Almacen 13, ahora expulsado por la Sra. Frederic y los Regentes porque te atreviste a tener escrúpulos.Agent Steve Jinks-- former A.T.F., former Warehouse 13, now burned by Mrs. Frederic and the Regents because you dared to have scruples.
Bueno, simplemente tienes que aceptar el hecho de que tienes un destino mucho más grandioso de lo que te atreviste a pensar que era posible para ti.Well, you just have to accept the fact that you have a destiny far greater than you ever dared imagined possible for yourself.
Claro que lo hicimos, Autobot, porque te atreviste con nosotros y también porque nosotros no le damos a lo que que.Of course we did it, Autobot, because you dared us to and also because we don't give a what what.
Como en el que te atreviste a abrir mi escritorio.Like the one in which you dared break open my desk.
Como gumiho, te atreviste a ganar un corazón humano.As a gumiho, you dared to win over a human heart.
"La vio cruzar la plaza St. Sulpice... "y a pesar de su timidez, se atrevió a saludarla.He saw her crossing the St. Sulpice square... and dared to speak to her despite his shyness.
"Nadie se atrevió a oponersele hasta ahora y tampoco nadie lo hará en el futuro..."No one dared to oppose him till now and nobody will in future too...
"Profundamente en la oscuridad, tratando de ver, me mantuve ahí durante largo tiempo, preguntandome, temiendo, dudando, soñando sueños que ningún mortal se atrevió a soñar antes.""Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal dared to dream before."
"Todos habéis sido testigos, cuando mi hija se atrevió...""All of you witnessed how my daughter dared to..."
# Dragones hemos matado # y rescatado cientos de doncellas # y ningún hombre se atrevió a interrumpir nuestro gran paso # o la hermandad que nos liga# Dragons we've slain # And rescued many maidens fair # And no man ever dared break our stride
Esta noche, les ofrecemos la ilusión con la que soñábamos cuando éramos niños pero nunca nos atrevimos a realizar hasta ahora.Tonight, we offer you the one illusion that we dreamed about as kids but never dared perform until now.
La localización sólo es conocida por los comandantes supremos de la flota y no nos atrevimos a compartirlo con el público. No con la amenaza Cylon tras nosotros.The location was only known by the senior commanders of the fleet, and we dared not share it with the public, not while there was a Cylon threat upon us.
Muchos de nuestros historiadores especularon con que Ra no mató a Egeria, como se creía. Pero nunca nos atrevimos a esperar que pudiera ser encontrada.Many of our historians speculated that Ra did not kill Egeria as was widely believed, but we... we never dared hope that she would ever be found.
Nos atrevimos!- We dared!
Sugiero que el chupa sangre puede ser más cercano de lo que nosotros nos atrevimos a sospechar.I submit that the bloodsucking fiend may be closer than we dared suspect.
- Os atrevisteis a soñar. - ¡Eso es cualquier persona con una pegatina roja!You dared to dream. That's anyone with a red sticker!
- Se atrevieron ...They dared! We have to strike now.
Al igual que Martin Luther antes que ellos, se atrevieron a poner en tela de juicio la creencia dentro de la institución que les da que comer.Like Martin Luther before them, they have dared to challenge the orthodoxy of the institution which gives them their livelihood.
Algunos se atrevieron contraatacar.Some dared to fight back.
Así es como te conviertes en inmortal, y esta noche nos unimos a los pocos orgullosos que se atrevieron a intentar este reto.That is how you become immortal, and tonight, we join the proud few who have dared to attempt this feat.
Así que se metieron en una obra y se atrevieron a tirar a su amigo... No es nuestro amigo.You just snuck into a construction site and dared your friend... he's not our friend.
Ya que la pidió, me atreveré a dársela.Since you asked, I will dare to give it to you.
"Y es un misterio cuál será la moda en pelucas después de la peste... pues nadie se atreverá a comprar pelo por miedo a contagiarse."And it is a wonder what will be the fashion after the plague is done as to perwigs for nobody will dare to buy any haire for fear of the infection.
"Ya que nadie se atreverá a enviar una primicia, tendría que hacer mi propia vigilancia, y mi duro trabajo compensará"."Since no one will dare to send in a scoop, "I had to do by own stakeout, "and my hard work paid off.
- nadie se atreverá a defenderme.- no one will dare defend me.
Así pues, decidme, hombres jóvenes, -- ¿Quién se atreverá ?So tell me, young men, - who will dare?
Así ya nadie se atreverá a insultarla.As no one will dare to insult.
No puede imaginarse... que nos atreveremos a rescatar a Shailu de sus garras.He cannot imagine .. ..that we will dare to rescue Shailu from him.
"El informe Leuchter" existe en decenas de idiomas, y me atrevería a decir en millones de ejemplares.The Leuchter Report is out there in dozens of languages. and, I would dare say, in millions of copies.
- Nadie se atrevería, Woj.- No one would dare, Woj.
- Nadie se atrevería. ¿Por qué?- No one would dare. Why?
- Ninguna editorial se atrevería...- But no publisher would dare.
- Pero seguramente nadie se atrevería.- But surely no one would dare.
¡Sólo tu te atreverías a usar ese termino insuficiente para describir a un guerrero K'un L'un!Only you would dare use so insufficient a term to describe a K'un L'un warrior!
¿Te atreverías a desafiarme?You would dare challenge me?
¿Te atreverías a matarnos, a los hombres del Shogun?You would dare to kill us, the Shogun's men?
¿Te atreverías a traicionarlo?You would dare betray him?
¿Tú te atreverías a aconsejarme en asuntos de guerra?You would dare to advise me in matters of war?
Apuesto a que sí, y a que puede hacer cosas que los demás ni nos atreveríamos a pensar.I bet you are. I bet you could get away with a lot no one else would dare to.
Cazan presas que pocos guepardos se atreverían a enfrentar.They hunt prey few other cheetahs would dare to tackle.
Conozco muy pocos hoteles que se atreverían a cobrar 8 peniques por una copa de jerez sin embargo, inspector.I know very few hotels that would dare to charge 8 pence for a glass of sherry, however inspector
No creo se atreverían luchandoI don't believe they would dare fighting back
¿Crees que ellos se atreverían?You think they would dare doing that?
" ... para cualquiera que se atreva a matarlo, aun cuando fue mi último deseo.I'm only reading what it says, "...for nobody would dare kill him, even if it was my dying wish.
"Ahora que yo sé no se atreva a hablar más"Now that l know don't dare talk anymore"
"Cualquiera que se atreva a invadir la santidad de la casa de América será encontrado y castigado con todas las leyes disponibles"."Anyone who dares to invade the sanctity of America's house will be caught and punished with all of America's might. "
"Lo tercero es que nadie se atreva a luchar contra nosotros"Third deed of ours if anyone dare us to fight
"Me atrevo a todo cuanto se atreva un hombre", Sarah.I dare do all that may become a man, Sarah.
! No te atrevas!- Don't you dare!
! Oh, no te atrevas!Oh, don't you dare!
" Pero no te atrevas a llorarBut you don't dare cry
"" No te atrevas a mirar hacia otro lado, usted travieso panadero"'Don't you dare look away, you naughty Baker Boy.
Además, no esperan que nos atrevamos.Besides, they won't expect us to dare.
No nos atrevamos a dejarle hacer lo que le de la gana# We dare not leave him to his own devices
No nos atrevamos a desobedecerlo.We dare not disobey him.
Tal vez este Muad'dib crea que puede seguir atacándonos... para luego esconderse donde no nos atrevamos a seguirlo.Perhaps this Muad'Dib thinks he can continue to attack us then retreat into the wilderness where we dare not follow.
- No os atreváis a coméroslas.- Don't you dare to eat 'em.
- No os atreváis a tocarlo.- Don't you dare touch him again!
- No os atreváis.Don't you dare.
Entrad las que os atreváis.Enter, ye who dare.
No os atreváis a acercaros o sois hombre muerto.Don't you dare come closer or you're dead.
"Oh, a lo que los hombres se atrevan."O, what men dare do!
- Madison. - No se atrevan a irse.Don't you dare walk off the stage.
- No se atrevan a encender el televisor.- Don't you dare turn on that TV set.
- No se atrevan a tratarme diferente. - No.- Don't you dare treat me differently.
- No, no se atrevan.- No, don't you dare.
" que su respuesta pío me arrancaría aparte de que no me he atrevido a hacerlo. ""that his tweet reply would rip me apart that I haven't dared do it."
"Hay que conquistar, conseguir, llegar a la Cima... saber que no hay sueño que no debe ser atrevido. "One must conquer, achieve, get to the top to know there's no dream that mustn't be dared.
"Hayqueconquistar,conseguir, llegar a la cima ... saber que no hay sueño que no debe ser atrevido. ""One must conquer, achieve, get to the top... to know there's no dream that mustn't be dared."
"Podría haberme atrevido a escribir una carta de amor para tí"Would I have dared write a love letter to you
"Soñando más sueños que ningún mortal se habría atrevido a soñar"."Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
Hoy en día un físico se está atreviendo a entrar a estos portales extraños y trazar una ruta a través del agujero de gusano.Now one physicist is daring to enter these strange portals and plot a course through the wormhole.
Cómo te atrevés.How dare you.
Cómo te atrevés?How dare you?
Vení al Este, si te atrevés.Come east if you dare.
¿Como te atrevés a asumir que tengo alguna capacidad emocional en absoluto?How dare you assume that I have any emotional capacity whatsoever?
¿Como te atrevés?How dare you?

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