Barrer (to sweep) conjugation

101 examples

Conjugation of barrer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I sweep
you sweep
he/she/it sweeps
we sweep
you all sweep
they sweep
Present perfect tense
he barrido
I have swept
has barrido
you have swept
ha barrido
he/she/it has swept
hemos barrido
we have swept
habéis barrido
you all have swept
han barrido
they have swept
Past preterite tense
I swept
you swept
he/she/it swept
we swept
you all swept
they swept
Future tense
I will sweep
you will sweep
he/she/it will sweep
we will sweep
you all will sweep
they will sweep
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would sweep
you would sweep
he/she/it would sweep
we would sweep
you all would sweep
they would sweep
Past imperfect tense
I used to sweep
you used to sweep
he/she/it used to sweep
we used to sweep
you all used to sweep
they used to sweep
Past perfect tense
había barrido
I had swept
habías barrido
you had swept
había barrido
he/she/it had swept
habíamos barrido
we had swept
habíais barrido
you all had swept
habían barrido
they had swept
Future perfect tense
habré barrido
I will have swept
habrás barrido
you will have swept
habrá barrido
he/she/it will have swept
habremos barrido
we will have swept
habréis barrido
you all will have swept
habrán barrido
they will have swept
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I sweep
(if/so that) you sweep
(if/so that) he/she/it sweep
(if/so that) we sweep
(if/so that) you all sweep
(if/so that) they sweep
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya barrido
I have swept
hayas barrido
you have swept
haya barrido
he/she/it has swept
hayamos barrido
we have swept
hayáis barrido
you all have swept
hayan barrido
they have swept
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have swept
(if/so that) you have swept
(if/so that) he/she/it have swept
(if/so that) we have swept
(if/so that) you all have swept
(if/so that) they have swept
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have swept
(if/so that) you have swept
(if/so that) he/she/it have swept
(if/so that) we have swept
(if/so that) you all have swept
(if/so that) they have swept
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera barrido
I had swept
hubieras barrido
you had swept
hubiera barrido
he/she/it had swept
hubiéramos barrido
we had swept
hubierais barrido
you all had swept
hubieran barrido
they had swept
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese barrido
I had swept
hubieses barrido
you had swept
hubiese barrido
he/she/it had swept
hubiésemos barrido
we had swept
hubieseis barrido
you all had swept
hubiesen barrido
they had swept
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have swept
(if/so that) you will have swept
(if/so that) he/she/it will have swept
(if/so that) we will have swept
(if/so that) you all will have swept
(if/so that) they will have swept
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere barrido
I will have swept
hubieres barrido
you will have swept
hubiere barrido
he/she/it will have swept
hubiéremos barrido
we will have swept
hubiereis barrido
you all will have swept
hubieren barrido
they will have swept
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's sweep!
Imperative negative mood
no barras
do not sweep!
no barra
let him/her/it sweep!
no barramos
let us not sweep!
no barráis
do not sweep!
no barran
do not sweep!

Examples of barrer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Durante mis años de secundaria fui seleccionado para barrer la casa del Director.During my high school days, I was appointed to sweep the principal's house.
"Héroe", enviado por nuestra madre, la diosa Atena... para librarnos de este asedio... un Héroe para barrer los ejércitos del rey Minos de vuelta al mar... un Héroe para sentarse a mi lado... su rey, de su padre."Hero," sent by our mother, the goddess Athena, to deliver us from this siege, a Hero to sweep King Minos's armies back to the sea, a Hero to sit alongside me... His king, his father.
# Hacer citas para barrer# Making appointments to sweep
# No hay suelos que tenga que barrer# There aren't any floors for me to sweep
#Mientras algunos de nosotros tenemos que barrer los pisosBut some of us got floors to sweep
- Pues, barro con una escoba.- I don't know. I sweep it up with a broom.
- Si ellos no ganan, barro todo un mes.- lf they don't win, I'll sweep it for a month.
- Yo barro, tu juntas.I'll sweep, you catch.
Comenzando las tareas limpio y barro todos los pisos¶¶Start on the chores I sweep 'til the floors all clean. ¶¶
Dejo que creas que me estás pateando el culo, y luego en la última mano, barro con todo tu dinero.I let you think you're kicking my ass, and then in the last hand, I sweep in and take all your money.
'Si barres las agujas de pino,' 'aquí hay mosaicos por todas partes,' 'anunciando empresas que importan productos desde el extranjero.''If you sweep away the pine needles, 'there are mosaics all around here, 'advertising companies importing goods from abroad.'
- Me muero por un trago. ¿Estos tipos van a darte un trago si barres el suelo?These guys are gonna give you a drink if you sweep up?
Cuando acabes aquí barres lo de adentro.When you're done here sweep the inside.
Entonces das una patada, giras y barres con la pierna.And then he kicks, twists, and sweeps the leg...
No friegues eso si no lo barres antes.Don't mop that if you're not going to sweep it first.
"Que barre todo a su paso.""That sweeps away everything In Its path"
- Repone mercadería, embolsa, barre.Stocks shelves, bags groceries, sweeps up.
- Sam, que barre los pisos aquí?- Sam, who sweeps the floors here?
A media hora del terremoto, un poderoso tsunami de 9 metros azota la costa norte de Japón... y barre el paisaje, llegando a casi 10 kilómetros tierra adentro, destruyendo todo a su paso.Within half an hour of the earthquake, a powerful 30-foot tsunami strikes the northern coast of Japan... and sweeps across the landscape, reaching six miles inland, destroying everything in its path.
A medida que barre la arena superficial se puede ver que la arena demasiado es más amarilla más caliente que el exterior de su concha pues aún conserva el calor que adquirió durante el día.As she sweeps away the surface sand you can see that the sand too is yellower warmer than the outside of her shell for it still retains the heat it acquired during the day.
- ¿Así que lo barremos debajo de la alfombra?- So we just sweep it under the carpet?
Aparecemos en la noche, barremos la porquería y enterramos los cuerpos. Así el mundo está limpito y brillante para ti al día siguiente.We appear in the dead of night and sweep up the mess and bury the bodies, so the world is clean and smart for you the next day.
No barremos el polvo debajo de la alfombra, como dicen algunas personas.We don't sweep the dirt under the carpet, as some people say.
Quitamos el polvo, barremos y frotamos.Dusting and sweeping and scrubbing with Comet
Si no barremos... el polvo no se va.It's like when we sweep, where the broom can't reach, the dust doesn't leave by itself. Worker's discourse.
"Los vientos que barren suavemente dicen .."The winds sweeping gently say..
# Donde en espacios rocosos # suavemente duermen las prímulas # y barren delicadamente el viento.Where in rocky spaces Softly sleep the primroses And sweeps so gently the wind
# Donde en espacios rocosos # suavemente duermen las prímulas # y barren delicadamente...Where in rocky spaces Softly sleep the primroses And sweeps so gently
- Gemelos dejados, 48 barren.- Twins left, 48 sweep.
28 barren con todo en dos.28 sweep on two.
- Vale, vale ... - me barrí en ella, que no era yo ...- OK, OK... - I got swept up in it, it wasn't me...
Acabo barrí la casa Telesca con el EMF.I just swept the Telesca house with the EMF.
Bien, un verano, barrí peloWell, one summer, I swept up hair
Bueno, bueno, ya barrí los pasillos, vacié la basura, por lo que si no hay nada más que hacer, creo que sólo voy a irme.Okay, well, I swept the hallways, I emptied the trash, so if there's nothing else to do, I guess I'm just gonna go.
En mi cabeza, cuando estaba perfilado encima, barrí en y expuesto todo.In my head, when I was blading over, I swept in and exposed everything.
- ¿Ya barriste?- Have you swept up?
¡Hijo de puta, barriste mi escena!You son of a bitch. You swept my crime scene.
"Tras quitarse su peluca característica, Donny Aoki... barrió el suelo antes de fallar inesperadamente.""After suddenly doffing his trademark wig, Donny Aoki... swept the floor before unexpectedly defaulting."
- Así que barrió todo el edificio?- So, you swept the entire property?
- Entrenador, que barrió con las plumas.- Coach, you swept out the feathers.
- Willie me barrió hasta acá.- Willie swept me in here.
...surgió y lo barrió surged and swept.
- Ayer barrimos este lugar, ¿no?We swept by this place yesterday, right?
Bien, barrimos el basurero.Well, we swept the junkyard.
Cuando barrimos con el grupo de Greene nunca encontramos a Scotty.When we swept up greene's crew, We never found scotty.
Hay mucho espacio desde que barrimos a los brokers muertosThere was lots of room after we swept up the dead stock brokers.
La barrimos de la Villa.We have swept it from the villa.
- Alguna vez barrieron esas escaleras?- Has anybody ever swept these stairs?
- Lo sé, también barrieron.They swept it, too.
Barrieron ampliamente, barrieron a ciegas hasta que el número superó los 1000 y la gente comenzó ha hacerse preguntas.Hesweptbroadly,hesweptblindly until the number was over 1000 and people started asking questions.
Cuando las Hatak se interpusieron en su camino las barrieron.When the hatak stood in your way, they were swept aside.
Cuando los droides barrieron Ryloth la República fue incapaz de ayudarnos.When the droids swept over Ryloth, the Republic was unable to help us.
Empezarás arreglando el jardín y más adelante barrerás la oficina.You will begin fixing the garden and more ahead you will sweep the office.
El comunismo barrerá el mundo y los días de la máquina guerrera imperialista estadounidense están contados.Communism will sweep the world and the days of the US imperialist war machine are numbered!
El primer ataque barrerá la colina.The first attack will sweep the hill.
En cierto modo, será el ejército del capitán América el que barrerá a todo el mundo, liderado por mi incuestionablemente leal comandante de campo. Iron Master!In a way, it will be captain America's army that will sweep across the globe, led by my unquestioningly loyal field commander, the iron master!
Hipólito barrerá las escaleras.Hyppolite will sweep the steps.
La infantería barrerá su cubierta superior con el cañón giratorio y los mosquetes.Captain Howard and the marines will sweep their weather deck with swivel gun and musket fire from the tops.
Eso es todo. ¡Lo barreremos!That's all. We will sweep him up!
A su vez, estos sismos desencadenarán una serie de tsunamis, que barrerán continentes enteros, llevándose la mayoría de los rastros de la civilización.In turn, these quakes will trigger a series of tsunamis, which will sweep across entire continents, washing away most traces of civilisation.
Policías de todas las nacionalidades barrerán Manhattan.A united nations of cops will sweep down on Manhattan.
¡El personal cegado de la verdad os barrerán al mar!The blinding staff of truth will sweep you all into the sea!
Dijo que barrería la tierra.He said it would sweep the land.
Si la lluvia se mantienen por un año por lo que el oro estuviera por todo el lugar la gente lo barrería fuera de la casa, se sacaría sus anillos, los tiraría a la basura y asi el comportamiento humano sufre un cambio por esa condición.If the rain kept up for a year so that gold was all over the place people would sweep it out of the house, take their rings off, throw them away and so human behavior undergoes change to that condition.
Hace mucho, mucho tiempo, los pergaminos decían que las fuerzas de la oscuridad barrerían nuestro reino hasta que solo quedara Yonderland.Far far ago, the ancients wrote upon the scrolls that dark forces would sweep our realm until only Yonderland remained.
Hace mucho, mucho tiempo,los antiguos escribieron en pergmaninos que las fueras oscuras barrerían nuestro terreno, hasta que sólo quedara Yonderland.Far, far ago, the ancients wrote upon the scrolls that dark forces would sweep our realm, until only Yonderland remained.
Además, que barra o no barra, siempre habrá más papeles.Sweeping, or not sweeping, there is always more paper
Aunque aprenda kung fu, barra el suelo,although I learn kung fu, sweep the floor.
Busca a otro para que barra.-Get your unis to do your sweeping.
Creo que un terremoto superior a 9 en la escala de Richter, Provocaría que el tsunami barra por completo al océano pacifico, A través del golfo de Tailandia.I believe that an earthquake higher than 9 on the Richter scale would cause a Tsunami to sweep the Pacific Ocean across the Gulf of Thailand.
De una sola barra... Me voy esta noche.ln one fell sweep... l'm leaving tonight.
Así que no quiero que simplemente barras todo esto bajo la alfombra.So I just don't want you to sweep this under the rug.
Aún necesito que reaprovisiones los estantes y que barras el almacén.I still need you to re-stock the shelves and sweep out the storage room.
Carajo, Ellie, te he dicho que barras la trastienda.Ellie. Damn it, I told you to sweep the back room.
Cassie, será mejor que barras eso.Cassie, you'd best sweep that up.
De acuerdo, hagamos que bajes al sótano y, um, barras algo.All right, let's-let's have you go down to the basement and, um, sweep something.
- Está bien, tropas, barramos el área.- Okay, troops, let's sweep the area.
- No, dije "barramos".- No, I didn't. I said "sweep."
Creo que lo mejor es que barramos este incidente debajo de la alfombra.I think it's best... we just sweep the whole incident under the rug.
El comandante quiere que barramos el área y veamos si hay más Jedis antes de que llegue.The commander wants us to sweep the area and check for any other Jedi until he arrives.
En cuanto barramos, volverá a quedar bien.Once we sweep it up, it'll be all right again.
Acordonen la zona y barran el muelle.Seal off the area and sweep the entire pier.
Cuando acaben, barran los túneles.l don't know. MAN: When you're done here you can go and sweep the tunnels.
Deja que las unidades barran el área, tal vez podamos sacar el cuerpo de Gellar.Let's have the unis sweep the area, maybe we can turn up Gellar's body.
Despierta a Pope de sus dulces sueños, que los Berserkers barran el área.Wake Pope up from his beauty sleep, have the Berserkers sweep the area.
Dispérsense desde aquí y barran el este.Fan out from here and sweep east!
El resto, barred este edificio.The rest, sweep this block. Anyone that doesn't look right gets tossed.
Ella esta a pie, y ella no esta sola separaos, barred la zona.Spread out, sweep the neighborhood. Come on, ome on, come on!
Potencia 29, barred en uno.Power 29 sweep on one.
Suerte del demonio. ¡Bien hecho de todos modos, barred!Luck of the devil! Well done, those sweeps.
¡Dejad de discutir y barred!Stop squabbling and sweep the floor.
- Debí hacer un barrido de la casa.- I should've swept the house.
- He barrido todo.- I've swept everywhere
- ¡Los hemos barrido de la pista!- We swept them of their feet.
- ¿La ha barrido a fondo?Have you swept it thoroughly?
- ¿Ya has barrido, Keefer?All swept up, Keefer?
# Después de haberse ido las ambulancias # # es el sonido de cenicienta barriendo ## After the ambulances go # # is Cinderella sweeping up on #
# Hay un nuevo himno nacional barriendo a todo el país #♪ There is a new national anthem that is sweeping the land ♪
- Ahora estoy barriendo.- Now I'm sweeping.
- Alguien viene. - Se lo dije. Es el conserje barriendo las escaleras.- Someone's coming - l told you so lt's just the caretaker sweeping the stairs
- Aún estamos barriendo el área.We're still sweeping the area.

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