Borrar (to erase) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of borrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I erase
you erase
he/she/it erases
we erase
you all erase
they erase
Present perfect tense
he borrado
I have erased
has borrado
you have erased
ha borrado
he/she/it has erased
hemos borrado
we have erased
habéis borrado
you all have erased
han borrado
they have erased
Past preterite tense
I erased
you erased
he/she/it erased
we erased
you all erased
they erased
Future tense
I will erase
you will erase
he/she/it will erase
we will erase
you all will erase
they will erase
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would erase
you would erase
he/she/it would erase
we would erase
you all would erase
they would erase
Past imperfect tense
I used to erase
you used to erase
he/she/it used to erase
we used to erase
you all used to erase
they used to erase
Past perfect tense
había borrado
I had erased
habías borrado
you had erased
había borrado
he/she/it had erased
habíamos borrado
we had erased
habíais borrado
you all had erased
habían borrado
they had erased
Future perfect tense
habré borrado
I will have erased
habrás borrado
you will have erased
habrá borrado
he/she/it will have erased
habremos borrado
we will have erased
habréis borrado
you all will have erased
habrán borrado
they will have erased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I erase
(if/so that) you erase
(if/so that) he/she/it erase
(if/so that) we erase
(if/so that) you all erase
(if/so that) they erase
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya borrado
I have erased
hayas borrado
you have erased
haya borrado
he/she/it has erased
hayamos borrado
we have erased
hayáis borrado
you all have erased
hayan borrado
they have erased
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have erased
(if/so that) you have erased
(if/so that) he/she/it have erased
(if/so that) we have erased
(if/so that) you all have erased
(if/so that) they have erased
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have erased
(if/so that) you have erased
(if/so that) he/she/it have erased
(if/so that) we have erased
(if/so that) you all have erased
(if/so that) they have erased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera borrado
I had erased
hubieras borrado
you had erased
hubiera borrado
he/she/it had erased
hubiéramos borrado
we had erased
hubierais borrado
you all had erased
hubieran borrado
they had erased
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese borrado
I had erased
hubieses borrado
you had erased
hubiese borrado
he/she/it had erased
hubiésemos borrado
we had erased
hubieseis borrado
you all had erased
hubiesen borrado
they had erased
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have erased
(if/so that) you will have erased
(if/so that) he/she/it will have erased
(if/so that) we will have erased
(if/so that) you all will have erased
(if/so that) they will have erased
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere borrado
I will have erased
hubieres borrado
you will have erased
hubiere borrado
he/she/it will have erased
hubiéremos borrado
we will have erased
hubiereis borrado
you all will have erased
hubieren borrado
they will have erased
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's erase!
Imperative negative mood
no borres
do not erase!
no borre
let him/her/it erase!
no borremos
let us not erase!
no borréis
do not erase!
no borren
do not erase!

Examples of borrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El Führer ha decidido borrar de la faz El planeta de la ciudad de San Petersburgo."The Führer decided to erase of the face of the planet the city of Petersburgo.
"Tuvimos 17 años felices," "durante el cual logré borrar todo rastro de mi antiguo yo."We had 17 happy years, during which I managed to erase all trace of my former self.
"¿Seguro quiere borrar Génesis?". Claro que sí."Are you sure you want to erase Genesis?" Yes, I would.
- ... por el que un roofie se toma el día después de un evento humillante demasiado tarde para borrar la memoria del propio evento humillante pero no demasiado tarde para borrar el intento del día anterior para borrar el evento.- ...whereby a roofie is taken the day after a degrading event too late to erase the memory of the degrading event itself but not too late to erase the prior day's attempt to erase the event.
- No lo sé. Es aburrido. ¿Es eso suficiente razón para borrar a alguien?Is that enough reason to erase someone?
- Kira... y borro todo lo que sé sobre Anton.- Kira... and erase everything I know about Anton.
- ¿Entonces lo borro?So should I erase it?
..en nuestras cámaras, la borro our video cameras, he's erased everything.
Así que borro el disco duro primero, me protejo yo y a vosotros.So I erase the drive first, protect me and you.
Bueno, nosotros le queríamos hasta que se comió todo lo que había en casa. Y borro una vida para vivir.Well, we did love him until he ate everything in the house and erased "One Life to Live."
- Nunca las borras.You never erase them.
- Vuelves a su mente y borras su memoria otra vez.- You go back into his mind and erase his memory again.
- Y entonces lo borras, ¿ya?- And then erase it, okay?
Bueno, si estás tan seguro de que este es un caso para cerrarlo ya, ¿por qué no te quedas aquí y borras algunos de tus mensajes interesantes?All right, well, if you're so sure it's an open-and-shut case, why don't you stay here and erase some of your juicy texts?
Cada vez que borras algo hay virutitas sobre la mesa.- Every time you erase... there are little shavings all over your desk.
"Incluso si se borra" "el mar se rió de mí"Even if it erases, the sea laughed at me.
- ¿Cree que alguien las borra?- You think someone erases them?
- ¿Por qué no me dices esto antes de empezar? - Lo hice. Pero incluso la información de estas criaturas se borra a sí misma con el tiempo.But even information about these creatures erases itself, over time.
Al final, borra los recuerdos más antiguos y preciados de la persona.Eventually, it erases a person's oldest and most precious memories.
Bien y este hombre, Frank Monk, borra la llamada.OK, and this man, Frank Monk, erases the call.
"Permítame reaparecer de vez en cuando en su memoria "como una vieja canción que nunca borramos de la mente.Allow me to reappear now and then in your memory like an old song we never truly erase from our mind.
- Entonces ¿no os borramos la memoria?- So we didn't erase your memory?
- ¿Mejor los borramos?Should we just erase those?
- ¿Por qué no solamente lo borramos?- Why not just erase it?
Hace dos semanas, accidentalmente borramos una tercera parte del contenido de Intersite.Two weeks ago, we accidentally erased one-third of Intersite's entire library.
¿Por qué no borráis la fotografía?Why don't you guys erase that picture?
"Todas las marcas se borran.""All the marks erases."
"Tods las marcas se borran.""All the marks erases."
Algunas cosas no se borran del cuerpo.Some things can't be erased from the body.
Así es como me encontré los demás te borran.That's how I found the others you erased.
Ataques misteriosos que justifican la guerra, acuerdos comerciales que borran las fronteras, colapsos del Mercado de Valores, que repercuten en miles de millones de pérdidas.Mysterious attacks that justify war, trade deals that erase borders, stock market collapses that shift billions in wealth.
- La borré.I erased it.
- Usted onfeel de esa manera porque yo borré todas las partes buenas.- You onfeel that way because I erased all the good parts.
- Él no te vio el rostro y yo te borré del registro del hotel.He didn't see your face and I erased you from the hotel registry.
Así que, ¿borré ... el mensaje o...So I erased...the message or...
Burt se aseguró de que borré la cinta de seguridad.Burt made sure I erased the security tape.
- Tú le borraste la mente.- You erased her mind.
Bastante mal estuviste con guardarte la cinta, Patrick... pero ahora encima la's bad enough you kept the tape, Patrick, but now you've erased it, too.
Damon murió, y tú borraste todos tus recuerdos.Damon died, and you erased all your memories.
Dime que robaste, comiste, borraste.Tell me that you snatched, ate, erased.
Ella alega que tú borraste todo rastro de él...She claims that you erased all traces of him
- Alguien borró dos horas del video.- Somebody erased two hours of this.
- Alguien la borró.- So somebody's erased it.
- El asesino borró sus identidades.- A murderer erased their identities.
- La base de datos del gobierno obviamente borró sus ADNs.I beg your pardon? The government database obviously erased their DNA.
- Lo borró todo.- She erased everything.
- Ya lo borraron, no entiendo.They've erased it. I don't get it.
A lo mejor ya los borraron.- Maybe he already erased them...
Apuesto que borraron tu memoria hace mucho.I'll bet they erased your memory a long time ago.
Aquellos que me amaron y que yo amé se borraron en la palidez del día.Those who loved me and I loved pallor is erased in the day.
Choqué contra una torre de electricidad y se borraron mis mapas astrales,I crashed into electrical towers and my star charts were erased,
Le borraré.l will erase him.
Muy bien, lo borraré de la memoria.Very well, i will erase it from memory.
Si me engañas en esta, entraré en la red y en menos de una hora, te borraré por completo.You cross me on this, I'll go online... and in less than a hour, I will erase you.
Y te borraré por completo, Rachel. A no ser que me cuentes qué estás tramando con Ferdinand.And I will erase you completely, Rachel, unless you tell me what you're planning with Ferdinand.
- Que borrará la cinta.Which will erase the tape.
El Magus los borrará.It will erase them to the Magus.
Ella los borrará para siempre!She will erase them all, forever!
Esta noche, cuando duerma, mi mente borrará todo lo que sé sobre hoy todo lo que hice hoy.Tonight, as I sleep, my mind will erase everything I know, everything I did today.
Esta noche, cuando duerma, mi mente lo borrará todoTonight, as I sleep, my mind will erase everything...
Al mismo tiempo, borraremos la mayor amenaza de la memoria reciente.At the same time, we will erase the greatest threat in recent memory.
"Estas lágrimas de alegría limpiarán las preocupaciones de su frente," "mis sonrisas borrarán sus quejas."These tears of joy will wipe the stress off their brow, my smiles will erase their complaints
Sebastián se borrarán todos los datos que él recogió de inmediato.Sebastian will erase all data that he collected immediately.
Y borrarán cualquier evidencia de que hayas existido.And they will erase any evidence that you were ever here.
A veces me digo que nada de esto sucedió que no apuñalé a nadie y que una buena noche de sueño borraría lo que vivíSometimes I think this never happened, that I stabbed no one, that a good sleep would erase it all.
Además, esto borraría lo de la Ciudad de Hielo.Plus, this would erase Ice Town.
Antes de que Will y el conejo me trajeran al País de las Maravillas, antes de que me dijeran que estabas vivo, estaba en un manicomio, y había aceptado someterme... a un procedimiento que borraría mis recuerdos de este lugar... y de ti... para siempre.Before Will and the Rabbit brought me to Wonderland, before they told me you were alive, I was in an asylum, and I agreed to something... this procedure that would erase my memory of this place... and of you... forever.
Es una tontería, pero he pensado que si hoy iba perfecto entonces borraría el cáncer durante un tiempo.It's so dumb, but I just thought that if today went perfectly, then... It would erase the cancer for a little while.
Pensé que si podía protegerte eso borraría todas las cosas que había visto y hecho.I thought that if I could protect you it would erase all the things that I'd seen and done.
Lo he engañado. Intenté construir un castillo de arena pero olvidé que las olas lo borrarían.l set out to build a castle of sand but l forgot the waves would erase it.
- La agresión emocional de una violación, hace que la víctima borre el rostro del atacante de su memoria.- Given the emotional violence of rape the face of the attacker is often erased from memory.
- bueno, cuando limpié mi memoria caché, señor, borre mi banco de datos sobre lencería no lo veía muy util, a menos que hiciéramos una fiesta de disfraces, y quisiera usted ir de Herman Goering de todos modos, relájate, Kryten. ella programó la sonda-scanner la semana pasada,- When I cleaned my cache files, I erased my lingerie database. I'd only need it if you wanted to go to a fancy dress party as Hermann Göring.
- ¿Me pides que borre evidencia?You're asking me to erase murder evidence?
Al Almirante Paris... pausa... y borre.To Admiral Paris... pause... and erase.
Así que para preservar ese amor borre tu mente por completo quitando esos malos pensamientos.So to preserve that love erase your mind completely removing those bad thoughts.
- Charlie, no borres eso. - No, está bien.- Charlie, don't erase that.
- Será mejor que lo borres.You better erase that thing.
- que borres esa grabación ahora mismo.- to erase that recording right now.
A menos que borres su memoria en la sala de los 3 elementos no podrás ser su nuevo maestro.Unless you erase their memory in the Tri-Element Hall you won't become its new master.
Antes de que lo olvide mañana a primera hora, quiero que borres la base de datos histórica.Before I forget... first thing tomorrow, I want you to erase the historical database.
Aunque borremos todas las pistas... ¿cómo explicaremos los moratones que hay en su cuerpo?Even if we erased all clues, are we going to explain the scratches on her body?
Durante 100 años nos han pedido que borremos nuestra historia.100 years we've been asked to erase our history.
No le borremos antes de intentar ayudarle.please, Iet's not just erase him without trying to help him first.
Cualquier cosa que hagáis, no lo borréis.Whatever you do, don't erase it.
Esta vez, no la borréis y quizá mañana vayamos más allá.on the board. This time, don't erase it, and maybe tomorrow we'll get even further.
Su Majestad el Shah me ha enviado a mí, su nieto... para suplicaros, Soberano... que borréis de vuestros recuerdos este hecho.His Majesty the Shah has sent me, his grandson... to request that you, Sovereign... erase from memory this event.
- Ese viejo es solo un viejo loco. Mañana irás a Anchorhead para que le borren la memoria a esa unidad R2Tomorrow, take that R2 unit to Anchorhead and have its memory erased.
- Haré que borren el humo del misil.I'll have the missile smoke erased.
Bueno, no voy a dejar que le borren la memoria.Well, I'm not gonna let them erase his mind.
Como ha aprobado su examen de Correos, propongo que se le borren todos los cargos de su historial.Since he passed his postal exam, I move that all charges be now erased from his record.
Gila, tenemos que volver allí. Su madre escribió algo. Tenemos que ir antes de que lo borren.Gila, we have to come back over there his mom wrote something we have to come back before they erase it the immigration people will close the case
Sí, puede que borrara la parte...Yes, could have erased the
Elementos a los que llamamos juntos, borrad y reprimid para siempre.Elements we call together, erase and quell forever!
Vale, borrad la foto.Stop, erase that photo.
"Como si se les hubieran borrado la tarjeta de someone's erased their memory card.
# Colorín de la niña bonita, "El querer que se da no se quita", # pero a mí sin querer me han quitado el de una hermanita que yo había encontrado, # por caminos que el viento ha borrado se va.¤ Pretty girl's pet words: "You shall not take away the love you bring",... ¤ but inadvertently they've taken from me the love of a sister that I had found,... ¤ who's going away by paths that wind had erased.
# Colorín de la niña bonita, "El querer que se da no se quita", # pero a mí sin querer me han quitado el de una hermanita que yo había encontrado. # Por caminos que el viento ha borrado se va.¤ Pretty girl's pet words: "You shall not take away the love you bring",... ¤ but inadvertently they've taken from me the love of a sister that I had found,... ¤ who's going away by paths that wind had erased.
# O el tiempo te ha borrado la memoria #- ♪ Or has time erased your memory? ♪ - [knocking continues]
- Cálmate... Estás diciendo que el video fue borrado.Just... you're saying the footage was erased.
"Ella brilla como la luna rosada que surge al ponerse el sol borrando a todas las estrellas que la rodean"."She shines like the rose-fingered moon..." "rising after sundown," "erasing all stars around her."
- Era polvo. - ¡Está borrando la única evidencia!He's erasing the only evidence we had left.
- Está borrando su rastro.- He's erasing his tracks.
- Sigo... sigo borrando...- I keep--I keep erasing--
- Sé, ¡y buena suerte borrando eso!- Yeah, and good luck erasing it!
y borrá esos estúpidos mensajes.and erase those stupid messages.

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