Causar (to cause) conjugation

135 examples

Conjugation of causar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I cause
you cause
he/she/it causes
we cause
you all cause
they cause
Present perfect tense
he causado
I have caused
has causado
you have caused
ha causado
he/she/it has caused
hemos causado
we have caused
habéis causado
you all have caused
han causado
they have caused
Past preterite tense
I caused
you caused
he/she/it caused
we caused
you all caused
they caused
Future tense
I will cause
you will cause
he/she/it will cause
we will cause
you all will cause
they will cause
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would cause
you would cause
he/she/it would cause
we would cause
you all would cause
they would cause
Past imperfect tense
I used to cause
you used to cause
he/she/it used to cause
we used to cause
you all used to cause
they used to cause
Past perfect tense
había causado
I had caused
habías causado
you had caused
había causado
he/she/it had caused
habíamos causado
we had caused
habíais causado
you all had caused
habían causado
they had caused
Future perfect tense
habré causado
I will have caused
habrás causado
you will have caused
habrá causado
he/she/it will have caused
habremos causado
we will have caused
habréis causado
you all will have caused
habrán causado
they will have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I cause
(if/so that) you cause
(if/so that) he/she/it cause
(if/so that) we cause
(if/so that) you all cause
(if/so that) they cause
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya causado
I have caused
hayas causado
you have caused
haya causado
he/she/it has caused
hayamos causado
we have caused
hayáis causado
you all have caused
hayan causado
they have caused
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have caused
(if/so that) you have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it have caused
(if/so that) we have caused
(if/so that) you all have caused
(if/so that) they have caused
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have caused
(if/so that) you have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it have caused
(if/so that) we have caused
(if/so that) you all have caused
(if/so that) they have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera causado
I had caused
hubieras causado
you had caused
hubiera causado
he/she/it had caused
hubiéramos causado
we had caused
hubierais causado
you all had caused
hubieran causado
they had caused
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese causado
I had caused
hubieses causado
you had caused
hubiese causado
he/she/it had caused
hubiésemos causado
we had caused
hubieseis causado
you all had caused
hubiesen causado
they had caused
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have caused
(if/so that) you will have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it will have caused
(if/so that) we will have caused
(if/so that) you all will have caused
(if/so that) they will have caused
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere causado
I will have caused
hubieres causado
you will have caused
hubiere causado
he/she/it will have caused
hubiéremos causado
we will have caused
hubiereis causado
you all will have caused
hubieren causado
they will have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cause!
Imperative negative mood
no causes
do not cause!
no cause
let him/her/it cause!
no causemos
let us not cause!
no causéis
do not cause!
no causen
do not cause!

Examples of causar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Aunque los trabajadores no tomaron parte en el tumulto en su mayoría, algunos ciudadanos disruptivos consiguieron causar problemas.While the vast majority of workers did not take part in any mayhem, a few disruptive elements did manage to cause trouble.
"Bajo regulaciones reglamentarias cualquier animal no doméstico, indomado, de naturaleza depredadora que ha causado, o puede causar daños, debe ser destruido""Under statutory regulations any nondomestic, untamed animal of a predatory nature which has caused, or is liable to cause, injury or damage, must be destroyed."
"Estudios internos han determinado que granjas pequeñas dependientes de agua de pozo para consumo humano corren el riesgo de altas concentraciones de toxinas capaces de causar serios daños al tejido humano"."In-house field studies have indicated that small short-season farms dependent on well water for human consumption are at risk for toxic particulate concentrations at levels significant enough to cause serious human tissue damage."
"Por un período sostenido de tiempo para causar un trauma o la muerte".For a sustained period of time to cause trauma or death."
"Un poco" no es suficiente para causar el coma.Key word is "slightly", as in not high enough to cause the coma.
"Qué" lo causo es para los científicos forenses."What" caused it is for the forensic scientists.
'Buenas tardes. en las noticias, un incendio causo extensos daños' 'a la maderera High View, una tienda de lacteos'Good evening. In the news, a fire caused extensive damage 'to the High View Lumber Company, a dairy store 'and an American Motors dealership in McDonald,
- Es eso lo que causo el tumor? - No, no.- Did this cause the tumor?
- Tocar el bastón lo causo, ¿verdad?Touching the staff caused it, right?
- Un ácido causo su..- An acid caused his left...
"Considerando las causas por las que se instituyó el matrimonio que son...RUNT: "Duly considering the causes for which matrimony was ordained.
"Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los vínculos políticos que lo han ligado a otro y ocupar entre las naciones de la Tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza le dan derecho un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad requiere que declare las causas que les impulsan a esa separación"."When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
"Desde el dolor ... es decir las causas.""From the pain...that is causes."
"El Dr. Sean McNamara, de 101 años murió el martes a la noche por causas naturales"."Dr. Sean McNamara, 101 years old... "died Tuesday night of natural causes.
"Las causas naturales" no funcionó tan bien con él como lo hizo para los otros dos, Así que lo siguió y le disparó."Natural causes" didn't work as well for him as it did for the other two, so you followed him and you shot him.
" que causa enfermedades y que hace infeliz a la gente."causes illness and makes people unhappy.
"Conmovedor: que conmueve, que causa emoción. Escena conmovedora."Poignant: that moves, that causes excitement.
"Ella es la que causa mi estupor""I'm her sobriety, she's the one who causes my daze"
"Es el que causa el mayor dolor."The kind that causes the most pain.
"Es la causa de nuestro sufrimiento ... ""it causes us to pine, makes us suffer.."
- Al dolor que le causamos a Él.- The pain we cause him.
- Nosotras no causamos el accidente.-We didn't cause the accident.
Abrimos las puertas tras tropecientos años y causamos una corriente de aire.We opened the door after umpteen years and caused a bit of a draught.
Ahora que causamos estos cambios climáticos temporales, ¿cómo los hacemos permanentes para librarnos de esos motociclistas y Surfistas para siempre?So, now that we've temporarily caused these changes in the weather, how do we make them permanent so we can get rid of these bikers and surfers for good?
Ahora, si ponemos un extremo de una batería galvánica en contacto con el nervio y el otro en contacto con el músculo causamos una contracción en el músculo.Now, if we place one terminal of the galvanic battery... in contact with the nerve... and the other in contact with muscle... We cause a contraction of the muscle.
No me gusta los problemas que causáis al resto de la compañía cuando alegremente y arrogantemente insultáis a cualquiera que no está conforme con vuestra certeza.I don't like the trouble you cause the rest of the company when you gleefully and arrogantly insult anyone who doesn't conform to your certainty.
No os podéis imaginar la pena que me causáis.You cannot imagine the grief you cause me.
Si causáis problemas, os quitaremos las ganas de pelea en el agujero.If you cause any dissension, you will undergo an attitude adjustment in the sweatbox.
Solo causáis dolor y sufrimiento.You cause only pain and suffering.
" Exceso de luces: cuando alguien pone luces que brillan demasiado hacia las casas vecinas, y causan incomodidad al público.""When bright, uncontrolled light shines in neighbouring property or windows as to cause a public nuisance."
"Cosechan órganos humanos con sus víctimas vivas, parece que les produce placer el salvaje dolor que causan."They harvest human organs while the victims are still alive, "seeming to take pleasure in the savage pain they cause.
"Experto en nutrición, médico" Si aprendiéramos sobre la nutrición, cuáles son los factores que causan la pérdida de calcio... yqué alimentos podríamos ingerir para obtener calcio de una fuente saludable, la gente estaría mucho mejor, y sus huesos serían mucho más fuertes.Md ifwe, and ifwe learned about nutrition what were the factors that cause us to lose calcium... and what foods we could eat to have calcium from a healthier source, people would be much better om and their bones would be much strongertoo.
"Hermanas causan contingencia de tráfico"."Sisters cause traffic hazard."
"La gente nace llena de deseo, estos deseos causan mucho sufrimiento. ""People are born full of desire, these desires are the cause of much suffering."
"Lamento los problemas que te causé...""I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you, and endlessly...
"Lamento si le causé algún problema aunque es obvio que no fue todo culpa mía""I'm sorry if I caused you any distress, though it obviously wasn't all my fault.
*Yo causé* *el incendio de Greendale* *de 2003*♪ I caused ♪ ♪ the Greendale fire ♪ ♪ of '03 ♪
- Escucha, colega. Siento si causé...- Listen, man, I'm sorry if I caused...
- Mira el lío que causé.Look at the mess I caused.
# Katrina, me causaste angustia #♪ Katrina, you caused me pain ♪
- Lleva un día y mira el desastre que causaste.Look at the mess you've caused.
- Sospechamos que causaste el accidente... en el que Snorri murió.- We suspect you of having caused the accident which Snorri died of.
- Tu lo causaste.- You caused it!
- Ya causaste problemas... - Cómo entraste aqui?-You've caused enough problems.
" Oh, bravo, tan ocurrido Y eso es lo que lo causó "."Oh, yeah, that happened and that's what caused it."
"La fiebre causó muchos asesinatos a amigos y familiares".The fever caused many to murder their friends and family. "
"La pelea de Digger Barnes empezó con nuestra familia... causó más sufrimiento... que el que cualquiera de nosotros pueda recordar."The feud digger Barnes started with our family caused more heartbreak than either of us has time to recount.
"Lamento mucho la pena y los problemas que esto causó a las personas en mi vida" ."I deeply regret the pain and trouble this has caused the people in my life. "
"No tenemos información oficial de la policia. Pero volveremos con más noticias, cuando averigüemos que causó esto."We'll be back with news as soon as we can find out what caused this.
Así pues, ningún control sobre la destrucción que causasteis, las formas de vida que perjudicasteis, el terror que provocasteis. los niños a los que marcasteis emocionalmente, las florecillas que...So, no control over the destruction you caused, the life forms you injured, the terror you wrought, the children you scarred emotionally, the little flowers you...
Tus hermanos y tú me causasteis muchos problemas.You and your brothers caused me a whole bunch of trouble.
Vosotros causasteis el virus.You caused this virus.
que vosotros... vosotros causasteis todo esto...You caused all this?
¡Vosotros dos los causasteis todo!You two caused everything!
! ellos causaron una explosión!They caused an explosion.
"Entraron vándalos a la fuerza en el jardín de "Blue Peter" y causaron muchos daños.'Vandals broke into the Blue Peter garden and caused rather a lot of damage.
"Mi opinión es, basada en los videos, que después de que los aviones chocaran contra el WTC, había explosivos dentro de los edificios que causaron que las Torres se derrumbaran."" My opinion is, based on the videotapes, after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center " " there were some explosive devices inside that caused the towers to collapse. "
"Una inclinación de 1,5 grados a sotavento en mares moderados de 18 metros causaron una A.E. de SCB".Uh, "A 1.5-degree leeward decline in moderate 18-meter seas caused a sequence of BCS R.O.A.S."
- Los antibióticos causaron la falla renal.The kidney failure was caused by the antibiotics.
"Si no puedo inspirar amor, entonces causaré miedo.""If I cannot inspire love, then I will cause fear."
Pero, causaré tanto dolor.But I will cause so much pain.
Si ellos lo asesinan, causaré un follón.If they kill him, I will cause a racket!
Te causaré dolor.I will cause you pain.
Te causaré problemas.I will cause you problems.
Escucha, Ryan, te lo he dicho antes, no te llevaré allí dentro si buscas causarles más dolor a Gloria y a los padres de Preston porque al profesar tu amor por Gloria causarás más dolor.Listen, Ryan, l've told you this before, l am not going to take you in there if you intend to cause Gloria and Preston's parents more pain, because by professing your love for Gloria, you will cause more pain.
No le causarás más daño. ¿Entiendes?You will cause her no more harm.
No le causarás más daño.You will cause her no more harm.
Piensa en el dolor que le causarás.Think of the pain you will cause him.
Y en el futuro causarás la muerte de muchos más.And you will cause the death of many of our brothers in the future!
"Pero, si se encuentra con la Sra Josephine causará serios problemas. "'But, if he meets Ms. Josephine it will cause real trouble.'
"Se que esta carta te causará gran tristeza, pero debo escribirla, porque no tengo la valentía de contarte mi decisión""I know this letter will cause you great sorrow, but I must write it, for I haven't the courage to tell you about my decision."
"Si comete el error de dibujar un chino con una trenza" "o lo hace comer nidos de pájaros mientras chilla "Hee, hee!" "causará un gran daño.""If you make the mistake of drawing a Chinese with a pigtail" "or have him eat birds' nests while shrieking "Hee, hee!" "you will cause much damage."
"causará que las minas se desplomen y las ondas de choque van a disparar un masivo... ""will cause the mines to cave in, and shockwaves will trigger a massive..." I'm not reading this.
- El no ser Elvis le causará gran dolor.- To not be Elvis will cause you great pain.
Pero si hacemos eso, causaremos masivo daño a los dos mundos!But if we do that, it will cause massive damage to the both worlds!
Como máximo, serán llevados a reformatorios donde pasarán varios meses, en donde la presión y la falta de espacio causarán su liberación inmediata.At most they'll be sent to reformatories where they will spend several months; where the pressure and lack of space will cause their immediate release.
Dos gramos al día durante unos meses causarán que una persona pierda toda su facultad mental.Two grams a day... over a few months... will cause a person to lose all their mental faculty.
El Sr. Maguire y el libro no causarán más problemas.Mr. Maguire and the book will cause no further problems.
Estas mujeres causarán furor en tiempos venideros.These women will cause a rage in times to come.
Estos arrestos sin autorización y los centros de detención causarán daños irreparables a este país.These warrantless arrests and detention centers will cause irreparable damage to this country.
- Eso causaría problemas.- That would cause trouble.
- La presión causaría una explosión.The pressure would cause an explosion.
- Que la invasión de los nazis causaría el caos en Inglaterra. No habría policía ni ley.That a Nazi invasion of England would cause so very much disruption that there'd be no effective police force and no law, as such.
- ¿Qué causaría algo semejante? - No sé.- What would cause something like that?
- ¿Qué causaría esto?- What would cause that?
- Sólo puedo imaginar el daño que causarías si reunieras las piedras de la sabiduríaI can only imagine what mischief you would cause, were you to unite the stones of knowledge.
La idea simple es hacer de algún modo un poco de materia muy concentrada, extremadamente concentrada, al nivel en el que causarías un agujero negro.The sort of simple notion is somehow to make a very concentrated bit of matter, extremely concentrated, on the level which would cause a black hole.
¿Puedes imaginarte los titulares que causaríamos si tu co-organizaras mi evento conmigo esta noche?Can you imagine the headlines we would cause if you co-hosted my event with me tonight?
Ahí causarían el mayor daño.And I'm just hitting the places that would cause the most structural damage.
Entonces, de hecho, podríamos hacer lo mismo que hacemos en la Tierra poner en la atmósfera gases de efecto invernadero los cuales causarían que el planeta se calentara.So, in fact, we could do the same things we're doing on Earth... putting in the atmosphere greenhouse gases... which would cause the planet to warm.
Estos causarían una masacre mayor aún. Asesinos de países y peor aún.These would cause even more carnage -- country killers and worse.
Hoy en París, hay películas que no podemos hacer. Si las hiciéramos, causarían problemas.Today in Paris, there are certain films that we can't make or if we did, we'd know they would cause trouble.
Imagina el entusiasmo que nuestras mercaderías causarían, si fueramos incluidos en la apertura de la nueva arena.Imagine the excitement our wares would cause, if included in opening celebration of the new arena.
" 'cause you're stutterin'"♪ 'cause you're stuttering' ♪
"'cause broken souls will become whole tonight"♪ 'cause broken souls will become whole tonight ♪
"'cause we know love's a world above this one"♪ 'cause we know love's a world above this one ♪
"'cause you're stutterin'... "♪ 'cause you're stuttering'... ♪
"'cause, baby, I'm an alien like you"♪ 'cause, baby, I'm an alien like you ♪
- He dicho que no me causes problemas.- Please, just open up. - l said, don't cause me any trouble.
- No causes problemas.- Don't cause trouble!
- Randy, no causes problemas.- Randy, please don't cause any trouble.
- ¡No me causes problemas!- Don't cause me any trouble!
Ahora sal de aquí antes de que causes más daño.Now get out of here before you cause any more damage.
Coronel, no causemos bajas innecesarias.Colonel, let's not cause any unnecessary casualties.
Debemos confesar a las autoridades lo que hemos hecho antes de que causemos la muerte a todos los trabajadores del edificio.We ha... we have to tell the authorities what we've done before we cause the deaths of everyone who works in this building.
Lo que intento decir es que no causemos ningún problema.So what I'm trying to say is that let's not cause any trouble.
No es hasta que causemos un milagro que el milagro es valorable.It's not until we've done all we can to cause a miracle that it becomes viable.
No les causemos más daño.We shouldn't cause them more aggravation.
- No nos causéis más problemas.-You're not going to cause more trouble for us.
No causéis problemas y cumplid vuestra sentencia sin protestar.Don't cause trouble and serve your duty well no matter what.
No causéis problemas... o vuestro tío os matara.Don't cause trouble, or your uncle will kill you.
Vale, necesitáis una habitacion antes de que causéis una reacción en cadena que destroce el planeta entero.Okay, you two need to get a room before you cause a chain reaction that destroys the entire planet.
¿Por qué no os hacéis un favor y os vais a tomar por culo del estudio antes de que le causéis más problemas al programa?Why don't you guys do yourselves a favor and get the hell out of the studio right now before you cause more damage to the program?
"No les causen miedo y pánico a estas personas."Don't cause fear and panic in these people.
"Rezo para que mis acciones no causen más dolores"."l pray that my actions will cause no further pains."
Agradecería que no nos causen ningún problema.Appreciate it if you didn't cause us any trouble.
Al fin de cuentas sólo deseas que tus decisiones apresuradas no causen muchos problemas.Ultimately you have to hope your rash move doesn't cause too many problems.
Bueno, entonces asegurémonos que esas cartas no causen nada más.Well, then let's make sure those cards don't cause any more.
...perdóname por cualquier dolor que te causara.I want you to forgive me for whatever pain I may have caused.
Basado en esta simulación, en su experta opinión, ¿fue posible que esta caída causara la rotura del cuello de Cindy Strauss?Based on this simulation, in your expert opinion, was it possible for this fall to have caused Cindy Strauss' broken neck?
Doctor esas lesiones en los antebrazos de la occisa ¿es posible que ella misma se las causara?Doctor these bruises on the deceased's arms is it possible she could have caused them herself?
Es posible que eso causara esa amnesia.It's reasonable to expect that may have caused a mild amnesiac situation.
Quizás se lo causara.I may have caused it.
Puede que causases la discusión pero eso no te convierte en asesino.You may have caused their argument but that doesn't make you a murderer.
Es causad por la mordedura de mosquitos tropicales.It's caused by the bite of tropical sand flies.
! Por favor, John, perdóname por todo el mal que te he causado.Please, John, forgive me, for all the hurt that I caused you.
! ¿Ves todos los problemas que has causado?You see all the trouble you've caused?
" Y ninguna ha causado tanto daño".'And none has ever caused quite so much damage.'
" Yo sé ahora el dolor que debi haber causado."I know now the pain I must have caused you.
" y los muchos dolores que he causado."and the many pains i have caused you.
" El huracán Lucy arrasó puerto Rico el pasado 12 de octubre... causando aún mayor destrucción que el huracán George hace dos años." Hurricane Lucy ripped across Puerto Rico last October 1 2... causing even greater devastation than Hurricane George two years ago.
"Actúa sobre los alveolos pulmonares, causando asfixia"."Acts upon the pulmonary alviolae, causing suffocation.
"Dar ayuda y asistencia al enemigo causando directamente la muerte de ciudadanos estadounidenses."Giving aid and comfort to the enemy and directly causing the death of American citizens.
"Dos mejores amigos se enamoran de la misma mujer, quien deja al inseguro por el apasionado, causando roces entre ellos."Two best friends fall in love with the same woman, who leaves the insecure one for the passionate one, causing friction between them.
"Estás causando demasiados problemas por ser tan testarudo."You are causing too much trouble for being too stubborn.

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