Cometer (to commit) conjugation

112 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: make, to make

Conjugation of cometer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I commit
you commit
he/she/it commits
we commit
you all commit
they commit
Present perfect tense
he cometido
I have committed
has cometido
you have committed
ha cometido
he/she/it has committed
hemos cometido
we have committed
habéis cometido
you all have committed
han cometido
they have committed
Past preterite tense
I committed
you committed
he/she/it committed
we committed
you all committed
they committed
Future tense
I will commit
you will commit
he/she/it will commit
we will commit
you all will commit
they will commit
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would commit
you would commit
he/she/it would commit
we would commit
you all would commit
they would commit
Past imperfect tense
I used to commit
you used to commit
he/she/it used to commit
we used to commit
you all used to commit
they used to commit
Past perfect tense
había cometido
I had committed
habías cometido
you had committed
había cometido
he/she/it had committed
habíamos cometido
we had committed
habíais cometido
you all had committed
habían cometido
they had committed
Future perfect tense
habré cometido
I will have committed
habrás cometido
you will have committed
habrá cometido
he/she/it will have committed
habremos cometido
we will have committed
habréis cometido
you all will have committed
habrán cometido
they will have committed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I commit
(if/so that) you commit
(if/so that) he/she/it commit
(if/so that) we commit
(if/so that) you all commit
(if/so that) they commit
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cometido
I have committed
hayas cometido
you have committed
haya cometido
he/she/it has committed
hayamos cometido
we have committed
hayáis cometido
you all have committed
hayan cometido
they have committed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have committed
(if/so that) you have committed
(if/so that) he/she/it have committed
(if/so that) we have committed
(if/so that) you all have committed
(if/so that) they have committed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have committed
(if/so that) you have committed
(if/so that) he/she/it have committed
(if/so that) we have committed
(if/so that) you all have committed
(if/so that) they have committed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cometido
I had committed
hubieras cometido
you had committed
hubiera cometido
he/she/it had committed
hubiéramos cometido
we had committed
hubierais cometido
you all had committed
hubieran cometido
they had committed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cometido
I had committed
hubieses cometido
you had committed
hubiese cometido
he/she/it had committed
hubiésemos cometido
we had committed
hubieseis cometido
you all had committed
hubiesen cometido
they had committed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have committed
(if/so that) you will have committed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have committed
(if/so that) we will have committed
(if/so that) you all will have committed
(if/so that) they will have committed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cometido
I will have committed
hubieres cometido
you will have committed
hubiere cometido
he/she/it will have committed
hubiéremos cometido
we will have committed
hubiereis cometido
you all will have committed
hubieren cometido
they will have committed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's commit!
Imperative negative mood
no cometas
do not commit!
no cometa
let him/her/it commit!
no cometamos
let us not commit!
no cometáis
do not commit!
no cometan
do not commit!

Examples of cometer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... o de incitar a otros a cometer esos actos"."...or of inciting other people to commit such acts!"
"..o trata de incitar a otra persona a cometer un delito"."...or otherwise attempts to persuade another person to commit a felony."
"Creo que hoy sería un día excelente para cometer hara-kiri"?"Hey! I think today would be a terrific day to commit hari-kari"?
"Cuando las acciones de oficiales del gobierno atraigan o tienten de cualquier manera a una persona que respeta la ley a cometer un crimen, eso será considerado incitación a un delito.""When the actions of government officers entice or lure an otherwise law-abiding person to commit a crime, that shall be considered entrapment."
"Cuidado con no cometer crímenes contra la humanidad"." Be careful not to commit crimes against humanity".
Brigada, si pasa algo, cometo un homicidio.Brigade, if something happens, commit a homicide.
De pronto pensé: "Si cometo perjurio-- ¿Y si yo voy presa?Well, I suddenly thought, if... if I commit perjury, what if I go to jail?
No cometo crímenes.I don't commit crimes.
No lo puedo creer, cometo un robo a mano armada por dos linternas.I can´tt believe it. I´mm committing armed robbery for two flashlights.
No puede creer que cometo latrocinio.You can't really believe I'm committing... larceny.
*Oye, tú, si cometes fraude*♪ Hey, yo, if you commit fraud
- Cuando sales por ahí y cometes crímenes en mi nombre, no me ayudas exactamente.When you go out there and you commit crimes in my name, it doesn't exactly help me.
- No cometes pecados,- You commit no sins,
Además, nada cambiará si cometes suicidio a estas alturas.Besides, nothing will change if you commit suicide at this point.
Ahí dice que si cometes un acto benévolo, el contrato se anula.- Basically, it says... if you commit one truly benevolent act, it voids the contract.
"Aquel que comete injusticia es siempre más desgraciado que aquel que la sufre.""He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it."
"Chica comete suicidio en la casa de un disc-jockey.""Girl commits suicide in disc jockey's home."
"El ganador de Spinoza comete fraude".Spinoza Award winner commits fraud
"Quien desobedezca su palabra comete traición.""Who disobeys his word commits treason."
"Si alguna vez un judío comete un pecado carnal con un cristiano, debe ser colgado en público sin más."If ever a Jew commits a sin of the flesh with a Christian, "he shall be publicly hung without further ado,
- ...y a continuación y en las mismas circunstancias lo cometemos...- ...only to go ahead and commit the same murder...
- No cometemos alta traición.- We do not commit high treason.
-El pecado, mis queridos amigos, sólo existe cuando nosotros lo cometemos.The sin, dear friends, only exists when we commit it.
...¡mientras cometemos el Robo de la Mesa en Primer Grado! we commit first degree Grand Theft Coffee Table!
A causa de ellos, cada año cometemos un pecado de sensorialidad, gratificando nuestra vista y nuestro olfato con estas maravillas.Thanks to them, we commit a true sin every summer when we refresh our senses with these miracles.
- (CHIÈVRES) ¿Qué debemos temer? Pues los errores que cometéis pesan como piedras atadas a los pies de un náufrago.- Everything, because the errors you commit
Ahora cometéis un suicidio.Now you're committing suicide.
Que cometéis el mayor pecado de todos.Then you commit the gravest sin of all.
Y toda vuestra vida quedará marcada por la injusticia que ahora cometéis.And your lives will be marked by the injustice that you have now committed.
" Oh Libertad, cuantos crímenes se cometen en tu nombre"."O Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name!" Only in French.
"Así como yace con hembra, ambos cometen una abominación, ambos han de ser muertos, su sangre será sobre ellos." Bum."As he lieth with woman, they are both committing an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood will be upon them." Boom.
"Ay, Justicia, ¡qué estupideces se cometen en vuestro nombre!""Oh, Justice, what stupidities are committed in thy name!"
"Figuramos en las listas con los que como nosotros "cometen crímenes contra la humanidad"" We appear on certain lists" " Saying that we are commiting crimes agains humanity."
"¿Judíos que se confiesan y comulgan sacrílegamente, "o judíos que no cometen sacrilegio?Those who confess and take communion in sacrilegious fashion or those who do not commit sacrilege?
"Dejar que Donny Jones estuviera en prisión por un crimen que yo cometí"?"Let Donny Jones serve jail time for a crime I committed"?
"El espíritu ha dejado mi vocación, he cruzado el límite en mi disciplina y cometí un acto que me ha dejado indigno para el sacerdocio"."The spirit has left my vocation. "I've crossed a line in my discipline "and committed an act that has left me unfit for the priesthood".
"Siempre me enorgullecí de ser un hombre de honor," "pero dejé de serlo" "cuando para mantener esa apariencia cometí estos crímenes despreciables,"I was always proud of being a man of honor, but I abandoned those principles, when I committed these heinous crimes, to maintain appearances, and I'm well aware of the punishment that I deserve.
# Grité en la oscuridad # # No cometí ningún delito #I cried to the dark, I committed no crime
- Creo que cometí un terrible pecado.leaning that committed a terrible sin. - Of the meat?
"Kedar está convencido de que tu cometiste esos ocho asesinatos"Kedar is convinced that you've committed.. .. these eight murders.
- No, tú cometiste fraude.- No, you committed fraud.
- Y cometiste traición.- And committed treason.
- cometiste una gran equivocación conmigo.- committed a big wrong toward me.
- ¿Qué cometiste?- What committed!
"...que fui yo y solamente yo quién cometió el robo."It was I, and I alone who committed this robbery."
"Ah, se cometió el crimen y sabemos dónde está el arma homicida."Oh, the crime was committed and we know where the murder weapon is.
"Eric ha hablado de desencadenantes de deseos similares a los que sentía cuando cometió las agresiones previas, y no muestra interés por controlar esos deseos."Sykes: "Eric has spoken of trigger urges "similar to those he felt "when he committed his previous assaults, and he shows no interest in managing those urges."
"Hola, Ava, resulta que uno de los abogados de nuestro bufete está intentando inculparte por un crimen que él cometió."Hi, Ava, turns out one of the lawyers from our firm "is trying to frame you for a crime he committed.
"Ni estaba insano cuando cometió los actos en cuestión.""Nor was he insane when he committed the acts in question. "
"Y hemos seguido rompiéndolos y cometimos este horrible crimen.""And still we broke them and committed a horrible crime."
Bueno, cometimos 24 errores.Well, we committed 24 errors.
Dios nos está castigando por un crimen que cometimos hace muchos años.God is punishing us for a crime we committed many years ago.
Dios, crees que cometimos un acto antinatural, pero no es así.Forget it. Christ, you think we've committed some kind of unnatural act, but we haven't.
En el matrimonio, pagamos por delitos que nunca cometimos.ln a marriage, you pay for crimes you never committed.
- Escribe que vosotros cometisteis el sabotaje.Forgive me. - Write you committed sabotage.
Quereis alejar con palabras lisonjeras, pero está tan cerca de mi y de vos, tan presente, tan tangible que nunca lo podré olvidar, ni tampoco que vos lo cometisteis.It roosts too near to me and you try to jolly it off with blandishment; so near to me and you, so touchable near, that will never leave my mind, nor will you, who committed it.
"...por la atrocidad que cometieron."in for the atrocity that was committed.
"Dos sobrevivientes, seis desarrollaron enfermedades mentales graves, y tres cometieron suicidio en dos años"." Of the survivors, six developed severe mental illness, and three committed suicide within two years."
"El 11 de Septiembre, los enemigos de la libertad cometieron un acto de guerra contra nuestro país."On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country.
"Los serbios cometieron horrores""The Serbs committed horrors
- La persona o personas que cometieron este brutal robo no han sido identificadas y huyeron, siguen en las calles.Repeat it. - The person or people who committed all of this brutal home invasion robbery, they're presently unidentified and at large, still on the streets.
A ella le gustaría alguien para hablarle a ella, y casi temo... que cometeré esa indiscreción. "She would like someone to speak to her, and is almost afraid... that I will commit that indiscretion. "
No estoy diciendo que cometeré el asesinato, pero tampoco puedo prometer que no lo haré.I'm not saying that I will commit murder, but I can't promise that I won't either.
O si no, cometerás el mismo error que yo...or you will commit the same mistake, that I committed.
Porque cometerás suicidio antes de darles ese conocimiento.Because you will commit suicide rather than give them that knowledge.
Así que cometerá seppuku bajo la custodia de Lord Tamura.So he will commit hara-kiri in Lord Tamura's custody.
Cada una es independiente de la otra: la mano criminal aunque es criminal, no sabe lo que está haciendo y cometerá el crimen inconscientemente, por así decirlo.Each are separate from each other in that the criminal body-- although it's a criminal, doesn't know exactly what it's doing-- will commit the crime, unwittingly, if you will.
Creo que el tribunal no cometerá error legal alguno... al dejar que un ministro de la palabra de Dios cuente su historia a su modo.I think the court will commit no grave legal error... by allowing a minister of the gospel to tell his story in his own way.
El cometerá otro asesinato para corregirlos, para demostrárselos.He will commit another murder to put you right, to show you up.
Joseph Goebbels cometerá suicidio.Joseph Goebbels will commit suicide.
En memoria de nuestro maestro que a muerto por las manos de un traidor, Nosotros cometeremos Seppuku, después de haber asesinado a la familia Ogami.In memoriam to our Master who had to die through the hands of a traitor, we will commit Seppuku, after we have killed the Ogami-family.
Estoy segura de que cometerán algún error.l am sure he will commit some mistake.
Con cada nuevo caso, se pone a pensar cómo cometería él el crimen.With every new case, he gets to think of how he would commit the crime.
El Dr. Grigson subió a atestiguar que él cometería crímenes violentos... en el futuro si fuera liberado.Dr. Grigson was up there testifying he would commit violent crimes... in the future if he was released.
Mientras oficiales reúnen evidencia uno se pregunta: ¿qué clase de loco cometería tales crímenes?As officers gather evidence of the crime scene, you can only ask, what kind of lunatic would commit such crimes?
Nadie de los nuestros cometería una atrocidad así contra Dios.None of our people would commit such an atrocity against God.
Ninguna de ellas cometería un asesinato a sangre fría.None of them would commit a cold-blooded murder.
Porque esos tipos eran matones contratados, no verdaderos creyentes que cometerían suicidio por un trabajo.Because those guys were thugs for hire, not true believers who would commit suicide over a job.
Sólo ellos cometerían un acto tan vil un domingo.Only they would commit such a heinous act. And on a Sunday!
"2. Creemos que él ha sufrido un daño mental permanente, pero no creemos que haya algún riesgo de que él cometa más crímenes."We believe him to have suffered permanent mental damage, but do not think there's any risk he will commit further crimes. "
"El hombre que cometa adulterio "con la esposa de otro hombre tanto el adúltero como la adúltera deben morir".- "The man that committeth adultery "with another man's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death."
"Ojalá que no cometa otro crimen" ¿Lo oye?"So he doesn't commit another murder." You hear that?
"Si las hostilidades no pueden evitarse... EE.UU. desea que Japón... cometa el primer acto manifiesto."lf hostilities cannot be avoided, the United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.
"Una persona que cometa..."Any person committing any traitorous
"No cometas adulterio.""Thou shalt not commit adultery."
"No cometas esta atrocidad"."Don't commit this atrocity."
"Pero no cometas agresión.""But do not commit aggression."
"Si no puedes costearte el tiempo, no cometas el delito"."If ya can't affords the time, ya don't commits the crime."
-No cometas una fechoría en el camino.- Don't commit any felonies on the way.
Antes de que cometamos allanamiento, ¿Quieres decirme algo acerca de que es lo que estamos buscando?Uh, before we commit to trespassing, do you want to give me some small sense of what it is that we are searching for?
El próximo error que cometamos puede ser el último.The next mistake that our countries commit may be the last,
Ellos no esperan que cometamos un robo.They won't expect us committing a heist
Jefe Nube Roja y la mitad de la nación Sioux están esperando... que nos atrevamos a cabalgar por ahi y cometamos suicidio.Chief Red Cloud and half the Sioux nation are waiting... daring us to ride out there and commit suicide.
No sólo el pecado original de Adán y Eva, sino también futuros pecados, los cometamos o no.Not just the original sin of Adam and Eve, future sins as well, whether we decide to commit them or not.
No cometáis una injusticia.Do not commit an injustice.
Os quiero fuera de este planeta antes de que cometáis más atrocidades.I want you off this planet before you commit any further atrocities.
"Ladrón". Este tipo se sienta aquí durante días y observa a estas personas esperando que cometan un pecado."This guy sits here for days and just watches these people, and he waits for them to commit a sin.
- Los privilegiados que lo cometan.- The privileged few who commit it.
Acaben con Lockwood o cometan humanicidio.Finish Lockwood or commit humanicide.
Atrapamos criminales, pero nunca les pedimos que no cometan crímenes.We catch criminals, but never ask them not to commit one.
Aunque cometan actos que... vistos después, calmadamente... sólo podrían ser vistos... como poco cristianos y brutales.Even though they commit acts... which, calmly viewed afterwards... could only be seen... as unchristian and brutal.
Si no os permiten verle, entonces adelante, cometed harakiri en la entrada principal de Gakushu-in y mostrad a los cobardes oficiales de la Corte nuestro espíritu en el Culto al Emperador.If they don't let you see him, then go ahead, commit harakiri at Gakushu-in's front gate and show the cowardly Court officials our spirit of Emperor Worship.
"Como se resuelven diferentes delitos... dependiendo de donde se han cometido.""How different crimes are solved ... depending on where they are committed."
"Dos o más personas no podrán ser acusadas... como causantes de un crimen... a sabiendas de haber sido cometido por tan sólo una persona"."Two or more persons cannot be charged "as principals with a crime known to have been committed by only one person. "
"El delito ha sido cometido ante mis ojos por un marqués,""To the Chief of Police. "The crime enclosed was committed by a Marquis,
"El impúdico viento que besa todo cuanto encuentra,... se ha ocultado en la entraña de la tierra para no escuchar esto que has cometido ¡ramera descarada!"The bawdy wind that kisses all it meets is hushed within the hollow mine of earth and will not hear it. What committed? Impudent strumpet!
"Ellos cortaron la parte de mi cuerpo por la que yo había cometido el error del que se quejaban.""They cut off the part of my body whereby I had committed the wrong of which they complained."
"... cometiendo suicidio en este venenoso pequeño laboratorio de armas de CSI""by committing suicide in this venomous little CSI's very own firearms lab."
"Los hombres, dejando el uso natural de la mujer se encendieron en su lascivia unos con otros, cometiendo hechos vergonzosos hombres con hombres, y recibiendo en sí mismos la retribución debida a su extravío."'"Men abandoned the natural use of women and burned in their desire towards one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error."'
"Nosotros no vamos con las autoridades civiles, no estamos cometiendo delitos graves""you don't refer to the civil authorities "when they're committing felony crimes."
"está cometiendo más que un error..."you're committing more than an error,
"está cometiendo un crimen.""you're committing a crime."

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