Concebir (to conceive) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: become pregnant, imagine, understand, to understand

Conjugation of concebir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I conceive
you conceive
he/she/it conceives
we conceive
you all conceive
they conceive
Present perfect tense
he concebido
I have conceived
has concebido
you have conceived
ha concebido
he/she/it has conceived
hemos concebido
we have conceived
habéis concebido
you all have conceived
han concebido
they have conceived
Past preterite tense
I conceived
you conceived
he/she/it conceived
we conceived
you all conceived
they conceived
Future tense
I will conceive
you will conceive
he/she/it will conceive
we will conceive
you all will conceive
they will conceive
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would conceive
you would conceive
he/she/it would conceive
we would conceive
you all would conceive
they would conceive
Past imperfect tense
I used to conceive
you used to conceive
he/she/it used to conceive
we used to conceive
you all used to conceive
they used to conceive
Past perfect tense
había concebido
I had conceived
habías concebido
you had conceived
había concebido
he/she/it had conceived
habíamos concebido
we had conceived
habíais concebido
you all had conceived
habían concebido
they had conceived
Future perfect tense
habré concebido
I will have conceived
habrás concebido
you will have conceived
habrá concebido
he/she/it will have conceived
habremos concebido
we will have conceived
habréis concebido
you all will have conceived
habrán concebido
they will have conceived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I conceive
(if/so that) you conceive
(if/so that) he/she/it conceive
(if/so that) we conceive
(if/so that) you all conceive
(if/so that) they conceive
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya concebido
I have conceived
hayas concebido
you have conceived
haya concebido
he/she/it has conceived
hayamos concebido
we have conceived
hayáis concebido
you all have conceived
hayan concebido
they have conceived
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have conceived
(if/so that) you have conceived
(if/so that) he/she/it have conceived
(if/so that) we have conceived
(if/so that) you all have conceived
(if/so that) they have conceived
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have conceived
(if/so that) you have conceived
(if/so that) he/she/it have conceived
(if/so that) we have conceived
(if/so that) you all have conceived
(if/so that) they have conceived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera concebido
I had conceived
hubieras concebido
you had conceived
hubiera concebido
he/she/it had conceived
hubiéramos concebido
we had conceived
hubierais concebido
you all had conceived
hubieran concebido
they had conceived
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese concebido
I had conceived
hubieses concebido
you had conceived
hubiese concebido
he/she/it had conceived
hubiésemos concebido
we had conceived
hubieseis concebido
you all had conceived
hubiesen concebido
they had conceived
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have conceived
(if/so that) you will have conceived
(if/so that) he/she/it will have conceived
(if/so that) we will have conceived
(if/so that) you all will have conceived
(if/so that) they will have conceived
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere concebido
I will have conceived
hubieres concebido
you will have conceived
hubiere concebido
he/she/it will have conceived
hubiéremos concebido
we will have conceived
hubiereis concebido
you all will have conceived
hubieren concebido
they will have conceived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's conceive!
Imperative negative mood
no concibas
do not conceive!
no conciba
let him/her/it conceive!
no concibamos
let us not conceive!
no concibáis
do not conceive!
no conciban
do not conceive!

Examples of concebir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Aquello que, por lo contrario, constituye el mérito de nuestra teoría no es el hecho, de tener una idea justa, sino de haber sido llevado a concebir dicha idea.What on the contrary constitutes the merit of our theory, is not the fact of its having a correct idea, but of having... been naturally led to conceive this idea.
"Creo que las familias tienen que entender que es virtualmente imposible concebir cualquier forma en la que estos ataques pudieran ser detenidos aún con las mejores cosas sucediendo.""The families I think have to understand that it's virtually impossible to conceive of any way in which these attacks could have been stopped even had the best things happened."
- Si quieres concebir, lo es.That's bad, is it? –If you want to conceive, it is.
- Sé de las complicaciones del parto, - de su imposibilidad de concebir.I'm aware of the complications surrounding Adam's delivery, that it's impossible for you to conceive again.
- Sí. Me temo que su conteo de esperma es demasiado bajo para concebir.I'm afraid your sperm count is too low to conceive.
" Poco yo concibo"little did i conceive
Ahora concibo como una de los grandes descubrimientos ya hecha en la historia natural.I now conceive it to be one of the greatest discoveries yet made in natural history.
Así es como concibo mi plan de operaciones.This is how I conceive our plan of operations.
Es difícil explicar lo que concibo.It's difficult to explain what I conceive.
Este fue el 6 º Ejército que dos años antes, no concibo la derrota.This age 6º Army that, two years before, it does not conceive the defeat.
-¿Que "concibes" en mi?- You "conceive" in me?
La manera en que concibes es una cosa.The way you conceive it is one thing.
No concibes más que la violencia, y tu Único ideal es tu propia ambición.You can't conceive of anything but violence. Your only ideal is your own ambition.
Todo lo que concibes de ti mismo como ser es una ilusión.Everything that you conceive of yourself as being is an illusion.
¿ lnsinúas que si no concibes ahora, nunca podrás hacerlo?Are you saying that, unless you conceive now, you'll never be able to?
"que concibe su plan."that he conceives his scheme.
- COLEcClONlSTA Se sienta, concibe algo y lo plasma en una hoja en blanco.Someone who sits down, conceives of something, thinks it up, which is the blank peace of paper in front of him.
Bueno, Alpha concibe la distancia en términos de tiempo.Well, Alpha conceives of distance in terms of time.
Cada cargo contra mi cliente es una intromisión inaceptable en el acto de la procreación, a la cual fue concedida la protección en 1965 por Griswold v. Connecticut, cuando la suprema corte dictaminó que el estado tal vez no legisle cómo una mujer concibe un niño.Each count against my client is an impermissible intrusion into the act of procreation, which was granted protection in 1965 by Griswold v. Connecticut, when the supreme court ruled that the state may not legislate how a woman conceives a child.
Cuando este tiburón particular, queda embarazado concibe una media docena de crías todos juntos en la misma matriz.When this particular shark becomes pregnant... she conceives a half dozen offspring all together in the same womb.
Allí concebimos a Ángela.We conceived Angela there.
Aquí, ya que estamos también en la patagonia concebimos esta acción, esta lucha, como la continuación de la lucha que libraron todos los obreros rurales, los obreros industriales, que en los años 21 fueron asesinados por el ejército, por la represiónSince we are in Patagonia, we conceive this struggle as the continuation of the struggle of the rural and industrial workers who were murdered by the Army ¡n 1921.
Así que, cuando concebimos a Jimmy, ¿no me querías?So, when we conceived Jimmy, you didn't love me at all?
Aunque J.D. y yo lo concebimos debajo de uno.Although j.D. And I did conceive this baby under one.
Creo que sé cuándo lo concebimos.I think I know when this baby was conceived.
Desde el día en que te conciben, el diablo busca tu destrucción, temporal, pero especialmente eterna, y no se rinde hasta el día en que mueres.From the day you are conceived, the devil seeks your destruction, temporal, but especially eternal, and doesn't give up until the day you die.
Ejecutan a las mujeres que no conciben antes de los cuarenta.Any woman who conceives a child before her fourth decade is summarily executed.
La derrota es tan chocante que los alemanes conciben un mito para explicarla,Defeat is so shocking, Germans conceive a myth to explain it,
Los cubistas, sin embargo, conciben una idea y luego se preguntan:The Cubists, however, conceive an idea and then ask themselves:
Los niños se conciben por amor, no por una violación".Children are conceived by love, not by rape."
- Sí, yo concebí el plan.- Yes, I conceived the plan.
Cuando los concebí, mis pensamientos sólo eran para tí.When I conceived them, my thoughts were only of you.
Este filme lo concebí y lo dirigí yo mismo.This film was conceived of and directed by myself.
Estábamos tu edad cuando me concebí y simplemente, que no sabíamos qué hacer pero Sheldon nos dijo que tenía un propósito especial.We were your age when I conceived and we just, we didn't know what to do but Sheldon told us that you had a special purpose.
He modificado el aparato para que emita una única y enorme explosión de anticronitones. de vuelta justo antes del instante en que concebí el Botón Temporal.It should rip us out of stasis, back to the instant before I conceived of the Time Button.
*Londie, no hubiera podido hacerse* *sin ti, que la concebiste*♪ Londie it could have not been done ♪ ♪ Without you who conceived the one ♪
Así que, espera, ¿aquí fue donde concebiste a FaceBlock?So, wait, is this where you conceived Fakeblock?
Este show lo creaste y lo concebiste tú, ¿verdad?This show was created and conceived by you, right?
Marcel, tú concebiste el plato y habían demasiadas cosas no estoy seguro de que necesitásemos la espuma es una complecación no necesaria desafortunadamente, dos de vosotros os iréis a casa TiffaniMarcel, you conceived of the dish, and there was just too much going on. Not quite sure that we needed the foam. Just overly complicated and not necessary.
Querida, ¿podría ser... que concebiste un hijo... con ese hombre?Could it be that you conceived a child with that man?
"'65, concibió. '66, abortó."'65, conceived." "'65, miscarriage."
"All hail the king" realmente se concibió en el set de Iron Man 3."All hail the king" was really conceived on the set of "Iron Man 3"
"Quienquiera que sea el imbécil que concibió este estúpido experimento..."- "...whoever imbecile conceived this, um, moronic experience
"y Jacob se unió a ella, Bihla concibió... ""and Jacob went into her, and Bilhah conceived...
'66, concibió. '66, abortó"."'66, conceived." "'66, miscarriage."
Aquí fue donde me concebisteis.This is where I was conceived?
Cuánto pasó entre N. Mailer y que tú y Jackson, concebisteis?How long was the Norman Mailer moment after you and Jackson, uh, conceived?
- Desde que llegaron los simios parlantes y concibieron una cría cuya supervivencia amenazaba el futuro de la raza humana.- Since the talking apes arrived on Earth and conceived a baby whose survival could have threatened the future ofthe human race.
- Pensadlo bien. Las células de vuestro cuerpo han estado haciendo el mismo trabajo todos los dias desde que os concibieron.The cells in your body have been doing the same job... the same dull, monotonous routine every day since you were conceived:
- ¿Cuándo me concibieron?- When was I conceived?
A medida que la guerra se desarrollaba, los líderes nazis concibieron una de las políticas más infames de la historia.As the war developed Nazi decision makers conceived one of the most infamous policies in all history.
Apenas estaba allí cuando me concibieron.He was barely there when I was conceived.
Ven, concebirás en tu seno y darás a luz a un hijo.Come, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son.
"He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz un niño. ""A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son. "
"Una joven concebirá y dará luz a un hijo"."A young woman will conceive and give birth to a son."
Y asi ella concebirá.""And she will conceive."
Ah,pero tan pocos concebirían la brillantez de utilizarlo como una percha en la que colgar un asesinato.Ah, but so few would conceive the brilliance of using it as a peg on which to hang a murder.
"Miren a aquel que conciba la amistas y da luz al engaño.""Behold he who conceives mischief and brings forth falsehood.
- Lo sé, pero... cometerás un grave error si permites que conciba ese bebé.- I know, but believe me... you are making a grave mistake if you allow her to conceive this baby.
Cuando conciba un proyecto, te lo haré saber.When I have conceived a plan, I will send you word. Good.
El cuerpo puede lograr lo que la mente conciba con el entrenamiento adecuado".The mind can conceive, the body can achieve, with the right training.
Podemos adaptar su visión a cualquier cosa que conciba nuestra imaginación.We can shape your vision To anything our imagination can conceive.
No hay nada que me complazca más que tú concibas a mi hijo.For nothing would please me more than for you to conceive my child.
Te imploro, que concibas al niño... y que, después de 9 meses, lo eches al mundo.¤ I implore you to conceive a child... ¤ and that, after 9 months, you eject him into the world. ¤
Hablas de un heredero, y sí, un hijo nos ayudaría a ambos y te haría una mejor opción que Isabel, pero, ¿cuáles son las probabilidades de que concibamos un niño... un hijo...esta noche?You talk of an heir, and yes, a son would help both of us and make you a better choice than Elizabeth, but what are the odds that we would conceive a child... a son... this night?
Bien Rupert, es hora de hacer que Lois rompa con el gordo Antes de que me conciban juntando sus traserosAll right, Rupert, time to break up Lois and the fat man before they can conceive me by pressing butts together.
Hare que Lois rompa con el gordo Antes de que me concibanI'm going to break up Lois and the fat man before they can conceive me.
No creo que quieras que te conciban de esa manera.I would think that you wouldn't wanna be conceived that way.
Nunca le hemos pedido que conciban a aquellos que no lo planeaban hacer.We've never asked anyone to conceive Who wasn't already planning on doing so.
Oye, tal vez conciban un hijo durante su noche de bodas.Hey, they may conceive a child on their wedding night.
Es posible que concibiera este proyecto, pero el Secretario dictó las acciones.I may have conceived of this project, but the secretary dictated its actions.
"... por un elemento intelectualmente mediocre... pero se trataba de un truco astuto... para enmascarar un plan criminal... concebido y orquestado por él"."but that that had only been a devious atitude," "in order to mask the criminal plan he had conceived and conducted. "
"...y la noche en la cual fue anunciado, que fue concebido el Hijo del hombre.Let the day perish wherein I was born and the night in which it was said, there is a man child conceived.
"Cada niño es concebido con amor, o con lujuria, y nace con dolor seguido de júbilo, o de tragedia y angustia".'Every child is conceived in love, or lust, 'and born in pain followed by joy, or by tragedy and anguish.
"Chiquilla" fue un poco mal concebido."Girlie" was a little ill-conceived.
"Cuando la lujuria ha concebido, da a luz al pecado.""When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin."
Durante esos años bajo la dirección de Vonbraun y sus asistentes Alphaville se ha desarrollado a pasos agigantados guiado por cerebros electrónicos, que se desarrollan a si mismos concibiendo problemas que la imaginación humana no puede captar.During these years, under the direction of Vonbraun and his assistants Alphaville had developed by leaps and bounds guided by electronic brains that developed themselves by conceiving problems that the human imagination couldn't grasp.
Esencialmente pasamos tiempo allí concibiendo, diseñando, tratando de descifrar cómo hacer funcionar esto desde todos los aspectos.Essentially we spent time there conceiving, er... designing, trying to work out how to make this thing work from every aspect.
Estaba hablando con los Hubners en la fiesta de Navidad, y compartieron los duros momentos que habían pasado concibiendo.I was talking with the hubners at the Christmas party, and they shared how they were having a hard time conceiving.
Estamos hablando de un período de la literatura inglesa... en el que Emily Brontë está concibiendo su obra motivada por una atmósfera gótica"..."We are talking about a period in the history of English literature in which Emily Brontë is conceiving her work, inspired in a gothic ambiance..."
He trabajado por más de un año concibiendo y poniendo en práctica este proyecto...I've worked a year conceiving and putting this project into practice...

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