Contaminar (to contaminate) conjugation

84 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: profane, corrupt, to profane, to corrupt

Conjugation of contaminar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I contaminate
you contaminate
he/she/it contaminates
we contaminate
you all contaminate
they contaminate
Present perfect tense
he contaminado
I have contaminated
has contaminado
you have contaminated
ha contaminado
he/she/it has contaminated
hemos contaminado
we have contaminated
habéis contaminado
you all have contaminated
han contaminado
they have contaminated
Past preterite tense
I contaminated
you contaminated
he/she/it contaminated
we contaminated
you all contaminated
they contaminated
Future tense
I will contaminate
you will contaminate
he/she/it will contaminate
we will contaminate
you all will contaminate
they will contaminate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would contaminate
you would contaminate
he/she/it would contaminate
we would contaminate
you all would contaminate
they would contaminate
Past imperfect tense
I used to contaminate
you used to contaminate
he/she/it used to contaminate
we used to contaminate
you all used to contaminate
they used to contaminate
Past perfect tense
había contaminado
I had contaminated
habías contaminado
you had contaminated
había contaminado
he/she/it had contaminated
habíamos contaminado
we had contaminated
habíais contaminado
you all had contaminated
habían contaminado
they had contaminated
Future perfect tense
habré contaminado
I will have contaminated
habrás contaminado
you will have contaminated
habrá contaminado
he/she/it will have contaminated
habremos contaminado
we will have contaminated
habréis contaminado
you all will have contaminated
habrán contaminado
they will have contaminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I contaminate
(if/so that) you contaminate
(if/so that) he/she/it contaminate
(if/so that) we contaminate
(if/so that) you all contaminate
(if/so that) they contaminate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya contaminado
I have contaminated
hayas contaminado
you have contaminated
haya contaminado
he/she/it has contaminated
hayamos contaminado
we have contaminated
hayáis contaminado
you all have contaminated
hayan contaminado
they have contaminated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have contaminated
(if/so that) you have contaminated
(if/so that) he/she/it have contaminated
(if/so that) we have contaminated
(if/so that) you all have contaminated
(if/so that) they have contaminated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have contaminated
(if/so that) you have contaminated
(if/so that) he/she/it have contaminated
(if/so that) we have contaminated
(if/so that) you all have contaminated
(if/so that) they have contaminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera contaminado
I had contaminated
hubieras contaminado
you had contaminated
hubiera contaminado
he/she/it had contaminated
hubiéramos contaminado
we had contaminated
hubierais contaminado
you all had contaminated
hubieran contaminado
they had contaminated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese contaminado
I had contaminated
hubieses contaminado
you had contaminated
hubiese contaminado
he/she/it had contaminated
hubiésemos contaminado
we had contaminated
hubieseis contaminado
you all had contaminated
hubiesen contaminado
they had contaminated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have contaminated
(if/so that) you will have contaminated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have contaminated
(if/so that) we will have contaminated
(if/so that) you all will have contaminated
(if/so that) they will have contaminated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere contaminado
I will have contaminated
hubieres contaminado
you will have contaminated
hubiere contaminado
he/she/it will have contaminated
hubiéremos contaminado
we will have contaminated
hubiereis contaminado
you all will have contaminated
hubieren contaminado
they will have contaminated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's contaminate!
Imperative negative mood
no contamines
do not contaminate!
no contamine
let him/her/it contaminate!
no contaminemos
let us not contaminate!
no contaminéis
do not contaminate!
no contaminen
do not contaminate!

Examples of contaminar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Con cuidado para no contaminar la escen...- Careful going in not to contaminate the sc...
- No quería contaminar la escena.Didn't want to contaminate the scene.
A menos que podamos separarlos, el material del embalaje va a contaminar cualquier prueba que haga en el tejido.Unless we can separate them, the packing material is going to contaminate any tests I run on the tissue.
Bueno, sólo hay una forma de contaminar una glaciar a 4 kilómetros.Well, there's only 1 way to contaminate a glacier at 14,000 feet.
En caso de guerra, se movilizarían simultáneamente en los EE.UU. para contaminar los suministros de sangre, sabotear las industrias farmacéuticas. Básicamente, destruir el sistema inmunitario del país.- In the event of war, they would mobilize simultaneously at different facilities across the U. S... to contaminate blood supplies, sabotage pharmaceutical factories... essentially destroy the country's immune system.
El la contamino.It's been contaminated now that he's touched it.
La radioactividad que lanzó contamino la atmósfera de países cercanos y partes de Europa.The radioactivity it released contaminated the atmosphere over nearby countries and parts of Europe.
Se contamino el Bio-Domo?Has the Bio-Dome been contaminated?
Si me contamino... no pasará a través de la cámara de aire.If I am contaminated it will not get through the air lock.
Yo no contamino mis muestras.I don't cross-contaminate my samples.
Después te contaminas y te dicen que has tenido... un nivel aceptable de contaminación.Then you get contaminated, and they tell you... you've had an acceptable level of contamination.
Le dije a Marlon que no te pusiera al cargo porque contaminas todo lo que tocas.I told Marlon not to you run it in the first place because you contaminate everything you touch.
"El impuro abrazo de la carne exhala humo y contamina a todo aquel que se aferra a él, y nadie escapa ileso de la mordedura del placer.""The foul embrace of the flesh exhales fumes "and contaminates anyone who cleaves to it, "nor does anyone escape unharmed from the bite of pleasure."
Algo como esto contamina su alma, señor Picard.A thing like this contaminates your soul, Mr. Picard.
Aquellos que carecen de imaginación se refugian en la realidad si no contamina el pensamientoThose lacking imagination take refuge in reality if non-thought contaminates thought
Así que se mueve como energía, pero contamina.So, it moves like energy, but it contaminates.
Cada uno se remite a su propia individualidad cuando quiere alejarse de la miseria ajena que lo contamina, o se sumerge en el grupo cuando tiene que ocultar su propia responsabilidad, y contamina entonces, sin empacho, a los otros.Everyone refers to his own individuality when he wants to walk away from the alien misfortune that contaminates him, or he sinks into the group when he has to conceal his own responsibility, and then he, unashamedly, contaminates the others
- ¿Qué sucede si nos contaminamos?What if we are contaminated?
No me enorgullece el hecho de que contaminamos el agua de la gente.I'm not proud of the fact that we contaminated people's water.
O es que contaminamos ¿Con putrefacción del cerebro de la amazona?Or are we contaminated with Amazon brain rot?
Y si nos contaminamos, también desperdiciamos nuestras vidas.And if we become contaminated, we squander our lives too.
¿Y admitir que nosotros contaminamos la sala estéril?And admit that we contaminated the clean room?
Al menos ellos no contaminan la escena de un crimen.At least they know not to contaminate a crime scene.
Cuando buceas, células de kelp contaminan la piel, pero las defensas del cuerpo las combaten.When diving, kelp algae cells contaminate the skin, but the body's defences fight against them.
Es una infección de los folículos pilosos debido a las bacterias que contaminan los productos de baño .It's an infection of the hair follicles due to bacteria that contaminate bathing products.
Leí quejas de cómo las empresas de gas natural contaminan las fuentes de agua.Well, I've read all these rumblings how natural gas possibly contaminates water sources?
Los productos químicos matan a las plagas, y también matan a los buenos insectos... contaminan a los pájaros, cuando toman agua del suelo.The chemicals kill the pests, they also kill the good bugs contaminate birds, get into the ground water.
Bueno, accidentalmente contaminé la muestra de ADN.Well, I accidently contaminated the DNA sample.
Cuando contaminé los tubos de material radioactico usados para transformar a Tokka y a Rahzar... haciendolos intelectualmente inferiores y menos peligrosos... no tenía idea... que podría estar creando un anti-mutágeno basado en esa contaminación.When i contaminated the ooze used to transform Tokka and Rahzar... making them intellectually inferior and less dangerous... i had no idea... i'd be trying to create an anti-mutagen based on that contamination.
Los contaminé.I contaminated it.
Me contaminé y peleé con él.I was contaminated and I fought it.
Tal vez las contaminé de alguna forma antes de que las dejaran.Maybe I contaminated 'em somehow before they left.
- Will contaminaste la escena del crimen.Will, you contaminated the crime scene.
No, admitir que tú contaminaste la sala estéril.No, admit that you contaminated the clean room.
Norm, contaminaste la muestra con tu saliva.Norm, you've contaminated the sample with your saliva.
Pero al hacerlo, contaminaste las pistolas con el hongo del árbol de bonsai.But in doing it, you contaminated the guns with the fungus from the bonsai tree.
Sabías que al entrar al edificio contaminaste las pruebas, ¿no?You realize, by you being in the building, that the evidence has been contaminated, right?
- Lo contaminó.- He's contaminated it.
- Se contaminó.- So it was contaminated?
Alguien contaminó el líquido amniótico en el que estábamos madurando todas las copias de Daniel.Someone contaminated the amniotic fluid in which we were maturing all the Daniel copies.
Alguien contaminó tu sección.Somebody contaminated your section.
Alguien también contaminó el cuerpo.Someone also contaminated the body. Smell's unmistakable.
- Cuando cruzaron y contaminaron dos muestras de ADN que fueron externalizadasNo, that was never proved. - When you cross-contaminated two DNA samples?
- Ellos me contaminaron, ¿sabes? - Lo sé.They contaminated me, you know that?
De acuerdo con un estudio dirigido por el profesor de Berkeley Dr. Ignacio Chapela los OGM ya contaminaron el maíz MexicanoAccording to a study led by Berkeley professor Dr. Ignacio Chapela, GMOs have already contaminated Mexican corn.
Eso se mantiene estéril por una razón si alguien manipuló nuestra pistola de grapas, quizás la contaminaron, asi que tomé una muestraThat stuff is kept sterile for a reason. If somebody tampered with our staple gun, maybe they contaminated it, too, so I swabbed the chamber
Fibras sueltas contaminaron el vehículo.Loose fibers. You contaminated the vehicle.
Con esto en tu sistema, cuando te lleven a la nave... tu sangre contaminará al resto.With this in your system, when you take the ship ... Your blood will contaminate the rest.
Debo tratar sus heridas o la sangre contaminará el fluido refrigerante.I must treat his wounds or the blood will contaminate the cooling fluid.
El segundo equipo contaminará los billetes que vienen de la oficina de Virginia justo a tiempo de la distribución mensual del Banco de la Reserva.The second team will contaminate currency at the Bureau of Engraving facility in Virginia in time for the monthly Reserve Bank distribution.
Es muy contagioso y contaminará a cualquiera que se le acerque. Lo que demuestra que éste material no es sólo mortal, sino hasta económico.He's now highly contagious and he will contaminate anyone he comes in contact with, which just goes to show you, this stuff is not only deadly, it's darned economical.
Se contaminará el agua aquí.They will contaminate the water around here.
Si vas y comes con estas personas, te contaminarán.If you go and eat with these people they will contaminate you.
Ahora sé que contaminaría Zimbabwe con armas nucleares.I now know that he would contaminate Zimbabwe with nuclear weapons.
Lamerlos contaminaría la superficie ósea.- Licking would contaminate the osseous surface.
-Permite que su alteza se contamine con la chusma.But you permit his highness to contaminate himself with the rabble.
Aproximadamente 24 horas para que la bacteria contamine el agua.Approximately 24 hours for the bacteria to contaminate the water.
Asegúrate de que nadie contamine mi escena del crimen.Make sure no one contaminates my crime scene.
La vida le entregará el estrés y la clave para manejar su ansiedad No es dejar que se contamine su pareja. -Life will hand you stress and the key to managing your anxiety is not letting it contaminate your partner.
Le aseguro que no haré nada que contamine el futuro y quizás dañe al Imperio Romulano.l can assure you, Captain, that l would not do anything that might contaminate the future and perhaps harm the Romulan Empire.
-Quítate de esa silla antes de que lo contamines.Get out of that chair before you contaminate it!
Es una escena del crimen. No quiero que la contamines.I don't want it contaminated.
La cámara usa luz de alta intensidad para remover rastros de bacteria de tu piel para que no contamines el laboratorio.So the chamber uses high intensity light to remove any Trace bacteria from your skin so... you don't contaminate the lab.
Más motivo aún para que no entres ahí y contamines la escena.All the more reason not to storm in there and contaminate the ne.
No contamines la escena del crimen.Don't contaminate my crime scene.
Asegúrense de que no contaminemos la zona.Make sure we don't contaminate the field.
Esto es solo para que no contaminemos el trabajo...Um, this is just so we don't contaminate the work...
Si, vale, el laboratorio mantiene nuestros perfiles geneticos solo en caso de que contaminemos una muestra.Yeah, well, the lab keeps all of our genetic profiles just in case we contaminate a sample.
Sí, contaminemos la evidencia. Eso ayudará.Yeah, let's contaminate the evidence.
Esto es necesario para impedir... que los gérmenes o microorganismos del paño rojo... contaminen las áreas... en contacto constante con las manos de los empleados.This is necessary to prevent... the germs or microorganisms on the red sponge cloth... from being contaminated with the areas... in constant contact with the employees' hands.
Está esterilizada para que ni el polvo ni la suciedad contaminen nada.It's completely sterilized so that no dust or dirt will contaminate the critical parts.
Los quemaremos para que no contaminen nada.- We'll burn it before it can contaminate anyone else.
Necesito 10 minutos en la escena antes de que sus hombres la contaminen.I need 10 minutes with the scene before your men contaminate it.
No podemos dejar que contaminen la escena del crimen.Yeah, can't have the crime scene contaminated.
"Agricultor, tu enemigo ha contaminado tu agua. ""Farmer, your enemy has contaminated your water."
"El coche menos contaminado gana"."Least contaminated car wins."
"Es uno de pocos lugares en este planeta..." "... que no está contaminado por nosotros los seres humanos."'It's one of few places on this planet...' '... that's not contaminated by us humans.'
"Los activistas seguramente van a difundir rumores acerca que el maíz mexicano fue "contaminado" por genes de maíz GM.""Activists will certainly run wild "with news that Mexican corn has been 'contaminated' by genes from GM corn."
"y os han contaminado".And you've been contaminated."
- Tu compañero está contaminando todo.-He's contaminating my crime scene.
Ahora hay químicos y materiales peligrosos sueltos por ahí contaminando el suelo y filtrándose a la red de agua.So there's all these chemicals and hazardous materials sitting there contaminating the soil and probably running off into the water.
Aparte de intentar matarnos... están contaminando... la leche del país.Besides the fact that these people are trying to kill us... how about the fact that they're contaminating the country's milk supply?
Arriesgas contaminando el estudio.You risk contaminating the study.
Así que o te preparas para operar, o te apartas, porque estás contaminando mi campo.So either scrub in or step back, Because you are contaminating my field.

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