Culpar (to blame) conjugation

123 examples

Conjugation of culpar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I blame
you blame
he/she/it blames
we blame
you all blame
they blame
Present perfect tense
he culpado
I have blamed
has culpado
you have blamed
ha culpado
he/she/it has blamed
hemos culpado
we have blamed
habéis culpado
you all have blamed
han culpado
they have blamed
Past preterite tense
I blamed
you blamed
he/she/it blamed
we blamed
you all blamed
they blamed
Future tense
I will blame
you will blame
he/she/it will blame
we will blame
you all will blame
they will blame
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would blame
you would blame
he/she/it would blame
we would blame
you all would blame
they would blame
Past imperfect tense
I used to blame
you used to blame
he/she/it used to blame
we used to blame
you all used to blame
they used to blame
Past perfect tense
había culpado
I had blamed
habías culpado
you had blamed
había culpado
he/she/it had blamed
habíamos culpado
we had blamed
habíais culpado
you all had blamed
habían culpado
they had blamed
Future perfect tense
habré culpado
I will have blamed
habrás culpado
you will have blamed
habrá culpado
he/she/it will have blamed
habremos culpado
we will have blamed
habréis culpado
you all will have blamed
habrán culpado
they will have blamed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I blame
(if/so that) you blame
(if/so that) he/she/it blame
(if/so that) we blame
(if/so that) you all blame
(if/so that) they blame
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya culpado
I have blamed
hayas culpado
you have blamed
haya culpado
he/she/it has blamed
hayamos culpado
we have blamed
hayáis culpado
you all have blamed
hayan culpado
they have blamed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have blamed
(if/so that) you have blamed
(if/so that) he/she/it have blamed
(if/so that) we have blamed
(if/so that) you all have blamed
(if/so that) they have blamed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have blamed
(if/so that) you have blamed
(if/so that) he/she/it have blamed
(if/so that) we have blamed
(if/so that) you all have blamed
(if/so that) they have blamed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera culpado
I had blamed
hubieras culpado
you had blamed
hubiera culpado
he/she/it had blamed
hubiéramos culpado
we had blamed
hubierais culpado
you all had blamed
hubieran culpado
they had blamed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese culpado
I had blamed
hubieses culpado
you had blamed
hubiese culpado
he/she/it had blamed
hubiésemos culpado
we had blamed
hubieseis culpado
you all had blamed
hubiesen culpado
they had blamed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have blamed
(if/so that) you will have blamed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have blamed
(if/so that) we will have blamed
(if/so that) you all will have blamed
(if/so that) they will have blamed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere culpado
I will have blamed
hubieres culpado
you will have blamed
hubiere culpado
he/she/it will have blamed
hubiéremos culpado
we will have blamed
hubiereis culpado
you all will have blamed
hubieren culpado
they will have blamed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's blame!
Imperative negative mood
no culpes
do not blame!
no culpe
let him/her/it blame!
no culpemos
let us not blame!
no culpéis
do not blame!
no culpen
do not blame!

Examples of culpar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...y es quien decide a quién absolver y a quien culpar."and he decides who to free and who to blame.
"No te debes culpar por lo que has hecho, Simran "."You're not to blame for what you've done, Simran"
"Si uno se caía y moría, a quién ibas a culpar? ""If you fell off and died, who were you going to blame?"
"en lugar de bajar y hacer algo, en lugar de cambiar tu vida, es mucho más fácil culpar a otros.""instead of getting down and doing something about it, instead of changing your life, it's a hell of a lot easier to blame somebody else. "
# Acepté el trato # # Así que no hay nadie a quien culpar #I cut the deal, so there's no one to blame
"Es tu hermana o soy yo", le dijo y francamente no la culpo."It's your sister or it's me," she told him, and frankly, I don't blame her.
"No culpo a los blancos, no, no, no"Let me hear you say "I don't blame the white people, no, no, no."
"No culpo a nadie por ser quien soy, no hay otra razón por qué soy quien soy. ""I don't blame anyone for who I am, there's no other reason why I am as I am. "
"No sé a quién no Yo culpo por este momento.""I don't know whom do I blame for this moment."
"No sé bailar y culpo a la plataforma.""Don't know dancing and blames the platform."
"El juego de echarse culpas en política, no tiene ganadores, sólo perdedores.""The blame game in politics has no winners, only losers."
"Esta indiferencia, Richard, por la que a menudo te culpas no es debida a la naturaleza, al miedo o la vergüenza."This indifference, Richard, so often you blame "is not owing to nature, to fear or to shame.
"No había habido miradas, y no había culpas."There had been no Looks, and there was no blame.
"No pueden cargarme con las culpas de este fiasco sin perjudicar a su querido Daniels"."There's no way they can pin the blame on me for this fiasco
# Y te quiero como sea # # Todas las luchas, todas las culpas ## and I want you all the same # # all the fights and all the blame #
"Las feas le echan la culpa al espejo"."Ugly girl blames mirror."
- ... Jamie te culpa a ti.Jamie kind of blames you.
- ... y la culpa es del resto del mundo. - De lo que quede de él.What's left of the world blames them.
- Al parecer, me culpa de la muerte de William.- Apparently,she blames me for william's death.
- Así que Maggie me culpa.- So, Maggie blames me.
"¿Por qué no atacamos uno de nuestros barcos y culpamos a Vietnam del Norte?".'Boys, why don't we just bomb one of our own ships 'and blame it on the north Vietnamese? '
- No lo culpamos.- We don't blame him.
- No te culpamos.- We don't blame you.
- ¿La que juraste no haber roto... y por la que culpamos y despedimos a Esperanza... que robó un pavo en Acción de Gracias para su familia y acabó deportada?The one you swore you didn't break, and then we blamed Esperanza and fired her... and she stole a turkey at Thanksgiving for her family and got deported?
- ¿Le dijiste que no lo culpamos?- did you tell him we didn't blame him?
Bueno, ¿os culpáis vosotros?Well, do you blame yourselves?
Lo siento. ¿Pero por qué culpáis al capitán Seanberg?I see. I'm sorry. But why do you blame le Capitaine Chambert?
Me culpáis por intentar comprarla, pero yo al menos tuve el respeto de preguntarle sus planes para el futuro... y apenas la conozco.And you guys blame me for trying to buy her, but at least I had the respect to ask what her plans are for her future... and I barely know her.
Me temo que aún le culpáis por lo que pasó con el cinturón.I'm afraid you still blamed him for the belt so I asked him to station at camp.
Os culpáis una a la otra por lo mismo, Nora.You both blame each other for the same thing, Nora.
"... centenares de familias culpan a las vacunas MMR por autismo, daño cerebral y meningitis. "...through vomiting. Hundreds of families blame the MMR vaccines for autism, brain damage and meningitis.
- Asi que a veces se culpan a los demas?- So sometimes others are to blame?
- Hemos hecho muchos negocios con ellos a través de los años y lo culpan a usted por la confusión.- We´ve done a lot of business with them over the years... and they blame you for the snafu.
- Lo culpan a él.- They blame him.
- Los demás le culpan a él.You can blame the girl, but everybody else blames him.
, cuando me botaste, me culpé a mi mismoYou know, when you dumped me, I blamed myself.
- No culpé a ninguno de Uds.I never blamed any of you.
- Porque nunca te culpé.Because I never blamed you.
-Me tiré un pedo en frente de él, culpé a un perro imaginario y le canté .I farted in front of him, blamed it on an imaginary dog and sung in his face.
A Louis lo culpé por más de un año.I blamed him for more than a year.
Así que llamaste a la policía y le culpaste a él.So you called the police and blamed it on him.
La culpaste por la muerte de tu hermano.You blamed her for your brother's death.
La última vez que me acosté contigo, mataste a un hombre y me culpaste a mí.The last time I was in your bed, you murdered a man and blamed me for it.
Lo culpaste por arruinar todo lo que habías construido.You blamed him for ruining everything that you built up.
Lo sé, pero... tu siempre me culpaste.I know, but I... you always blamed me.
"Y Anna culpó a India .."'And Anna blamed India..
(narrador) Los polacos de Londres se convirtió en más frenético en su desesperación, y culpó a los británicos por su difícil situación.(narrator) The London Poles became more frantic in their hopelessness, and blamed the British for their plight.
- Canadá culpó a Michigan.- Canada blamed Michigan.
- El incidente por el que culpó a Zuna.- The incident he blamed on Zuna.
- Nueva York culpó a Canadá.- Yes, I do. - New York blamed Canada.
- Y culparon al desgaste.- And they blamed it on wear and tear.
- Ya lo sé, las tres veces los hombres pertenecían a otras, y esas otras la culparon de sus muertes.-I know, three times the men belonged to someone else, and you were blamed by those someones for their death.
- ¡Me culparon todos estos años!- All these years, you all blamed me!
- ¿ Y te culparon de ello?- And they blamed you?
-No, Sr. Cross. sólo decía... que culparon a un portero y a su hijo.- No, Mr. Cross, I just meant they blamed it on some janitor and his kid.
Pero sí culparé a los francesesBut I will blame the French.
Si permites que Choi Hee Gon escape frente a mis ojos... te culparé por el resto de mi vida.You let Choi Hee Gon get away in front of my eyes, I will blame you for the rest of my life.
Te culparé por añosI will blame you for years.
Y si te rindes tu oportunidad de postularte nuevamente, me culparé todos los días de mi vida, y algún día, tú también lo harás.And if you give up your chance to run again, I will blame myself every day of my life, and one day, so will you.
Estoy segura de que te culparás a ti misma por la separación, pero quiero darte las gracias por hacerme ser sincera con él."I am sure you will blame yourself" "for your dad and me separating," "but I want to thank you for making me"
Tal vez él nunca se vuelva en tu contra, nunca te culpe, pero tú te culparás a ti misma.And perhaps he may never turn on you, never blame you, but you will blame yourself.
Y, algún día, tú culparás a Dios también.And one day, you will blame God too.
- Gerald me culpará por esto.-Gerald will blame me for this.
- ¿Sabes a quién culpará el fiscal?- Right. So, you know who the D.A. will blame for this?
- Él te culpará a ti.- He will blame you.
Acuéstate o tu mamá me culpará a mí.Lie down or your ma will blame me.
Así que, nadie te culpará.So, no one will blame you.
- No te culparán si esperas.-No one will blame you if you wait.
Algunos de ellos culparán a Carnelian de su desgracia, estoy seguro.Some of them will blame Carnelian for their misfortunes, I'm sure.
La gente del Reimer culpará a los contratistas los contratistas culparán al ejercito y éste culpará al traje.The Reimer people will blame the contractors and the contractors will blame the army, who will blame the suit.
Los israelitas te culparán a ti.The Israelites will blame you.
Pero sí sé que si tu plan sale mal, los sabelotodos culparán a Savannah, te culparán a ti, y me culparán a mí.But I do know that if your plan backfires, The bobbleheads will blame savannah, they will blame you, And they will blame me.
- Nadie te culparía.No one would blame you.
Aunque, si quieres hablar con alguno de ellos, nadie te culparía.Although, if you wanted to talk to one of them, no one would blame you.
Bueno, nadie te culparía.Well, nobody would blame you.
Caifás me culparía si se inicia una rebelión.If dont, Caiaphas would blame any rebellion on me .
Cariño, nadie te culparía.Honey, nobody would blame you.
Porque no me gustabas lo suficiente... y siempre supe que me culparías si perdías, porque es lo que siempre hiciste.Because I didn't like you enough... .. and I always knew you would blame me if you lost, because that's what you always did.
Puedo entender por qué te culparías a ti mismo.I can see why you would blame yourself.
Ella podría conseguir lo que queria, y... todos culparíamos al asesino miniatura.She could get what she wanted, and... everyone would blame the miniature killer.
Acabas de decir que sabías que tus compañeros te culparían. ¿Por qué?Just a moment ago you said... that you were sure your classmates would blame you.
Seguramente, ¿me culparían por abandonar nuestra capital en un momento como éste?Surely, they would blame me for abandoning our capital at such a time?
Si Li no estaba cuidada como debía, culparían a Quon.If li was being neglected,they would blame quon.
Si pasara algo mientras no están esas viejas me culparían.If anything were to happen while they were away those old crows, they would blame me.
Sus críticos eran "derrotistas que culparían a Estados Unidos primero"His critics were 'defeatists who would blame America flrst' or there were dark fictional themes such as
- Bueno, no me culpe a mí.- Well, don't blame me.
- Cuando se pierde, puede sólo se culpe.-When you lose, you can only blame yourself.
- De lo contrario, no me culpe por las consecuencias.Otherwise, don't blame me for the consequences.
- No culpe a mis antepasados.- Don't blame my ancestors...
- No es que la culpe.- Not that I would blame her.
"No culpes a los niños"."Don't blame the kids."
"No culpes al panadero cuando el carnicero hornea el pan.""Don`t blame the baker... "when the butcher bakes the bread."
"No me culpes a mí, culpa a mis genes"! "Don't blame me, blame my genes."
"No me culpes a mí.""Don't blame it on me."
"No me culpes por enamorarme de ti"Don't blame me for falling In love with you.
"No es que te culpemos, Gloria"."lt's not like we blame you, Gloria."
A pesar del hecho de que la CIA puso a Baxter en Afganistán sabiendo de su inestabilidad mental, quieren que nos culpemos.Despite the fact the CIA put Baxter into Afghanistan knowing he was mentally unstable, you want us to take the blame.
Así dejemos todo con un apretón de manos y culpemos al alcohol. No.Let's stand it on a hand shake and blame it on the alcohol.
Bien, no la culpemos de nada.Okay, let's not blame her for anything, fine.
Bueno, culpemos a ellos.Okay. Let's blame them.
No culpéis a Lancelot.Don't blame Lancelot.
No le culpéis.Don't blame him.
No me culpéis a mi, ¡culpa a los padres!Don't blame me, blame the parents!
No me culpéis a mi.Do not blame me.
No me culpéis a mí.Don't blame me.
"No culpen al pez""Don't blame the fish."
"No nos culpen a nosotros.""Don't blame us."
"Si pierden esta guerra, a mí no me culpen.""If you lose this war don't blame me."
# Pero si no No me culpen #But if you ain't, don't blame me
- Lo sé. Pero si dejas que te culpen por ambos asesinatos... significa que ellos se saldrán con la suya.But if you let them blame you for both murders, that means they get away with everything.
Cuando todo falla, ¡culpad a la madre!When all's well fails, blame the mother!
¡Si estáis resentidas, culpad a Matsu!If you're bitter, blame Matsu!
"Tragedia en viaje escolar, culpado hombre local"."School trip tragedy, local man blamed."
*Ellos te han culpado*♪ They have blamed you ♪
- Alguien más conducía... Alguien que chocó y no quiso ser culpado por la muerte de Pam.Someone else was driving, someone who crashed and didn't want to be blamed for Pam's death.
- Debes hacer los arreglos. Te damos confinamiento solitario, así no puedes ser culpado.- You must arrange own you get solitary confinement, so you can be. not blamed
- El tenia miedo que sea culpado por esto, asi que le pidio Sr. Monk que tome el caso.- He was afraid he was gonna get blamed for this, so he asked Mr. Monk to take the case.
"La gente está culpando a la policía"The people are blaming the police..
"¿Por qué me estás culpando?"Why are you blaming me?
- Bueno, no... no te estoy culpando.Well, I'm not-- I'm not blaming you.
- Cálmate, nadie te está culpando.- Calm down, no one's blaming you.
- Eso es porque te estás culpando.- That's because you're blaming yourself.
Porque me culpás tanto como lo hizo él.Because you blame me as much as he did.

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