Debilitar (to weaken) conjugation

88 examples

Conjugation of debilitar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I weaken
you weaken
he/she/it weakens
we weaken
you all weaken
they weaken
Present perfect tense
he debilitado
I have weakened
has debilitado
you have weakened
ha debilitado
he/she/it has weakened
hemos debilitado
we have weakened
habéis debilitado
you all have weakened
han debilitado
they have weakened
Past preterite tense
I weakened
you weakened
he/she/it weakened
we weakened
you all weakened
they weakened
Future tense
I will weaken
you will weaken
he/she/it will weaken
we will weaken
you all will weaken
they will weaken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would weaken
you would weaken
he/she/it would weaken
we would weaken
you all would weaken
they would weaken
Past imperfect tense
I used to weaken
you used to weaken
he/she/it used to weaken
we used to weaken
you all used to weaken
they used to weaken
Past perfect tense
había debilitado
I had weakened
habías debilitado
you had weakened
había debilitado
he/she/it had weakened
habíamos debilitado
we had weakened
habíais debilitado
you all had weakened
habían debilitado
they had weakened
Future perfect tense
habré debilitado
I will have weakened
habrás debilitado
you will have weakened
habrá debilitado
he/she/it will have weakened
habremos debilitado
we will have weakened
habréis debilitado
you all will have weakened
habrán debilitado
they will have weakened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I weaken
(if/so that) you weaken
(if/so that) he/she/it weaken
(if/so that) we weaken
(if/so that) you all weaken
(if/so that) they weaken
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya debilitado
I have weakened
hayas debilitado
you have weakened
haya debilitado
he/she/it has weakened
hayamos debilitado
we have weakened
hayáis debilitado
you all have weakened
hayan debilitado
they have weakened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have weakened
(if/so that) you have weakened
(if/so that) he/she/it have weakened
(if/so that) we have weakened
(if/so that) you all have weakened
(if/so that) they have weakened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have weakened
(if/so that) you have weakened
(if/so that) he/she/it have weakened
(if/so that) we have weakened
(if/so that) you all have weakened
(if/so that) they have weakened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera debilitado
I had weakened
hubieras debilitado
you had weakened
hubiera debilitado
he/she/it had weakened
hubiéramos debilitado
we had weakened
hubierais debilitado
you all had weakened
hubieran debilitado
they had weakened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese debilitado
I had weakened
hubieses debilitado
you had weakened
hubiese debilitado
he/she/it had weakened
hubiésemos debilitado
we had weakened
hubieseis debilitado
you all had weakened
hubiesen debilitado
they had weakened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have weakened
(if/so that) you will have weakened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have weakened
(if/so that) we will have weakened
(if/so that) you all will have weakened
(if/so that) they will have weakened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere debilitado
I will have weakened
hubieres debilitado
you will have weakened
hubiere debilitado
he/she/it will have weakened
hubiéremos debilitado
we will have weakened
hubiereis debilitado
you all will have weakened
hubieren debilitado
they will have weakened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's weaken!
Imperative negative mood
no debilites
do not weaken!
no debilite
let him/her/it weaken!
no debilitemos
let us not weaken!
no debilitéis
do not weaken!
no debiliten
do not weaken!

Examples of debilitar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Hay tres maneras con las que los narcotraficantes intentan debilitar la extradición."There are three ways the narcotraffickers... - "try to weaken extradition." - try to weaken extradition.
"¿Eres parte de un complot para debilitar nuestra defensa nacional?""Are you part of a plot to weaken our national defense?"
- Leyenda o no, dijiste que el modus operandi del Flautista es debilitar a las víctimas- Legend or not, you said that the Piper's M.O. is to weaken the victims
Aecio tendrá que debilitar su posición para reforzarlos.Aetius will have to weaken his position to reinforce them.
Ahora ha logrado debilitar el espíritu de nuestros soldados. ¿Que deberíamos hacer?Now she has managed to weaken our soldiers' spirit What should we do?
Cada vez que uso mi poder, me debilito.! Every time I use my power, it weakens me.
Cada vez que uso mis poderes, me debilito, lo que significa que tendré que quedarme dentro de tu hermano más de lo que querrías... querríamos.Every time I use my power, it weakens me, which means I will have to stay in your brother longer than you want -- longer than we both want.
No, la víctima tenía una cardiopatía, que debilito su corazón y lo hizo vulnerable a un shock eléctrico...No, our victim did suffer from cardiomyopathy, which weakened her heart and made her vulnerable to an electric shock.
Si me alejo de ella mucho tiempo, me debilito.I begin to weaken.
Creo que cuando haces cosas así, te debilitas psíquicamente, creas grietas, y en esas grietas se pueden infiltrar cosas malas que quizá no se van nunca.I just think that when you do stuff like that, It weakens you psychically, Like it creates cracks and then that bad stuff come creeps into those crack And maybe never go away.
Cuanto más nos involucras en escaramuzas más debilitas la guerra santa que estamos por pelear.The more little skirmishes you get us involved in is the more you weaken the holy war we about to fight.
Entonces debilitas mis defensas y luego me averguezas con alguna broma elaborada para hacer valer tu dominio social.Then weaken my defenses and then embarrass me in some elaborate prank to assert your social dominance.
Los debilitas.It weakens them.
Matando a uno de ellos, debilitas a todosYou kill one of them, it weakens them all. They become vulnerable.
"No, pero debilita al hombre."No, but it weakens a guy.
"Noche, noche, el viento se debilita, noche, noche, el ruido desaparece, noche, noche, las estrellas cantan,"Night, night, wind weakens, night, the night, the noise subsides, night, the night, the stars sing,
- Dicen que el té debilita el cerebro.-They say tea weakens the brain.
- Dime qué me debilita. ¿Qué es?- - Tell me what weakens me. What is it?
- Lo debilita.- It weakens it.
Al cambiar la política, cuando el cambio está en orden, fortalecemos nuestra posición, no la debilitamos.By changing policy, when change is in order, we strengthen our position , not weaken it.
Al menos los debilitamos en número, de una manera u otra.At least we weaken the number, one way or another.
Cuando nos debilitamos el bien común, para qué?When we weaken the common good, for what?
Me dijeron que le recuerde que su oponente financió su campaña con dinero de los cárteles, y si debilitamos al Presidente podríamos tener repercusiones.They asked that I remind you that his opponent in the last election took campaign cash from the cartels, and if we weaken the president we could get a reactionary.
Nos debilitamos.We were weakened.
- Sus defensas se debilitanSo their defense will be weakened.
- ¿Sí? A medida que progresa, las células se debilitan Y ya no pueden oxigenar el cuerpo.As the disease progresses, the ilnlng of the cells weakens and can no longer oxygenate the body.
A esos mismos hijos, cuando la vista, de los ojos de sus Padres se debilitan"those very children, when the father's eye-sight weakens..."
A medida que los reflejos se debilitan deja de tragar su propia saliva.So as the swallowing reflexes weaken, he's less and less able to handle his own saliva.
Cuando el calcio se extrae para neutralizar el exceso de ácido, nuestros huesos se debilitan.As the calcium is extracted to neutralize the excess acid, our bones are weakened.
Durante dos siglos, me debilité en esta oscura prisión.For two centuries, I weakened in this dark prison.
Yo me debilité.I weakened.
porque cuando logré la confianza De ser tal como soy, me permitió fortalecer todas las relaciones que debilité al no vivir honestamente conmigo okay, te quiero.Because when I found the self-confidence to just be who I am, it's allowed me to strengthen all of the relationships that I think I weakened by not living honest.
- Lo debilitaste.- You weakened him.
Es es inteligente Entonces en vez de reforzar el suelo, en realidad lo debilitaste, facilitando el acceso para conseguir el dinero.Then instead of reinforcing the bottom, you actually weakened it, creating easy access to get to the money.
Si descubro que debilitaste la moral de la oficina... con tu chisme infundado...If I discover you weakened the morale of this office... with your unfounded gossip--
Si tú debilitaste a Vex.If you weakened Vex.
Sólo lo debilitaste un pocoYou just weakened it a bit
"Aunque las Torres se diseñaron para aguantar una tormenta de 150 años y el impacto de un B-707, el combustible ardiendo a 1100ºC debilitó el acero."" Although the buildings were designed to withstand "a 150-year storm" and the impact of a Boeing 707, " " jet fuel burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit weakened the steel. "
- El funcionamiento del organismo se debilitó en el proceso de duplicación.- Apparently, the body functioning weakened during the duplication process.
- Se debilitó su sistema inmunológico.- Anthrax weakened his immune system.
- debilitó las bases de...- so weakened the foundations of...
Algo que debilitó al bando que apoyaba el alcohol fue que los productores, en su lucha por mantener su derecho a vender cerveza, la emprendieron contra los destiladores, decían "Los destiladores están haciendo cosas horribles",OKRENT: One of the things that weakened the wet side of the debate is that the brewers, trying to preserve their right to sell beer, they turned on the distillers and said, "The distillers are doing really horrible things." "It's terrible for the American family.
En el Siglo XIII, fuertes guerras con los mongoles, turcos y persas... debilitaron el antiguo poder georgiano.In the 13th century severe wars with the Mongols, Turks, Persians have considerably weakened the former power of Georgia.
Eso es por lo que se debilitaron la última vez, porque estuvieron luchando en dos frentes, el este y el oeste.That's why they were weakened last time, because they were fighting on two fronts, the Eastern and the Western.
Las mareas ascendentes debilitaron el puente de tierra, y el Atlántico se precipitó al abismo.Rising tides weakened the land bridge and then the Atlantic burst it's way over the precipice...
Malnutrición y enfermedades debilitaron sus fuerzas a una temprana edad.Malnutrion and illnesses weakened his strengths from an early age.
Mis intenciones eran honestas, pero años de encarcelamiento debilitaron mi juicio; nublaron mi razón.My intentions were true, but years of imprisonment weakened my judgment; clouded my reason.
Cuando me marche, lo debilitaré a ojos de Europa, justo cuando se ha debilitado a sí mismo por la defensa de la alianza entre Francia y Escocia.When I leave, I will weaken him in the eyes of Europe, just when he has weakened himself by upholding the alliance between France and Scotland.
- Eso nos debilitará en otras misiones.-That will weaken us elsewhere.
Cada batalla os debilitará.Even if you win, each battle will weaken you.
Cada mujer en el mundo se debilitará!Every woman in the world will weaken!
El aferrarse a ella se debilitará... Con el tiempo.Her hold on him will weaken... eventually.
Embajadora Delenn, si le damos todas las naves que nos pide... se debilitará la defensa en nuestros mundos.Ambassador Delenn, if we give you all the ships you ask for... it will weaken our defenses around Homeworld.
Sin ellos para fortalecernos, nos debilitaremos y moriremos.Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.
La está reteniendo para enterrar pruebas que sabe que debilitarán su caso.She's only keeping it so she can bury evidence she knows will weaken her case.
Todos los músculos de su cuerpo se debilitarán.The muscles all over your body will weaken.
Ustedes se debilitarán y sus reservas se agotarán.Eventually you will weaken. Your reserves will be gone.
Y, con eso... si los militares pueden tomar el control de Shangai... debilitarán al elefante de una manera increíble.And, yet again... if the military can take control of Shanghai... it will weaken the elephant in a big way.
- Nos debilitaría.- It would weaken us.
A sus ojos nos debilitaría.In their view, it would weaken us.
Aceptar estas medidas ...debilitaría la habilidad del sindicato de representar o retener a trabajadores más jóvenes y no lo permitiremos.To accept these policies... ...would weaken our ability to represent or retain younger workers, and we won't let it happen.
Además, creas o no, Moscú está convencida que una revolución debilitaría a Francia y daría a la derecha un pretexto para aproximarse a Hitler.Believe it or not, moscow thinks a revolution would weaken france and swing the right towards hitler.
Bueno, está bien, porque "a"... faltar a este encuentro amenazaría... la emplumada democracia en África... y debilitaría nuestra posición en la región.Well, okay, because a) To skip this meeting would threaten a fledgling democracy in africa and would weaken our position in the region.
Pero para removerlos debilitaríamos la integridad estructural del Ámbar.But to remove them would weaken the structural integrity of the amber.
Cuando el mal nos ataque, cuando el miedo nos debilite, cuando la desgracia nos amenace, en el círculo encontraremos el poder.When evil assails us, when fear weakens us, when descent threatens us, in the circle we will find out power.
Cuando el vino debilite a Amnon, golpéalo y mátalo.When the wine has weakened Amnon, strike him and kill him.
El Consejo no está dispuesto destruir el arma, por miedo a que debilite la resolución de los Jaffa, de permanecer unidos contra los Goa'uld que quedanThe Council remains unwilling to destroy the weapon, for fear it will weaken the resolve of the Jaffa to stand united against the remaining Goa'uld.
Entonces supongo que imaginas una gigantesca red de conspiradores... preparados para cometer cualquier atrocidad que desmoralice... y debilite a nuestra sociedad.Perhaps you imagine a huge network of conspirators... prepared to commit any atrocity to demoralize... and weaken the order of our society.
Es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que se debilite y se convierta en uno de ellos.It's just a matter of time before she weakens and turns into one of them.
Es que no quiero que debilites la soga antes de que paseyo.I just don't want you weakening the rope before I've had my turn.
No puedo dejar que le debilites.I cannot let you weaken him. Oh! Oh!
No te debilites ahora.Do not weaken now.
Para que no nos debilitemos ni yo ni el niño que llevo,That we not weaken, neither I nor the child I bear,
'Mientras sean amigos sin contacto alguno de los sentidos, es improbable que los placeres saboreados debiliten su amistad pero en cambio sirven como garantía de los placeres que vendrán".'As they are already friends without contact of the senses, it is unlikely that the pleasures tasted weaken their friendship but rather serve as a pledge of pleasures to come."
Esta agua templada calienta el aire por encima y modifica su presión provocando que los vientos alisios se debiliten o cambien de dirección.changing air pressure and making the trade winds weaken or swap directions completely.
Jamás volvieron a pescar juntos... y jamás permitieron que sus votos matrimoniales flaqueen o se debiliten.Never again would they go fishing together... and never would their marriage vows waver or weaken.
Temo que estos retrasos debiliten mi determinación.I fear... I fear that of further delay it may weaken my resolve.
Un hombre de su integridad dejará que 50 de los grandes debiliten su compromiso con la educación?You would let 50 grand weaken your commitment to education?
- Algo la ha debilitado.Something has weakened you.
- Creo que le has debilitado las defensas.- I think he has weakened Defenses.
- Extremadamente debilitado.What's Model's condition? Extremely weakened.
- La famosa aria la ha debilitado.- The Famous Aria has weakened her.
- La mayoría habría muerto ya, pero solo lo ha debilitado.- Most men would have expired by now, But it's only weakened him.
- Su voz se está debilitando.- His voice is weakening.
- Te estás debilitando, Parkman.You're weakening, Parkman.
- esto esta debilitando su fuerza.-lt has to be weakening his hold.
... micro-dosis todos los días! Y entonces, por supuesto, entra al medio ambiente y, por supuesto, està debilitando las plantas.And then, of course, it´s getting into the environment and of course, it´s weakening the plants.
Algo la está debilitando.Something is weakening her.

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