Depender (to depend) conjugation

95 examples

Conjugation of depender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I depend
you depend
he/she/it depends
we depend
you all depend
they depend
Present perfect tense
he dependido
I have depended
has dependido
you have depended
ha dependido
he/she/it has depended
hemos dependido
we have depended
habéis dependido
you all have depended
han dependido
they have depended
Past preterite tense
I depended
you depended
he/she/it depended
we depended
you all depended
they depended
Future tense
I will depend
you will depend
he/she/it will depend
we will depend
you all will depend
they will depend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would depend
you would depend
he/she/it would depend
we would depend
you all would depend
they would depend
Past imperfect tense
I used to depend
you used to depend
he/she/it used to depend
we used to depend
you all used to depend
they used to depend
Past perfect tense
había dependido
I had depended
habías dependido
you had depended
había dependido
he/she/it had depended
habíamos dependido
we had depended
habíais dependido
you all had depended
habían dependido
they had depended
Future perfect tense
habré dependido
I will have depended
habrás dependido
you will have depended
habrá dependido
he/she/it will have depended
habremos dependido
we will have depended
habréis dependido
you all will have depended
habrán dependido
they will have depended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I depend
(if/so that) you depend
(if/so that) he/she/it depend
(if/so that) we depend
(if/so that) you all depend
(if/so that) they depend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya dependido
I have depended
hayas dependido
you have depended
haya dependido
he/she/it has depended
hayamos dependido
we have depended
hayáis dependido
you all have depended
hayan dependido
they have depended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have depended
(if/so that) you have depended
(if/so that) he/she/it have depended
(if/so that) we have depended
(if/so that) you all have depended
(if/so that) they have depended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have depended
(if/so that) you have depended
(if/so that) he/she/it have depended
(if/so that) we have depended
(if/so that) you all have depended
(if/so that) they have depended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera dependido
I had depended
hubieras dependido
you had depended
hubiera dependido
he/she/it had depended
hubiéramos dependido
we had depended
hubierais dependido
you all had depended
hubieran dependido
they had depended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese dependido
I had depended
hubieses dependido
you had depended
hubiese dependido
he/she/it had depended
hubiésemos dependido
we had depended
hubieseis dependido
you all had depended
hubiesen dependido
they had depended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have depended
(if/so that) you will have depended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have depended
(if/so that) we will have depended
(if/so that) you all will have depended
(if/so that) they will have depended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere dependido
I will have depended
hubieres dependido
you will have depended
hubiere dependido
he/she/it will have depended
hubiéremos dependido
we will have depended
hubiereis dependido
you all will have depended
hubieren dependido
they will have depended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's depend!
Imperative negative mood
no dependas
do not depend!
no dependa
let him/her/it depend!
no dependamos
let us not depend!
no dependáis
do not depend!
no dependan
do not depend!

Examples of depender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
""Lo habéis recibido para devolverlo, cuando de vos quería depender.Did you not take it, only to return it, when its one wish was to depend on you?
"... y es cómo si en esta terrible época, todos los sentimientos de felicidad del mundo tuvieran que depender ...""... it is as if this terrible time, all the happy feelings of the world would come to depend ..."
- Cual sea el futuro que quede va a depender de quien sobrevive.- Whatever future is left is going to depend on whoever survives.
- Sólo pregunto porque creo que, a medida que pasa el tiempo, es importante aprender a depender sólo de ti mismo.- The only reason I ask is because I think that as you go through life, you learn to depend only on yourself.
Ahora sólo puedes depender de ti mismo.You have only yourself to depend on now.
"Mas ahora dependo de un sol Y un deseo..."But I must depend on a wish and a star
*No me da miedo dar el salto* *si dependo de ti* *ahora dime tu nombre*♪ I'm not afraid to take that leap ♪ ♪ with you to depend upon ♪ ♪ now tell me your name ♪
- De eso dependo.That's what I'm depending on.
- Muy bien, dependo de usted.- Okay, I'm depending on you.
- Sabes, dependo de ellas.- You know I'm depending on it.
A veces dependes de los demás, la familia y los amigos.There are times you gotta depend on others, family and friends.
Ahora, para ser un gran señor, dependes de la farsa y del engaño.Now, to be a grand signore, you depend on sham and trickery.
Canalizas su poder, verdad, lo cual, por supuesto, plantea la pregunta, sobre, ¿qué pasaría si ese poder fuera arrebatado, si esos hijos de cuyas vidas dependes fueran de repente aniquilados?You channel their power, don't you, which, of course, begs the question, what would happen were that power to be taken away, if those sons whose lives you depend on were suddenly struck down?
Conoces a los chicos del Departamento, ¿los únicos de los que dependes para respaldarte?You know those HPD guys, the ones that you depend on for back up?
Cuando vives años de guerra con tipos a tu lado dependes de esa persona.When you go through years of war with guys next to you...'redependentonthis person.
! Eso depende de por quién preguntes, ¿No?That depends on who you ask, don't it?
". Y cómo tenemos éxito o fracasamos depende de nuestros esfuerzos""and how we succeed or fail depends on our efforts."
"Cuánto depende de una carretilla roja"So much depends "upon a red wheelbarrow
"Cuánto depende"So much depends upon
"El Azar" son tres historias sobre el mismo joven. Todo depende de si puede cojer a tiempo el tren, o de si le atrapa la policía, y le impide marchar. Eso decide su vida, que luego se mueve en tres direcciones.blind chance is three stories about the same young person it all depends whether he can make his train in time or whether the police will get him and keep him from going this decides his life which later moves in three directions
- Bueno, como nosotros somos net 60 y nuestros proveedores son net 30, dependemos de nuestras reservas para permanecer en números positivos.- Well, because we're net 60 and our vendors are net 30, We depend on our reserves to stay in the black.
- Y todos dependemos de usted.- And we all depend on you.
2/3 de las reservas mundiales de petróleo provienen del Oriente Medio, y dependemos de ellas. Es un asunto muy importante de seguridad nacional.And the fact that two thirds of the world's proven reserves of oil are in the Middle East, and that we're so dependant on that part of our world, is a very big national security question.
A pesar de nuestras grandes victorias, William, dependemos absolutamente de Vanderbilt.Our great victories notwithstanding, William, we're utterly dependent on Vanderbilt.
A ustedes, nuestros invitados de cuya generosidad dependemos les estamos sinceramente agradecidos. No es necesario presentar a una distinguida egresada y miembro honorario la Dama Iris Murdoch.Those of you, our guests on whose magnificent generosity we depend we really are most frightfully grateful will need no introduction to one of our most distinguished graduates and an honorary fellow, Dame Iris Murdoch.
Aquellos de los que dependéis para sostén se han vuelto en contra de vosotras y os considera una plaga tóxica para la sociedad.Those upon who you depended for sustenance have turned against you and deemed you a toxic blight upon society.
No dependéis de los hombres.You don't depend on men.
Se que todo el mundo está decepcionado no tenemos a mucha gente... y todos estamos decepcionados porque no haya venido más gente, pero una vez que entráis... en esta batalla, como en cualquier otra, dependéis de vosotros mismos.And I know everybody's disappointed we don't have a bigger crowd... and we're disappointed that more people haven't come in, but when you get down to it... in this fight, and like in any other fight, you gotta depend on yourselves.
Todos dependéis de mí.You all depend on me.
Vosotros dependéis de él.Rather, you depend upon it.
"Los ciudadanos de todo el país dependen de ti para poder vestirse"People all across the nation depend on you for clothing
"No te vamos a despedir ahora que los chicos dependen de ti".We are not firing you when the boys are depending' on you.
"Nuestras propias vidas dependen de la apicultura.Our very lives depend on beekeeping.
"Perspectiva moral de Dios" luego nos estropeamos la ingeniería, jugando a ser Dios. Debido a que las soluciones ingeniería dependen a ver las cosas desde el punto de vista de los demás asegurando que sus vidas no ser demasiado malo porque si te quedas, algo relacionado devoluciones.If we don't develop what you might call the moral perspective of God, then we'll screw up the engineering part of playing God, because the actual engineering solutions depend on seeing things from the point of view of other people,
"Que nuestros derechos civiles no dependen de nuestras opiniones religiosas.""That our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions."
Cuando recién llegué a este campamento y durante muchos años antes de eso dependí de los efectos del láudano.When I first came to this camp and for many years before, I depended on spirits of laudanum.
Cuando éramos pequeñas, siempre dependí de ti.When we were growing up, I always depended on you.
Pero dado que no fue así... dependí de tí.But since it wasn't... I depended on you.
Siempre dependí de la amabilidad de extraños.I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.
Siempre dependí de ti para que me cuidaras.I've always depended on you to look out for me.
Alguien que dependió de ti por tanto tiempo y entonces de repente se van a vivir sus vidas y ya no te necesitan.Someone who's depended on you for so long and then suddenly they're off living their own life and they don't really need you anymore.
El éxito de esta operación dependió de una hábil planificación.The success ofthis operation depended on skilful planning.
Le recordaremos al mundo que eres una madre soltera que una vez dependió de cupones de alimentos.We'll remind the world that you're a single mother Who once depended on food stamps.
Por primera vez en mi vida, la existencia de un ser humano dependió de mí.For the first time ever the life of another depended on me.
Sí, nuestra relación nunca dependió de la proximidad geográfica.Yeah, our relationship has never depended on geographic proximity.
Todos dependimos mucho de ti, y tu eras solo un niño.We all depended on you so much, and you were just a kid.
Pronto miles dependerán de ti, como dependieron de mí.Thousands will soon depend on you, as they have depended on me.
... dependerá de nosotros pero en todo caso seremos libres.... it will depend on us but in any event we will be free.
Algo muy importante, algo de lo que dependerá nuestro futuro, pero...Something important. Our very future will depend on it, but...
Aquí empieza una nueva vida que dependerá de ustedes que sea la de su regeneración por medio del trabajo.Here begins a new life which will depend on you to be your redemption throw your work.
Así que debemos estar listos para pelear en Vietnam,... pero la victoria final dependerá de los corazones... y las mentes de las personas que efectivamente viven allí.So we must be ready to fight in Vietnam... but the ultimate victory will depend upon the hearts... and the minds of the people who actually live out there.
Bueno, eso dependerá de mi caso, cherie.Well, it will depend on my case, cherie.
Mientras debamos llevar simbiontes, dependeremos de los Goa'uld para vivirAs long as we must carry symbiotes, we will depend on the Goa'uld for our lives.
Una vez han establecido la norma esa semilla se convierte en su propiedad y las regalías pueden ser cobradas y dependeremos de ellos por cada semilla que plantemos, por cada campo que cultivemos.Once they have established the norm that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected, we will depend on them for every seed we grow, of every crop we grow.
Cientos de vidas dependerán de su cumplimiento.Hundreds of lives will depend of its fulfillment.
Esto es una enorme tarea de la que nuestras vidas dependerán.- Here is a very great undertaking, upon which our lives will depend.
Mientras su ejército esté ahí, los filipinos dependerán de ellos.As long as our army's there the Filipinos will depend on them.
Muchas de mis decisiones respecto al personal dependerán de ello.A lot of my staffing decisions will depend on it.
Sus vidas dependerán de ello.Your lives will depend on it.
- Sí. - ¿Cuánto? - Bueno, eso dependería del, eh, tipo de trabajo, supongo.Well, that would depend on, um, the type of work, I suppose.
Bueno, dependería de con quién, por supuesto.Well, it would depend on who it was, of course.
Bueno, dependería si quisiese librarme de ti por hoy o para siempre.Well,that would depend on whether I'm trying to get rid of them just for today or forever.
Bueno, eso dependería de a dónde quieras huir.Well, that would depend on what you're walking to.
Bueno, eso dependería de a quién le preguntaras.Well, that would depend on who's asking.
Y con el equipo del cual, salvo por la suerte, dependerían sus vidas, aunque nadie se atrevía a pensar en eso.And with the equipment on which, luck aside, and who dared think about that, their lives would depend.
- Es necesario que dependa de mí.She has to be dependent on me.
- No quiero que nadie dependa de mí.- l don't want nobody depending on me.
- Quizá dependa de tu madre.May depend on your mother.
- Yo te amo, Boy pero solo voy a ser tu esposa, cuando no dependa mas de ti.I love you, Boy. But I'll only marry you when I'm no longer dependent.
Amy Pond, hay algo que es mejor que entiendas acerca de mí. Esto es importante, y puede que un día tu vida dependa de ello.- Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand, cos one day your life may depend on it.
Créeme, haciendo que vivas en un mundo donde no dependas de la tecnología para comunicarte con los demás te hago un favor muy importante.Believe me, by making you exist in a world where we don't depend on technology to communicate with one another I'm doing you a very serious favor.
Es importante que dependas totalmente de mí.It is important that you depend on me to access.
Ese judío te ha infectado con sus historias... para que dependas de él por completo.Jew has defiled you with its stories, so they are dependent afham.
Espero que no dependas de este trabajo porque nos despedirán a todos.Well, I hope you're not depending on this job because we're all getting the boot.
Jamás dependas de nadie para tu felicidad.Don't ever depend on anyone for your happiness.
Espero que no dependamos de la suerte para volver a la estación.I hope we're not depending on any luck to get us back to that train stop.
Mientras dependamos de las empresas por sus tecnologías en el cultivo de alimentos, somos esclavos de aquellos que usan la tecnología para esclavizarnos.As long as we are dependent on corporations for their food growing technologies, we are slaves to those who would use technology to enslave us.
No creo que dependamos tanto de la TV, porque la estética del cine es única y la TV es como una gramola.l feel that we aren't all that dependent on television. film aesthetic is something apart and separate. TV is just a kind of jukebox.
No esta bien que nosotros dependamos de alguien mas.It is not okay for us to be dependent on someone else.
Por mucho que dependamos del aya, al chico no le cae bien. Nunca lo ha hecho y nunca lo hará.However much we may all depend upon Nanny, the boy doesn't like her, he never did and he never will.
- ¿A quién otro elegirían? No hay más de 20 personas que no dependan de esta fábrica para su existencia.There aren't more than 20 people in the town... who don't depend on this factory for their existence.
Allí hay tres personas cuyas vidas quizá dependan de eso.We've got three people in there whose lives may depend on it.
Apoyo totalmente que tengan su oportunidad, pero que dos personas dependan tanto el uno del otro para ser felices...l'm all for Will-they and Won't-they finally getting their shot but for people to be that dependent on each other for happiness is-- lncredibly romantic?
Es una de las ironías de este trabajo que tantas vidas dependan de la relación de un hombre con una adolescente.It's one of the ironies of this work that so many lives depend upon one man's relationship with an adolescent girl.
Explorar y descubrir ecosistemas como este, que tal vez no dependan de la energía solar, abre posibilidades para la búsqueda de seres vivos en otros planetas.Exploring and discovering ecosystems like this, which may not depend on energy from the sun, opens up all sorts of interesting possibilities when we think about the search for life elsewhere.
"Siempre he dependido de la bondad de los extraños"."I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."
Dime que siempre has dependido de la amabilidad de los extraños.Tell me you've always depended on the kindness of strangers.
He dependido de hombres como tú para que me cuiden y me hagan sentir bien.I've always depended on men like you to make me feel better and take care of me.
He dependido demasiado tiempo de ti.I've depended on you for too long
Hemos dependido el uno del otro.We've depended on each other.
" Ahora me muevo por aquí o por allá, dependiendo del otro" " o de mi estado de ánimo"."This time I'm gonna go left, this time right, depending on what I get from this guy... or depending on the mood I'm in this take. "
"...dependiendo de su humor, que podía ser realmente feliz o realmente triste.""depending on her mood, "which was really happy or really sad.
"Como se resuelven diferentes delitos... dependiendo de donde se han cometido.""How different crimes are solved ... depending on where they are committed."
"Cómalo dependiendo de su preferencia." Creo que se llamaba Wasabi."Eat it depending on your preference." I think it was called wasabi.
"Porque dependiendo de cómo va esto, y no se ve bien ahora, todo lo que puede que tengamos que evacuar "."because depending on how this goes, and it doesn't look good now, we may all have to evacuate."

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