Descansar (to rest) conjugation

124 examples

Conjugation of descansar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I rest
you rest
he/she/it rests
we rest
you all rest
they rest
Present perfect tense
he descansado
I have rested
has descansado
you have rested
ha descansado
he/she/it has rested
hemos descansado
we have rested
habéis descansado
you all have rested
han descansado
they have rested
Past preterite tense
I rested
you rested
he/she/it rested
we rested
you all rested
they rested
Future tense
I will rest
you will rest
he/she/it will rest
we will rest
you all will rest
they will rest
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would rest
you would rest
he/she/it would rest
we would rest
you all would rest
they would rest
Past imperfect tense
I used to rest
you used to rest
he/she/it used to rest
we used to rest
you all used to rest
they used to rest
Past perfect tense
había descansado
I had rested
habías descansado
you had rested
había descansado
he/she/it had rested
habíamos descansado
we had rested
habíais descansado
you all had rested
habían descansado
they had rested
Future perfect tense
habré descansado
I will have rested
habrás descansado
you will have rested
habrá descansado
he/she/it will have rested
habremos descansado
we will have rested
habréis descansado
you all will have rested
habrán descansado
they will have rested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I rest
(if/so that) you rest
(if/so that) he/she/it rest
(if/so that) we rest
(if/so that) you all rest
(if/so that) they rest
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya descansado
I have rested
hayas descansado
you have rested
haya descansado
he/she/it has rested
hayamos descansado
we have rested
hayáis descansado
you all have rested
hayan descansado
they have rested
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have rested
(if/so that) you have rested
(if/so that) he/she/it have rested
(if/so that) we have rested
(if/so that) you all have rested
(if/so that) they have rested
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have rested
(if/so that) you have rested
(if/so that) he/she/it have rested
(if/so that) we have rested
(if/so that) you all have rested
(if/so that) they have rested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera descansado
I had rested
hubieras descansado
you had rested
hubiera descansado
he/she/it had rested
hubiéramos descansado
we had rested
hubierais descansado
you all had rested
hubieran descansado
they had rested
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese descansado
I had rested
hubieses descansado
you had rested
hubiese descansado
he/she/it had rested
hubiésemos descansado
we had rested
hubieseis descansado
you all had rested
hubiesen descansado
they had rested
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have rested
(if/so that) you will have rested
(if/so that) he/she/it will have rested
(if/so that) we will have rested
(if/so that) you all will have rested
(if/so that) they will have rested
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere descansado
I will have rested
hubieres descansado
you will have rested
hubiere descansado
he/she/it will have rested
hubiéremos descansado
we will have rested
hubiereis descansado
you all will have rested
hubieren descansado
they will have rested
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's rest!
Imperative negative mood
no descanses
do not rest!
no descanse
let him/her/it rest!
no descansemos
let us not rest!
no descanséis
do not rest!
no descansen
do not rest!

Examples of descansar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Ben, tienes que descansar.Ben, you need to rest.
"Decidido volver a Reno para descansar y acudir al baile de oficiales de esta noche".Decided to return to Reno in order to rest up for the Officers' Ball tonight."
"Eso fue bien hecho, nos gustó lo que han hecho por nosotros y creemos que hemos puesto a descansar a alguien que nos importaba muy profundamente de una manera muy digna y significativa"."That was well done, we liked what they've done for us "and we feel that we laid someone we cared about very deeply to rest "in a very dignified and meaningful way."
"Finalmente puedo poner todo esto a descansar."Finally, I can put this all to rest now.
"Hay una señora de París que vino a descansar que quiere llevarse a Patricia a París"."A lady from Paris came down here to rest and wants to take Patricia back with her."
! Qué descanso!Now I can rest.
"Bien cierto es eso; dulce descanso el mío."Romeo: The last is true. The sweeter rest was mine.
"Cementerio" suena mal. Si Ie hubiéramos llamado "lugar de descanso" o algo así.Well, maybe if we didn't call it a cemetery, maybe if we called it something else, like a resting place or something.
"Con tu gran misericordia... danos cobijo y descanso sagrado... y la paz definitiva... a través de Jesucristo, nuestro Señor."Then in Thy great mercy, grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest. And peace at last through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
"Concédele el descanso eterno para que descanse en paz.Eternal rest grant unto him. And may he rest in peace.
- Cuando te canses, te detienes y descansas, ¿entiendes?When you're tired, you stop and rest. You understand? - Yes.
- Excepto esperar. - La cuidaré mientras tú descansas.- Well, I'll watch and wait while you get some rest.
- Mira, ¿por qué no descansas un poco?- Look, why don't you get some rest?
- Por qué no descansas.- Why don't you rest?
- Si descansas y...- You can just rest and ...
"El enemigo del hombre descansa.""The enemy rests in the shadows."
"El ídolo de la radio descansa en casa de los Sres. Stanley de Mesalia, Ohio."The idol of the airways rests in the home of surprised Mr. and Mrs. Stanley of Mesalia, Ohio.
"El ídolo de la radio descansa hasta nuevo aviso en casa de los Sres. Stanley de Mesalia, Ohio."The idol of the airways rests until further notice at the home of surprised Mr. and Mrs. Stanley of Mesalia, Ohio.
"Grinder descansa"."Grinder rests."
"La causa americana ahora descansa en la providencia y el general Washington"."The American cause now rests on providence and General Washington."
"Cuando descansamos, no podemos encender fuegos, ya que todo está empapado."'When we rest, we can't light fires, as everything is soaked.'
"Dios eterno, en quién vivimos y actuamos y tenemos nuestra esencia, nos has hecho para ti y nuestros corazones están inquietos hasta que descansamos en ti".'Everlasting God, in whom we live and move and have our being, 'you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless 'until we rest in you.'
# Saben que jamás paramos, no descansamos ## You know we never stop, we never rest, y'all #
- El cuarto donde descansamos.Our room where we rest
- Es el lugar donde finalmente descansamos.It's the final resting place for our people.
Así descansáis un poco.So you can get some rest.
Así que vosotros dos venís a casa, descansáis un poco y empezamos frescos por la mañana. ¿vale?So you two go home, get some rest and we'll start fresh in the morning.
Ha sido un gran día; ¿por qué no descansáis algo?It's been a great day; why don't you guys get some rest.
Sé que trabajáis mucho y descansáis poco.I know you work hard... and have little time to rest.
Y descansáis porque mañana volveréis aquí a las 6 de la mañana.You get your rest cause you're gonna be back here tomorrow at 6 A.M.
"Benditos los que mueren en Dios". "Así lo dijo el Espíritu, porque descansan de sus penas".Blessed be the dead who die in the Lord, even so sayeth the Spirit, for they rest from their labors.
"En lo alto descansan las madonas"."The Madonnas rest high above."
"En lo alto descansan las madonas, la cabeza de león observa la paloma."The Madonnas rest high above, the Lion's Head watches the dove.
"Los malos no descansan", solía decir.No rest for the wicked, she used to say.
"Oh, Dios, por cuya misericordia descansan las almas de los hombres, bendice estas aguas y perdona a aquél cuyo cuerpo les confiamos".Oh, God. By whose mercy the souls of all men rest. Bless these waters and absolve from sin he whose body we now confine to them.
"En un lugar conocido como Massabielle descansé mientras mi hermana y mi amiga cruzaban el río Gave"."At a location known as Massabielle, I rested... while my sister and friend crossed the River Gave. "
"Filomena, tienes que descansar". Bien, ya descansé."Filumena, you must rest. " And I rested.
- Ya descansé.- I already rested.
Chicos, esto es ridículo, descansé toda una semana en el hospital. ¡Estoy bien!Guys, this is ridiculous. I rested for a week in the hospital. I'm fine.
Debe estar por aquí, en algún sitio, recuerdo que me paré y descansé.It might be around here someplace, I remember I stopped and rested.
Parece que descansaste.You look rested.
Qué dicha que descansaste, tenemos un largo viaje hoy.Glad you're rested up, because we've got a long trek ahead.
Se ve que descansaste.You are looking rested.
"El séptimo día descansó, y..."On the seventh day he rested, and...
"Y el séptimo día, descansó"."And on the seventh day, He rested."
(Gordon) En el momento en que han descansó, estarán bien hechas.(Gordon) By the time they've rested, they'll be well-done.
- Es el día en que el Señor descansó -- It's the day the Lord rested--
- Hasta Dios descansó el domingo, Linda.- Even God rested on Sunday, Linda.
"Luego atravesaron "el firmamento y descansaron en una viga.""Then stepped straight through the firmament... and rested on a beam."
Bueno, los caballos ya descansaron.Well, the horses are rested now.
Los rivales comieron y descansaron.The rivals are fed and rested.
Más tarde descansaron, mientras el agotado--Later they rested, while the tired tusker teethed on a--
Y en el séptimo día, descansaron... El proceso, quiero decir, en el juicio por asesinato de Claire Meade.And on the seventh day, they rested the prosecution, that is, in the Claire Meade murder trial.
- Yo, esta noche, descansaré.- I, tonight, will rest.
Ahora descansaré.Now I will rest.
Aquí descansaré hasta que rompa el día.Here I will rest me till the break of day.
Creo que descansaré un poco antes de las clases de Ia tarde.I think I will rest before afternoon lessons.
De hecho, descansaré durante el resto de mi vida.In fact, I will rest for the rest of my life.
"descansarás y no reunirás el maná de ese día..."you will rest, you will not gather the manna on that day...
Pronto descansarás para siempre, Nanuk.Soon you will rest for a long time, nanuk.
Te prometo que descansarás en mi tierra.I promise you, You will rest In my land.
Tú descansarás, vivirás como una señora.You will rest, you'll do the lady!
"El que reside en el refugio del Altísimo descansará en la sombra del Todopoderoso.""He that dwelleth in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty."
"Todo aquel que more en el refugio del más alto descansará en la sombra del todopoderoso porque nos levantaremos como el fenix de las cenizas de la muerte y la descomposición"."Whosoever shall dwell "in the shelter of the Most High "will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
"Y mi lengua se regocija de que mi cuerpo descansará en paz... porque no me abandonarás en mi tumba.""When my tongue rejoices, my body will rest in peace because you will not abandon me to the grave.
Ahora, seguramente, hemos tenido nuestra porción de desgracias, pero somos una buena ciudad, con buena gente, y sé que ninguno de nosotros descansará fácilmente hasta que este horrible asesinato esté resuelto.Sure, we've had our share of misfortunes, but we're a good town, with good people. And I know that none of us will rest easy until this horrible murder is solved.
Cuando tres planetas ardan como uno Bajo un cielo de luces unido La magia descansará un día sagrado Para acoger al niño Dos veces bendecido"When three planets burn as one over a sky of dancing light, and magic will rest for a holy day to welcome a twice blessed child."
Ahora descansaremos.We will rest now.
Algunos viejos profesionales nos quedamos aunque sabemos... que descansaremos en paz o nos pudriremos en un hospital.Some of us old pros stay in even when we know that after the fighting's over... some of us will rest in peace and rot in hospitals.
Echaremos a estos visitantes y después descansaremos.We will see our visitors off, and then we will rest.
Pero puedo asegurarles y más personalmente como alguien que siempre ha cuidado a los miembros de nuestra colorida comunidad que ni yo, ni el sheriff Thompson o cualquiera de sus hombres descansaremos hasta que estos cobardes encapuchados sean llevados a la justicia y el mensaje es enviado fuerte y claro nadie necesita temer.But I can assure you, as treasurer of Atlantic county, and more personally as someone who has always regarded the members of our colored community as his friends and equals, that neither I, sheriff Thompson, or any of his men will rest until these hooded cowards are brought to justice, and the message is sent loud and clear... that no one need fear
Puedo asegurarles que ni yo, ni el sheriff Thompson descansaremos hasta que estos cobardes encapuchados sean llevados a la justicia.I can assure you that neither I or sheriff Thompson will rest until these hooded cowards are brought to justice.
Indu, si se enciende una lámpara aquí los muertos descansarán en paz.Indu, if you light a lamp here, the dead will rest in peace.
Sus restos descansarán en una morgue de la Armada hasta ese momento... indefinidamente.His remains will rest in a Navy morgue until that time-- indefinitely.
Y como amigo devoto de las buenas y decentes personas del lado norte prometo esto ni yo ni los miembros del departamento del alguacil descansarán hasta que cada uno de los cobardes perpetradores de este atroz ataque sean llevados ante la justicia....and as a devoted friend of the good and decent people of the North Side, I vow this, neither I nor the members of the sheriff's department will rest until every last one of the cowardly perpetrators of this heinous attack are brought to justice.
¿Crees que los Orcos descansarán?Do you think the Orcs will rest?
"Ni un sólo centavo prestado," "descansaría en tu plato"Never a borrowed penny, would rest, in your plate
Siempre oía esto una y otra vez... y comencé a convencerme que el alma de mi hija... sólo descansaría con la venganza.I kept hearing this over and over... and I became convinced that my daughter's soul... would rest only with vengeance.
Sr. Keller,la carga de responsabilidad descansaría sobre todos nosotros más fácilmente si pudieramos aligerarla con humor.Mr. Keller, the burden of responsibility would rest on us all more easily if we could lighten it with humor.
Tu madre descansaría en paz.Your mother would rest easy.
"'Que su alma descanse en paz"'."'May her soul rest in peace."' End quote.
"Coloque el niño en el casco de modo que descanse en la curva de la cola del pecho""Place the baby in the helmet so that its seat rests in the curve of the tail breast".
"Concédele el descanso eterno para que descanse en paz.Eternal rest grant unto him. And may he rest in peace.
"Deja quienquiera que este enterrado aquí que descanse en paz," eso dijiste."Let whoever is buried here rest in peace," that's what you said.
"El doctor me ha dicho que descanse mucho."The doctor has adviced complete bed rest.
"Siempre estaré para que descanses tus tobillos en mis hombros"."I'll always be here for you to rest your ankles upon my shoulders."
- El doctor quiere que descansesThe doctor wants you to get some rest.
- Estás enfermo, cuando descanses...- You're sick. Once you get some rest...
- Gloria, quiero que descanses.- Gloria, I want you to get some rest.
- Ha sido un largo día, déjame llevarte al hotel para que descanses.- Okay, look, it's been a long day, let's get you back to the hotel for some rest.
- Jefe, descansemos un poco.Chief, Iet's rest here.
- Sí, descansemos.- Yes, let's rest.
-Bien, entonces, descansemos en paz.Good, then we can rest in peace.
Ahora, mejor descansemos todos.Now, we all better get some rest.
Ahorremos baterías y descansemos un poco.Conserve your batteries, get some rest.
- Buenas noches, que descanséis bien.-Good night and try and get some rest.
Ahora sugiero que descanséis y conservéis vuestra energía.Now I suggest you rest well and preserve your energies.
Así que quiero que os concentréis, quiero que descanséis, y quiero que seáis lo mejor que podéis ser, ¿de acuerdo?So I want you to focus, I want you to rest, and I want you to be the absolute best that you can be, okay?
Bueno, espero que descanséis, ¿eh?Well, I hope that you should rest, huh?
No descanséis hasta dar con él, ¿entendido?Don't rest, day or night, until he's found. Understand?
"Puede que descansen, qué sonido tan cruel""May rest, such cruel sound
#Oh descansen caballeros# #no se dejen llevar por la consternación##O restye merrygentlemen# #letnothingyou dismay#
- Desfile, ¡descansen!- Parade, rest!
- Diles que descansen.- And tell them to get some rest.
- Para que descansen los caballos._ To rest the horses.
Quizá Kes descansara en esa roca.Kes could have rested against this rock. The signature is consistent.
- Muy bien, vosotros chicos, descansad un poco.- All right, you guys get some rest.
Ahora descansad.You rest now.
Ahora, id a casa y descansad.Now, go home and get some rest.
Así que tranquilos, muchachos. Y descansad mientras podais.So relax, men, and get some rest while you can.
Buenas noches, caracoles, descansad, que os hace mucha falta.Good night, snails, have rest, you need it very much.
'De repente, por primera vez en la historia, "la felicidad de dos seres humanos descansado del todo 'sobre la posibilidad de una pequeña tortuga convertirse en una gran tortuga ''Suddenly, for the first time ever, 'the happiness of two human beings rested entirely 'on the possibility of a small tortoise becoming a big tortoise.'
'Te ves descansado' significa colageno.'You look rested' means you had collagen.
- Creo que ya he descansado bastante.- I think I've rested enough.
- Entonces estará descansado.-Should be well rested then.
- Estoy descansado.- I am rested, sir.
"Ella está descansando cómoda, pero..."She's resting comfortable now, but...
"Esto no es la playa ni un parque." "¡Estoy descansando!", grité."This ain't no beach or park." "I'm resting!" I said.
"Está descansando, supongo.It is resting, I suppose.
"Porque está descansando. ""It's because he's resting."
"su cabeza descansando sobre mi hombro""his head resting on my shoulder"
Ahora descansá un poco.Let's take a rest now.
No te preocupes por mí, sólo... ..descansá, descansá y ponete fuerte.D0n't w0rry ab0ut me, just..., rest and get str0ng.
Si querés sentáte, descansá, o lo que sea.You want to sit and rest, or whatever.

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