Describir (to describe) conjugation

104 examples

Conjugation of describir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I describe
you describe
he/she/it describes
we describe
you all describe
they describe
Present perfect tense
he descrito
I have described
has descrito
you have described
ha descrito
he/she/it has described
hemos descrito
we have described
habéis descrito
you all have described
han descrito
they have described
Past preterite tense
I described
you described
he/she/it described
we described
you all described
they described
Future tense
I will describe
you will describe
he/she/it will describe
we will describe
you all will describe
they will describe
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would describe
you would describe
he/she/it would describe
we would describe
you all would describe
they would describe
Past imperfect tense
I used to describe
you used to describe
he/she/it used to describe
we used to describe
you all used to describe
they used to describe
Past perfect tense
había descrito
I had described
habías descrito
you had described
había descrito
he/she/it had described
habíamos descrito
we had described
habíais descrito
you all had described
habían descrito
they had described
Future perfect tense
habré descrito
I will have described
habrás descrito
you will have described
habrá descrito
he/she/it will have described
habremos descrito
we will have described
habréis descrito
you all will have described
habrán descrito
they will have described
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I describe
(if/so that) you describe
(if/so that) he/she/it describe
(if/so that) we describe
(if/so that) you all describe
(if/so that) they describe
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya descrito
I have described
hayas descrito
you have described
haya descrito
he/she/it has described
hayamos descrito
we have described
hayáis descrito
you all have described
hayan descrito
they have described
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have described
(if/so that) you have described
(if/so that) he/she/it have described
(if/so that) we have described
(if/so that) you all have described
(if/so that) they have described
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have described
(if/so that) you have described
(if/so that) he/she/it have described
(if/so that) we have described
(if/so that) you all have described
(if/so that) they have described
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera descrito
I had described
hubieras descrito
you had described
hubiera descrito
he/she/it had described
hubiéramos descrito
we had described
hubierais descrito
you all had described
hubieran descrito
they had described
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese descrito
I had described
hubieses descrito
you had described
hubiese descrito
he/she/it had described
hubiésemos descrito
we had described
hubieseis descrito
you all had described
hubiesen descrito
they had described
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have described
(if/so that) you will have described
(if/so that) he/she/it will have described
(if/so that) we will have described
(if/so that) you all will have described
(if/so that) they will have described
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere descrito
I will have described
hubieres descrito
you will have described
hubiere descrito
he/she/it will have described
hubiéremos descrito
we will have described
hubiereis descrito
you all will have described
hubieren descrito
they will have described
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's describe!
Imperative negative mood
no describas
do not describe!
no describa
let him/her/it describe!
no describamos
let us not describe!
no describáis
do not describe!
no describan
do not describe!

Examples of describir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
".. Parecen ser las mejores palabras para describir ..'..seem to be the best words to describe..
"Algunos adjetivos que puedo usar para describir mi comportamiento incluyen mala picara, traviesa traviesa sucia y categóricamente desconsiderada""Some adjectives that could be used... "to describe my behavior... "include bad...
"Apagón" es un término que usa la NRC, los de seguridad para describir la situación donde hay un apagón total de corriente alterna.Station black-out is, ah, a term that is used by N.R.C., the safety folks, to describe the situation where one loses all bulk AC power.
"Bien" no es la palabra apropiada para describir tu estado."Good" is not the appropriate word to describe your state.
"Cerdo" fue una palabra utilizada para describir la clase dirigente."Pig" was a word used to describe the establishment.
"Cómo puede yo describo cómo él se convirtió un Don""How can l describe how he turned into a Don"
"Cómo yo la describo? ""How do I describe her?"
# La chica que describo # # es tan real como el viento ## There's a girl I described # # She's as real as the wind #
- ¿A quién te describo?Who do I describe?
- ¿Te lo describo?- Shall I describe it to you?
"Seguro que si la pequeña Matilda tiene tu pelo y ojos como describes,"I am certain that if the child Matilda has your hair and eyes as you describe,
"Y describes en voz alta exactamente lo que estás viendo".[ Beep ] And describe aloud exactly what you're seeing.
"¿Cómo describes tu físico?"How would you describe your physique?
'Cause Kid spelled backwards describes you best'Cause Kid spelled backwards describes you best
- Así podrá hacer el daño que describes.That one alone couldn't cause the damage you described.
"Afianzamiento" describe una relación en el derecho consuetudinario donde una posesión física de propiedad personal, o bienes inmuebles, es transferida de una persona, el fiador, a otra persona, el depositario--Bailment describes a relationship in common law where a physical possession of personal property, or "chattels, " is transferred from one person, the bailor, to another person, the bailee... ah, yeah, yeah.
"El recepcionista la describe como a una gor..."The receptionist describes her as a fa...
"Ella lo describe como su referente.'She describes him as her guiding light.'
"Falta" describe una distancia real "Queda" es más figurativoFarther describes actual distance, further is more figurative.
"L" es para el "perdedor" Qué lo describe, señor,"L" is for "loser" Which describes you, sir
Bien, ahora te describimos.Okay, now we describe this.
Bueno, lo describimos como alguien atractivo, seguro, que se muestra ante la gente con autoridad.Well, we described him as someone who's engaging, confident, poses as people with authority.
Como "monstruo" describimos un animal distinto de nosotros, de algún modo temible.We use "monster" to describe an animal somehow different from us, somehow scary.
Ella... en la cama... y a veces ella falla y yo me caigo de la cama, pero esto es lo que describimos como tiro al azar y no cuenta. - ¡Quills!She... on the bed... and sometimes she misses and I go under the bed, but this is what we describe as a pot shot and it doesn't count. Argh! Argh!
Eso es lo que describimos como terrible cuando nada terrible ha ocurrido.That's what we describe as terrible when nothing terrible is happening.
"Las personas que lo conocieron describen Isaías como tener el temperamento severo y áspero."People who knew him described Isaiah as having stern and harsh temperament.
"Los testigos describen una llama azul en la base de la espina.""Witnesses describe a blue flame playing about the base of the spine.
- Eh... Las palabras que describen mi forma de dirigir son... en ningún orden en especial:Okay, um... the words to describe my management style are... in... in no particular order:
- Sí es. Es justo como la describen...- No, it is, and just as they described her:
- Tal como describen la pelea... pensé que este chico sería grande, rudo...- The way everybody describes this fight. I figured this kid had to be big, rough...
"La Caja Dybbuk" y la describí como un armario para vinos judío embrujado.And then described it as a haunted Jewish wine cabinet.
- Entiendo que eso no parece cómico como lo describí - - ¿Quién puede decir mas "miau"?- I realize that doesn't sound funny as I described-- - Who can say "meow" the most?
- Hablé con el comité. Le describí su poca amistosa sugerencia.- I just talked to our committee— described your rather unfriendly suggestion.
- Llamé al Dr. Falk y se lo describí.- I called Dr. Falk and described him.
- No, describí a Hannibal Lecter.- No, I described Hannibal Lecter.
- Casi como lo describiste.-About as you described him.
- Diles cómo te describiste.Tell 'em how you described yourself.
- Incluso si pasó exactamente... como describiste, Adams se metió en ese auto... sin ser obligado físicamente, y se asfixió por la presión... de su propio peso.Even if it happened exactly as you described, Adams got into the trunk of that car without being physically forced, and he suffocated from the pressure of his own weight.
- No como la describiste.Not at all like you've described her.
- Pero no es exactamente como lo describiste.-But it's not quite as you described it. -DOCTOR:
"El cadáver mutilado que encontraron en un contenedor hace tres semanas... "El cadáver mutilado que encontraron en un contenedor hace tres semanas... y que la oficina del forense describió como eviscerado... ha sido identificado como Martín Haber, de 28 años... visto por última vez con una mujer no identificada... en D'Oblique, un sitio de moda para solteros"."A badly mutilated body found nearly three weeks ago described by the coroner's office as eviscerated has been identified as 28-year-old Martin Haber.
"La policía describió el cadáver... ""Police described the badly decomposed body..."
"La seducción francesa", es como ella lo describió."The French seduction" is how she described it.
"La señora Yates describió haber escuchado voces.""Ms. Yates described hearing voices."
"Loco, desagradable y peligroso" fue como lo describió una de sus amantes.Mad, bad, and dangerous to know was how one of his many lovers described him.
De acuerdo con mi asesor científico, vuestro dispositivo producirá mucha más energía que el arma que nos describisteis.According to my science advisor, your device will deliver far more power than the weapon you described to us.
""Anoche, la policía recibió varios reportes... de lo que los testigos describieron... como un monstruo diabólico vagando por el parque... alrededor de las 1 2:30 a.m."."Last night, the police department received several reports... "of what was described by eyewitnesses... "as a fiendish monster roaming in Midcity Park... at approximately 12:30 a.m."
- Así no me lo describieron.Not exactly the way that I've heard it described.
- No, pero unos afganos lo describieron como "de piel morena clara".No, but local Afghans described him as "Light-skinned."
Además, los testigos describieron una pausa entre el primer disparo y el segundo.Meanwhile, your eyewitness described a pause between the first and second rounds.
Ahora tenemos todo lo que necesitamos para esa fiesta para todos que describieron.Now we got everything we need... for that all-guy party you described.
Hace cosas, Todd, cosas que te describiré ahora mismo.She does things, Todd, things I will describe to you now.
Se los describiré.I will describe them to you.
"Cuando suelte el árbol retrocederá con fuerza terrorífica - y calculando el arco que la piedra describirá cuando se mueva por el aire -"When I release the tree it will snap back with terrific force - ...and by calculating the curve the rock will describe as it rushes through the air-
Consulté con la doctora que ahora le describirá el cuadro psicológico que Nicolo está atravesando.And so I consulted the doctor, who... will describe the psychological condition presently afflicting Nicolo.
Cualquier escolar podría decirle que la piedra describirá una parábola."Any school boy could tell you the rock will describe a parabola.
Cualquiera que haya tenido la suerte de encontrar un tiburón ballena los describirá como una experiencia sobrecogedora.Any person who has been lucky enough to encounter a whale shark will describe it as a breathtaking experience.
El editor de nuestro diario de la tarde... describirá para nosotros... la mujer de sus sueños.The Publisher of our evening paper... will describe for us... the woman of his dreams.
Antes que devolver a Jackie Buckner a un hogar inseguro un ambiente viciado, como se los describiremos con desgarradores detalles él decidió proteger a este niño indefenso de sus padres abusivos.Rather than return Jackie Buckner to an unsafe home, a toxic environment we will describe to you in harrowing detail, he decided to protect this defenseless child from his abusive parents.
Ahora debo considerar cómo los sabios del futuro describirán esta noche histórica.Now I must consider how sages of the future... will describe this historic night.
- Bueno, pues supongo que te describiría diciendo que eres como Buzz Lightyear.- Okay, well, um... I guess I would describe you as, uh, Buzz Lightyear.
- Enfermo lo describiría.- Sick would describe him.
- La describiría definiéndola por lo que es, Senador.- I would describe it by defining it as what it is, sir.
A continuación, la flor se alzó, siguiendo la curva que una mano describiría para llevarla a una boca,Then the flower raised itself, following the curve which a hand would describe carrying it to a mouth,
Aparentemente tiene lo que yo describiría cómo blindaje inercial.Apparently it has what I would describe as inertial shielding.
Oye, la describirías como... Lo lamento, ¿cómo se llama?Listen, you would describe her as-- What's her name again?
Sólo me pregunto cómo... lo describirías, es todo.I'm just wondering how... you would describe it, that's all.
A pesar de las apariencias, ellas son lo que el resto de nosotros describiríamos como mujer.Despite appearances, they are what the rest of us would describe as women.
Sería lo que hoy día describiríamos como un informe de abducción.It would be what we today would describe as an abduction account.
Si en la actualidad viéramos lo mismo, lo describiríamos de una forma muy diferente.If these were to appear in the sky today, we would describe them quite differently. Is it possible that Constantine instead of actually having seen a cross floating in the sky, actually saw a type of an extraterrestrial craft?
Así me describirían Uds.You would describe me thus.
Aunque mis clientes lo describirían de forma diferente.Although my clients would describe it differently.
Si esas mini observaciones fuesen reconstruidas, describirían... la vida en Polonia.if these mini observations were pieced together they would describe life in poland why did you want to do this?
Supongo que muchos describirían que tengo un sentido del humor irónico. Definitivamente yo no estoy actuando ni nada. De ninguna manera.Well, I suppose it's true that most people would describe me as having an ironic sense of humor, but I'm definitely not into performance art or anything like that... no way.
Sus compañeros de trabajo lo describirían como histriónico paranoico reservado.His coworkers would describe him as histrionic, paranoid, secretive.
"Adjunte un ensayo que describa cuál sería el mayor logro académico y cómo superó desafíos y obstáculos"Include a short subject that describes what do you think is the most significant academic achievement and how did you manage to overcome the pitfalls and obstacles
"Elija una expresión en cada grupo que describa mejor cómo se ha estado sintiendo, incluyendo el día de hoy.""Choose a statement in each group "that best describes how you've been feeling lately, including today."
- Bueno, deja que se describa ella misma.- Well, why don't I let her describe herself?
- No, no, que describa el objeto.- No, no, describe the object.
- Sr. Reardon, es la costumbre en estos casos que quien ideó el plan lo describa.- Mr Reardon. It is customary in these situations for the developer of the plan to describe it.
"¡Haz lo que tengas que hacer y no me metas a mi por medio!" ¡Y no lo describas cuando regreses!Do what you have to do and leave me out of it, and don't describe it when you come back.
Algún día cuando seamos viejos y estemos sentados en mecedoras... quiero que me describas, de una manera que yo pueda entender... por qué es divertida la lucha libre.One day when we're older and sitting in rocking chairs, l want you to describe to me, in a way l can understand, how wrestling is fun.
Bueno, ahora necesitamos que describas todas las cosas que robaste.So, now we need you to describe all of the things that you stole.
Como Dave y yo no nos conocemos, necesitará que me lo describas.As Dave and I have never met, I will need you to describe him for me.
Cuando estamos haciendo las rondas, si te pido que describas un procedimiento médico, quiero más que un par de palabras.When we're doing rounds, I ask you to describe me a surgical treatment, I want you to give me more than a couple of words.
Y, por favor, no describáis más.And please don't describe anymore.
"Haz que las matemáticas describan un sistema y podrás prever cómo se desarrollará".Find the mathematics that describes a system and you can then predict how that system will unfold.
A partir de ahora, necesito que ustedes describan a las personas identificándolos correctamente.From here on out, I'm gonna need you two to describe people using keeping-it-real identifications.
Creando ecuaciones que describan cómo funcionan las cosas, los cosmólogos pueden modificar sus fórmulas para ver como se comportaba el universo en el pasado.By creating equations that describe how things work today, the cosmologists could then change their formulas to see how the universe behaved in the past.
Creo que es importante contar con expertos que expliquen las guerras y que describan los aparatos militares, que describan las tácticas y que hablen de estrategia desde fuera.I think it's important to have experts explain the war and to describe the military hardware, describe the tactics, talk about the strategy behind the conflict.
Díganme tres palabras que describan este vino. Tres palabras.Give me three words to describe this wine.
Si lo miramos en ese contexto, quizá los antiguos describieran un OVNI brillante en el día como una nube, una nube brillante, y describieran un brillante OVNI iluminado de noche como una columna de fuego.If we look at it in that context, perhaps the ancients would have described a gleaming UFO in the day as a cloud, a bright cloud, and they would have described a brightly lit UFO at night as a fiery pillar.
Por favor, describid vuestro plato.Please describe your dish.
"Lo que estamos describiendo aquí es algo que claramente sería notado por los EE.UU."What we're describing here is something which would clearly be noticed by the United States...
"No se dará autorización sino por causa probable" y que tiene que estar suportado por una afirmación o juramento y, en particular, describiendo el lugar de la pesquisa y de la personas o cosas que serán detenidas.Warrants shall be issued, but upon probable cause and that must be supported by an oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
"Recorriendo el Caribe", una colección de tres libros describiendo cada excursión, paseo y merodeo por la región.Walks of the Caribbean, a set of three books describing every hike, stroll and ramble in the region.
"estuvo en el mercado cuando los asesinatos ocurrieron y dio una declaración bajo juramento describiendo al asesino como un hombre rubio alto con una cicatriz de la boca al mentón."was actually in the kwikmart when the murders took place. And has just finished giving a sworn deposition describing the real killer. As being a tall, blonde man with a scar from his mouth to his chin.
- Bueno, sólo escúchenme y me dicen si lo que voy describiendo no es lo que está pasando ahora.Well, just hear me out, and you tell me that what I'm describing isn't what's going on right now.
Maestro, si me describís su función...Master, if you will describe its intended function...
" Su cliente de las celebridades es uno enorme El abanico de golf " y ha estado descrito"Your celebrity client is a huge golf fan "and has been described
"...han descrito prisioneros incendiándose...""...have described the prisoner catching fire...
"En la rueda de prensa de hoy los detectives han anunciado que son inminentes nuevas detenciones y que esto no debería comprometer sus esfuerzos para resolver el que ya se ha descrito como un crimen horrible y cruel."'Speaking at a press conference today 'detectives announced more arrests are imminent 'and that they wouldn't compromise in their efforts to resolve 'what they described as this horrible and vicious crime.'
"En lo que ha sido descrito por un portavoz del Gobierno ha destituido esta tarde el presidente del partido, Lord Billsborough, el miembro más querido y que durante más tiempo ha servido a su Gobierno"."In what was described by a senior government spokesman "as a fit of pique and panic, the Prime Minister sacked Lord Billsborough, "the greatly loved and longest-serving member of his government."
"Has sido descrito como el Pelé blanco.""You've been described as the white Pelé."

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