Distribuir (to distribute) conjugation

85 examples

Conjugation of distribuir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I distribute
you distribute
he/she/it distributes
we distribute
you all distribute
they distribute
Present perfect tense
he distribuido
I have distributed
has distribuido
you have distributed
ha distribuido
he/she/it has distributed
hemos distribuido
we have distributed
habéis distribuido
you all have distributed
han distribuido
they have distributed
Past preterite tense
I distributed
you distributed
he/she/it distributed
we distributed
you all distributed
they distributed
Future tense
I will distribute
you will distribute
he/she/it will distribute
we will distribute
you all will distribute
they will distribute
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would distribute
you would distribute
he/she/it would distribute
we would distribute
you all would distribute
they would distribute
Past imperfect tense
I used to distribute
you used to distribute
he/she/it used to distribute
we used to distribute
you all used to distribute
they used to distribute
Past perfect tense
había distribuido
I had distributed
habías distribuido
you had distributed
había distribuido
he/she/it had distributed
habíamos distribuido
we had distributed
habíais distribuido
you all had distributed
habían distribuido
they had distributed
Future perfect tense
habré distribuido
I will have distributed
habrás distribuido
you will have distributed
habrá distribuido
he/she/it will have distributed
habremos distribuido
we will have distributed
habréis distribuido
you all will have distributed
habrán distribuido
they will have distributed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I distribute
(if/so that) you distribute
(if/so that) he/she/it distribute
(if/so that) we distribute
(if/so that) you all distribute
(if/so that) they distribute
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya distribuido
I have distributed
hayas distribuido
you have distributed
haya distribuido
he/she/it has distributed
hayamos distribuido
we have distributed
hayáis distribuido
you all have distributed
hayan distribuido
they have distributed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have distributed
(if/so that) you have distributed
(if/so that) he/she/it have distributed
(if/so that) we have distributed
(if/so that) you all have distributed
(if/so that) they have distributed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have distributed
(if/so that) you have distributed
(if/so that) he/she/it have distributed
(if/so that) we have distributed
(if/so that) you all have distributed
(if/so that) they have distributed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera distribuido
I had distributed
hubieras distribuido
you had distributed
hubiera distribuido
he/she/it had distributed
hubiéramos distribuido
we had distributed
hubierais distribuido
you all had distributed
hubieran distribuido
they had distributed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese distribuido
I had distributed
hubieses distribuido
you had distributed
hubiese distribuido
he/she/it had distributed
hubiésemos distribuido
we had distributed
hubieseis distribuido
you all had distributed
hubiesen distribuido
they had distributed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have distributed
(if/so that) you will have distributed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have distributed
(if/so that) we will have distributed
(if/so that) you all will have distributed
(if/so that) they will have distributed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere distribuido
I will have distributed
hubieres distribuido
you will have distributed
hubiere distribuido
he/she/it will have distributed
hubiéremos distribuido
we will have distributed
hubiereis distribuido
you all will have distributed
hubieren distribuido
they will have distributed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's distribute!
Imperative negative mood
no distribuyas
do not distribute!
no distribuya
let him/her/it distribute!
no distribuyamos
let us not distribute!
no distribuyáis
do not distribute!
no distribuyan
do not distribute!

Examples of distribuir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Sí, y copias para distribuir.- Yeah, and copies to distribute.
- Yo tengo que distribuir la foto.- I-I got to distribute the photo.
- con cargo de la acusación de intento distribuir?- with the prosecution's charge of intent to distribute?
. ¿No ves que trato de distribuir de manera uniforme?Don't you see that I'm trying to distribute it evenly?
Ahora, tenemos un montón de teléfonos nuevos que distribuir hoy, ¿de acuerdo?Now we got a lot of new phones to distribute today, okay?
Así es, firmo y las distribuyo a los diversos programas que existen por la ciudad.Right, and then I sign for them and distribute them to the various needle exchange programs around the city...
Aunque no distribuyo medicinas de alta calidad como ésta, te puedo poner en contacto con gente discreta que te harán un precio razonable.Though I do not distribute high-quality medicine such as this, I could hook you up with some discreet people who'd give you a favorable price.
El estuvo ultimo en la fila, cuando Dios distribuyo los destinos.He was last in the queue when our Lord distributed the destinies.
Entonces, si yo distribuyo el software en un CD con otro programa la licencia no puede decir que el otro programa debe ser libre o de lo contrario no puedes distribuir mi softwareSo if I distribute this on a CD with another program It can't say that other program must be free otherwise you can't distribute my software
Jesús tomo el pan... dio gracias a Dios... y lo distribuyo a la gente que estaba sentadaJesus took the bread... gave thanks to God... and distributed it to the people who were sitting there.
- ...distribuyes...- one should distribute the weight...
Obtienes energía y luego la distribuyes y... y luego, ¿sabes cómo el alternador es el primero en arrancar?You get energy and then you distribute it out and... and then, you know how like the alternator's the first to go?
Ok, quiero 2.000 latas de espinacas. 2.000 latas que las distribuyes entre los vagabundos.OK, next week I want 2,000 cans of spinach, 2,000 steaks, and you distribute 'em to vagrants.
Para quién distribuyes las drogas?Who do you distribute those drugs for ?
Suministro la heroína, tú la distribuyes.I supply you with heroin, you distribute it.
- Es un diferencial de efecto limitado que distribuye la potencia por igual a las ruedas de ambos lados.- It's a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tyres.
- No nos dice. Pero Kail Saffian... organiza las entregas, distribuye.But Kail Saffian he sets up deliveries, distributes
- ¿Quién distribuye estas cosas?-Who distributes stuff like this?
... Ahora distribuye las distancias y los papeles En el otro lado, ... continúa tejiendo su función infatiguable....now distributes the distances and roles on the other side, ...it continues to weave its infatiguable function.
Cada día distribuye comida para los pobres.Every day he distributes food to the poor.
América está viviendo en una mentira, y distribuimos menús para que la gente pueda pedir comida.America is living a lie, and we distribute menus so people order the food.
Buddy, los teléfonos que distribuimos ..Buddy, the handsets that we distributed..
Con mis compañeras, en Ortho Blue, manufacturamos, distribuimos.With my buddies at Ortho Blue, we manufacture, we distribute.
Cuidamos el polvillo de hada, lo mantenemos, lo medimos, lo empacamos y lo distribuimos.We nurture the dust, maintain it, measure it, package it, and distribute it.
Es entonces cuando distribuimos todos los juguetes que han sido donados.That's when we distribute all of the toys that have been donated.
Los mayas abastecen, los arios distribuís.Mayans supply, AB distributes.
Porque a nadie le va a preocupar como distribuís tu película o como se filmó si no tiene una una idea mas allá de una persona tecnológica usando tecnología modernaBecause nobody is going to care how you distributed your movie or what you shot it on if it doesn't have an idea beyond just the modern person using modern technology.
- Por Diwali ... se distribuyen dulces para todos.- For Diwali... you distributed sweets to everyone.
Compruebe que se distribuyen correctamente.See that the devices are properly distributed.
Con el tiempo se alejan unas de otras, se distribuyen por toda la galaxia.Over time, they're going to move away from each other... distribute themselves around the galaxy.
Dónde los distribuyen, cuántos impuestos pagan y todo eso.Where they distribute and ho. what they pay in taxes and such.
El 90% de los diamantes en bruto se distribuyen desde allí.90% of the world's raw diamonds are distributed from there.
-Ya lo distribuí.-lt was already distributed.
Me traje la copia y la distribuí a un grupo pequeño de estadísticos que se reunían de manera regular para hablar de problemas con el diseño de pruebas.I brought this copy back, and I distributed it to a small group of statisticians that was meeting regularly to talk about trial design issues.
Obtuve los números de llamada los distribuí en cada campo aéreo dentro de 300 kilómetros.I pulled the call numbers, distributed them to every air field within 200 miles.
Quizás debamos practicar la canción de bienvenida que distribuí.Maybe we should practice the welcome song i distributed.
Y aún así hiciste una copia y la distribuiste aprovechándote de su muerte.You still took a copy and distributed it and profited from her death.
¿Le sacaste esa foto y la distribuiste?You took that photo of her and you distributed it, okay?
A la víspera de la publicación del artículo en Nature una tal Mary Murphy mandó un email que AgBioWorld distribuyó a miles de científicos alrededor del mundoOn the eve of the article's publication in Nature, a certain "Mary Murphy" posted an e-mail that AgBioWorld distributed to thousands of scientists around the world.
AI ser liberada en eI impacto, se distribuyó por todo eI mundo con Ia lluvia radioactiva.To the being released by the impact, it if was distributed for everyone with the radioactive rain.
Dicen que el Alemán distribuyó más de cien mil dólares falsos. ¿Es verdad?They said that the German... distributed over 100 thousand false dollars. Is it true?
El folleto, que es acerca de la crisis de fe en las ciudades del interior se distribuyó en el Sínodo del año pasado.The pamphlet, which was about the crisis in faith in the inner cities, was distributed at last year's synod.
El resultado fue la versión de 3 h. 14 m que se distribuyó.The result was a 3 hour and 14 minute version of Cleopatra distributed for general release.
- ¿Cómo los distribuyeron?-How were they distributed?
Al mismo tiempo, se distribuyeron más de 2 mil en Munich. Es imposible que su hermano lo haya hecho.At the same day in Munich... about 2,000 flyers were distributed.
Bueno, para ser justos, me obligaron a volver ..y repetir el proceso durante la noche, hasta que las semillas se distribuyeron por todos los surcos. quedó distribuída por todos los surcos que encontré.Well, in fairness, they did make me go back and do all that again all through the night until my seed was evenly distributed in every furrow I can find.
Cunningham pudo financiar. Viernes 13 para el mismo trío de inversores de la costa este que pagaron y distribuyeron.Cunningham was able to secure financing for "Friday the 1 3th" through the same trio of east coast investors who funded and distributed
Déjame ver el folleto que distribuyeron los soldados.Le tme see the brochure the soldiers distributed.
Todas las unidades se registrarán y pasarán sus comunicaciones a través de mí, y yo distribuiré los códigos de reconocimiento y las credenciales.All units must register and log their com through me, And I will distribute recognition codes and credentials.
Yo distribuiré...l will distribute the...
Ahora, antes de comenzar, mi pequeño ayudante os distribuirá unos impresos para su información.Now, before I begin, my little helper here will distribute some handouts for your reference.
El intendente los distribuirá.The Quartermaster will distribute them.
En unos momentos, este afluente distribuirá su regalo sostenedor de vida en esta pequeña porción de tierra.In a few moments, this tributary will distribute its life sustaining gifts on this small piece of land.
En viernes santo Su Majestad distribuirá limosnas a los desafortunados pero verdaderos y leales súbditos de Sus Majestades en el espíritu cristiano de caridad y amor.On this Good Friday, the Queen's Majesty will distribute alms to you unfortunate but true and loyal subjects of Their Majesties in the Christian spirit of charity and love.
Nerys distribuirá el ciprofloxacino.Nerys will distribute the cipro.
Boomer, notifica al Comando central que hemos encontrado provisiones... que distribuiremos hasta que se acaben.Boomer, notify Core Command that we have located some stores which we will distribute as far as they go.
Daniel y su equipo de seguridad distribuirán mantas térmicas a tantos infectados como sea posible.Daniel and his security team will distribute thermal blankets to as many uninfected as possible.
Los mayan distribuirán.Mayans will distribute.
- ..distribuya el disco...- ..distribute the record...
-Harry, distribuya sus armas.Harry, distribute your arms. - But these fellows?
Alégrate de que tu jefe no distribuya piñas.Be glad your boss don't distribute pineapples.
Dale a JJ para que los distribuya al equipo ahora.Get jj to distribute them to the team right away.
En ese caso, señor, le ruego que la distribuya entre los pobres de la ciudad para que compartan ellos nuestra felicidad por el regreso de su hija Doña Inez.In that case, sir, I beg you to distribute the reward amongst the poor of this city, so they might share our happiness in the return of your lovely daughter Dona Inez.
Hazme un favor y no lo distribuyas hasta que hables conmigo.Um, do me a favor anddon't distribute it until I talk to you.
No lo distribuyas.Don't distribute it.
Así que, no importa cuántos folletos distribuyamos en la estación.Therefore, it doesn't matter how many flyers we distribute at the train station.
Esto se ve exactamente como la mujer a quien viste chantajeando al homicida de Kimberly Weeks pero no quieres que lo distribuyamos.This looks exactly like the woman you saw blackmailing Kimberly Weeks' killer, but you don't want us to distribute it?
Las reglas de intestado dicen que apliquemos para la administración y distribuyamos las ganancias.Intestacy rules state we apply for administration and we distribute the proceeds.
Usted sabe, puede que deberíamos, antes de que lo distribuyamos escriba a pie de página, "No Kiefer Sutherland" Tan sólo para que nosotros no molestemos al Sr. Sutherland.You know, maybe we should- before we distribute it, write across the bottom, "Not Kiefer Sutherland"... just so that we don't disturb Mr. Sutherland.
Necesito que distribuyáis el doble de producto.I need you to distribute double the amount of product.
Ah, una docena de pa¤uelos para que distribuyan entre la gente de la Unidad B sica.Napkins so you can distribute it among the party people.
Entonces los trabajadores deberan estar preparados para tomar la produccion para que ellos mismos admisistren y distribuyan la produccion. Le he quitado mucho?Then workers must be ready to take over production and manage and distribute the work themselves.
Envía la foto y la descripción de Gálvez a Tácticas y que la distribuyan a todo el departamento.Get Galvez' picture and description out to Tactical and distribute department wide.
Estoy segura de que están bien, pero no creo que distribuyan como puede Schiller. ¿Schiller?I'm sure they're fine, but they can't distribute like Schiller can.
Los de la primera fila, por favor distribuyan esto al resto de la clase.You in the first row please will you distribute these.
'Testigos reportaron que los enmascarados saludaban a la policía.' 'Mientras el dinero era distribuido por las calles.''Eyewitnesses reported that the masked raiders waved at police 'as the money was distributed into the streets. '
- ...y distribuido a través de la red.- and distributed throughout the net.
- Sí, ella quiere asegurarse que su producto esté bien distribuido a través de la Costa Este.Yeah, she wants to make sure that her product is well-distributed throughout the East Coast.
- ¿Ya han distribuido la foto de Sallie?- Have we distributed Sallie's photo yet?
.. Y se ha distribuido entre nuestro personal....and distributed among our staff.
"Si inviertes 3.000, 4.000 dólares, puedes sacar 50.000 distribuyendo.""If you put up 3-4,000 dollar investment, we can make 50,000 distributing."
Ahora estamos distribuyendo muestras.We are now distributing samples.
Alguien fuera de aquí está distribuyendo esto sin mi conocimiento, y quiero pararlo.Someone out there is distributing this without my knowledge, and I want it shut down.
Amigo o enemigo, tú produces tu imagen... produces y consumes tu imagen con la mía... distribuyendo la mía a tu imagen.Friend or enemy, you produce your image... You produce and consume your image with mine... distributing mine to your image.
Bueno, ¿entre los científicos empollones de sanidad y los vaqueros capitalistas con dos siglos de historia cultivando, liando y distribuyendo?Well, between nerd scientists hamstrung by the FDA and cowboy capitalists with a two-century history of growing, rolling, and distributing?

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