Emprender (to undertake) conjugation

47 examples

Conjugation of emprender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I undertake
you undertake
he/she/it undertakes
we undertake
you all undertake
they undertake
Present perfect tense
he emprendido
I have undertaken
has emprendido
you have undertaken
ha emprendido
he/she/it has undertaken
hemos emprendido
we have undertaken
habéis emprendido
you all have undertaken
han emprendido
they have undertaken
Past preterite tense
I undertook
you undertook
he/she/it undertook
we undertook
you all undertook
they undertook
Future tense
I will undertake
you will undertake
he/she/it will undertake
we will undertake
you all will undertake
they will undertake
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would undertake
you would undertake
he/she/it would undertake
we would undertake
you all would undertake
they would undertake
Past imperfect tense
I used to undertake
you used to undertake
he/she/it used to undertake
we used to undertake
you all used to undertake
they used to undertake
Past perfect tense
había emprendido
I had undertaken
habías emprendido
you had undertaken
había emprendido
he/she/it had undertaken
habíamos emprendido
we had undertaken
habíais emprendido
you all had undertaken
habían emprendido
they had undertaken
Future perfect tense
habré emprendido
I will have undertaken
habrás emprendido
you will have undertaken
habrá emprendido
he/she/it will have undertaken
habremos emprendido
we will have undertaken
habréis emprendido
you all will have undertaken
habrán emprendido
they will have undertaken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I undertake
(if/so that) you undertake
(if/so that) he/she/it undertake
(if/so that) we undertake
(if/so that) you all undertake
(if/so that) they undertake
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya emprendido
I have undertaken
hayas emprendido
you have undertaken
haya emprendido
he/she/it has undertaken
hayamos emprendido
we have undertaken
hayáis emprendido
you all have undertaken
hayan emprendido
they have undertaken
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have undertaken
(if/so that) you have undertaken
(if/so that) he/she/it have undertaken
(if/so that) we have undertaken
(if/so that) you all have undertaken
(if/so that) they have undertaken
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have undertaken
(if/so that) you have undertaken
(if/so that) he/she/it have undertaken
(if/so that) we have undertaken
(if/so that) you all have undertaken
(if/so that) they have undertaken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera emprendido
I had undertaken
hubieras emprendido
you had undertaken
hubiera emprendido
he/she/it had undertaken
hubiéramos emprendido
we had undertaken
hubierais emprendido
you all had undertaken
hubieran emprendido
they had undertaken
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese emprendido
I had undertaken
hubieses emprendido
you had undertaken
hubiese emprendido
he/she/it had undertaken
hubiésemos emprendido
we had undertaken
hubieseis emprendido
you all had undertaken
hubiesen emprendido
they had undertaken
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have undertaken
(if/so that) you will have undertaken
(if/so that) he/she/it will have undertaken
(if/so that) we will have undertaken
(if/so that) you all will have undertaken
(if/so that) they will have undertaken
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere emprendido
I will have undertaken
hubieres emprendido
you will have undertaken
hubiere emprendido
he/she/it will have undertaken
hubiéremos emprendido
we will have undertaken
hubiereis emprendido
you all will have undertaken
hubieren emprendido
they will have undertaken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's undertake!
Imperative negative mood
no emprendas
do not undertake!
no emprenda
let him/her/it undertake!
no emprendamos
let us not undertake!
no emprendáis
do not undertake!
no emprendan
do not undertake!

Examples of emprender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Helius, ¿por qué nos ha ocultado que iba a emprender el viaje a la Luna?"Why did you hide us, Helius "that you wanted to undertake this trip to the Moon?"
- Lo que vamos a emprender es duro.- What we are going to undertake will be hard.
- ¡Ahora Helius no tendrá más remedio que emprender el viaje de regresi enseguida!"Now, Helius will have to condescend to undertake the return immediatly !"
A todas las unidades S.S., Wermacht y guardias en el área Se les ordena emprender todas las medidas posibles para localizar y liquidar al grupo de exploradores enemigos repito,All the units of S.S, Wermacht and Guard in the area are ordered to undertake all possible measures to locate and liquidate the enemy scout group.
Cuando os dispongáis a emprender vuestro viaje, es de trascendental importancia que nadie os vea partir.When you're about to undertake on your journey, it is of paramount importance that no one sees you leave.
Yo no emprendo una campaña contra la industria del tabaco.I do not undertake a campaign against the tobacco industry.
—Yo la emprendo a patadas con Vd. —Y yo te meto en la cárcel.I undertake, I kicked the with you I'll put in jail.
"Que tu entrega, consagrada a la defensa de la libertad... nos regale mayores recompensas... en la nueva tarea que emprendes por la libertad en todo el mundo.May your selfless service, spent in defending freedom bring even greater rewards in the larger work that you now undertake to promote freedom throughout the world.
Quiero desearte la mayor de las suertes... en este gran viaje que emprendes.I want to wish the best of luck... this great journey you undertake.
El proletariado, después de la toma del poder... emprende la reforma de los intelectuales a su imagen... la formación de un contingente de intelectuales proletarios a su servicio.After seizing power, the proletariat undertakes to recast the intellectuals in its own image, to form a contingent of proletarian intellectuals in its own service.
Sra. Sieber, es ud. presidenta del Comité de Agricultura de la UE, quiere convertirse en comisaria europea y ahora emprende una espectacular campaña contra la industria el tabaco.Ms. Sieber, PC is President of the Committee on Agriculture of the UE, wants to become European Commissioner and now undertakes a spectacular campaign against the tobacco industry.
Él emprende contra la URRS y los paises socialistas, hay que decirlo, la calumnia de la reacción.He undertakes against the USSR and the socialist countries, it must be said, the reaction's calumny.
"Nosotros, los firmantes, no emprendemos este hecho a la ligera."We, the undersigned, do not undertake this deed lightly.
(Carter) Usted necesitará toda la resistencia muscular tiene, para completar las misiones emprendemos.(CARTER) You will need all the muscular endurance you have, to complete the missions we undertake.
¡Bendice todo lo que emprendemos!Bless everything we undertake!
¡Qué maravillosa aventura emprendemos!What a wonderful adventure we undertake!
Los candidatos emprenden un ensayo de destreza como nunca lo he visto en ningun otro país del Viejo o Nuevo Mundo.'The candidates undertake a trial of dexterity such as I have not seen 'in any other country of the Old or New World.
Y no piensen, no vayan a pensar ni siquiera por un instante que si se emprenden algunas reformas tiene algo que ver con los que han hecho del terrorismo su divisa.And don't think even for a moment... that if some reforms are undertaken, it has something to do with those who made terrorism their motto.
Fui a los Talleres de Máquinas de Edison... donde emprendí el diseño de dínamos y motores de CC.I entered the Edison Machine Works where I undertook the design of DC dynamos and motors.
No había trabajo bestial degradante, el cual no emprendí con humildad, para castigarme a mí mismo.There was no inferior, beastly work, which I did not undertook with humility, to punish myself.
Pero emprendí este viaje para responder una pregunta:But this trip I undertook to answer a question:
Por lo tanto emprendí el viaje... y después de perder dinero y pasajes, y pasar por una serie de infortunios, incluyendo un motín en el que casi perdí la vida, llegué a estas benditas costas con 4 centavos en el bolsillo.Accordingly, I undertook the voyage and, after losing my money and tickets, and passing through a series of mishaps, including a mutiny in which I almost lost my life, I landed on these blessed shores with four cents in my pocket.
- No. Escucha, usted emprendió una obligación para que me represente.Listen, you undertook an obligation to represent me.
A finales de 1980, Bob emprendió un tour primordialmente para alcanzar a la audiencia negra americana.In the fall of 1980, Bob undertook a tour primarily to reach the black American audience.
Antes de la caída del Muro de Berlín, el régimen comunista emprendió una campaña para el cambio forzoso de nombre de los ciudadanos búlgaros de origen turco por nombres cristianos.Before the Berlin Wall fell, the communist regime undertook a campaign for a forcible change of the names of the Bulgarian citizens of Turkish descent with Christian ones.
Dos de esas visitas las emprendió por su cuenta.Two of those visits you undertook on your own.
Dos: En violación de la ley de guerra, emprendió acciones irregulares e ilegales para una guerra en la ciudad de Nueva York, al incendiarla.In violation of the law of war, undertook irregular and unlawful warfare in the city of New York, by setting fire thereto.
Coludidos con y bajo la protección del Departamento de Policía estos oficiales emprendieron toda clase de actos criminales.Working in collusion and under the aegis of the N.Y.P.D... these officers undertook all manner of criminal misdeed.
Una misión que nadie tiene en la vida asignado en usted, pero yo espero que usted, en su papel como maestros, emprenderá él como su propio.A mission nobody has ever assigned on you, but I hope that you, in your role as teachers, will undertake it as your own.
"Vamos al espacio ya que lo que sea que la humanidad emprenda tres hombres deben compartirlo".We go into space because whatever Mankind must undertake, free men must fully share.
He pedido al Secretario de Estado que emprenda una investigación oficial e independiente, que estoy seguro que demostrará mi total inocencia sin ápice de duda."I have asked the Cabinet Secretary to undertake an independent investigation. "I'm confident it will establish my innocence beyond any shadow of a doubt.
Pero, si he de ser sincero, señor, continuar auditando cada investigación que la jefa Johnson emprenda es un bochorno para todos.But, if I may be frank, sir, continuing to audit every investigation Chief Johnson undertakes is an embarrassment to everyone involved.
Su excelencia está sorprendida, Dr. Huxtable, de que haya invitado al Sr. Holmes... a que emprenda una investigación... sin haberlo consultado antes.His Grace is surprised, Doctor Huxtable, that you should of invited Mr. Holmes to undertake an investigation without consulting him first.
Y se acordó que emprenda la labor una mano muy experimentada:And it's been agreed that that task be undertaken by an older hand.
Cuando emprendas tu viaje debes preguntarte una cosa.When you undertake the trip it suggests... ask yourself this question:
Ni le complace que emprendas una misión de paz.Neither is she delighted that you undertake a mission of peace.
No emprendas lo que no conozcas, eso provoca ansiedad y te enferma.Do not undertake what you do not know. This causes anxiety which makes you ill. Exercise discipline.
Ahora nos pido que emprendamos esto, que encontremos una pequeña alegría en su continua ausencia.Now I ask us to undertake this, that we find a little joy in his continued absence.
Voy a permitiros que emprendáis un nuevo viaje.l allow you... to undertake another voyage.
Yo estaba tratando de conseguir un aumento de ustedes, para recordarle que no importa a donde vaya o cómo el trabajo que emprendan tedioso, no va a cambiar lo que eres - un detective.I was attempting to get a rise out of you, to remind you that no matter where you go or how tedious the work you undertake, it will not change what you are-- a detective.
"Hágame el favor de venir al descubrimiento de este nuevo proyecto que he emprendido"Please do me the service of coming to the unveiling of a new venture I've undertaken.
Aquel fue el primer programa de vivienda emprendido por el Consejo del Distrito de Londres en 1897.This was the first housing development... undertaken by the London County Council in 1897.
Bueno, sin duda usted y Bill ha emprendido un gran experimento juntos.Well, certainly you and Bill have undertaken a grand experiment together.
Cada proyecto para mejorar la casa que hemos emprendido ha sido una experiencia casi mortal.Every home improvement project that we've undertaken has been a near-death experience.
Como este viaje ha sido emprendido con su soporte y para su beneficio...As this journey has been undertaken with your support and for your benefit.
No aceptaré una derrota en lo que estamos emprendiendo.I won't accept that in what we're undertaking.
Y emprendiendo esta extraordinaria travesía, ¿qué estaría probando?And by undertaking this extraordinary voyage, you are proving...?

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