Enderezar (to straighten) conjugation

82 examples

Conjugation of enderezar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I straighten
you straighten
he/she/it straightens
we straighten
you all straighten
they straighten
Present perfect tense
he enderezado
I have straightened
has enderezado
you have straightened
ha enderezado
he/she/it has straightened
hemos enderezado
we have straightened
habéis enderezado
you all have straightened
han enderezado
they have straightened
Past preterite tense
I straightened
you straightened
he/she/it straightened
we straightened
you all straightened
they straightened
Future tense
I will straighten
you will straighten
he/she/it will straighten
we will straighten
you all will straighten
they will straighten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would straighten
you would straighten
he/she/it would straighten
we would straighten
you all would straighten
they would straighten
Past imperfect tense
I used to straighten
you used to straighten
he/she/it used to straighten
we used to straighten
you all used to straighten
they used to straighten
Past perfect tense
había enderezado
I had straightened
habías enderezado
you had straightened
había enderezado
he/she/it had straightened
habíamos enderezado
we had straightened
habíais enderezado
you all had straightened
habían enderezado
they had straightened
Future perfect tense
habré enderezado
I will have straightened
habrás enderezado
you will have straightened
habrá enderezado
he/she/it will have straightened
habremos enderezado
we will have straightened
habréis enderezado
you all will have straightened
habrán enderezado
they will have straightened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I straighten
(if/so that) you straighten
(if/so that) he/she/it straighten
(if/so that) we straighten
(if/so that) you all straighten
(if/so that) they straighten
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya enderezado
I have straightened
hayas enderezado
you have straightened
haya enderezado
he/she/it has straightened
hayamos enderezado
we have straightened
hayáis enderezado
you all have straightened
hayan enderezado
they have straightened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have straightened
(if/so that) you have straightened
(if/so that) he/she/it have straightened
(if/so that) we have straightened
(if/so that) you all have straightened
(if/so that) they have straightened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have straightened
(if/so that) you have straightened
(if/so that) he/she/it have straightened
(if/so that) we have straightened
(if/so that) you all have straightened
(if/so that) they have straightened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera enderezado
I had straightened
hubieras enderezado
you had straightened
hubiera enderezado
he/she/it had straightened
hubiéramos enderezado
we had straightened
hubierais enderezado
you all had straightened
hubieran enderezado
they had straightened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese enderezado
I had straightened
hubieses enderezado
you had straightened
hubiese enderezado
he/she/it had straightened
hubiésemos enderezado
we had straightened
hubieseis enderezado
you all had straightened
hubiesen enderezado
they had straightened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have straightened
(if/so that) you will have straightened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have straightened
(if/so that) we will have straightened
(if/so that) you all will have straightened
(if/so that) they will have straightened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere enderezado
I will have straightened
hubieres enderezado
you will have straightened
hubiere enderezado
he/she/it will have straightened
hubiéremos enderezado
we will have straightened
hubiereis enderezado
you all will have straightened
hubieren enderezado
they will have straightened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's straighten!
Imperative negative mood
no endereces
do not straighten!
no enderece
let him/her/it straighten!
no enderecemos
let us not straighten!
no enderecéis
do not straighten!
no enderecen
do not straighten!

Examples of enderezar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Ahora usted tiene una oportunidad de enderezar todo esto.You have an opportunity to straighten it out.
Ahora voy a enderezar las piernas... de la niña más linda del mundo, verdad?Now l'm going to to straighten up the legs... of the most beautiful girl in the world.
Alcalde Gu, creo que debe enderezar algunas cosas...Mayor Gu, I think you need to straighten things out a bit... Mayor Gu, I think you need to straighten things out a bit...
Alguien tiene que enderezar tus prioridades... antes que malgastes todo para Jules.Someone's got to straighten out your priorities before you squander everything for Jules.
Brittany, vamos a llamar a Jackie, y ella sabrá cómo enderezar todo esto, ¿de acuerdo?( SIGHS ) Brittany, we're going to call Jackie, and she will know how to straighten all this out, okay?
"Gracias." Vean, no me enderezo totalmente de inmediato."Thank you." See, I didn't straighten all the way back.
"Yo diseño los planes y enderezo su carácter"."I devise such plans, straighten their character."
- Ella le enderezo. - ¿Como lo hizo?She straightened him out.
- Te enderezo la corbata.- What you doin'? - I'm straightening up your tie.
Como agente federal he estado vigilando a la mafia desde el primer dia, asi que yo estuve justo en medio de todo cuando Bobby Baldano cambio de equipo, enderezo su vida y obtuvo su placa.As a federal agent, I've been watching the mob since day one, so I was right in the heart of things when Bobby Baldano crossed over. Got straightened out, got his badge.
Así que, o te enderezas y andas derecho o te mataremos.So either you straighten up and fly right Or wwill kill you.
Ay, Chihuahua, como pesa, hazte de fierro aquì un tantito, hijo, luego enderezasOuch, doggy, how it weighs Become a rock here for a while, son, then straighten
El lunes te buscaré un trabajo, y si no te enderezas... ¿A dónde vas?On Monday I'm gonna find you a job. If that doesn't straighten you out, I'll... - Where're you going?
Es una ondulación que no es voluntaria, es una ondulación que se produce cuando intentas raspar en línea recta y entonces te tuerces y te enderezas.It's a ripple that is voluntary, that is a ripple that just happens when you try to scrape it straight and then you just sand it out and straighten it out but I think that this type of ripple out of this accidental ripple,
La coges así y la enderezas poco a pocoTake one like this and slowly, slowly straighten it.
- Y ahora se endereza el moño.And he straightens his bowtie.
-Limpia y endereza...-Cleans and straightens--
A diferencia de mi brazo bueno que se endereza.Unlike my good arm which straightens out.
Digo, ¿un muy buen castigo generalmente me endereza, no es así? No, maestro.I mean, a really good trouncing usually straightens me out, doesn't it? [ grunts ] [ groans ] [ whimpering ]
El coche se endereza automáticamente.The car automatically straightens itself out.
- ...y lo enderezamos. - ¡Qué divertido!- and straighten him out.
A veces cuando enderezamos una columna, tenga los órganos internos que hay ahí.Sometimes when we straighten a spine, it puts a strain on the internal organs there.
Nosotros te lo enderezamos.We'II straighten that out for you.
Se le va me debes una cesta de tales disculpas cuando nos enderezamos este ...You are gonna owe me such an apology basket when we straighten this...
Te enderezamos, ¿ eh, hijo?Sure got you straightened out, didn't we, boy?
"¿Por qué no se enderezan el desorden interno que llevan?# Why don't they straighten up The mess that's inside?
- No se enderezan la cosas en casa... o si Hague da un golpe.- Not if they straighten things out at home... or Hague pulls off a coup.
Cuando son jóvenes, les enderezan los dientes les sacan las amígdalas y les meten litros de vitaminas.When they're young, they've their teeth straightened their tonsils taken out and gallons of vitamins pumped into them.
Los dedos se abren, se enderezan.Fingers open, straighten out.
Mi mensaje para los criminales es o se enderezan o se van.My message to the criminals is this: You straighten up or get out.
- Estaba torcido y lo enderecé.-lt was crooked and I straightened it.
Así que ingresé en un reformatorio, ¿pero crees que me enderecé siquiera un poco?So I turned into a reprobate, but do you suppose I've straightened out justa little?
Le enderecé.I straightened him out.
Luego, lentamente, enderecé su rígido cuerpo, todavía tumbado en la cama.Then, slowly, I straightened out her stiff body, still lying on the bed.
No dije nada, solo enderecé algunas cosas.I didn't say anything, just straightened some things out.
Dos antes que ese, enderezaste un instrumento de la bandeja. Mira, no puedo... no puedo seguir haciendo esto.Two before that, you straightened an instrument on the tray.
Me alegro de que hayas recibido ayuda, enderezaste tu vida.I'm glad you got help, straightened your life out.
Realmente te enderezaste, ¿huh?You really straightened out, huh?
"Afortunadamente, el camino pronto se enderezó lo que significó que Hammond y yo podiamos volar"'Mercifully, though, the road soon straightened out which meant 'Hammond and I could absolutely fly. '
# Y enderezó su sombrero #♪ And straightened his fedora ♪
- y lo enderezó?-and just straightened you right out?
Afortunadamente, el Tío Sam me enderezó.Fortunately, Uncle Sam straightened me out.
Bea me enderezó.Bea straightened me out.
-¿Por qué la enderezaron?Because you straightened her out?
Esta noche, "Oficiales del Hampa" presenta el caso de los hermanos bandidos que tomaron el sendero de la muerte y los robos por la planicie hasta que los oficiales vigilantes y veloces con las armas del Oeste los enderezaron.Tonight, Gangbusters presents the case of the bandit brothers, who rode a crooked trail of death and robbery over the plains until vigilant, fast-shooting, Western peace officers straightened them out.
Pero los marines le enderezaron.But the Marines straightened him out.
Su voz se hizo más profunda, sus hombros se enderezaron, tomó una postura masculina.His voice got deeper, his shoulders straightened, he took a masculine stance.
Supongo que estas viejas y oxidadas entrañas finalmente se enderezaron, ¿eh?Guess those rusty old innards finally straightened themselves out, huh?
La enderezaré, jefe.I will straighten her up, chief.
Se enderezará con hombreras.Shoulder pads will straighten it out.
Los policías los enderezarán.The cops will straighten them out.
Mis espuelas lo enderezarán.My spurs will straighten him out.
Ella sí, porque pensó me enderezaría pero le dije que yo no podía manejar a un niño porque soy un espíritu libre.She did it because she thought it would straighten me out, but I told her I couldn't handle a kid because I'm a free spirit.
Pensé que conseguir mi trabajo de vuelta me enderezaría.I thought getting my job back would straighten me out.
Pensé que la disciplinar militar enderezaría su patética persona.Thought maybe military discipline would straighten his sorry ass out.
Probablemente pensó que el rancho la enderezaría. ¿Enderezarla?He probably figured the ranch would straighten her out.
Quizás la cárcel le enderezaría.Maybe jail would straighten him out.
- Deja que yo lo enderece.- You let me straighten him out.
Alguien que te enderece porque se me acaban la energía y la paciencia.Someone who can straighten you out because l'm running out of energy and patience.
Busco a alguien que venda mi perro, recoja mi corte de pelo, compre mi animal y enderece a mi pájaro.I'm looking for somebody to sell my dog... collect my clip, buy my animal, and straighten out my bird.
Béselo en la nariz para que se enderece.Kiss him on the nose. See if you can straighten that out!
Deberías poder verlo una vez que se enderece.You should see him once it straightens.
- Espero que te endereces.I hope you get straightened out.
Basta con que hables con él y le endereces. ¿Qué te parece?All you have to do is talk to him to straighten him out. How about that?
Creo que es hora de que endereces tu vida, sr. Zetterstrom.I think it's time you straighten out your life, Mr. Zetterstrom.
Cuando te endereces y camines como un músico de jazz.When you straighten up and walk like a jazz musician.
Ese es el olor de tu futuro a menos que te endereces y vayas por el buen camino.That's the smell of your future unless you straighten up and fly right.
"Que importa si Berta necesita que le enderecen la columna?""Who cares if Berta needs her spine straightened?"
Haré que mis hombres los enderecen.I will have my men straighten them out.
Porque tras una revolución siempre hacen falta abogados... que enderecen lo legal.Because they always need lawyers after a revolution to straighten out the legal end.
Si la onda va a esa varita magica y hace que todos se enderecen.Are gonna wave that magic wand and make you all straighten up.
Tal vez vengan, te castren, te enderecen los dientes y se vayan.Maybe they'll come down, castrate you, straighten your teeth and split.
" Con el collar enderezado . ""With the straightened collar."
*He enderezado la espalda*♪ I've straightened up my spine ♪
Ahora está enderezado, en todas las cuentas.He was about to go bust. Now he's straightened out, by all accounts.
Bueno ... ahora estoy enderezado.Well... now I'm all straightened out.
Conozco chicos allí que se han enderezado.I've known kids there who straightened up.
# ¡Ella puede estar enderezando su corbata!She may be straightening his tie!
- Lo estoy enderezando.- I'm straightening it out.
El pobre Hammer esta en el hospital enderezando su rodilla.Poor, old Hammer's at the hospital straightening out his knee.
Es decir, estaba sobria. parecía que estaba enderezando su vida, y luego se resbaló así.I mean, she did get sober, and she seemed like she was straightening her life out, and then she slipped up like that.
Estoy enderezando las sábanas, como se me enseñó.I'm straightening linens, as instructed.

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