Escabullirse (to sneak out) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of escabullirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me escabullo
I sneak out
te escabulles
you sneak out
se escabulle
he/she/it sneaks out
nos escabullimos
we sneak out
os escabullís
you all sneak out
se escabullen
they sneak out
Present perfect tense
he escabullido
I have sneaked out
has escabullido
you have sneaked out
ha escabullido
he/she/it has sneaked out
hemos escabullido
we have sneaked out
habéis escabullido
you all have sneaked out
han escabullido
they have sneaked out
Past preterite tense
me escabullí
I sneaked out
te escabulliste
you sneaked out
se escabulló
he/she/it sneaked out
nos escabullimos
we sneaked out
os escabullisteis
you all sneaked out
se escabulleron
they sneaked out
Future tense
me escabulliré
I will sneak out
te escabullirás
you will sneak out
se escabullirá
he/she/it will sneak out
nos escabulliremos
we will sneak out
os escabulliréis
you all will sneak out
se escabullirán
they will sneak out
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me escabulliría
I would sneak out
te escabullirías
you would sneak out
se escabulliría
he/she/it would sneak out
nos escabulliríamos
we would sneak out
os escabulliríais
you all would sneak out
se escabullirían
they would sneak out
Past imperfect tense
me escabullía
I used to sneak out
te escabullías
you used to sneak out
se escabullía
he/she/it used to sneak out
nos escabullíamos
we used to sneak out
os escabullíais
you all used to sneak out
se escabullían
they used to sneak out
Past perfect tense
había escabullido
I had sneaked out
habías escabullido
you had sneaked out
había escabullido
he/she/it had sneaked out
habíamos escabullido
we had sneaked out
habíais escabullido
you all had sneaked out
habían escabullido
they had sneaked out
Future perfect tense
habré escabullido
I will have sneaked out
habrás escabullido
you will have sneaked out
habrá escabullido
he/she/it will have sneaked out
habremos escabullido
we will have sneaked out
habréis escabullido
you all will have sneaked out
habrán escabullido
they will have sneaked out
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me escabulla
(if/so that) I sneak out
te escabullas
(if/so that) you sneak out
se escabulla
(if/so that) he/she/it sneak out
nos escabullamos
(if/so that) we sneak out
os escabulláis
(if/so that) you all sneak out
se escabullan
(if/so that) they sneak out
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya escabullido
I have sneaked out
hayas escabullido
you have sneaked out
haya escabullido
he/she/it has sneaked out
hayamos escabullido
we have sneaked out
hayáis escabullido
you all have sneaked out
hayan escabullido
they have sneaked out
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me escabullera
(if/so that) I have sneaked out
te escabulleras
(if/so that) you have sneaked out
se escabullera
(if/so that) he/she/it have sneaked out
nos escabulléramos
(if/so that) we have sneaked out
os escabullerais
(if/so that) you all have sneaked out
se escabulleran
(if/so that) they have sneaked out
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me escabullese
(if/so that) I have sneaked out
te escabulleses
(if/so that) you have sneaked out
se escabullese
(if/so that) he/she/it have sneaked out
nos escabullésemos
(if/so that) we have sneaked out
os escabulleseis
(if/so that) you all have sneaked out
se escabullesen
(if/so that) they have sneaked out
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera escabullido
I had sneaked out
hubieras escabullido
you had sneaked out
hubiera escabullido
he/she/it had sneaked out
hubiéramos escabullido
we had sneaked out
hubierais escabullido
you all had sneaked out
hubieran escabullido
they had sneaked out
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese escabullido
I had sneaked out
hubieses escabullido
you had sneaked out
hubiese escabullido
he/she/it had sneaked out
hubiésemos escabullido
we had sneaked out
hubieseis escabullido
you all had sneaked out
hubiesen escabullido
they had sneaked out
Future subjunctive tense
me escabullere
(if/so that) I will have sneaked out
te escabulleres
(if/so that) you will have sneaked out
se escabullere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sneaked out
nos escabulléremos
(if/so that) we will have sneaked out
os escabullereis
(if/so that) you all will have sneaked out
se escabulleren
(if/so that) they will have sneaked out
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere escabullido
I will have sneaked out
hubieres escabullido
you will have sneaked out
hubiere escabullido
he/she/it will have sneaked out
hubiéremos escabullido
we will have sneaked out
hubiereis escabullido
you all will have sneaked out
hubieren escabullido
they will have sneaked out
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
sneak out!
sneak out!
let's sneak out!
sneak out!
sneak out!
Imperative negative mood
no te escabullas
do not sneak out!
no se escabulla
let him/her/it sneak out!
no nos escabullamos
let us not sneak out!
no os escabulláis
do not sneak out!
no se escabullan
do not sneak out!

Examples of escabullirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- El hijo de puta... se tragó el drive para escabullirse de nuestras instalaciones. que es por lo que debimos entrar.Son of bitch swallowed the drive to sneak out of our secure facilities, which is why we got to get in.
Así que ahora tiene que escabullirse de aquí como la más pequeña serpiente serpenteante que hayas visto.So now he has to sneak out of here like the sneakiest little sneaky sneak you ever saw.
Dallas. El Sr. Astuto ha tratado de escabullirse sin decir adiós.- Mr. Sneaky-Face tried to sneak out without saying goodbye.
Intentaba escabullirse, ¿no?You were trying to sneak out, weren't you?
Jane cree que nuestro hombre va a intentar escabullirse de la recepción.Jane thinks our man's gonna try to sneak out of the reception.
A medianoche, escabúllete secretamente; espera en el muelle de Deok Cheon...At midnight, secretly sneak out; wait at the Deok Cheon dock
A menos que se haya escabullido para tomar el autobús nocturno.So, unless he sneaked out to get a night bus...
Debe haberse escabullido mientras yo hablaba por teléfono.She must have sneaked out when I was on the telephone.
El chico se había escabullido de Gurukul y fue corriendo a verla.The boy had sneaked out of Gurukul and had come running to see her.
Acabamos de ver a dos chicas escabulléndose de la habitación de Jake.We just saw two girls sneaking out of Jake's room.
Daria escabulléndose del club Beastie BoysDaria sneaking out of club Beastie Boys
Dos bellezas escabulléndose de tú cuarto.Two hotties, sneaking out of your room.
El chico ha estado escabulléndose fuera desde que era un niño.The boy has been sneaking out since he was a child.
Estábamos yendo por el pueblo puerta por puerta cuando atrapamos a este escabulléndose.We were going through the down door-to-door when we caught this one sneaking out.

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