Estirar (to stretch) conjugation

86 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to extend, extend

Conjugation of estirar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I stretch
you stretch
he/she/it stretches
we stretch
you all stretch
they stretch
Present perfect tense
he estirado
I have stretched
has estirado
you have stretched
ha estirado
he/she/it has stretched
hemos estirado
we have stretched
habéis estirado
you all have stretched
han estirado
they have stretched
Past preterite tense
I stretched
you stretched
he/she/it stretched
we stretched
you all stretched
they stretched
Future tense
I will stretch
you will stretch
he/she/it will stretch
we will stretch
you all will stretch
they will stretch
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would stretch
you would stretch
he/she/it would stretch
we would stretch
you all would stretch
they would stretch
Past imperfect tense
I used to stretch
you used to stretch
he/she/it used to stretch
we used to stretch
you all used to stretch
they used to stretch
Past perfect tense
había estirado
I had stretched
habías estirado
you had stretched
había estirado
he/she/it had stretched
habíamos estirado
we had stretched
habíais estirado
you all had stretched
habían estirado
they had stretched
Future perfect tense
habré estirado
I will have stretched
habrás estirado
you will have stretched
habrá estirado
he/she/it will have stretched
habremos estirado
we will have stretched
habréis estirado
you all will have stretched
habrán estirado
they will have stretched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I stretch
(if/so that) you stretch
(if/so that) he/she/it stretch
(if/so that) we stretch
(if/so that) you all stretch
(if/so that) they stretch
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya estirado
I have stretched
hayas estirado
you have stretched
haya estirado
he/she/it has stretched
hayamos estirado
we have stretched
hayáis estirado
you all have stretched
hayan estirado
they have stretched
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have stretched
(if/so that) you have stretched
(if/so that) he/she/it have stretched
(if/so that) we have stretched
(if/so that) you all have stretched
(if/so that) they have stretched
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have stretched
(if/so that) you have stretched
(if/so that) he/she/it have stretched
(if/so that) we have stretched
(if/so that) you all have stretched
(if/so that) they have stretched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera estirado
I had stretched
hubieras estirado
you had stretched
hubiera estirado
he/she/it had stretched
hubiéramos estirado
we had stretched
hubierais estirado
you all had stretched
hubieran estirado
they had stretched
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese estirado
I had stretched
hubieses estirado
you had stretched
hubiese estirado
he/she/it had stretched
hubiésemos estirado
we had stretched
hubieseis estirado
you all had stretched
hubiesen estirado
they had stretched
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have stretched
(if/so that) you will have stretched
(if/so that) he/she/it will have stretched
(if/so that) we will have stretched
(if/so that) you all will have stretched
(if/so that) they will have stretched
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere estirado
I will have stretched
hubieres estirado
you will have stretched
hubiere estirado
he/she/it will have stretched
hubiéremos estirado
we will have stretched
hubiereis estirado
you all will have stretched
hubieren estirado
they will have stretched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's stretch!
Imperative negative mood
no estires
do not stretch!
no estire
let him/her/it stretch!
no estiremos
let us not stretch!
no estiréis
do not stretch!
no estiren
do not stretch!

Examples of estirar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Tengo que estirar las piernas". Y respondía: "Pimpón"."I've got to stretch my legs, Stanley." And he'd say, "Ping-pong."
"tan sólo tengo que estirar la mano para tocarlo."I only have to stretch my hand to be able to touch him.
- Asegúrate de estirar.- Be sure to stretch.
- Debes estirar.- You got to stretch out.
- Fueron a estirar sus piernas.- They went out to stretch their legs.
"Que usted se conmueve en mis brazos Cuando los estiro para usted"So close... that you melt in my arms when I stretch them out for you
-...pero simplemente estiro las piernas- ...but I'm just stretching my legs.
-Solo estiro las piernas.-Just stretching my legs.
Ahh, sólo estiro las piernas.Ahh, just stretching my legs.
Ahora estiro las piernasNow I'm just stretching my legs.
* ¿por qué simplemente no te estiras, te estiras por un segundo? *♪ why don't you just stretch, stretch for a sec?
- Si lo estiras de punta a punta el sistema de alcantarillas de Nueva York es de 10.000 Km. de largo.- Ralph, if you lay it out end to end, the New York City sewer system will stretch about 6,600 miles.
- Y no te estiras antes del trabajo tampoco,And you don't stretch before you work, either.
-Me lo estiras!Look, you're stretching it!
Cuando estabas con él, te... te sentías como la única persona en el mundo. ¿No estiras?Whenever you were with him, you just... just felt like the only person in the world. ♪ ♪ You're not stretching?
* Y cada momento se estira como nunca* And every moment stretches longer
157 01:05:25,700 -- 01:05:28,719 Nadie debe comprender que el autor no vale nada, 158 01:05:29,000 -- 01:05:32,272 y es un ser anormal, bajo, 159 01:05:32,280 -- 01:05:36,189 que ,como un gusano, se retuerce y estira para sobrevivir.156 01:05:21,080 -- 01:05:23,833 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:574 who must be new like the techniques. 157 01:05:26,000 -- 01:05:28,719 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:574 No one should not include/understand that an author is not worth anything, 158 01:05:29,200 -- 01:05:32,272 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:574 that it is abnormal, lower, 159 01:05:32,480 -- 01:05:36,189 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:574 that like a worm, it twists and stretches itself to survive.
Aún me duele cuando me río... pero la piel se estira como la goma, ya sabes.It's still painful when I smile... but you know skin stretches like rubber.
Ben, este material se estira.You know, Ben, this material stretches.
Bien, he cotejado los instrumentos de estiramiento con los de estiramientos y he encontrado una cosa que estira algo, pero no creo que sea como el que estamos buscamos.Okay, I have cross-checked stretching equipment with S M equipment and I found something that stretches something, but I don't think it's the something we're looking for.
Algunos de nosotros gozamos al máximo del verano nos lanzamos y estiramos con alegría y vaciamos las huchas de cerdito de su dinero de mentira.Some of us splashed away the summer or swooped and stretched with joyfulness and emptied our childish piggy banks of their play money.
Así descansan los caballos y estiramos un poco las piernas.We'll give the horses' backs a rest. Get a little stretch.
Calentamos, estiramos, nos enfriamos.We warm up, stretch out, cool down.
Estamos estiramos demasiado delgada , tony .We're stretched too thin, tony.
Lo marcamos a fuego, lo cortamos, lo estiramos hasta el límite.Brand him,gouge him, stretch him to the limit.
- Sí. Tal vez les gusta cuando los estiran.They probably like it when they stretch 'em.
A medida que la estrella viene hacia ti, las ondas de luz emitidas hacia la Tierra se comprimen, y a medida que la estrella se aleja, las ondas de luz se estiran en su viaje hacia la Tierra.As the star comes at you, the light waves emitted toward the Earth get compressed, and as the star goes away from you, the light waves get stretched out in their travels to the Earth.
Así que aparentemente solo hacen una pequeña incisión justo sobre el testículo y con unas pinzas de metal, básicamente, y estiran la incisión un poco, sacan los dos tubos...Russ: So apparently they just make a small incision just right above the testicle and then they go in with two metal pliers, basically, and stretch the incision out a little bit, pull the two tubes out...
Bien, nuestros recursos no se estiran lo suficiente como para abarcar una investigación por asalto criminal.Well, our resources don't stretch nearly far enough To cover a criminal assault investigation.
Debes sentir como se estiran...Now, just stretch it down and feel the stretch.
"Tuve todo el compartimento para mí solo," "así que me estiré a mis anchas a lo largo del asiento".I had a compartment to myself, so I stretched out on the banquette.
- De hecho, Henry estiré un poco la verdad.Actually, Henry, I stretched the truth a bit.
Era un solo hombre y yo solo lo estiré un poco.It was one man, and I only stretched him a little.
Lo abrí y lo estiré sobre la mesa, intencionalmente.I opened it and stretched it on the table, intentionally.
Me estiré para tocarla con los dedos de los pies y me caí.I stretched to touch it with the toes and I fell.
- ¿ Ya estiraste?- Are you all stretched?
Estoy bien. Quizá es que no estiraste bien.I'm fine, you must not of stretched properly
Te despertaste, estiraste los brazos y bostezaste.You woke up and you stretched your arms.
Ya me estiraste.You've stretched me.
"Abraham estiró su mano".'Abraham stretched out his hand"
"fue un pato que estiró el cuello para convertirse en ganso"."was once a duck that stretched its neck... in hopes of becoming a goose.
Comenzó en cuclillas, y luego se estiró para alcanzar hasta las huellas más altas de sus palmas.He started by crouching, and then he stretched out to reach all the way to his highest palm prints.
Como un depredador marino Sid el Calamar estiró sus tentáculos alrededor del hampa de Ciudad Gótica.Like a hungry sea predator Sid the Squid stretched his tentacles through the Gotham underworld.
Ahora la estiraron y está listo para jugar.Now he´s "stretched it out" and ready to play?
Al parecer sus bienintencionadas aunque torpes acciones estiraron su pierna rota.It seems your well meant but clumsy actions stretched his torn leg.
Estuve estirando músculos que no se estiraron durante 30 años.I've been stretching muscles that haven't been stretched in 30 years.
Inmensas fuerzas gravitatorias estiraron a la estrella a su punto de ruptura, hasta que finalmente, se desgarró.Immense gravitational forces stretched the star to its breaking point until, finally, it was torn apart.
Les dejé avanzar hasta que sus líneas se estiraron como una goma.I led you on until your supply line stretched out like a rubber band.
Dame cinco minutos más en la elíptica, y luego Abbi te estirará.Give me five more minutes on that elliptical, then Abbi will stretch you out.
Pero esta noche, conocerá a una pequeña niña especial con un problema único que estirará el vínculo que tiene Miranda con la realidad.But tonight she will meet a special little girl... with a very unique problem... that will stretch Miranda's bond with reality itself.
Su misión es llegar a los límites de la química, para encontrar el elemento supremo que estirará las leyes de la física hasta sus límites.Their mission is to reach the limit of chemistry, to find the ultimate element which will stretch the laws of physics to their boundaries.
Nunca me pidió perdón por decir que yo estiraría el hueco de la cabeza de su suéter.He never apologised to me for saying that I would stretch out the neck hole on his sweater.
Una línea con 16,000 anzuelos con carnada que se estiraría desde la Tierra hasta el espacio exterior.A line with 16,000 baited hooks that would stretch from Earth to outer space.
- Deja que me estire.Just give me a minute to stretch.
- No la estire mucho.Just don't stretch it out.
- a los,90 grados inclinate un poco, estire sus brazos usted puede incluso mover y comer como este- At 90 deGrees. Bend over a little, stretch your arms out. You can even move and eat like this.
-Te envidio. ¿No es guay que se estire?- I envy you. Isn't it great it stretches?
Ahora, hm, estire las piernas.Now, stretch your legs out.
- No lo estires.- Do not stretch this out.
Bueno, no estires muy rápido para evitar calambres.Well, don't stretch out too fast, so you don't cramp up.
Cuando estires los brazos, te golpearé.When you stretch out your arms, I will strike.
Cuando esté abierto, no estires el alambre.When it's open, don't stretch the wire.
De acuerdo, sólo cuídalo y no lo estires.All right, only be careful of it, and don't stretch it.
- Bueno, estiremos las piernas.- Good, let's stretch our legs then.
Chicos, trabajemos por aquí y estiremos esto.You guys, let's work over here and stretch this.
Levantémosnos de la cama con ánimo y estiremos nuestros cuerpos un poco.Let's get happily out of bed and stretch our bodies a bit.
Pues, entonces estiremos nuestro presupuesto.Well, then let's stretch our price range. Truly.
Y estiremos esos brazos, ¡uno, dos, uno, dos, uno, dos!And stretch out those arms, one, two, one, two, one, two!
Acunen al bebé, estiren.And rocking the baby, stretch.
Ahora estiren.Now stretch.
Así que cuando se estiren, quizá experimenten emociones incómodas.So when you stretch, you may experience some emotions that are uncomfortable.
Brazos, estiren.The arm-stretch.
Cuando la luz viaja de una galaxia a otra mas distante, la luz es estirada junto con el espacio en sí. Esto hace que las ondas cortas intrinsecas azules se estiren convirtiendose en onda larga o roja.As light goes from one galaxy to another... from a distant galaxy to our own, for example... that light gets stretched along with the stretching of space... and that causes intrinsically short-wavelength light... like blue light... to gradually become long-wavelength or redder light.
Ahora estirad.Now stretch it.
Todo el mundo, estirad, sacudid vuestras manos, tomaros un descanso.Everybody,stretch,shake our your hands, Take a breather.
Todos estirad hacia abajo.Everyone, get into the down stretch.
Y estirad. ¿Plié?And stretch. Plié.
"estirado a su limite fisico""stretched to their physical limit."
# Me dieron 99 años. # # Y un culo estirado. ## I got 99 years. # # and a bloody, stretched-out ass. #
- Debería haber estirado.- Ow! I should have stretched.
- Debiste haber estirado.- You should have stretched.
- Debí haberme estirado.I should've stretched.
- Estaba estirando.- I was stretching.
- Estoy estirando las piernas.- I'm just stretching' my legs.
- Estoy estirando, y respirando, y exhalando...I'm stretching, and breathing, and exhale...
- ¡Me estaba estirando!- I was stretching!

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