Evaporar (to evaporate) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of evaporar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I evaporate
you evaporate
he/she/it evaporates
we evaporate
you all evaporate
they evaporate
Present perfect tense
he evaporado
I have evaporated
has evaporado
you have evaporated
ha evaporado
he/she/it has evaporated
hemos evaporado
we have evaporated
habéis evaporado
you all have evaporated
han evaporado
they have evaporated
Past preterite tense
I evaporated
you evaporated
he/she/it evaporated
we evaporated
you all evaporated
they evaporated
Future tense
I will evaporate
you will evaporate
he/she/it will evaporate
we will evaporate
you all will evaporate
they will evaporate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would evaporate
you would evaporate
he/she/it would evaporate
we would evaporate
you all would evaporate
they would evaporate
Past imperfect tense
I used to evaporate
you used to evaporate
he/she/it used to evaporate
we used to evaporate
you all used to evaporate
they used to evaporate
Past perfect tense
había evaporado
I had evaporated
habías evaporado
you had evaporated
había evaporado
he/she/it had evaporated
habíamos evaporado
we had evaporated
habíais evaporado
you all had evaporated
habían evaporado
they had evaporated
Future perfect tense
habré evaporado
I will have evaporated
habrás evaporado
you will have evaporated
habrá evaporado
he/she/it will have evaporated
habremos evaporado
we will have evaporated
habréis evaporado
you all will have evaporated
habrán evaporado
they will have evaporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I evaporate
(if/so that) you evaporate
(if/so that) he/she/it evaporate
(if/so that) we evaporate
(if/so that) you all evaporate
(if/so that) they evaporate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya evaporado
I have evaporated
hayas evaporado
you have evaporated
haya evaporado
he/she/it has evaporated
hayamos evaporado
we have evaporated
hayáis evaporado
you all have evaporated
hayan evaporado
they have evaporated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have evaporated
(if/so that) you have evaporated
(if/so that) he/she/it have evaporated
(if/so that) we have evaporated
(if/so that) you all have evaporated
(if/so that) they have evaporated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have evaporated
(if/so that) you have evaporated
(if/so that) he/she/it have evaporated
(if/so that) we have evaporated
(if/so that) you all have evaporated
(if/so that) they have evaporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera evaporado
I had evaporated
hubieras evaporado
you had evaporated
hubiera evaporado
he/she/it had evaporated
hubiéramos evaporado
we had evaporated
hubierais evaporado
you all had evaporated
hubieran evaporado
they had evaporated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese evaporado
I had evaporated
hubieses evaporado
you had evaporated
hubiese evaporado
he/she/it had evaporated
hubiésemos evaporado
we had evaporated
hubieseis evaporado
you all had evaporated
hubiesen evaporado
they had evaporated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have evaporated
(if/so that) you will have evaporated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have evaporated
(if/so that) we will have evaporated
(if/so that) you all will have evaporated
(if/so that) they will have evaporated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere evaporado
I will have evaporated
hubieres evaporado
you will have evaporated
hubiere evaporado
he/she/it will have evaporated
hubiéremos evaporado
we will have evaporated
hubiereis evaporado
you all will have evaporated
hubieren evaporado
they will have evaporated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's evaporate!
Imperative negative mood
no evapores
do not evaporate!
no evapore
let him/her/it evaporate!
no evaporemos
let us not evaporate!
no evaporéis
do not evaporate!
no evaporen
do not evaporate!

Examples of evaporar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Al calor del sol y su poder para evaporar el agua han tenido efectos profundos en los cuerpos y hábitos de todo lo que vive aquí.The sun's heat and power to evaporate water has had a profound effect on the bodies and habits of everything that lives here.
Debes tener cuidado, ya que se comenzará a evaporar rápidamente.You must use caution, as it will begin to evaporate quickly.
Le aplicas calor, lo disuelves en un líquido,... lo dejas evaporar, y deja un polvo... listo para vender en las calles.You apply heat, it dissolves into a liquid, allow that to evaporate, leaving a powder ready for sale on the streets.
Para crear tanta sal, se necesita evaporar una enorme cantidad de agua de mar.To create so much salt, you need to evaporate an awful lot of seawater.
Quiero evaporar toda esta agua para encontrar a mi amada.It is my intention to evaporate all this Water. Then I will find my beloved.
Creo que esta se evaporo.I think this one evaporated.
El peor día de mi vida acaba siendo el día en que me evaporo y asciendo o lo que sea.The worst day of my life ends up being the day I evaporate and go up or whatever.
Pero cuando este se evaporo los pelos quedarían duros y secosBut when the cleaner evaporated, the bristles, they would dry all stiff.
Aparentemente una vez que sales conmigo, te evaporas.Apparently, once you date me, you evaporate.
Luego un día hace calor y lentamente te evaporas en el aire.Then one day it gets hot and you slowly evaporate in the air.
Simplemente lo remojas en agua y luego evaporas el agua.You just soak it in the water, and then evaporate the water off. Simple.
¿Por qué no te evaporas, cerebro de láser?Why don't you evaporate, laser-brain?
- El agua circula, evapora...- Water circulates, evaporates...
- Mata con olerlo una vez... se evapora rápidamente y deja un leve aroma inocuo.- Well, it kills with one whiff... and then evaporates quickly leaving a slight harmless scent.
- Se evapora. - Bien, Butters.It evaporates!
A esta altitud el aire es tan seco, que la lluvia se evapora antes de llegar al suelo.At this altitude the air is so dry that rain evaporates before it even hits the ground.
Agua que entonces se evapora.Water that then evaporates.
¿Un espacio frío al que somos arrojados... y donde nos evaporamos o desaparecemos?Is it a cold space into which we are launched... to be evaporated orto disappear?
A partir del primero de año esos subsidios del MDJ se evaporan, y se queda sin 12 fiscales.Come the first of the year, those DOJ grants evaporate, and you're out 12 prosecutors.
A veces los dos elementos se congelan, a veces los dos elementos se funden, a veces los dos elementos combustionan, y a veces los dos elementos piensan que es un gran error y se evaporan.Sometimes the two elements freeze, sometimes the two elements melt, sometimes the two elements combust, and sometimes the two elements think they made a huge mistake and they evaporate.
A veces son lanzados fuera, otras veces orbitan inofensivamente hasta que se evaporan y desaparecen.Sometimes they get tossed out, other times they orbit harmlessly until they evaporate and go away.
A veces, los cristales, expuestos al aire... se evaporan en 40 a 50 minutos... en lugar de 5 a 10.Sometimes, crystals exposed to the air evaporate into 40 to 50 minutes instead of 5 to 10.
Cuando Plutón se calienta, los congelados hielos en su superficie, estos hielos de agua, de dióxido de carbono, incluso algunos de monóxido de carbono, y tal vez hielos de metano, se evaporan.When Pluto warms up, the frozen ices on the surface of Pluto -- these are water ices, carbon dioxide, even some carbon monoxide, maybe methane ices -- they evaporate.
"El vino que se evaporó del vaso era un vino de mesa barato que no tenía rastros de cicuta.""The wine that evaporated from that glass was a cheap domestic table wine without a trace of Hemlock in it."
-Se evaporó en 30 minutos.It was evaporated in 30 minutes.
A medida que el escudo magnético murió el viento solar barrió la atmósfera y el agua se evaporó.As the magnetic shield died, the solar wind blasted away the atmosphere, and the water evaporated.
Al principio, parecía que Rusos se evaporó.Of beginning, it seemed that the Russians if evaporated.
Antes de darme cuenta, mi viejo miedo a volar se evaporó... y gasté todo el dinero que llevaba en 24 cajas de cerveza.Before I knew it, my old fear of flying evaporated, and I spent all the money I had left on 24 cases of beer.
- Aún así, en Texas Occidental un granjero... siendo observado con su familia, se evaporaron en el aire.- Still, a farmer in West Texas ... being observed with family, evaporated into the air.
Entonces, mi dinero todos los pagos, supongo que se evaporaron.So, all my money that was on the street, all those payments, i guess, just evaporated.
Es una gran historia que realmente no se ha contado de modo tan exhaustivo. Es la mayor quiebra en los medios de la historia, miles de millones de dólares que se evaporaron, y mucha gente perdió sus empleos.It's a big story that hasn't really been told in this kind of comprehensive way-- the biggest media bankruptcy in history, billions and billions of dollars just evaporated, a lot of people lost their jobs.
Los estanques se evaporaron y dejaron concentrando el mercurio que eventualmente se escurrió a la cuenca.The ponds evaporated and left concentrated mercury that eventually leached back into the watershed.
Mujeres, niños, quienes murieron con el resplandor simplemente se evaporaron.Women, children, who died in the flash simply evaporated.
evaporaré tu ego ..I will evaporate your ego..
Con el tiempo, la enana marrón se evaporará.Eventually, the brown dwarf will evaporate.
Digamos, el agua se evaporará.Say, the water will evaporate.
En este punto... aplicaremos calor, y se evaporará el agua.At this point... we will apply heat, and it will evaporate the water.
La galaxia, en cierta forma, se evaporará lentamente con el tiempo cuando estas cosas sean lanzadas hacia afuera.The galaxy, in a sense, will evaporate slowly with time... as these things are flung out.
La ira se evaporará.The anger will evaporate.
La superficie de la Tierra será chamuscada... los océanos se evaporarán...The Earth's surface will be scorched the seas will evaporate...
Los agujeros negros que María y sus colegas esperan crear son diminutos... tan diminutos que se evaporarán en una fracción de segundo.The black holes Maria and her colleagues expect to create are tiny... So tiny that they will evaporate in a fraction of a second.
Luego, también se evaporarán, no dejando nada salvo partículas aleatorias moviéndose por el espacio.Then, they too will evaporate, leaving nothing but random particles drifting through space. In a far distant future where everything has decayed and everything's just sort of smoothed out, there's no change.
Una vez nos vean a todos juntos, estos rumores viciosos se evaporarán antes de que empiecen.Once they see us all together, these vicious rumors will evaporate before they began.
si no endeudamos más, las necesidades básicas de nuestra gente se evaporarán.If we go deeper into debt, the basic needs of our people will evaporate.
Aquí la duración del día nunca cambia pero la estación seca es tan dura que los árboles no pueden permitirse la pérdida de la cantidad de agua que se evaporaría de sus anchas hojas, por eso se caen las hojas.Here day length never changes but the dry season is so severe that the trees can't afford to loose the amount of water that would evaporate from their broad leaves, so the leaves must be shed.
La voz se correría... la resistencia se evaporaría.Word would spread... resistance would evaporate.
Por la mañana, nuestra niñez evaporaría como un sueño, y encabezaríamos al dawn de adulthood.In the morning, our childhood would evaporate like a dream, and we'd head into the dawn of adulthood.
¿Pueden imaginar arrastrar la Tierra más cerca del sol, calentándola? Entonces en algún punto las temperaturas se elevarían a 38 grados centígrados o más, toda el agua se evaporaría o herviría hacia la atmósfera, y, de hecho, si se calienta mucho, entonces las moléculas de agua mismas escaparían al espacio.Can you imagine dragging the Earth closer to the Sun, heating it up, then at some point the temperatures would rise to 100 degrees or greater, all the water would evaporate or boil away into the atmosphere,
A alguien se le ocurrió la idea de inundar los arrozales con agua y luego permitir que ésta se evapore.Someone came up with the idea of filling paddy fields up with water and then allowing it to evaporate.
A menos que se evapore repentinamente....unlessit evaporates.
Algo que se pueda aplicar sobre la piel y que no se evapore con el calor.Something that can be applied to his skin that won't evaporate in the heat.
Bésame rápidamente, antes de que mi colonia se evapore.Kiss me quick, before my cologne evaporates.
Esperemos que todo cambien en cuanto el jugo de Scorpy se evapore dentro de la corriente de aireHopefully that'll change as soon as this Scorpy-juice evaporates into the airstream.
Vas a andar reptando, sudando hasta que te evapores en la nada.You're going to shake, and you'll sweat Until you evaporate into nothing.
Es para permitir que las lágrimas se evaporen.To let the tears evaporate.
Por favor evaporen la sala de manera embrollada.Please evaporate the hall in an ornery fashion.
- Y creo que la lechuga se ha evaporado.- And I think the lettuce have evaporated.
Ahora, el zinc evaporado sólo se condensará sobre el metal.Now, evaporated zinc will only condense onto metal.
Aparentemente, Sabor de Soledad toma ese gusto especial ácido del semen evaporado de toro.Apparently, Sabor de Soledad gets its special tangy flavor from evaporated bull semen.
Así que después de un google de años y los agujeros negros más grandes se hayan evaporado lo que quedará será un universo vasto que está realmente casi totalmente vacío.So after about a google years or so... and the most super-massive black holes have evaporated away... what you've got left is a vast universe... that is really almost entirely empty.
Como si... ya está, evaporado como si nada.Like poof, gone, just evaporated like it was nothing?
- Se está evaporando.- Is evaporating.
Creo que mi memoria se está evaporando.I think my memory may be evaporating.
El lugar se está evaporando.Uh-oh, place is evaporating.
La fe que pude haber tenido se está evaporando rápidamente.Whatever faith I have is quickly evaporating.
Los empleos se están evaporando.Jobs are evaporating.

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