Experimentar (to experience) conjugation

111 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: experiment, to feel, to experiment, feel

Conjugation of experimentar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I experience
you experience
he/she/it experiences
we experience
you all experience
they experience
Present perfect tense
he experimentado
I have experienced
has experimentado
you have experienced
ha experimentado
he/she/it has experienced
hemos experimentado
we have experienced
habéis experimentado
you all have experienced
han experimentado
they have experienced
Past preterite tense
I experienced
you experienced
he/she/it experienced
we experienced
you all experienced
they experienced
Future tense
I will experience
you will experience
he/she/it will experience
we will experience
you all will experience
they will experience
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would experience
you would experience
he/she/it would experience
we would experience
you all would experience
they would experience
Past imperfect tense
I used to experience
you used to experience
he/she/it used to experience
we used to experience
you all used to experience
they used to experience
Past perfect tense
había experimentado
I had experienced
habías experimentado
you had experienced
había experimentado
he/she/it had experienced
habíamos experimentado
we had experienced
habíais experimentado
you all had experienced
habían experimentado
they had experienced
Future perfect tense
habré experimentado
I will have experienced
habrás experimentado
you will have experienced
habrá experimentado
he/she/it will have experienced
habremos experimentado
we will have experienced
habréis experimentado
you all will have experienced
habrán experimentado
they will have experienced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I experience
(if/so that) you experience
(if/so that) he/she/it experience
(if/so that) we experience
(if/so that) you all experience
(if/so that) they experience
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya experimentado
I have experienced
hayas experimentado
you have experienced
haya experimentado
he/she/it has experienced
hayamos experimentado
we have experienced
hayáis experimentado
you all have experienced
hayan experimentado
they have experienced
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have experienced
(if/so that) you have experienced
(if/so that) he/she/it have experienced
(if/so that) we have experienced
(if/so that) you all have experienced
(if/so that) they have experienced
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have experienced
(if/so that) you have experienced
(if/so that) he/she/it have experienced
(if/so that) we have experienced
(if/so that) you all have experienced
(if/so that) they have experienced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera experimentado
I had experienced
hubieras experimentado
you had experienced
hubiera experimentado
he/she/it had experienced
hubiéramos experimentado
we had experienced
hubierais experimentado
you all had experienced
hubieran experimentado
they had experienced
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese experimentado
I had experienced
hubieses experimentado
you had experienced
hubiese experimentado
he/she/it had experienced
hubiésemos experimentado
we had experienced
hubieseis experimentado
you all had experienced
hubiesen experimentado
they had experienced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have experienced
(if/so that) you will have experienced
(if/so that) he/she/it will have experienced
(if/so that) we will have experienced
(if/so that) you all will have experienced
(if/so that) they will have experienced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere experimentado
I will have experienced
hubieres experimentado
you will have experienced
hubiere experimentado
he/she/it will have experienced
hubiéremos experimentado
we will have experienced
hubiereis experimentado
you all will have experienced
hubieren experimentado
they will have experienced
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's experience!
Imperative negative mood
no experimentes
do not experience!
no experimente
let him/her/it experience!
no experimentemos
let us not experience!
no experimentéis
do not experience!
no experimenten
do not experience!

Examples of experimentar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El objetivo del fin de semana es experimentar las mejores 48 horas jamás imaginadas.""The goal of the Bachelor Party Weekend... "is to experience the most unforgettable 48 hours ever imagined."
"Hay que probar la muerte para experimentar la vida".You've got to taste death to experience life.
"Incapacidad para experimentar placer"."The inability to experience pleasure. "
"La información mostró que los pacientes con lesiones cerebrales eran 1.6 veces más propensos a experimentar síntomas esquizofrénicos o psicosis"."The data showed that patients with traumatic brain injury "were 1.6 times more likely to experience schizophrenic symptoms or psychosis."
"Los sujetos de la fase 1 deben prepararse para experimentar los efectos secundarios. "Vamos.All Phase I subjects must be prepared to experience a variety of side effects. Okay, here we go.
"Quienquiera que sea el imbécil que concibió este estúpido experimento..."- "...whoever imbecile conceived this, um, moronic experience
"cuando re-experimento eso ahora, mi pulso se acelera."as I re-experience this now, my pulse beats faster.
- Pero no experimento emociones.- But I do not experience emotions.
-Buenos, no se si lo has notado, pero todo lo que experimentas tú, lo experimento yo también.- Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but everything you experience, I experience too.
. ¿Él te va a ayudar con el experimento?So? Will he help you with the experience?
"El fuego de deseos que tu experimentas, yo también lo estoy experimentando.""The fire of desires that you experience, l too experience it."
- Entonces, ¿experimentas delirios?- So, then you experience delusions?
- Sólo quiero decir que tengo este libro y dice que cuando experimentas una verdad espiritual ésta llega a ti a través del sonido.I just want to say, I got this book and they say that when you experience a spiritual truth, that it comes to you through sound.
-Buenos, no se si lo has notado, pero todo lo que experimentas tú, lo experimento yo también.- Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but everything you experience, I experience too.
Ahora si experimentas alguno de los síntomas neurológicos en este formulario, me llamas, ¿está bien?Now if you experience any of the neurological symptoms on this sheet, you call me, all right?
"Flaneur", uno que experimenta la vida, paseando por ciudades y pueblos.Flaneur - one who experiences life by drifting through towns and cities.
"No hay información científica legítima que apoye esa declaración de que el feto experimenta dolor"."There is no legitimate scientific information that supports the statement that a fetus experiences pain."
A veces, cuando una persona experimenta un trauma emocional significativo su mente simplemente decide desconectarse para escapar del dolor.Sometimes when a person experiences a significant emotional trauma their mind just decides to shut down to escape the pain.
Ahora, tras el evento, la persona experimenta arrepentimiento y odio a sí mismo.Now, after the event, the person experiences regret and self-hatred.
Al engañar, dominar y burlarse de la profesora, experimenta... ese estimulante sentimiento de superioridad.By deceiving, dominating, and outwitting the teacher, he experiences... the exhilarating feeling of superiority.
"... que sea tanto como el tiempo que nos afligiste, los años en que experimentamos los desastres"."... It is as long as time ails us, the years in which experienced disasters.
"No creemos en ciertas cosas hasta que las experimentamos.'We don't believe certain things...(sris) ...until we don't experience it.'
"como la época en que nos afectaste, los años en que experimentamos desastres"."as the time that affect us, the years in which experienced disasters. "
'..es casí la manera en que las experimentamos.''..in quite the way that we experience them.'
'Tengo el más pequeño vistazo de otras dimensiones 'donde las cosas no obedecen las reglas del universo 'de la manera en que las experimentamos.''I get the faintest glimpse of other dimensions 'where things don't obey the rules of the universe 'in quite the way that we experience them.'
"Cuando todos los hijos crecen sin miedo y experimentan el amor que necesitan para alcanzar todo su potencial"."When all children grow up without fear and experience the love they need to reach their full potential."
- Ah, nadie lo hace, la señora H, hasta que experimentan una primera mano.- Ah, no one does, Mrs. H, until they experience one firsthand.
- Muchos bebés de menos de 30 semanas experimentan hemorragia craneal de distintos grados.- Most babies born before 30 weeks experience cranial bleeding with varying degrees of severity.
1/3 de los pacientes experimentan una remisión espontánea.1/3 of patients experience spontaneous remission.
A los Springfielderianos se les aconseja permanecer en sintonía para más información si experimentan cualquier de los siguientes síntomas:Springfielders are advised to stay tuned for more information if they experience any of the following symptoms:
"La vergüenza que experimenté por mis actividades de traición ..."The shame I experienced because of my treasonable activities...
"Primera vez que experimenté el dolor de la maternidad"First time l experienced the pain of motherhood.
"Te amé hasta la locura, experimenté experimenté cada grado cada matiz del sufrimiento y de la pasión."I loved you to distraction, I experienced... I experienced every degree... every nuance of suffering and passion.
- ... lo que sentí, lo que experimenté.- What I felt, What I experienced.
- Como he dicho antes, son imágenes que experimenté en mi programa de sueños.As I said before these are images I originally experienced in my dream program.
- Algo que obviamente nunca experimentaste.Something obviously you've never experienced.
- Y el intenso sueño que experimentaste, es probáblemente una alucinación hipnagógica.- And the intense dreams you experienced, they're most likely a hypnagogic hallucination.
- ¿Como los que experimentaste en el pasado?- How do you experienced in the past?
-Sí, ¿qué fue lo que experimentaste?-Yes, what is it this thing you experienced?
Algo que yo creo tú nunca experimentaste.Something I don't think that y ou've ever experienced+ Liberty:
- Experimentar lo que experimentó...- Experience what she experienced,
- No hubo un patrón de abuso que Mike experimentó.-There was a pattern of abuse that Mike experienced.
-experimentó un golpe de adrenalina.-experienced a great jolt of adrenaline.
A la gente que experimentó la guerra como usted lo hizo... no se le debería permitir vivir en paz como si nada hubiera pasado.People like you who experienced the war the way you did... shall not be allowed to live in peace like nothing happened.
A las 6:17 de ayer por la mañana durante una prueba de nuestro sistema de radio de conducción terrestre una situación se produjo en la cual uno de nuestros equipos experimentó una breve fuga de poder.At 6:17 yesterday morning during a test of our ground conduction radio system... a situation arose in which our equipment experienced a brief power surge.
Sé lo que tú y tu hermana experimentasteis de pequeñas.I know what you and your sister experienced as children.
"Sus suspiros eran tan suaves, tan dulces, que a través de sus besos y caricias, ellos experimentaron una alegría y admiración semejante, que nunca habían conocido"."Their blows were so gentle, so sweet, "that through their kisses and caresses, "they experienced a joy and wonder the equal of which has never been known."
- Se encontraron con un grupo de ESP que tenían la habilidad de acceder a los recuerdos de la gente y observarlos mientras se experimentaron en el pasado, por los sujetos.They came across a group of ESP's... that had the ability to access people's memories and observe them as they were experienced in the past by the subjects.
Ahora, ¿si Jacoby y los otros experimentaron una verdadera dilación del tiempo?Now, whether or not Jacoby and the others experienced actual time dilation?
Algunas artistas jóvenes experimentaron un inquietante transgeneracional, como si se transmitiese un legado a ellas en secreto.Some young artists experienced a transgenerational haunting, as if a legacy was passed down to them in secret.
Algunas de esas personas experimentaron un dilatación temporal de verdad.Some of those people experienced actual time dilation.
Ahora experimentarás... el poder total del Lado Oscuro.Now you will experience... the full power of the dark side.
Bueno, su estofado de carne, el que experimentarás en poco tiempo en toda su gloria y amor porque es delicioso.Oh, um, well, one was her beef stew, which you will experience shortly in all its glory, and love because it's delicious.
Cuando llegue a tu lugar de percepción verdadera experimentarás un momento de conciencia libre de toda ilusión.When it meets your place of true insight, you will experience a moment of consciousness free from all illusion.
Hoy experimentarás el significado del sacrificio.Well, today you will experience the meaning of sacrifice.
Pero tú... experimentarás la pérdida de la manera que yo lo hice.But you... You will experience loss the way I did.
Ahora en el caso del Sr. Almares aquí, hemos diseñado un guión de un sueño repetitivo donde él experimentará el asesinato de igual modo en que él asesinó con un revólver.Now in the case of Mr. Almares here... we've designed a repeating dream scenario... where he will experience murder... in the same manner in which he killed... with a gun.
Ahora la humanidad experimentará la medida completa de su ira.Now, mankind will experience the full measure of his rage.
Beba y experimentará exactamente lo que ella experimentó.Drink and you will experience exactly what she experienced.
Bueno, he hecho algunos cálculos, y experimentará ...excesivas turbulencias, pero que el transbordador no pueda manejar.Well, I've done some calculations, And you will experience some... Excessive turbulence, but nothing the shuttle wasn't built to handle.
El Sr. Almares esta saliendo de la etapa de aceptación de nuestro guión del sueño y entra en la etapa de la retribución donde experimentará 47 muertes más de las que ha recibido sentencia. Cada una más traumática que la anterior.Mr. Almares here is just moving out... of the acceptance phase of our scenario... into the retribution stage... where he will experience the 47 more deaths... that he has been sentenced to... each one more traumatizing than the last.
- En la muerte, si, algunos de nosotros pensamos que experimentaremos esta conciencia mistica de una Linea Lisa en una vida despues.- In death, yes, some of us believe we will experience this mystic awareness of a Straight Line in an afterlife.
Cuando ascendamos, experimentaremos ese tipo de cosas.When we are ascended, we will experience such things.
El Senador se me unió, en mi predicción que bajo la actual administración experimentaremos una catástrofe en el mercado de capitales de proporciones épicas, en cosa de semanas.The Senator joins me, um...in my prediction that under the current administration, we will experience a stock market crash of epic proportions within a matter of weeks.
El entretenimiento interactivo es el mejor formato de expresión y distribución pero ¿quién determinará cuáles historias serán contadas y cómo las experimentaremos en el futuro?Interactive entertainment is the ultimate expression and delivery format but who will determine what stories are told and how we will experience them in the future?
Vosotros experimentaréis algunos olores que pueden causaros un colapso. Pero los productores de este film creen que el público de hoy es lo suficientemente maduro para aceptar el hecho de que algunas cosas en la vida Simple y llanamente apestan.You will experience some odors that may shock you... but the producers of this film... believe that today's audiences are mature enough... to accept the fact that some things in life... just plain stink.
A través de nuestras cámaras, experimentarán mi curación de primera mano, desde los preparativos de la cirugía hasta los procedimientos post-operatorios y más allá.Through our cameras, you will experience my healing firsthand, from prep to surgery to post-op procedures and beyond.
Ahora los equipos experimentarán dos cosas por las que Viena es famosa.Now teams will experience two things Vienna is famous for.
Ahora ustedes habitantes de la superficie experimentarán la verdadera ambición de un conquistador.Now you surface dwellers will experience a true conqueror's ambition.
Aquí en este evento... Todos ustedes, hombres experimentarán lo que significa conocer el paraíso.Here on this event all of you men will experience what it means to meet paradise.
Aquí pronto todos experimentarán las pérdidas de la misma forma que todos los de allá.Soon everyone here will experience loss the way that all those over there did.
Cada vez que un rayo impactara en la ciudad, Atlantis experimentaría un pulso masivo de energía momentánea.Every time lightning struck the city, Atlantis would experience a momentary massive power surge.
El investigador privado Emerson Cod experimentaría un evento de vida cuando la vida lo encontró en las páginas de un libro.Private investigator Emerson Cod would experience a life event when life found him through the pages of a pop-up book.
La deportista, camarera, investigadora privada Olive Snook experimentaría dos eventos de vida en una sucesión rápida.Jockey-cum-waitress-cum- private-investigator Olive Snook would experience two life events in quick succession.
Pero debo advertirle que mientras yo ganase su estabilidad, usted experimentaría la furiosa embestida de emociones desencadenadas por mi estado.But I must warn you... ..that while I would gain your stability, you would experience the fierce onslaught of emotions unleashed by my condition.
Si lo hiciesen, la gente con transfusiones experimentaría cambios de personalidad.If they were, people with blood transfusions would experience personality changes.
Si tienes la fortuna de estar a 12 ó 14 km de distancia de la explosión entonces la experimentarías como efectos de explosión: ...las ventanas estallarían.If you are lucky enough to be 8 or 9 miles away from the blast, then you would experience it as blast effects Windows being shattered
La hemos puesto aquí en esta plataforma para poder calentarla por debajo con un soplete industrial para representar el tipo de calentamiento que experimentaríamos en la Tierra Bola de Nieve por el vulcanismo bajo la superficie.We've placed it up here on this dolly so that we can heat it from below with an industrial blowtorch, to represent the type of heating that we would experience on snowball Earth from volcanism deep beneath the surface.
Y si antes tomábamos un baño... experimentaríamos la sensación de "el vuelo".If we bathed in water beforehand... we would experience the feeling of weightless flying.
Pero lo que experimentarían juntosBut what they would experience together
- Estos medicamentos acelerarían el funcionamiento de estas regiones para que la persona que se los tome experimente una hora como si fueran dos horas.These drugs would speed up the functioning of these regions so that the person who took them would experience one hour as, say, two hours.
- Permitir que experimente el Vínculo.I allowed him to experience the Link.
Algún día espero que experimente la alegría de tener una hija, para que pueda ver la sonrisa en su cara cuando ella le vea en las gradas de todos los partidos de voleibol, obra de la escuela, y recitales de piano.Someday I hope you experience the joy of having a daughter, so you can see the smile on her face when she spots you up in the stands of every single volleyball game, school play, and piano recital.
Así que... toma ventaja de ese hecho... quiero que lo experimente por completo.So Take advantage of that fact I want him to fully experience it
Basándonos en el hecho de que hay 7 billones de personas en la Tierra, es inevitable que mucha gente experimente coincidencias extrañas y misteriosas todos los días.Given the fact that there are 7 billion people on earth, it is inevitable many people will experience weird and uncanny coincidences every day.
- Sólo te invité aquí... Porque deseaba que experimentes esto conmigo.- I just invited you out here... because I wanted you to experience this with me.
.. que tú experimentes todos los bellos sentimientos de la maternidad...you to experience all the beautiful feelings of Motherhood.
Ahora, quiero que experimentes este partido exactamente como solías hacerlo, así que, esta noche, voy a ser tus ojos.Now, I want you to experience this game exactly the way you used to, so, tonight, I'm gonna be your eyes.
Bueno, rezo y espero que experimentes lo que yo he experimentado, que aceptes a Jesucristo.Well, what I'm praying for and what I'm hoping for well, what I'm praying for and what I'm hoping for is that you experience what I've experienced, and that's accepting Jesus Christ.
Cuando tú experimentes ese reino... sabrás qué hacer y cómo hacerlo.When you experience that kingdom... then you'll know what to do and how to do it.
- No creo, pero quizá experimentemos fallos del sistema y sobretensiones energéticas.I do not believe so. However, we may experience intermittent system failures and power surges as a result.
- Si. Me disgusta, que no experimentemos lo mismo.It's just annoying me the way that we're not having the same experiences.
Ahora quiero que experimentemos el mundo.I want us to experience the world now!
Atención, pasajeros, es posible que experimentemos demoras.Attention, passengers. We may experience a delay.
Bueno, señores, pasemos a ver el film y experimentemos... esta historia con toda su crudeza tal cuál fue grabada en video.Well everybody, let's have a look at the film together and experience this dreadful story in all its reality as captured on film.
No, queremos que experimentéis el mundo.No, we want you to experience the world.
- No, quiero que experimenten de verdad algo sin tuitear o haciendo twerk sobre ello.- Do you want a mutiny? - No, I want them to actually experience something without tweeting or twerking about it.
A través de mi presencia, aquí hoy... espero que los Oficiales de Policía en el futuro no experimenten... la misma frustración y ansiedad a los que yo fui sometido... por los pasados cincos años en manos de mi superiores... por mi intento de denunciar la corrupción.Through my appearance here today, I hope that police officers in the future will not experience the same frustration and anxiety that I was subjected to for the past five years at the hands of my superiors because of my attempt to report corruption.
Así que cuando se estiren, quizá experimenten emociones incómodas.So when you stretch, you may experience some emotions that are uncomfortable.
Bueno, paguen cien dólares más, amigos y experimenten el exclusivo baile en la cara de Rhino.Well, drop an extra C-note, fellas and experience Rhinos' exclusive face dance.
Deberían liberar a los animales jóvenes y sanos para ser liberados y a los animales como Tilikum viejos y enfermos que contribuyeron 25 años a la industria deberían soltarlos a un corral a mar abierto para que vivan sus vidas y experimenten el ritmo natural del océano.And they should release the animals that are young enough and healthy enough to be released, and the animals like Tilikum who are old and sick and have put in 25 years in the industry should be released to an open ocean pen so they can live out their lives and just experience the natural rhythms of the ocean.
"Alguien lo ha experimentado.""The one who has experienced it."
"Bucea con Lenny y Francis en Peces y Aletas el club de buceo más antiguo y experimentado de Palau"."Dive with Lenny and Francis at Fish-n-Fins Palau's most experienced charter operators."
"Debe ser jinete experimentado dispuesto a arriesgar su pellejo."Must be experienced riders willing to risk death daily.
"Esta felicidad que nunca antes había experimentado .. ""This happiness that I never experienced before.."
"Nuestro cliente ha experimentado frustración y demora y deliberadamente obstaculizó el modo de ejercer el derecho de acceder a su hijo."Our client has experienced frustration and delay and the placing of obstacles in the way of exercising her rights of access to her child.
"Estoy experimentando dificultades de naturaleza extraordinaria."Am experiencing difficulties of an extraordinary nature.
"Señores pasajeros, estamos experimentando algunas turbulencias menores..."All passengers, we're experiencing some minor turbulence...
- Creo que lo que hemos venido experimentando son reacciones aleatorias gravitacionales.- I think what we've been experiencing is random acts of gravity.
- EL PENTÁGONO PREPARA RESPUESTA FORMAL - EXTRAÑAS LUCES EN EL CIELO Señor, estamos recibiendo informes de otras ciudades experimentando las mismas luces azules.Sir, we're getting reports from other cities experiencing the same blue lights.
- Estoy confundida y experimentando miedo extremo.- I'm confused and experiencing extreme fear.

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